@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ lemma remark_1_2 (f g : G) (h_disj : AlgebraicallyDisjoint f g): Commute f g :=
end AlgebraicDisjointness
section RigidStabilizer
section RegularSupport
lemma lemma_2_2 (G: Type _) {α : Type _} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [ContinuousMulAction G α] [FaithfulSMul G α]
[T2Space α] [h_lm : LocallyMoving G α]
@ -482,12 +482,13 @@ by
rw [<-period_hg_eq_n]
apply Period.pow_period_fix
-- This is referred to as `ξ_G^12(f)`
-- TODO: put in a different file and introduce some QoL theorems
def AlgebraicSubgroup {G : Type _} [Group G] (f : G) : Set G :=
(fun g : G => g^12) '' { g : G | IsAlgebraicallyDisjoint f g }
def AlgebraicCentralizer {G: Type _} (α : Type _) [Group G] [MulAction G α] (f : G) : Set G :=
Set.centralizer (AlgebraicSubgroup f)
def AlgebraicCentralizer {G: Type _} [Group G] (f : G) : Subgroup G :=
Subgroup.centralizer (AlgebraicSubgroup f)
-- Given the statement `¬Support α h ⊆ RegularSupport α f`,
-- we construct an open subset within `Support α h \ RegularSupport α f`,
@ -547,19 +548,22 @@ by
simp at exp_eq_zero
exact exp_eq_zero n n_pos
lemma proposition_2_1 {G α : Type _}
[Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [ContinuousMulAction G α] [T2Space α]
[LocallyMoving G α] [h_faithful : FaithfulSMul G α]
(f : G) :
AlgebraicCentralizer α f = RigidStabilizer G (RegularSupport α f) :=
AlgebraicCentralizer f = RigidStabilizer G (RegularSupport α f) :=
apply Set.eq_of_subset_of_subset
ext h
intro h h_in_rist
intro h_in_rist
simp at h_in_rist
unfold AlgebraicCentralizer
rw [Set.mem_centralizer_iff]
rw [Subgroup.mem_centralizer_iff]
intro g g_in_S
simp [AlgebraicSubgroup] at g_in_S
let ⟨g', ⟨g'_alg_disj, g_eq_g'⟩⟩ := g_in_S
@ -581,7 +585,7 @@ by
exact Disjoint.closure_left supp_disj (support_open _)
intro h h_in_centralizer
intro h_in_centralizer
by_contra h_notin_rist
simp at h_notin_rist
rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at h_notin_rist
@ -631,7 +635,69 @@ by
apply h_nc_g12
exact h_in_centralizer _ g12_in_algebraic_subgroup
end RigidStabilizer
-- Small lemma for remark 2.3
theorem rigidStabilizer_inter_bot_iff_regularSupport_disj {G α : Type _}
[Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [ContinuousMulAction G α] [LocallyMoving G α] [FaithfulSMul G α]
{f g : G} :
RigidStabilizer G (RegularSupport α f) ⊓ RigidStabilizer G (RegularSupport α g) = ⊥
↔ Disjoint (RegularSupport α f) (RegularSupport α g) :=
rw [<-rigidStabilizer_inter]
intro rist_disj
by_contra rsupp_not_disj
rw [Set.not_disjoint_iff] at rsupp_not_disj
let ⟨x, x_in_rsupp_f, x_in_rsupp_g⟩ := rsupp_not_disj
have rsupp_open: IsOpen (RegularSupport α f ∩ RegularSupport α g) := by
apply IsOpen.inter <;> exact regularSupport_open _ _
-- The contradiction occurs by applying the definition of LocallyMoving:
apply LocallyMoving.locally_moving (G := G) _ rsupp_open _ rist_disj
exact ⟨x, x_in_rsupp_f, x_in_rsupp_g⟩
intro rsupp_disj
rw [Set.disjoint_iff_inter_eq_empty] at rsupp_disj
rw [rsupp_disj]
by_contra rist_ne_bot
rw [<-ne_eq, Subgroup.ne_bot_iff_exists_ne_one] at rist_ne_bot
let ⟨⟨h, h_in_rist⟩, h_ne_one⟩ := rist_ne_bot
simp at h_ne_one
apply h_ne_one
rw [rigidStabilizer_empty] at h_in_rist
rw [Subgroup.mem_bot] at h_in_rist
exact h_in_rist
This demonstrates that the disjointness of the supports of two elements `f` and `g`
can be proven without knowing anything about how `f` and `g` act on `α`
(bar the more global properties of the group action).
We could prove that the intersection of the algebraic centralizers of `f` and `g` is trivial
purely within group theory, and then apply this theorem to know that their support
in `α` will be disjoint.
lemma remark_2_3 {G α : Type _} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [T2Space α]
[ContinuousMulAction G α] [FaithfulSMul G α] [LocallyMoving G α] {f g : G} :
(AlgebraicCentralizer f) ⊓ (AlgebraicCentralizer g) = ⊥ → Disjoint (Support α f) (Support α g) :=
intro alg_disj
rw [disjoint_interiorClosure_iff (support_open _) (support_open _)]
repeat rw [<-RegularSupport.def]
rw [<-rigidStabilizer_inter_bot_iff_regularSupport_disj]
repeat rw [<-proposition_2_1]
exact alg_disj
end RegularSupport
-- variables [topological_space α] [topological_space β] [continuous_mul_action G α] [continuous_mul_action G β]