From stdpp Require Import gmap base relations tactics. From iris Require Import prelude. From semantics.ts.stlc Require Import lang notation. From semantics.ts.stlc Require untyped types. (** README: Please also download the assigment sheet as a *.pdf from here: It contains additional explanation and excercises. **) (** ** Exercise 1: Prove that the structural and contextual semantics are equivalent. *) (** You will find it very helpful to separately derive the structural rules of the structural semantics for the contextual semantics. *) Lemma contextual_step_beta x e e': is_val e' → contextual_step ((λ: x, e) e') (subst' x e' e). Proof. intros Hval. eapply base_contextual_step, BetaS; done. Qed. Lemma contextual_step_app_r (e1 e2 e2': expr) : contextual_step e2 e2' → contextual_step (e1 e2) (e1 e2'). Proof. intros Hval. by eapply fill_contextual_step with (K := AppRCtx e1 HoleCtx). Qed. Lemma contextual_step_app_l (e1 e1' e2: expr) : is_val e2 → contextual_step e1 e1' → contextual_step (e1 e2) (e1' e2). Proof. intros Hval. eapply is_val_spec in Hval as [v Hval]. eapply of_to_val in Hval as <-. eapply fill_contextual_step with (K := (AppLCtx HoleCtx v)). Qed. Lemma contextual_step_plus_red (n1 n2 n3: Z) : (n1 + n2)%Z = n3 → contextual_step (n1 + n2)%E n3. Proof. intros Hval. eapply base_contextual_step, PlusS; done. Qed. Lemma contextual_step_plus_r e1 e2 e2' : contextual_step e2 e2' → contextual_step (Plus e1 e2) (Plus e1 e2'). Proof. intros Hval. by eapply fill_contextual_step with (K := (PlusRCtx e1 HoleCtx)). Qed. Lemma contextual_step_plus_l e1 e1' e2 : is_val e2 → contextual_step e1 e1' → contextual_step (Plus e1 e2) (Plus e1' e2). Proof. intros Hval. eapply is_val_spec in Hval as [v Hval]. eapply of_to_val in Hval as <-. eapply fill_contextual_step with (K := (PlusLCtx HoleCtx v)). Qed. (** We register these lemmas as hints for [eauto]. *) #[global] Hint Resolve contextual_step_beta contextual_step_app_l contextual_step_app_r contextual_step_plus_red contextual_step_plus_l contextual_step_plus_r : core. Lemma step_contextual_step e1 e2: step e1 e2 → contextual_step e1 e2. Proof. (* The hints above make sure eauto uses the right lemmas. *) induction 1; eauto. Qed. (** Now the other direction. *) (* You may find it helpful to introduce intermediate lemmas. *) Lemma base_step_step e1 e2: base_step e1 e2 → step e1 e2. Proof. destruct 1; subst. - eauto. - by econstructor. Qed. Lemma fill_step K e1 e2: step e1 e2 → step (fill K e1) (fill K e2). Proof. induction K; simpl; eauto. Qed. Lemma contextual_step_step e1 e2: contextual_step e1 e2 → step e1 e2. Proof. destruct 1 as [K h1 h2 -> -> Hstep]. eapply fill_step, base_step_step, Hstep. Qed. (** ** Exercise 2: Scott encodings *) Section scott. (* take a look at untyped.v for usefull lemmas and definitions *) Import semantics.ts.stlc.untyped. (** Scott encoding of Booleans *) Definition true_scott : val := λ: "t" "f", "t". Definition false_scott : val := λ: "t" "f", "f". Lemma true_red (v1 v2 : val) : closed [] v1 → closed [] v2 → rtc step (true_scott v1 v2) v1. Proof. intros Hcl1 Hcl2. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor; first auto. econstructor. auto. } simpl. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor; auto. } simpl. rewrite subst_closed_nil; done. Qed. Lemma false_red (v1 v2 : val) : closed [] v1 → closed [] v2 → rtc step (false_scott v1 v2) v2. Proof. intros Hcl1 Hcl2. