From fc12acb37b1a3d5b3a1630fa61b9cd12237e66c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adrien Burgun Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2023 03:17:40 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] :sparkles: Implement most of proposition 2.1 --- Rubin.lean | 435 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------- Rubin/AlgebraicDisjointness.lean | 55 +++- Rubin/MulActionExt.lean | 28 ++ Rubin/Period.lean | 62 ++++- Rubin/RegularSupport.lean | 1 - Rubin/RigidStabilizer.lean | 59 +++++ Rubin/SmulImage.lean | 25 ++ Rubin/Support.lean | 58 +++++ 8 files changed, 621 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-) diff --git a/Rubin.lean b/Rubin.lean index e924cec..58714d3 100644 --- a/Rubin.lean +++ b/Rubin.lean @@ -64,105 +64,354 @@ where end RubinActions +lemma lemma_2_2 (G: Type _) {α : Type _} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [ContinuousMulAction G α] [FaithfulSMul G α] + [T2Space α] [h_lm : LocallyMoving G α] + {U : Set α} (U_open : IsOpen U) (U_nonempty : Set.Nonempty U) : + Monoid.exponent (RigidStabilizer G U) = 0 := +by + by_contra exp_ne_zero + + let ⟨p, ⟨g, g_in_ristU⟩, n, p_in_U, n_pos, hpgn, n_eq_Sup⟩ := Period.period_from_exponent U U_nonempty exp_ne_zero + simp at hpgn + let ⟨V', V'_open, p_in_V', disj'⟩ := disjoint_nbhd_fin (smul_injective_within_period hpgn) + + let V := U ∩ V' + have V_open : IsOpen V := U_open.inter V'_open + have p_in_V : p ∈ V := ⟨p_in_U, p_in_V'⟩ + have disj : ∀ (i j : Fin n), i ≠ j → Disjoint (g ^ (i : ℕ) •'' V) (g ^ (j : ℕ) •'' V) := by + intro i j i_ne_j + apply Set.disjoint_of_subset + · apply smulImage_subset + apply Set.inter_subset_right + · apply smulImage_subset + apply Set.inter_subset_right + exact disj' i j i_ne_j + + let ⟨h, h_in_ristV, h_ne_one⟩ := h_lm.get_nontrivial_rist_elem V_open (Set.nonempty_of_mem p_in_V) + have hg_in_ristU : h * g ∈ RigidStabilizer G U := by + simp [RigidStabilizer] + intro x x_notin_U + rw [mul_smul] + rw [g_in_ristU _ x_notin_U] + have x_notin_V : x ∉ V := fun x_in_V => x_notin_U x_in_V.left + rw [h_in_ristV _ x_notin_V] + let ⟨q, q_in_V, hq_ne_q ⟩ := faithful_rigid_stabilizer_moves_point h_in_ristV h_ne_one + have gpowi_q_notin_V : ∀ (i : Fin n), (i : ℕ) > 0 → g ^ (i : ℕ) • q ∉ V := by + apply smulImage_distinct_of_disjoint_exp n_pos disj + exact q_in_V + + -- We have (hg)^i q = g^i q for all 0 < i < n + have hgpow_eq_gpow : ∀ (i : Fin n), (h * g) ^ (i : ℕ) • q = g ^ (i : ℕ) • q := by + intro ⟨i, i_lt_n⟩ + simp + induction i with + | zero => simp + | succ i' IH => + have i'_lt_n: i' < n := Nat.lt_of_succ_lt i_lt_n + have IH := IH i'_lt_n + rw [smul_succ] + rw [IH] + rw [smul_succ] + rw [mul_smul] + rw [<-smul_succ] + + -- We can show that `g^(Nat.succ i') • q ∉ V`, + -- which means that with `h` in `RigidStabilizer G V`, `h` fixes that point + apply h_in_ristV (g^(Nat.succ i') • q) + + let i'₂ : Fin n := ⟨Nat.succ i', i_lt_n⟩ + have h_eq: Nat.succ i' = (i'₂ : ℕ) := by simp + rw [h_eq] + apply smulImage_distinct_of_disjoint_exp + · exact n_pos + · exact disj + · exact q_in_V + · simp + + -- Combined with `g^i • q ≠ q`, this yields `(hg)^i • q ≠ q` for all `0 < i < n` + have hgpow_moves : ∀ (i : Fin n), 0 < (i : ℕ) → (h*g)^(i : ℕ) • q ≠ q := by + intro ⟨i, i_lt_n⟩ i_pos + simp at i_pos + rw [hgpow_eq_gpow] + simp + by_contra h' + apply gpowi_q_notin_V ⟨i, i_lt_n⟩ + exact i_pos + simp (config := {zeta := false}) only [] + rw [h'] + exact q_in_V + + -- This even holds for `i = n` + have hgpown_moves : (h * g) ^ n • q ≠ q := by + -- Rewrite (hg)^n • q = h * g^n • q + rw [<-Nat.succ_pred] + rw [pow_succ] + have h_eq := hgpow_eq_gpow ⟨Nat.pred n, Nat.pred_lt_self n_pos⟩ + simp at h_eq + rw [mul_smul, h_eq, <-mul_smul, mul_assoc, <-pow_succ] + rw [<-Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Nat.succ_pred] + + -- We first eliminate `g^n • q` by proving that `n = Period g q` + have period_gq_eq_n : Period.period q g = n := by + apply ge_antisymm + { + apply Period.notfix_le_period' + · exact n_pos + · apply