use super::*; /** Provides an interface between a [`Tile`] and its parent [`Pane`] during [`Tile::update`]. All actions performed through `UpdateContext` will be executed *after* all the tiles have updated. ## Safety Because [`Tile::update`] requires a `&mut self` reference, the current [`Tile`] cannot be accessed through [`UpdateContext::get`] This structure stores the state and signal of the [`FullTile`] containing the current tile, and it is still possible and safe to call [`UpdateContext::send`] on the current position. **/ pub struct UpdateContext<'a> { position: (usize, usize), pane: &'a Pane, state: State, signal: Option, commit: &'a mut UpdateCommit } // SAFETY: self.pane.tiles[self.position] may not be accessed from any method impl<'a> UpdateContext<'a> { /// Returns `None` if the tile was already updated or is empty pub(crate) fn new(pane: &'a mut Pane, position: (usize, usize), commit: &'a mut UpdateCommit) -> Option<(UpdateContext<'a>, &'a mut AnyTile)> { let mut tile = pane.get_mut(position)?; if tile.updated { return None } tile.updated = true; // prevent duplicate updates commit.updates.push(position); let ptr: *mut AnyTile = &mut **(tile.get_mut().as_mut()?); let res = Self { position, state: tile.state(), signal: tile.take_signal(), pane, commit }; // SAFETY: ptr is a valid pointer // SAFETY: aliasing is prevented by the invariants of UpdateContext Some((res, unsafe { &mut *ptr })) } /// Returns the position of the currently updated tile. #[inline] pub fn position(&self) -> (usize, usize) { self.position } /// Returns the [signal](crate::FullTile::signal) of the currently updated tile. #[inline] pub fn signal<'b>(&'b self) -> Option<&'b Signal> where 'a: 'b { self.signal.as_ref() } /// Performs [`std::mem::take`] on the signal of the currently updated tile. #[inline] pub fn take_signal(&mut self) -> Option { std::mem::take(&mut self.signal) } // #[inline] // pub fn set_signal(&mut self, signal: Option) { // *self.signal = signal; // } /// Returns the state of the current tile. #[inline] pub fn state(&self) -> State { self.state } /// Sets the state of the current tile to `state`. #[inline] pub fn set_state(&mut self, state: State) { self.commit.set_state(self.position, state); } /// Sets the state of the current tile to `` #[inline] pub fn next_state(&mut self) { self.commit.set_state(self.position,; } /// Returns an immutable reference to the [FullTile] at `pos` in the current [Pane]. /// Returns `None` if the tile is borrowed mutably, if it is the current tile or if it does not exist. #[inline] pub fn get<'b>(&'b self, pos: (usize, usize)) -> Option<&'b FullTile> where 'a: 'b { if self.position == pos { None } else { self.pane.get(pos) } } /// Returns `Some((position.x + Δx, position.y + Δy))` iff `(x + Δx, y + Δy)` is inside the pane #[inline] pub fn offset(&self, offset: (i8, i8)) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { self.pane.offset(self.position, offset) } /// Shortcut for calling both `ctx.offset(offset)` and `ctx.get(pos)` #[inline] pub fn get_offset<'b>(&'b self, offset: (i8, i8)) -> Option<((usize, usize), &'b FullTile)> where 'a: 'b { self.offset(offset).and_then(|pos| self.get(pos).map(|tile| (pos, tile))) } /// Returns whether or not the tile at `pos` accepts a signal coming from `direction`. /// If the tile does not exist, then this function will return `false`. #[inline] pub fn accepts_signal(&self, pos: (usize, usize), direction: Direction) -> bool { match self.get(pos) { Some(tile) => tile.accepts_signal(direction), None => false } } /// Sends a signal to be stored in a cell (may be the current one), the signal overrides that of the other cell /// Returns true if the signal was stored in a cell, false otherwise. /// The target cell's state will be set to `Active` if it received the signal. /// The signal's `position` will be set to `pos`. pub fn send(&mut self, pos: (usize, usize), mut signal: Signal) -> Option<()> { signal.set_position(pos); if !self.pane.in_bounds(pos) { return None } self.commit.send(pos, signal); Some(()) } } pub(crate) struct UpdateCommit { states: Vec<(usize, usize, State)>, signals: Vec<(usize, usize, Option)>, updates: Vec<(usize, usize)>, } impl UpdateCommit { pub(crate) fn new() -> Self { Self { states: Vec::new(), signals: Vec::new(), updates: Vec::new(), } } fn send(&mut self, pos: (usize, usize), signal: Signal) { self.signals.push((pos.0, pos.1, Some(signal))); } fn set_state(&mut self, pos: (usize, usize), state: State) { self.states.push((pos.0, pos.1, state)); } pub(crate) fn apply(self, pane: &mut Pane) { for (x, y) in self.updates { if let Some(tile) = pane.get_mut((x, y)) { tile.updated = false; } } for (x, y, state) in self.states { if let Some(tile) = pane.get_mut((x, y)) { tile.set_state(state); } } for (x, y, signal) in self.signals { let push_signal = if let Some(tile) = pane.get_mut((x, y)) { tile.set_signal(signal); tile.set_state(State::Active); // For some reason std::mem::drop(tile) isn't enough here true } else { false }; if push_signal { pane.signals.push((x, y)); } } } }