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor; first auto. econstructor. auto. } simpl. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor; auto. } simpl. done. Qed. (** Scott encoding of Pairs *) Definition pair_scott : val := λ: "v1" "v2", λ: "d", "d" "v1" "v2". Definition fst_scott : val := λ: "p", "p" (λ: "a" "b", "a"). Definition snd_scott : val := λ: "p", "p" (λ: "a" "b", "b"). Lemma fst_red (v1 v2 : val) : is_closed [] v1 → is_closed [] v2 → rtc step (fst_scott (pair_scott v1 v2)) v1. Proof. intros Hcl1 Hcl2. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor 3. econstructor; first auto. econstructor. auto. } simpl. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor 3. econstructor; first auto. } simpl. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor. done. } simpl. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor. done. } simpl. rewrite !(subst_closed_nil v1); [ | done..]. rewrite subst_closed_nil; last done. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor; first auto. econstructor. auto. } simpl. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor; first auto. } simpl. rewrite subst_closed_nil; done. Qed. Lemma snd_red (v1 v2 : val) : is_closed [] v1 → is_closed [] v2 → rtc step (snd_scott (pair_scott v1 v2)) v2. Proof. intros Hcl1 Hcl2. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor 3. econstructor; first auto. econstructor. auto. } simpl. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor 3. econstructor; first auto. } simpl. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor. done. } simpl. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor. done. } simpl. rewrite !(subst_closed_nil v2); [ | done..]. rewrite !(subst_closed_nil v1); [ | done..]. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor; first auto. econstructor. auto. } simpl. eapply rtc_l. { econstructor; first auto. } simpl. done. Qed. End scott. Import semantics.ts.stlc.types. (** ** Exercise 3: type erasure *) (** Source terms *) Inductive src_expr := | ELitInt (n: Z) (* Base lambda calculus *) | EVar (x : string) | ELam (x : binder) (A: type) (e : src_expr) | EApp (e1 e2 : src_expr) (* Base types and their operations *) | EPlus (e1 e2 : src_expr). (** The erasure function *) Fixpoint erase (E: src_expr) : expr := match E with | ELitInt n => LitInt n | EVar x => Var x | ELam x A E => Lam x (erase E) | EApp E1 E2 => App (erase E1) (erase E2) | EPlus E1 E2 => Plus (erase E1) (erase E2) end. Reserved Notation "Γ '⊢S' e : A" (at level 74, e, A at next level). Inductive src_typed : typing_context → src_expr → type → Prop := | src_typed_var Γ x A : Γ !! x = Some A → Γ ⊢S (EVar x) : A | src_typed_lam Γ x E A B : (<[ x := A]> Γ) ⊢S E : B → Γ ⊢S (ELam (BNamed x) A E) : (A → B) | src_typed_int Γ z : Γ ⊢S (ELitInt z) : Int | src_typed_app Γ E1 E2 A B : Γ ⊢S E1 : (A → B) → Γ ⊢S E2 : A → Γ ⊢S EApp E1 E2 : B | src_typed_add Γ E1 E2 : Γ ⊢S E1 : Int → Γ ⊢S E2 : Int → Γ ⊢S EPlus E1 E2 : Int where "Γ '⊢S' E : A" := (src_typed Γ E%E A%ty) : FType_scope. #[export] Hint Constructors src_typed : core. Lemma type_erasure_correctness Γ E A: (Γ ⊢S E : A)%ty → (Γ ⊢ erase E : A)%ty. Proof. induction 1; simpl; eauto. Qed. (** ** Exercise 4: Unique Typing *) Lemma src_typing_unique Γ E A B: (Γ ⊢S E : A)%ty → (Γ ⊢S E : B)%ty → A = B. Proof. induction 1 as [ | ????? H1 IH1 | | ????? H1 IH1 H2 IH2 | ??? H1 