Period.period_pos' + · exact Set.nonempty_of_mem p_in_U + · exact exp_ne_zero + · exact q_in_V.left + · exact g_in_ristU + · intro i i_pos + rw [<-hgpow_eq_gpow] + apply hgpow_moves i i_pos + } + { + rw [n_eq_Sup] + apply Period.period_le_Sup_periods' + · exact Set.nonempty_of_mem p_in_U + · exact exp_ne_zero + · exact q_in_V.left + · exact g_in_ristU + } + + rw [mul_smul, <-period_gq_eq_n] + rw [Period.pow_period_fix] + -- Finally, we have `h • q ≠ q` + exact hq_ne_q + + -- Finally, we derive a contradiction + have ⟨period_hg_pos, period_hg_le_n⟩ := Period.zero_lt_period_le_Sup_periods U_nonempty exp_ne_zero ⟨q, q_in_V.left⟩ ⟨h * g, hg_in_ristU⟩ + simp at period_hg_pos + simp at period_hg_le_n + rw [<-n_eq_Sup] at period_hg_le_n + cases (lt_or_eq_of_le period_hg_le_n) with + | inl period_hg_lt_n => + apply hgpow_moves ⟨Period.period q (h * g), period_hg_lt_n⟩ + exact period_hg_pos + simp + apply Period.pow_period_fix + | inr period_hg_eq_n => + apply hgpown_moves + rw [<-period_hg_eq_n] + apply Period.pow_period_fix + section proposition_2_1 -variable {G α : Type _} -variable [Group G] -variable [MulAction G α] -variable [TopologicalSpace α] -variable [T2Space α] +def AlgebraicSubgroup {G : Type _} [Group G] (f : G) : Set G := + (fun g : G => g^12) '' { g : G | IsAlgebraicallyDisjoint f g } + -lemma proposition_2_1 (f : G) : - Set.centralizer { g^12 | (g : G) (_ : AlgebraicallyDisjoint f g) } = RigidStabilizer G (RegularSupport α f) := +-- TODO: WIP, can't seem to be able to construct a set U that fulfills all the conditions +lemma open_disj_of_not_support_subset_rsupp {G α : Type _} + [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [ContinuousMulAction G α] [T2Space α] [h_fsm : FaithfulSMul G α] + [h_lm : LocallyMoving G α] + {f h : G} (not_support_subset_rsupp : ¬Support α h ⊆ RegularSupport α f): + ∃ V : Set α, V ⊆ Support α h ∧ Set.Nonempty V ∧ IsOpen V ∧ Disjoint V (Support α f) := by - sorry + have v_exists := by + rw [Set.not_subset] at not_support_subset_rsupp + exact not_support_subset_rsupp + let ⟨v, ⟨v_in_supp, v_notin_rsupp⟩⟩ := v_exists + + have v_notin_supp_f : v ∉ Support α f := by + intro h₁ + exact v_notin_rsupp (support_subset_regularSupport h₁) + + let U := interior (Support α h \ Support α f) + have U_open : IsOpen U := by simp + have U_subset_supp_h : U ⊆ Support α h := by + calc + U ⊆ (Support α h \ Support α f) := interior_subset + _ ⊆ Support α h := Set.diff_subset _ _ + have U_disj_supp_f : Disjoint U (Support α f) := by + by_contra h_contra + rw [Set.not_disjoint_iff] at h_contra + let ⟨x, x_in_U, x_in_supp_F⟩ := h_contra + unfold_let at x_in_U + have x_in_diff := interior_subset x_in_U + exact x_in_diff.2 x_in_supp_F + + have U_nonempty : Set.Nonempty U := by + by_contra U_empty + rw [Set.not_nonempty_iff_eq_empty] at U_empty + have v_moved : h • v ≠ v := by rw [<-mem_support]; assumption + let ⟨W, ⟨W_open, v_in_W, W_subset_supp_h, W_disj_img⟩⟩ := disjoint_nbhd_in (support_open _) v_in_supp v_moved + let V := W \ {v} + have V_open : IsOpen V := W_open.sdiff isClosed_singleton + sorry + + use U + + -- Stuff I attempted so far: + -- let U := Support α h \ closure (Support α f) + -- have U_open : IsOpen U := by + -- apply IsOpen.sdiff + -- exact support_open h + -- simp + + -- let V := U \ {v} + -- have V_open : IsOpen V := by + -- apply IsOpen.sdiff + -- · apply IsOpen.sdiff + -- exact support_open h + -- simp + -- · exact isClosed_singleton + -- have U_subset_support : U ⊆ Support α h := Set.diff_subset _ _ + -- have V_subset_support : V ⊆ Support α h := by + -- -- Mathlib kind of letting me down on this one: + -- unfold_let + -- repeat rw [Set.diff_eq] + -- intro x x_in + -- exact x_in.left.left + -- have V_disj_support : Disjoint V (Support α f) := by + -- intro S + -- simp + -- intro S_subset + -- intro S_support + -- intro x x_in_S + -- have h₁ := S_subset x_in_S + -- simp at h₁ + -- have h₂ := S_support x_in_S + -- simp at h₂ + -- have h₃ := not_mem_of_not_mem_closure h₁.left.right + -- exact h₃ h₂ + + -- use V -end proposition_2_1 --- ---------------------------------------------------------------- --- section finite_exponent --- lemma coe_nat_fin {n i : ℕ} (h : i < n) : ∃ (i' : fin n), i = i' := ⟨ ⟨ i, h ⟩, rfl ⟩ --- variables [topological_space α] [continuous_mul_action G α] [has_faithful_smul G α] --- lemma distinct_images_from_disjoint {g : G} {V : set α} {n : ℕ} --- (n_pos : 0 < n) --- (h_disj : ∀ (i j : fin n) (i_ne_j : i ≠ j), disjoint (g ^ (i : ℕ) •'' V) (g ^ (j : ℕ) •'' V)) : --- ∀ (q : α) (hq : q ∈ V) (i : fin n), (i : ℕ) > 0 → g ^ (i : ℕ) • (q : α) ∉ V := --- begin --- intros q hq i i_pos hcontra, --- have i_ne_zero : i ≠ (⟨ 0, n_pos ⟩ : fin n), { intro, done }, --- have hcontra' : g ^ (i : ℕ) • (q : α) ∈ g ^ (i : ℕ) •'' V, exact ⟨ q, hq, rfl ⟩, --- have giq_notin_V := (h_disj i (⟨ 0, n_pos ⟩ : fin n) i_ne_zero) hcontra', --- exact ((by done : g ^ 0 •'' V = V) ▸ giq_notin_V) hcontra --- end --- lemma moves_inj_period {g : G} {p : α} {n : ℕ} (period_eq_n : period p g = n) : function.injective (λ (i : fin n), g ^ (i : ℕ) • p) := begin --- have period_ge_n : ∀ (k : ℕ), 1 ≤ k → k < n → g ^ k • p ≠ p, --- { intros k one_le_k k_lt_n gkp_eq_p, --- have := period_le_fix ( one_le_k) gkp_eq_p, --- rw period_eq_n at this, --- linarith }, --- exact moves_inj_N period_ge_n --- end --- lemma lemma_2_2 {α : Type u_2} [topological_space α] [continuous_mul_action G α] [has_faithful_smul G α] [t2_space α] --- (U : set α) (U_open : is_open U) (locally_moving : is_locally_moving G α) : --- U.nonempty → monoid.exponent (rigid_stabilizer G U) = 0 := --- begin --- intro U_nonempty, --- by_contra exp_ne_zero, --- rcases (period_from_exponent U U_nonempty exp_ne_zero) with ⟨ p, g, n, n_pos, hpgn, n_eq_Sup ⟩, --- rcases disjoint_nbhd_fin (moves_inj_period hpgn) with ⟨ V', V'_open, p_in_V', disj' ⟩, --- dsimp at disj', --- let V := U ∩ V', --- have V_ss_U : V ⊆ U := Set.inter_subset_left U V', --- have V'_ss_V : V ⊆ V' := Set.inter_subset_right U V', --- have V_open : is_open V := is_open.inter U_open V'_open, --- have p_in_V : (p : α) ∈ V := ⟨ subtype.mem p, p_in_V' ⟩, --- have disj : ∀ (i j : fin n), ¬ i = j → disjoint (↑g ^ ↑i •'' V) (↑g ^ ↑j •'' V), --- { intros i j i_ne_j W W_ss_giV W_ss_gjV, --- exact disj' i j i_ne_j --- (Set.subset.trans W_ss_giV (smul''_subset (↑g ^ ↑i) V'_ss_V)) --- (Set.subset.trans W_ss_gjV (smul''_subset (↑g ^ ↑j) V'_ss_V)) }, --- have ristV_ne_bot := locally_moving V V_open (Set.nonempty_of_mem p_in_V), --- rcases (or_iff_right ristV_ne_bot).mp (Subgroup.bot_or_exists_ne_one _) with ⟨h,h_in_ristV,h_ne_one⟩, --- rcases faithful_rist_moves_point h_in_ristV h_ne_one with ⟨ q, q_in_V, hq_ne_q ⟩, --- have hg_in_ristU : (h : G) * (g : G) ∈ rigid_stabilizer G U := (rigid_stabilizer G U).mul_mem' (rist_ss_rist V_ss_U h_in_ristV) (subtype.mem g), --- have giq_notin_V : ∀ (i : fin n), (i : ℕ) > 0 → g ^ (i : ℕ) • (q : α) ∉ V := distinct_images_from_disjoint n_pos disj q q_in_V, --- have giq_ne_q : ∀ (i : fin n), (i : ℕ) > 0 → g ^ (i : ℕ) • (q : α) ≠ (q : α), --- { intros i i_pos giq_eq_q, exact (giq_eq_q ▸ (giq_notin_V i i_pos)) q_in_V, }, --- have q_in_U : q ∈ U, { have : q ∈ U ∩ V' := q_in_V, exact this.1 }, --- -- We have (hg)^i q = g^i q for all 0 < i < n --- have pow_hgq_eq_pow_gq : ∀ (i : fin n), (i : ℕ) < n → (h * g) ^ (i : ℕ) • q = (g : G) ^ (i : ℕ) • q, --- { intros i, induction (i : ℕ) with i', --- { intro, repeat {rw pow_zero} }, --- { intro succ_i'_lt_n, --- rw [smul_succ, ih (nat.lt_of_succ_lt succ_i'_lt_n), smul_smul, mul_assoc, ← smul_smul, ← smul_smul, ← smul_succ], --- have image_q_notin_V : g ^ i'.succ • q ∉ V, --- { have i'succ_ne_zero := ne_zero.pos i'.succ, --- exact giq_notin_V (⟨ i'.succ, succ_i'_lt_n ⟩ : fin n) i'succ_ne_zero }, --- exact by_contradiction (λ c, c (by_contradiction (λ c', image_q_notin_V ((rist_supported_in_set h_in_ristV) c')))) } }, --- -- Combined with g^i q ≠ q, this yields (hg)^i q ≠ q for all 0 < i < n --- have hgiq_ne_q : ∀ (i : fin n), (i : ℕ) > 0 → (h * g) ^ (i : ℕ) • q ≠ q, --- { intros i i_pos, rw pow_hgq_eq_pow_gq i (fin.is_lt i), by_contra