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import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Subgroup.Basic
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.GroupAction.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Basic
import Rubin.RigidStabilizer
namespace Rubin
open Topology
class LocallyDense (G α : Type _) [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α] :=
∀ U : Set α,
∀ p ∈ U,
p ∈ interior (closure (MulAction.orbit (RigidStabilizer G U) p))
#align is_locally_dense Rubin.LocallyDense
lemma LocallyDense.nonEmpty {G α : Type _} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α] [LocallyDense G α]:
∀ {U : Set α},
Set.Nonempty U →
∃ p ∈ U, p ∈ interior (closure (MulAction.orbit (RigidStabilizer G U) p)) :=
intros U H_ne
exact ⟨H_ne.some, H_ne.some_mem, LocallyDense.isLocallyDense U H_ne.some H_ne.some_mem⟩
class LocallyMoving (G α : Type _) [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α] :=
locally_moving: ∀ U : Set α, IsOpen U → Set.Nonempty U → RigidStabilizer G U ≠ ⊥
#align is_locally_moving Rubin.LocallyMoving
theorem LocallyMoving.get_nontrivial_rist_elem {G α : Type _}
[Group G]
[TopologicalSpace α]
[MulAction G α]
[h_lm : LocallyMoving G α]
{U: Set α}
(U_open : IsOpen U)
(U_nonempty : U.Nonempty) :
∃ x : G, x ∈ RigidStabilizer G U ∧ x ≠ 1 :=
have rist_ne_bot := h_lm.locally_moving U U_open U_nonempty
exact (or_iff_right rist_ne_bot).mp (Subgroup.bot_or_exists_ne_one _)
variable {G α : Type _}
variable [Group G]
variable [TopologicalSpace α]
variable [MulAction G α]
variable [ContinuousMulAction G α]
variable [FaithfulSMul G α]
instance dense_locally_moving [T2Space α]
[H_nip : HasNoIsolatedPoints α]
[H_ld : LocallyDense G α] :
LocallyMoving G α
locally_moving := by
intros U _ H_nonempty
by_contra h_rs
have ⟨elem, ⟨_, some_in_orbit⟩⟩ := H_ld.nonEmpty H_nonempty
rw [h_rs] at some_in_orbit
simp at some_in_orbit
lemma disjoint_nbhd [T2Space α] {g : G} {x : α} (x_moved: g • x ≠ x) :
∃ U: Set α, IsOpen U ∧ x ∈ U ∧ Disjoint U (g •'' U) :=
have ⟨V, W, V_open, W_open, gx_in_V, x_in_W, disjoint_V_W⟩ := T2Space.t2 (g • x) x x_moved
let U := (g⁻¹ •'' V) ∩ W
use U
-- NOTE: if this is common, then we should make a tactic for solving IsOpen goals
exact IsOpen.inter (img_open_open g⁻¹ V V_open) W_open
rw [mem_inv_smulImage]
apply Set.disjoint_of_subset
· apply Set.inter_subset_right
· intro y hy; show y ∈ V
rw [<-smul_inv_smul g y]
rw [<-mem_inv_smulImage]
rw [mem_smulImage] at hy
simp at hy
exact hy.left
· exact disjoint_V_W.symm
lemma disjoint_nbhd_in [T2Space α] {g : G} {x : α} {V : Set α}
(V_open : IsOpen V) (x_in_V : x ∈ V) (x_moved : g • x ≠ x) :
∃ U : Set α, IsOpen U ∧ x ∈ U ∧ U ⊆ V ∧ Disjoint U (g •'' U) :=
have ⟨W, W_open, x_in_W, disjoint_W_img⟩ := disjoint_nbhd x_moved
use W ∩ V
apply IsOpen.inter <;> assumption
constructor <;> assumption
show Disjoint (W ∩ V) (g •'' W ∩ V)
apply Set.disjoint_of_subset
· exact Set.inter_subset_left W V
· show g •'' W ∩ V ⊆ g •'' W
rewrite [smulImage_inter]
exact Set.inter_subset_left _ _
· exact disjoint_W_img
end Rubin