From iris.algebra Require Import gmap auth agree gset coPset. From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode. From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import wsat. From Require Export sequential_wp. From iris.prelude Require Import options. Import uPred. (** This file contains the adequacy statements of the Iris program logic. First we prove a number of auxilary results. *) Section adequacy. Context `{!irisGS Λ Σ}. Implicit Types e : expr Λ. Implicit Types P Q : iProp Σ. Implicit Types Φ : val Λ → iProp Σ. Implicit Types Φs : list (val Λ → iProp Σ). Notation wptp s t Φs := ([∗ list] e;Φ ∈ t;Φs, wp' s ∅ e Φ)%I. Lemma wp'_step s e1 σ1 e2 σ2 E κs efs Φ : prim_step e1 σ1 κs e2 σ2 efs → state_interp σ1 -∗ wp' s E e1 Φ ={E,∅}=∗ |={∅}▷=> |={∅, E}=> state_interp σ2 ∗ wp' s E e2 Φ ∗ ⌜efs = []⌝ ∗ ⌜κs = []⌝. Proof. rewrite wp'_unfold /wp_pre. iIntros (?) "Hσ H". rewrite (val_stuck e1 σ1 κs e2 σ2 efs) //. iMod ("H" $! σ1 with "Hσ") as "(_ & H)". iSpecialize ("H" with "[//]"). iModIntro. iApply (step_fupd_wand with "[H]"); first by iApply "H". iIntros ">(-> & -> & Hσ & H)". eauto with iFrame. Qed. Lemma wptp_step s es1 es2 κ σ1 σ2 Φs : step (es1,σ1) κ (es2, σ2) → state_interp σ1 -∗ wptp s es1 Φs -∗ |={∅,∅}=> |={∅}▷=> |={∅,∅}=> state_interp σ2 ∗ wptp s es2 Φs ∗ ⌜κ= []⌝ ∗ ⌜length es1 = length es2⌝. Proof. iIntros (Hstep) "Hσ Ht". destruct Hstep as [e1' σ1' e2' σ2' efs t2' t3 Hstep]; simplify_eq/=. iDestruct (big_sepL2_app_inv_l with "Ht") as (Φs1 Φs2 ->) "[? Ht]". iDestruct (big_sepL2_cons_inv_l with "Ht") as (Φ Φs3 ->) "[Ht ?]". iMod (wp'_step with "Hσ Ht") as "H"; first done. iModIntro. iApply (step_fupd_wand with "H"). iIntros ">($ & He2 & -> & ->) !>". rewrite !app_nil_r; iFrame. iPureIntro; split; first done. rewrite !app_length; simpl; lia. Qed. Lemma wptp_steps s n es1 es2 κs σ1 σ2 Φs : nsteps n (es1, σ1) κs (es2, σ2) → state_interp σ1 -∗ wptp s es1 Φs ={∅,∅}=∗ |={∅}▷=>^n |={∅,∅}=> state_interp σ2 ∗ wptp s es2 Φs ∗ ⌜κs= []⌝ ∗ ⌜length es1 = length es2⌝. Proof. revert es1 es2 κs σ1 σ2 Φs. induction n as [|n IH]=> es1 es2 κs σ1 σ2 Φs /=. { inversion_clear 1; iIntros "? ?". iFrame. done. } iIntros (Hsteps) "Hσ He". inversion_clear Hsteps as [|?? [t1' σ1']]. iDestruct (wptp_step with "Hσ He") as ">H"; first eauto; simplify_eq. iModIntro. iApply step_fupd_fupd. iApply (step_fupd_wand with "H"). iIntros ">(Hσ & He & -> & %)". iMod (IH with "Hσ He") as "IH"; first done. iModIntro. iApply (step_fupdN_wand with "IH"). iIntros ">IH". iDestruct "IH" as "(? & ? & -> & %)". iFrame. iPureIntro. split; first done. lia. Qed. Lemma wp_not_stuck e σ E Φ : state_interp σ -∗ wp' NotStuck E e Φ ={E}=∗ ⌜not_stuck e σ⌝. Proof. rewrite wp'_unfold /wp_pre /not_stuck. iIntros "Hσ H". destruct (to_val e) as [v|] eqn:?; first by eauto. iSpecialize ("H" $! σ with "Hσ"). rewrite sep_elim_l. iMod (fupd_plain_mask with "H") as %?; eauto. Qed. Lemma wptp_strong_adequacy Φs s n es1 es2 κs σ1 σ2 : nsteps n (es1, σ1) κs (es2, σ2) → state_interp σ1 -∗ wptp s es1 Φs ={∅,∅}=∗ |={∅}▷=>^n |={∅,∅}=> ⌜ ∀ e2, s = NotStuck → e2 ∈ es2 → not_stuck e2 σ2 ⌝ ∗ state_interp σ2 ∗ ([∗ list] e;Φ ∈ es2;Φs, from_option Φ True (to_val e)) ∗ ⌜length es1 = length es2⌝ ∗ ⌜κs = []⌝. Proof. iIntros (Hstep) "Hσ He". iMod (wptp_steps with "Hσ He") as "Hwp"; first done. iModIntro. iApply (step_fupdN_wand with "Hwp"). iMod 1 as "(Hσ & Ht & $ & $)"; simplify_eq/=. iMod (fupd_plain_keep_l ∅ ⌜ ∀ e2, s = NotStuck → e2 ∈ es2 → not_stuck e2 σ2 ⌝%I (state_interp σ2 ∗ wptp s es2 (Φs))%I with "[$Hσ $Ht]") as "(%&Hσ&Hwp)". { iIntros "(Hσ & Ht)" (e' -> He'). move: He' => /(elem_of_list_split _ _)[?[?->]]. iDestruct (big_sepL2_app_inv_l with "Ht") as (Φs1 Φs2 ?) "[? Hwp]". iDestruct (big_sepL2_cons_inv_l with "Hwp") as (Φ Φs3 ->) "[Hwp ?]". iMod (wp_not_stuck with "Hσ Hwp") as "$"; auto. } iSplitR; first done. iFrame "Hσ". iApply big_sepL2_fupd. iApply (big_sepL2_impl with "Hwp"). iIntros "!#" (? e Φ ??) "Hwp". destruct (to_val e) as [v2|] eqn:He2'; last done. apply of_to_val in He2' as <-. simpl. iApply wp'_value_fupd'. done. Qed. End adequacy. (** Iris's generic adequacy result *) Theorem wp_strong_adequacy Σ Λ `{!invGpreS Σ} e σ1 n κs t2 σ2 φ : (∀ `{Hinv : !invGS_gen HasNoLc Σ}, ⊢ |={⊤}=> ∃ (s: stuckness) (stateI : state Λ → iProp Σ) (Φ : (val Λ → iProp Σ)), let _ : irisGS Λ Σ := IrisG _ _ Hinv stateI in stateI σ1 ∗ (WP e @ s; ⊤ {{ Φ }}) ∗ (∀ e', (* there will only be a single thread *) ⌜ t2 = [e'] ⌝ -∗ (* If this is a stuck-free triple (i.e. [s = NotStuck]), then the thread is not stuck *) ⌜ s = NotStuck → not_stuck e' σ2 ⌝ -∗ (* The state interpretation holds for [σ2] *) stateI σ2 -∗ (* If the thread is done, the post-condition [Φ] holds. Additionally, we can establish that all invariants will hold in this case. *) (from_option (λ v, |={∅,⊤}=> Φ v) True (to_val e')) -∗ (* Under all these assumptions, we can conclude [φ] in the logic. In the case that the thread is done, we can use the last assumption to establish that all invariants hold. After opening all required invariants, one can use [fupd_mask_subseteq] to introduce the fancy update. *) |={∅,∅}=> ⌜ φ ⌝)) → nsteps n ([e], σ1) κs (t2, σ2) → (* Then we can conclude [φ] at the meta-level. *) φ. Proof. intros Hwp ?. eapply pure_soundness. apply (step_fupdN_soundness_no_lc _ n 0)=> Hinv. iIntros "_". iMod Hwp as (s stateI Φ) "(Hσ & Hwp & Hφ)". rewrite /wp swp_eq /swp_def. iMod "Hwp". iMod (@wptp_strong_adequacy _ _ (IrisG _ _ Hinv stateI) [_] with "[Hσ] [Hwp]") as "H";[ done | done | | ]. { by iApply big_sepL2_singleton. } iAssert (|={∅}▷=>^n |={∅}=> ⌜φ⌝)%I with "[-]" as "H"; last