c, exact (giq_notin_V i i_pos) (c.symm ▸ q_in_V) }, --- -- This even holds for i = n --- have hgnq_ne_q : (h * g) ^ n • q ≠ q, --- { -- Rewrite (hg)^n q = hg^n q --- have npred_lt_n : n.pred < n, exact (nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos n_pos) ▸ (lt_add_one n.pred), --- rcases coe_nat_fin npred_lt_n with ⟨ i', i'_eq_pred_n ⟩, --- have hgi'q_eq_gi'q := pow_hgq_eq_pow_gq i' (i'_eq_pred_n ▸ npred_lt_n), --- have : n = (i' : ℕ).succ := i'_eq_pred_n ▸ (nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos n_pos).symm, --- rw [this, smul_succ, hgi'q_eq_gi'q, ← smul_smul, ← smul_succ, ← this], --- -- Now it follows from g^n q = q and h q ≠ q --- have n_le_period_qg := notfix_le_period' n_pos ((zero_lt_period_le_Sup_periods U_nonempty exp_ne_zero (⟨ q, q_in_U ⟩ : U) g)).1 giq_ne_q, --- have period_qg_le_n := (zero_lt_period_le_Sup_periods U_nonempty exp_ne_zero (⟨ q, q_in_U ⟩ : U) g).2, rw ← n_eq_Sup at period_qg_le_n, --- exact (ge_antisymm period_qg_le_n n_le_period_qg).symm ▸ ((pow_period_fix q (g : G)).symm ▸ hq_ne_q) }, --- -- Finally, we derive a contradiction --- have period_pos_le_n := zero_lt_period_le_Sup_periods U_nonempty exp_ne_zero (⟨ q, q_in_U ⟩ : U) (⟨ h * g, hg_in_ristU ⟩ : rigid_stabilizer G U), --- rw ← n_eq_Sup at period_pos_le_n, --- cases (lt_or_eq_of_le period_pos_le_n.2), --- { exact (hgiq_ne_q (⟨ (period (q : α) ((h : G) * (g : G))), h_1 ⟩ : fin n) period_pos_le_n.1) (pow_period_fix (q : α) ((h : G) * (g : G))) }, --- { exact hgnq_ne_q (h_1 ▸ (pow_period_fix (q : α) ((h : G) * (g : G)))) } --- end --- lemma proposition_2_1 [t2_space α] (f : G) : is_locally_moving G α → (algebraic_centralizer f).centralizer = rigid_stabilizer G (regular_support α f) := sorry --- end finite_exponent +lemma nontrivial_pow_from_exponent_eq_zero {G : Type _} [Group G] + (exp_eq_zero : Monoid.exponent G = 0) : + ∀ (n : ℕ), n > 0 → ∃ g : G, g^n ≠ 1 := +by + intro n n_pos + rw [Monoid.exponent_eq_zero_iff] at exp_eq_zero + unfold Monoid.ExponentExists at exp_eq_zero + rw [<-Classical.not_forall_not, Classical.not_not] at exp_eq_zero + simp at exp_eq_zero + exact exp_eq_zero n n_pos + +lemma Commute.inv {G : Type _} [Group G] {f g : G} : Commute f g → Commute f g⁻¹ := by + unfold Commute SemiconjBy + intro h + have h₁ : f = g * f * g⁻¹ := by + nth_rw 1 [<-mul_one f] + rw [<-mul_right_inv g, <-mul_assoc] + rw [h] + nth_rw 2 [h₁] + group + +lemma Commute.inv_iff {G : Type _} [Group G] {f g : G} : Commute f g ↔ Commute f g⁻¹ := ⟨ + Commute.inv, + by + nth_rw 2 [<-inv_inv g] + apply Commute.inv +⟩ + +lemma Commute.inv_iff₂ {G : Type _} [Group G] {f g : G} : Commute f g ↔ Commute f⁻¹ g := ⟨ + Commute.symm ∘ ∘ Commute.symm, + Commute.symm ∘ Commute.inv_iff.mpr ∘ Commute.symm +⟩ + +lemma Commute.into {G : Type _} [Group G] {f g : G} : Commute f g → f * g = g * f := by + unfold Commute SemiconjBy + tauto + +lemma proposition_2_1 {G α : Type _} + [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [ContinuousMulAction G α] [T2Space α] + [LocallyMoving G α] [h_faithful : FaithfulSMul G α] + (f : G) : + Set.centralizer (AlgebraicSubgroup f) = RigidStabilizer G (RegularSupport α f) := +by + apply Set.eq_of_subset_of_subset + swap + { + intro h h_in_rist + simp at h_in_rist + let U := RegularSupport α f + rw [Set.mem_centralizer_iff] + intro g g_in_S + simp [AlgebraicSubgroup] at g_in_S + let ⟨g', ⟨g'_alg_disj, g_eq_g'⟩⟩ := g_in_S + have supp_disj := proposition_1_1_2 f g' g'_alg_disj (α := α) + + have supp_αf_open : IsOpen (Support α f) := support_open f + have supp_αg_open : IsOpen (Support α g) := support_open g + + have rsupp_disj : Disjoint (RegularSupport α f) (Support α g) := by + have cl_supp_disj : Disjoint (closure (Support α f)) (Support α g) + { + rw [<-g_eq_g'] + apply Set.disjoint_of_subset_left _ supp_disj + show closure (Support α f) ⊆ Support α f + -- TODO: figure out how to prove this + sorry + } + + apply Set.disjoint_of_subset _ _ cl_supp_disj + · rw [RegularSupport.def] + exact interior_subset + · rfl + + apply Commute.eq + symm + apply