IH1 H2 IH2] in B |-*; inversion 1; subst; try congruence. - f_equal. eauto. - rename select (_ ⊢S _ : (_ → _))%ty into Ha. eapply IH1 in Ha. by injection Ha. Qed. (** TODO: Is runtime typing (Curry-style) also unique? Prove it or give a counterexample. *) (** Runtime typing is not unique! *) Lemma id_int: (∅ ⊢ (λ: "x", "x") : (Int → Int))%ty. Proof. eauto. Qed. Lemma id_int_to_int: (∅ ⊢ (λ: "x", "x") : ((Int → Int) → (Int → Int)))%ty. Proof. eauto. Qed. (** ** Exercise 5: Type Inference *) Fixpoint type_eq A B := match A, B with | Int, Int => true | Fun A B, Fun A' B' => type_eq A A' && type_eq B B' | _, _ => false end. Lemma type_eq_iff A B: type_eq A B ↔ A = B. Proof. induction A in B |-*; destruct B; simpl; naive_solver. Qed. Notation ctx := (gmap string type). Fixpoint infer_type (Γ: ctx) E := match E with | EVar x => Γ !! x | ELam (BNamed x) A E => match infer_type (<[x := A]> Γ) E with | Some B => Some (Fun A B) | None => None end | ELitInt l => Some Int | EApp E1 E2 => match infer_type Γ E1, infer_type Γ E2 with | Some (Fun A B), Some C => if type_eq A C then Some B else None | _, _ => None end | EPlus E1 E2 => match infer_type Γ E1, infer_type Γ E2 with | Some Int, Some Int => Some Int | _, _ => None end | ELam BAnon A E => None end. (** Prove both directions of the correctness theorem. *) Lemma infer_type_typing Γ E A: infer_type Γ E = Some A → (Γ ⊢S E : A)%ty. Proof. induction E as [l|x|x B E IH|E1 IH1 E2 IH2|E1 IH1 E2 IH2] in Γ, A |-*; simpl. - destruct l; naive_solver. - eauto. - destruct x as [|x]; first naive_solver. destruct infer_type eqn: Heq; last naive_solver. eapply IH in Heq. injection 1 as <-. eauto. - destruct infer_type as [B|] eqn: Heq1; last naive_solver. destruct B as [|B1 B2]; try naive_solver. destruct (infer_type Γ E2) as [C|] eqn: Heq2; last naive_solver. destruct type_eq eqn: Heq3; last naive_solver. injection 1 as <-. eapply Is_true_eq_left in Heq3. eapply type_eq_iff in Heq3 as ->. eauto. - destruct infer_type as [B|] eqn: Heq1; last naive_solver. destruct B; try naive_solver. destruct (infer_type Γ E2) as [C|] eqn: Heq2; last naive_solver. destruct C; naive_solver. Qed. Lemma typing_infer_type Γ E A: (Γ ⊢S E : A)%ty → infer_type Γ E = Some A. Proof. induction 1; simpl; eauto. - by rewrite IHsrc_typed. - rewrite IHsrc_typed1 IHsrc_typed2. rewrite (Is_true_eq_true (type_eq A A)) //=. by eapply type_eq_iff. - by rewrite IHsrc_typed1 IHsrc_typed2. Qed. (** ** Exercise 6: untypable, safe term *) (* The exercise asks you to: "Give one example if there is such an expression, otherwise prove their non-existence." So either finish one section or the other. *) Section give_example. Definition ust : expr := (λ: "f", 5) (λ: "x", 0 0)%E. Lemma ust_safe e': rtc step ust e' → is_val e' ∨ reducible e'. Proof. inversion 1 as [ | x y z H1 H2]; subst. - right. eexists. eapply StepBeta. done. - inversion H1 as [??? Ha | ??? Ha Hb | ??? Ha | | ??? Ha Hb | ??? Ha ]; subst. + simpl in H2. inversion H2 as [ | ??? [] _]; subst; eauto. + inversion Hb. + inversion Ha. Qed. Lemma ust_no_type Γ A: ¬ (Γ ⊢ ust : A)%ty. Proof. intros H. inversion H; subst. inversion H5; subst. inversion H6; subst. inversion H4. Qed. End give_example. Section prove_non_existence. Lemma no_ust : ∀ e, (∀ e', rtc step e e' → is_val e' ∨ reducible e') → ∃ A, (∅ ⊢ e : A)%ty. Proof. (* This is not possible as shown above *) Abort. End prove_non_existence.