first. { destruct n as [ | n ]; first done. iModIntro. by iApply step_fupdN_S_fupd. } iApply (step_fupdN_wand with "H"). iMod 1 as "(%Hns & Hσ & Hval & %Hlen & ->) /=". destruct t2 as [ | e' []]; simpl in Hlen; [lia | | lia]. rewrite big_sepL2_singleton. iApply ("Hφ" with "[//] [%] Hσ Hval"). intros ->. apply Hns; first done. by rewrite elem_of_list_singleton. Qed. (** Since the full adequacy statement is quite a mouthful, we prove some more intuitive and simpler corollaries. These lemmas are morover stated in terms of [rtc erased_step] so one does not have to provide the trace. *) Record adequate {Λ} (s : stuckness) (e1 : expr Λ) (σ1 : state Λ) (φ : val Λ → state Λ → Prop) := { adequate_result t2 σ2 v2 : rtc erased_step ([e1], σ1) (of_val v2 :: t2, σ2) → φ v2 σ2; adequate_not_stuck t2 σ2 e2 : s = NotStuck → rtc erased_step ([e1], σ1) (t2, σ2) → e2 ∈ t2 → not_stuck e2 σ2 }. Lemma adequate_alt {Λ} s e1 σ1 (φ : val Λ → state Λ → Prop) : adequate s e1 σ1 φ ↔ ∀ t2 σ2, rtc erased_step ([e1], σ1) (t2, σ2) → (∀ v2 t2', t2 = of_val v2 :: t2' → φ v2 σ2) ∧ (∀ e2, s = NotStuck → e2 ∈ t2 → not_stuck e2 σ2). Proof. split. - intros []; naive_solver. - constructor; naive_solver. Qed. Theorem adequate_tp_safe {Λ} (e1 : expr Λ) t2 σ1 σ2 φ : adequate NotStuck e1 σ1 φ → rtc erased_step ([e1], σ1) (t2, σ2) → Forall (λ e, is_Some (to_val e)) t2 ∨ ∃ t3 σ3, erased_step (t2, σ2) (t3, σ3). Proof. intros Had ?. destruct (decide (Forall (λ e, is_Some (to_val e)) t2)) as [|Ht2]; [by left|]. apply (not_Forall_Exists _), Exists_exists in Ht2; destruct Ht2 as (e2&?&He2). destruct (adequate_not_stuck NotStuck e1 σ1 φ Had t2 σ2 e2) as [?|(κ&e3&σ3&efs&?)]; rewrite ?eq_None_not_Some; auto. { exfalso. eauto. } destruct (elem_of_list_split t2 e2) as (t2'&t2''&->); auto. right; exists (t2' ++ e3 :: t2'' ++ efs), σ3, κ; econstructor; eauto. Qed. Corollary wp_adequacy Σ Λ `{!invGpreS Σ} s e σ φ : (∀ `{Hinv : !invGS_gen HasNoLc Σ}, ⊢ |={⊤}=> ∃ (stateI : state Λ → iProp Σ), let _ : irisGS Λ Σ := IrisG _ _ Hinv stateI in stateI σ ∗ WP e @ s; ⊤ {{ v, ⌜φ v⌝ }}) → adequate s e σ (λ v _, φ v). Proof. intros Hwp. apply adequate_alt; intros t2 σ2 [n [κs ?]]%erased_steps_nsteps. eapply (wp_strong_adequacy Σ _); [|done]=> ?. iMod Hwp as (stateI) "[Hσ Hwp]". iExists s, stateI, (λ v, ⌜φ v⌝%I) => /=. iIntros "{$Hσ $Hwp} !>" (e2 ->) "% H Hv". destruct (to_val e2) as [ v2 | ] eqn:Hv. - simpl. iMod "Hv" as "%". iApply fupd_mask_intro_discard; [done|]. iSplit; iPureIntro. + intros ??. destruct t2'; last done. intros [= ->]. rewrite to_of_val in Hv. injection Hv as ->. done. + intros ? ?. rewrite elem_of_list_singleton. naive_solver. - iModIntro. iSplit; iPureIntro. + intros ??. destruct t2'; last done. intros [= ->]. rewrite to_of_val in Hv. done. + intros ? ?. rewrite elem_of_list_singleton. naive_solver. Qed.