import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Subgroup.Basic -- import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Commutator -- import Mathlib.GroupTheory.GroupAction.Basic -- import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Exponent -- import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.Basic import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Util import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Basic import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Simp.Main import Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.Basic import Mathlib.Tactic.FailIfNoProgress import Mathlib.Tactic.Group namespace Rubin.Tactic open Lean.Parser.Tactic --@[simp] theorem smul_eq_smul_inv {G α : Type _} [Group G] [MulAction G α] {g h : G} {x y : α} : g • x = h • y ↔ (h⁻¹ * g) • x = y := by constructor · intro hyp let res := congr_arg ((· • ·) h⁻¹) hyp simp at res rw [← mul_smul] at res exact res · intro hyp rw [<-hyp, mul_smul] simp #align smul_eq_smul Rubin.Tactic.smul_eq_smul_inv theorem smul_succ {G α : Type _} (n : ℕ) [Group G] [MulAction G α] {g : G} {x : α} : g ^ n.succ • x = g • g ^ n • x := by rw [pow_succ, mul_smul] #align smul_succ Rubin.Tactic.smul_succ -- Note: calling "group" after "group_action₁" might not be a good idea, as they can end up running in a loop syntax (name := group_action₁) "group_action₁" (location)?: tactic macro_rules | `(tactic| group_action₁ $[at $location]?) => `(tactic| simp only [ smul_smul, Rubin.Tactic.smul_eq_smul_inv, Rubin.Tactic.smul_succ, one_smul, mul_one, one_mul, sub_self, add_neg_self, neg_add_self, neg_neg, tsub_self, <-mul_assoc, one_pow, one_zpow, <-mul_zpow_neg_one, zpow_zero, mul_zpow, zpow_sub, zpow_ofNat, <-zpow_neg_one, <-zpow_mul, <-zpow_add_one, <-zpow_one_add, <-zpow_add, Int.ofNat_add, Int.ofNat_mul, Int.ofNat_zero, Int.ofNat_one, Int.mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, Int.neg_mul_eq_neg_mul_symm, Mathlib.Tactic.Group.zpow_trick, Mathlib.Tactic.Group.zpow_trick_one, Mathlib.Tactic.Group.zpow_trick_one', commutatorElement_def ] $[at $location]? ) /-- Tactic for normalizing expressions in group actions, without assuming commutativity, using only the group axioms without any information about which group is manipulated. Example: ```lean example {G α : Type} [Group G] [MulAction G α] (a b : G) (x y : α) (h : a • b • x = a • y) : b⁻¹ • y = x := by group_action at h -- normalizes `h` which becomes `h : c = d` rw [←h] -- the goal is now `a*d*d⁻¹ = a` group_action -- which then normalized and closed ``` -/ syntax (name := group_action) "group_action" (location)?: tactic macro_rules | `(tactic| group_action $[at $location]?) => `(tactic| repeat (fail_if_no_progress (group_action₁ $[at $location]? <;> group $[at $location]?)) ) example {G α: Type _} [Group G] [MulAction G α] (g h: G) (x: α): g • h • x = (g * h) • x := by group_action example {G α : Type} [Group G] [MulAction G α] (a b : G) (x y : α) (h : a • b • x = a • y) : b⁻¹ • y = x := by group_action at h -- normalizes `h` which becomes `h : c = d` rw [←h] -- the goal is now `a*d*d⁻¹ = a` group_action -- which then normalized and closed example (G α : Type _) [Group G] (a b c : G) [MulAction G α] (x : α) : ⁅a * b, c⁆ • x = (a * ⁅b, c⁆ * a⁻¹ * ⁅a, c⁆) • x := by group_action section PotentialLoops variable {G α : Type _} variable [Group G] variable [MulAction G α] variable (g f : G) variable (x : α) example: x = g • f⁻¹ • g⁻¹ • x ↔ g⁻¹ • x = f • g⁻¹ • x := by group_action constructor <;> intro h <;> exact h.symm example: x = g • f⁻¹ • g⁻¹ • x ↔ g⁻¹ • x = f • g⁻¹ • x := by constructor · intro h group_action at h nth_rewrite 2 [h] group_action · intro h group_action at h nth_rewrite 1 [<-h] group_action example: x = g • f⁻¹ • g⁻¹ • x ↔ g⁻¹ • x = f⁻¹ • g⁻¹ • x := by constructor · intro h nth_rewrite 1 [h] group_action · intro h group_action at h nth_rewrite 2 [<-h] group_action example (h: (g * f ^ (-2 : ℤ) * g ^ (-1 : ℤ)) • x = x): g⁻¹ • (g * f ^ (-1 : ℤ) * g ^ (-1 : ℤ)) • x = f • g⁻¹ • x := by group_action exact h example (h: x = g • f⁻¹ • g⁻¹ • x): True := by group_action at h exact True.intro example (j: ℕ) (h: g • g ^ j • x = x): True := by group_action at h exact True.intro end PotentialLoops end Rubin.Tactic