commute_if_rigidStabilizer_and_disjoint (α := α) + · exact h_in_rist + · exact rsupp_disj + } + + intro h h_in_centralizer + by_contra h_notin_rist + simp at h_notin_rist + rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at h_notin_rist + let ⟨V, V_in_supp_h, V_nonempty, V_open, V_disj_supp_f⟩ := open_disj_of_not_support_subset_rsupp h_notin_rist + let ⟨v, v_in_V⟩ := V_nonempty + have v_moved := V_in_supp_h v_in_V + rw [mem_support] at v_moved + + have ⟨W, W_open, v_in_W, W_subset_support, disj_W_img⟩ := disjoint_nbhd_in V_open v_in_V v_moved + + have mono_exp := lemma_2_2 G W_open (Set.nonempty_of_mem v_in_W) + let ⟨⟨g, g_in_rist⟩, g12_ne_one⟩ := nontrivial_pow_from_exponent_eq_zero mono_exp 12 (by norm_num) + simp at g12_ne_one + + have disj_supports : Disjoint (Support α f) (Support α g) := by + apply Set.disjoint_of_subset_right + · apply + exact g_in_rist + · apply Set.disjoint_of_subset_right + · exact W_subset_support + · exact V_disj_supp_f.symm + have alg_disj_f_g := proposition_1_1_1 _ _ disj_supports + have g12_in_algebraic_subgroup : g^12 ∈ AlgebraicSubgroup f := by + simp [AlgebraicSubgroup] + use g + constructor + exact ↑alg_disj_f_g + rfl + + have h_nc_g12 : ¬Commute (g^12) h := by + have supp_g12_sub_W : Support α (g^12) ⊆ W := by + rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at g_in_rist + calc + Support α (g^12) ⊆ Support α g := by apply support_pow + _ ⊆ W := g_in_rist + have supp_g12_disj_hW : Disjoint (Support α (g^12)) (h •'' W) := by + apply Set.disjoint_of_subset_left + swap + · exact disj_W_img + · exact supp_g12_sub_W + + exact not_commute_of_disj_support_smulImage + g12_ne_one + supp_g12_sub_W + supp_g12_disj_hW + + apply h_nc_g12 + exact h_in_centralizer _ g12_in_algebraic_subgroup + + +end proposition_2_1 -- variables [topological_space α] [topological_space β] [continuous_mul_action G α] [continuous_mul_action G β] -- noncomputable theorem rubin (hα : rubin_action G α) (hβ : rubin_action G β) : equivariant_homeomorph G α β := sorry end Rubin diff --git a/Rubin/AlgebraicDisjointness.lean b/Rubin/AlgebraicDisjointness.lean index 5f73116..d596760 100644 --- a/Rubin/AlgebraicDisjointness.lean +++ b/Rubin/AlgebraicDisjointness.lean @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Rubin.RigidStabilizer import Rubin.SmulImage import Rubin.Topological import Rubin.FaithfulAction +import Rubin.Period namespace Rubin @@ -89,8 +90,39 @@ fun (h : G) (nc : ¬Commute f h) => { } -- This is an idea of having a Prop version of AlgebraicallyDisjoint, but it sounds painful to work with --- def IsAlgebraicallyDisjoint {G : Type _} [Group G] (f g : G): Prop := --- ∀ (h : G), ¬Commute f h → ∃ (f₁ f₂ : G), ∃ (elem : AlgebraicallyDisjointElem f g h), elem.fst = f₁ ∧ elem.snd = f₂ +def IsAlgebraicallyDisjoint {G : Type _} [Group G] (f g : G): Prop := + ∀ (h : G), ¬Commute f h → ∃ (f₁ f₂ : G), ∃ (elem : AlgebraicallyDisjointElem f g h), elem.fst = f₁ ∧ elem.snd = f₂ + +namespace IsAlgebraicallyDisjoint + +variable {G : Type _} [Group G] +variable {f g: G} + +noncomputable def elim + (is_alg_disj: IsAlgebraicallyDisjoint f g) : + AlgebraicallyDisjoint f g := +fun h nc => (is_alg_disj h nc).choose_spec.choose_spec.choose + +def mk (alg_disj : AlgebraicallyDisjoint f g) : IsAlgebraicallyDisjoint f g := +fun h nc => + let elem := alg_disj h nc + ⟨ + elem.fst, + elem.snd, + elem, + rfl, + rfl + ⟩ + +noncomputable instance coeFnAlgebraicallyDisjoint : CoeFun + (IsAlgebraicallyDisjoint f g) + (fun _ => AlgebraicallyDisjoint f g) where + coe := elim + +instance coeAlgebraicallyDisjoint : Coe (AlgebraicallyDisjoint f g) (IsAlgebraicallyDisjoint f g) where + coe := mk + +end IsAlgebraicallyDisjoint @[simp] theorem orbit_bot (G : Type _) [Group G] [MulAction G α] (p : α) : @@ -456,6 +488,25 @@ instance {g : G} {x : α} {n : ℕ} : where coe := period_ge_n_cast +-- TODO: remove the unneeded `n` parameter +theorem smul_injective_within_period {g : G} {p : α} {n : ℕ} + (period_eq_n : Period.period p g = n) : + Function.Injective (fun (i : Fin n) => g ^ (i : ℕ) • p) := +by + have zpow_fix : (fun (i : Fin n) => g ^ (i : ℕ) • p) = (fun (i : Fin n) => g ^ (i : ℤ) • p) := by + ext x + simp + rw [zpow_fix] + apply moves_inj + intro k one_le_k k_lt_n + + apply Period.moves_within_period' + exact one_le_k + rw [period_eq_n] + exact k_lt_n +#align moves_inj_period Rubin.smul_injective_within_period + +-- TODO: move to Rubin.lean lemma moves_1234_of_moves_12 {g : G} {x : α} (g12_moves : g^12 • x ≠ x) : Function.Injective (fun i : Fin 5 => g^(i : ℤ) • x) := by diff --git a/Rubin/MulActionExt.lean b/Rubin/MulActionExt.lean index e6dc51d..c2d14a9 100644 --- a/Rubin/MulActionExt.lean +++ b/Rubin/MulActionExt.lean @@ -43,4 +43,32 @@ def is_equivariant (G : Type _) {β : Type _} [Group G] [MulAction G α] ∀ g : G, ∀ x : α, f (g • x) = g • f x #align is_equivariant Rubin.is_equivariant +lemma disjoint_not_mem {α : Type _} {U V : Set α} (disj: Disjoint U V) : + ∀ {x : α}, x ∈ U → x ∉ V := +by + intro x x_in_U x_in_V + apply disj <;> try simp + · exact Set.singleton_subset_iff.mpr x_in_U + · rw [Set.singleton_subset_iff] + exact x_in_V + · rfl + +lemma disjoint_not_mem₂ {α : Type _} {U V : Set α} (disj: Disjoint U V) : + ∀ {x : α}, x ∈ V → x ∉ U := disjoint_not_mem disj.symm + +lemma fixes_inv {G α : Type _} [Group G] [MulAction G α] {g : G} {x : α}: + g • x = x ↔ g⁻¹ • x = x := +by + constructor + { + intro h + nth_rw 1 [<-h] + rw [<-mul_smul, mul_left_inv, one_smul] + } + { + intro h + nth_rw 1 [<-h] + rw [<-mul_smul, mul_right_inv, one_smul] + } + end Rubin diff --git a/Rubin/Period.lean b/Rubin/Period.lean index 6b5bc60..983a1b4 100644 --- a/Rubin/Period.lean +++ b/Rubin/Period.lean @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ variable {G a : Type _} variable [Group G] variable [MulAction G α] +-- TODO: move to Rubin.Period noncomputable def period (p : α) (g : G) : ℕ := sInf {n : ℕ | n > 0 ∧ g ^ n • p = p} #align period Rubin.Period.period @@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ theorem notfix_le_period {p : α} {g : G} {n : ℕ} (n_pos : n > 0) #align notfix_le_period Rubin.Period.notfix_le_period theorem notfix_le_period' {p : α} {g : G} {n : ℕ} (n_pos : n > 0) - (period_pos : Rubin.Period.period p g > 0) + (period_pos : 0 < Rubin.Period.period p g) (pmoves : ∀ i : Fin n, 0 < (i : ℕ) → g ^ (i : ℕ) • p ≠ p) : n ≤ Rubin.Period.period p g := Rubin.Period.notfix_le_period n_pos period_pos fun (i : ℕ) (i_pos : 0 < i) (i_lt_n : i < n) => pmoves (⟨i, i_lt_n⟩ : Fin n) i_pos @@ -49,6 +50,33 @@ theorem period_neutral_eq_one (p : α) : Rubin.Period.period p (1 : G) = 1 := linarith #align period_neutral_eq_one Rubin.Period.period_neutral_eq_one +theorem moves_within_period {n : ℕ} (g : G) (x : α) : + 0 < n → n < period x g → g^n • x ≠ x := +by + intro n_pos n_lt_period + unfold period at n_lt_period + apply Nat.not_mem_of_lt_sInf at n_lt_period + simp at n_lt_period + apply n_lt_period + exact n_pos + +-- Variant of moves_within_period, which works with integers +theorem moves_within_period' {z : ℤ} (g : G) (x : α) : + 0 < z → z < period x g → g^z • x ≠ x := +by + intro n_pos n_lt_period + rw [<-Int.ofNat_natAbs_eq_of_nonneg _ (Int.le_of_lt n_pos)] + rw [zpow_ofNat] + apply moves_within_period + · rw [<-Int.natAbs_zero] + apply Int.natAbs_lt_natAbs_of_nonneg_of_lt + rfl + assumption + · rw [<-Int.natAbs_cast (period x g)] + apply Int.natAbs_lt_natAbs_of_nonneg_of_lt + exact Int.le_of_lt n_pos + assumption + def periods (U : Set α) (H : Subgroup G) : Set ℕ := {n : ℕ | ∃ (p : α) (g : H), p ∈ U ∧ Rubin.Period.period (p : α) (g : G) = n} #align periods Rubin.Period.periods @@ -59,7 +87,7 @@ theorem periods_lemmas {U : Set α} (U_nonempty : Set.Nonempty U) {H : Subgroup (Rubin.Period.periods U H).Nonempty ∧ BddAbove (Rubin.Period.periods U H) ∧ ∃ (m : ℕ) (m_pos : m > 0), ∀ (p : α) (g : H), g ^ m • p = p := - by +by rcases Monoid.exponentExists_iff_ne_zero.2 exp_ne_zero with ⟨m, m_pos, gm_eq_one⟩ have gmp_eq_p : ∀ (p : α) (g : H), g ^ m • p = p := by intro p g; rw [gm_eq_one g]; @@ -84,7 +112,7 @@ theorem period_from_exponent (U : Set