You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

19 lines
456 B

-- Query 9: Liste des consommations de type bière par prix décroissant et libellé croissant
cns.numcons as 'numéro',
cns.libcons as 'libellé',
cns.prixcons as 'prix'
FROM consommation cns
WHERE cns.libcons LIKE "Bière%"
ORDER BY cns.prixcons DESC, cns.libcons ASC;
/* == RESULT ==
110,"Bière 50 Cl",4.5
200,"Bière Blonde",4.5
108,"Bière 33 Cl",3
107,"Bière 25 Cl",2.5
106,"Bière pression",2.5