💥 tried to add rubin

Laurent Bartholdi 4 months ago
parent 8737257190
commit 3753948ac8

@ -2354,22 +2354,15 @@ noncomputable def rubin' : EquivariantHomeomorph G (RubinSpace G) α where
rw [<-F_eq, RubinSpace.smul_mk, RubinSpace.lim_mk, RubinSpace.lim_mk]
rw [RubinFilter.smul_lim]
end Equivariant
-- theorem rubin' (hα : RubinAction G α) : EquivariantHomeomorph G α (RubinSpace G) where
-- toFun := fun x => ⟦⟧
-- invFun := fun S => sorry
variable {β : Type _}
variable [TopologicalSpace β] [MulAction G β] [ContinuousConstSMul G β]
variable [TopologicalSpace β] [MulAction G β]
theorem rubin (hα : RubinAction G α) (hβ : RubinAction G β) : EquivariantHomeomorph G α β := by
-- by composing rubin' hα
let h₁ := @rubin'
let h₂ := @rubin' (α := β) -- why doesn't this work?
exact h₂.trans h₁.symm
end Equivariant
end Rubin

@ -43,6 +43,16 @@ def is_equivariant (G : Type _) {β : Type _} [Group G] [MulAction G α]
∀ g : G, ∀ x : α, f (g • x) = g • f x
#align is_equivariant Rubin.is_equivariant
lemma is_equivariant_refl {G : Type _} [Group G] [MulAction G α] : is_equivariant G (id : αα) := by
intro g x
rw [id_eq, id_eq]
lemma is_equivariant_trans {G : Type _} [Group G] [MulAction G α] [MulAction G β] [MulAction G γ]
(h₁ : α → β) (h₂ : β → γ) (e₁ : is_equivariant G h₁) (e₂ : is_equivariant G h₂) :
is_equivariant G (h₂ ∘ h₁) := by
intro g x
rw [Function.comp_apply, Function.comp_apply, e₁, e₂]
lemma disjoint_not_mem {α : Type _} {U V : Set α} (disj: Disjoint U V) :
∀ {x : α}, x ∈ U → x ∉ V :=

@ -9,25 +9,25 @@ import Rubin.MulActionExt
namespace Rubin
-- TODO: give this a notation?
-- TODO: coe to / extend MulActionHom
structure EquivariantHomeomorph (G α β : Type _) [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α]
[TopologicalSpace β] [MulAction G α] [MulAction G β] extends Homeomorph α β where
equivariant : is_equivariant G toFun
#align equivariant_homeomorph Rubin.EquivariantHomeomorph
notation:25 α " ≃ₜ[" G "] " β => EquivariantHomeomorph G α β
variable {G α β : Type _}
variable [Group G]
variable [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β]
variable [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β] [MulAction G α] [MulAction G β]
theorem equivariant_fun [MulAction G α] [MulAction G β]
(h : EquivariantHomeomorph G α β) :
theorem equivariant_fun (h : EquivariantHomeomorph G α β) :
is_equivariant G h.toFun :=
#align equivariant_fun Rubin.equivariant_fun
theorem equivariant_inv [MulAction G α] [MulAction G β]
(h : EquivariantHomeomorph G α β) :
theorem equivariant_inv (h : EquivariantHomeomorph G α β) :
is_equivariant G h.invFun :=
intro g x
@ -37,6 +37,26 @@ theorem equivariant_inv [MulAction G α] [MulAction G β]
exact e
#align equivariant_inv Rubin.equivariant_inv
protected def symm (h : α ≃ₜ[G] β) : β ≃ₜ[G] α where
continuous_toFun := h.continuous_invFun
continuous_invFun := h.continuous_toFun
toEquiv := h.toEquiv.symm
equivariant := equivariant_inv h
protected def refl : α ≃ₜ[G] α where
continuous_toFun := continuous_id
continuous_invFun := continuous_id
toEquiv := Equiv.refl α
equivariant := is_equivariant_refl
/-- Composition of two homeomorphisms. -/
protected def trans {γ : Type _} [TopologicalSpace γ] [MulAction G γ]
(h₁ : α ≃ₜ[G] β) (h₂ : β ≃ₜ[G] γ) : α ≃ₜ[G] γ where
continuous_toFun := h₂.continuous_toFun.comp h₁.continuous_toFun
continuous_invFun := h₁.continuous_invFun.comp h₂.continuous_invFun
toEquiv := Equiv.trans h₁.toEquiv h₂.toEquiv
equivariant := is_equivariant_trans h₁.toFun h₂.toFun h₁.equivariant h₂.equivariant
open Topology
-- Note: this sounds like a general enough theorem that it should already be in mathlib