α) (U_nonempty : U.Nonempty) {H : Subgrou (exp_ne_zero : Monoid.exponent H ≠ 0) : ∃ (p : α) (g : H) (n : ℕ), p ∈ U ∧ n > 0 ∧ Rubin.Period.period (p : α) (g : G) = n ∧ n = sSup (Rubin.Period.periods U H) := - by +by rcases Rubin.Period.periods_lemmas U_nonempty exp_ne_zero with ⟨periods_nonempty, periods_bounded, m, m_pos, gmp_eq_p⟩ rcases Nat.sSup_mem periods_nonempty periods_bounded with ⟨p, g, hperiod⟩ @@ -105,7 +133,7 @@ theorem zero_lt_period_le_Sup_periods {U : Set α} (U_nonempty : U.Nonempty) ∀ (p : U) (g : H), 0 < Rubin.Period.period (p : α) (g : G) ∧ Rubin.Period.period (p : α) (g : G) ≤ sSup (Rubin.Period.periods U H) := - by +by rcases Rubin.Period.periods_lemmas U_nonempty exp_ne_zero with ⟨periods_nonempty, periods_bounded, m, m_pos, gmp_eq_p⟩ intro p g @@ -117,8 +145,30 @@ theorem zero_lt_period_le_Sup_periods {U : Set α} (U_nonempty : U.Nonempty) le_csSup periods_bounded period_in_periods⟩ #align zero_lt_period_le_Sup_periods Rubin.Period.zero_lt_period_le_Sup_periods -theorem pow_period_fix (p : α) (g : G) : g ^ Rubin.Period.period p g • p = p := - by +theorem period_pos {U : Set α} (U_nonempty : U.Nonempty) {H : Subgroup G} + (exp_ne_zero : Monoid.exponent H ≠ 0) : + ∀ (p : U) (g : H), 0 < Rubin.Period.period (p : α) (g : G) := +fun p g => + (zero_lt_period_le_Sup_periods U_nonempty exp_ne_zero p g).1 + +theorem period_pos' {U : Set α} (U_nonempty : U.Nonempty) {H : Subgroup G} + (exp_ne_zero : Monoid.exponent H ≠ 0) : + ∀ (p : α) (g : G), p ∈ U → g ∈ H → 0 < Rubin.Period.period (p : α) (g : G) := +fun p g p_in_U g_in_H => period_pos U_nonempty exp_ne_zero ⟨p, p_in_U⟩ ⟨g, g_in_H⟩ + +theorem period_le_Sup_periods {U : Set α} (U_nonempty : U.Nonempty) + {H : Subgroup G} (exp_ne_zero : Monoid.exponent H ≠ 0) : + ∀ (p : U) (g : H), Rubin.Period.period (p : α) (g : G) ≤ sSup (Rubin.Period.periods U H) := +fun p g => + (zero_lt_period_le_Sup_periods U_nonempty exp_ne_zero p g).2 + +theorem period_le_Sup_periods' {U : Set α} (U_nonempty : U.Nonempty) + {H : Subgroup G} (exp_ne_zero : Monoid.exponent H ≠ 0) : + ∀ (p : α) (g : G), p ∈ U → g ∈ H → Rubin.Period.period p g ≤ sSup (Rubin.Period.periods U H) := +fun p g p_in_U g_in_H => period_le_Sup_periods U_nonempty exp_ne_zero ⟨p, p_in_U⟩ ⟨g, g_in_H⟩ + +-- TODO: rename to pow_period_fixes +theorem pow_period_fix (p : α) (g : G) : g ^ Rubin.Period.period p g • p = p := by cases eq_zero_or_neZero (Rubin.Period.period p g) with | inl h => rw [h]; simp | inr h => diff --git a/Rubin/RegularSupport.lean b/Rubin/RegularSupport.lean index 2bc4dbf..0fbba5a 100644 --- a/Rubin/RegularSupport.lean +++ b/Rubin/RegularSupport.lean @@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ def RegularSupport (g: G) : Set α := InteriorClosure (Support α g) #align regular_support Rubin.RegularSupport -@[simp] theorem RegularSupport.def {G : Type _} (α : Type _) [Group G] [MulAction G α] [TopologicalSpace α] (g: G) : RegularSupport α g = interior (closure (Support α g)) := diff --git a/Rubin/RigidStabilizer.lean b/Rubin/RigidStabilizer.lean index 4277f7b..2c4b85e 100644 --- a/Rubin/RigidStabilizer.lean +++ b/Rubin/RigidStabilizer.lean @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic import Mathlib.GroupTheory.GroupAction.Basic import Rubin.Support +import Rubin.MulActionExt namespace Rubin @@ -59,4 +60,62 @@ by simp exact h +theorem commute_if_rigidStabilizer_and_disjoint {g h : G} {U : Set α} [FaithfulSMul G α] : + g ∈ RigidStabilizer G U → Disjoint U (Support α h) → Commute g h := +by + intro g_in_rist U_disj + unfold Commute + unfold SemiconjBy + apply eq_of_smul_eq_smul (α := α) + intro x + + by_cases x_in_U?: x ∈ U + { + rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at g_in_rist + have x_notin_support : x ∉ Support α h := disjoint_not_mem U_disj x_in_U? + + rw [mul_smul] + rw [ x_notin_support] + rw [mul_smul] + + by_cases gx_in_U?: g • x ∈ U + { + symm + apply + apply disjoint_not_mem U_disj + exact gx_in_U? + } + { + have gx_notin_support : g • x ∉ Support α g := by + intro h + exact gx_in_U? (g_in_rist h) + rw [<-support_inv] at gx_notin_support + rw [not_mem_support] at gx_notin_support + simp at gx_notin_support + symm at gx_notin_support + rw [fixes_inv] at gx_notin_support + rw [<-gx_notin_support] + group_action + rw [ x_notin_support] + } + } + { + have x_fixed : g • x = x := g_in_rist _ x_in_U? + repeat rw [mul_smul] + rw [x_fixed] + + by_cases hx_in_U?: h • x ∈ U + { + have hx_notin_support := disjoint_not_mem U_disj hx_in_U? + rw [<-support_inv] at hx_notin_support + rw [not_mem_support] at hx_notin_support + group_action at hx_notin_support + rw [<-hx_notin_support] + exact x_fixed + } + { + rw [g_in_rist _ hx_in_U?] + } + } + end Rubin diff --git a/Rubin/SmulImage.lean b/Rubin/SmulImage.lean index 15a0412..46d1a85 100644 --- a/Rubin/SmulImage.lean +++ b/Rubin/SmulImage.lean @@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ theorem mem_inv_smulImage {x : α} {g : G} {U : Set α} : x ∈ g⁻¹ •'' U exact msi #align mem_inv_smul'' Rubin.mem_inv_smulImage +theorem mem_smulImage' {x : α} (g : G) {U : Set α} : x ∈ U ↔ g • x ∈ g •'' U := +by + rw [mem_smulImage] + rw [<-mul_smul, mul_left_inv, one_smul] + -- TODO: rename to smulImage_mul @[simp] theorem mul_smulImage (g h : G) (U : Set α) : g •'' (h •'' U) = (g * h) •'' U := @@ -193,4 +198,24 @@ theorem smulImage_disjoint_subset {G α : Type _} [Group G] [MulAction G α] by apply Set.disjoint_of_subset (smulImage_subset _ h_sub) (smulImage_subset _ h_sub) +-- States that if `g^i •'' V` and `g^j •'' V` are disjoint for any `i ≠ j` and `x ∈ V` +-- then `g^i • x` will always lie outside of `V`. +lemma smulImage_distinct_of_disjoint_exp {G α : Type _} [Group G] [MulAction G α] {g : G} {V : Set α} {n : ℕ} + (n_pos : 0 < n) + (h_disj : ∀ (i j : Fin n), i ≠ j → Disjoint (g ^ (i : ℕ) •'' V) (g ^ (j : ℕ) •'' V)) : + ∀ (x : α) (_hx : x ∈ V) (i : Fin n), 0 < (i : ℕ) → g ^ (i : ℕ) • (x : α) ∉ V := +by + intro x hx i i_pos + have i_ne_zero : i ≠ (⟨ 0, n_pos ⟩ : Fin n) := by + intro h + rw [h] at i_pos + simp at i_pos + + have h_contra : g ^ (i : ℕ) • (x : α) ∈ g ^ (i : ℕ) •'' V := by use x + + have h_notin_V := (h_disj i (⟨0, n_pos⟩ : Fin n) i_ne_zero) h_contra + simp only [pow_zero, one_smulImage] at h_notin_V + exact h_notin_V +#align distinct_images_from_disjoint Rubin.smulImage_distinct_of_disjoint_exp + end Rubin diff --git a/Rubin/Support.lean b/Rubin/Support.lean index 7ab437a..289df68 100644 --- a/Rubin/Support.lean +++ b/Rubin/Support.lean @@ -170,5 +170,63 @@ theorem disjoint_support_comm (f g : G) {U : Set α} : group_action #align disjoint_support_comm Rubin.disjoint_support_comm +lemma empty_of_subset_disjoint {α : Type _} {U V : Set α} : + Disjoint U V → U ⊆ V → U = ∅ := +by + intro disj subset + apply Set.eq_of_subset_of_subset <;> try simp + intro x x_in_U + simp + apply disjoint_not_mem disj + exact x_in_U + exact subset x_in_U + +theorem not_commute_of_disj_support_smulImage {G α : Type _} + [Group G] [MulAction G α] [FaithfulSMul G α] + {f g : G} {U : Set α} (f_ne_one : f ≠ 1) + (subset : Support α f ⊆ U) + (disj : Disjoint (Support α f) (g •'' U)) : + ¬Commute f g := +by + intro h_comm + have h₀ : ∀ x ∈ U, x ∉ Support α f := by + intro x x_in_U + unfold Commute SemiconjBy at h_comm + have gx_in_img := (mem_smulImage' g).mp x_in_U + have h₁ : g • f • x = g • x := by + have res := disjoint_not_mem₂ disj gx_in_img + rw [not_mem_support] at res + rw [<-mul_smul] at res + rw [h_comm] at res + rw [mul_smul] at res + exact res + have h₂ : f • x = x := by + rw [<-one_smul G (f • x)] + nth_rw 2 [<-one_smul G x] + rw [<-mul_left_inv g] + rw [mul_smul] + rw [mul_smul] + nth_rw 1 [h₁] + rw [<-not_mem_support] at h₂ + exact h₂ + + have h₀' : Disjoint (Support α f) U := by + intro T; simp + intro T_ss_supp T_ss_U + intro x x_in_T + apply h₀ + exact T_ss_U x_in_T + exact T_ss_supp x_in_T + + have support_empty : Support α f = ∅ := empty_of_subset_disjoint h₀' subset + + apply f_ne_one + apply smul_left_injective' (α := α) + ext x + simp + by_contra h + rw [<-ne_eq, <-mem_support] at h + apply support_empty + exact h end Rubin