🔥 Draft out the end of the proof

There seems to be a lot of details still missing, especially around how to exactly define RubinFilter,
so that any RubinFilter maps to at least one value in α, while allowing me to create a new RubinFilter from
an Ultrafilter α.
Shad Amethyst 5 months ago
parent 65e1ab7fc8
commit ec9587c7e9

@ -1180,11 +1180,11 @@ theorem IsRigidSubgroup.conj {U : Set G} (U_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup U) (g : G) :
def AlgebraicSubsets (V : Set G) : Set (Subgroup G) :=
{W ∈ AlgebraicCentralizerBasis G | W ≤ V}
def AlgebraicOrbit (F : Ultrafilter G) (U : Set G) : Set (Subgroup G) :=
def AlgebraicOrbit (F : Filter G) (U : Set G) : Set (Subgroup G) :=
{ (W_rigid.conj g).toSubgroup | (g ∈ U) (W ∈ F) (W_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup W) }
structure RubinFilter (G : Type _) [Group G] where
filter : Ultrafilter G
filter : Filter G
-- rigid_basis : ∀ S ∈ filter, ∃ T ⊆ S, IsRigidSubgroup T
converges : ∀ U ∈ filter,
IsRigidSubgroup U →
@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ structure RubinFilter (G : Type _) [Group G] where
-- Only really used to prove that ∀ S : Rigid, T : Rigid, S T ∈ F, S ∩ T : Rigid
ne_bot : {1} ∉ filter
instance : Coe (RubinFilter G) (Ultrafilter G) where
instance : Coe (RubinFilter G) (Filter G) where
coe := RubinFilter.filter
section Equivalence
@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@ instance RubinFilter.to_action_filter_neBot {F : RubinFilter G} [Nonempty α] :
use S ∩ T
have ST_in_F : (S ∩ T) ∈ F.filter := by
rw [<-Ultrafilter.mem_coe]
-- rw [<-Ultrafilter.mem_coe]
apply Filter.inter_mem <;> assumption
have ST_subgroup : IsRigidSubgroup (S ∩ T) := by
@ -1256,7 +1256,7 @@ by
apply Filter.mem_iInf_of_mem ⟨U, U_in_filter, U_rigid⟩
intro x
· sorry
· sorry -- pain
noncomputable def RubinFilter.to_action_ultrafilter (F : RubinFilter G) [Nonempty α]: Ultrafilter α :=
Ultrafilter.of (F.to_action_filter α)
@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ by
let ⟨V, V_rigid, V_ss_U, algsubs_ss_algorb⟩ := F.converges U U_in_F U_rigid
let V' := V_rigid.toSubgroup
-- let V' := V_rigid.toSubgroup
-- TODO: subst V' to simplify the proof?
use V_rigid.toRegularSupportBasis α
@ -1346,9 +1346,7 @@ by
end Equivalence
-- TODO: prove that for every rubinfilter, there exists an associated ultrafilter on α that converges
-- Idea: prove that for every rubinfilter, there exists an associated ultrafilter on α that converges
instance RubinFilterSetoid (G : Type _) [Group G] : Setoid (RubinFilter G) where
r F F' := ∀ (U : Set G), IsRigidSubgroup U →
@ -1369,20 +1367,99 @@ instance RubinFilterSetoid (G : Type _) [Group G] : Setoid (RubinFilter G) where
specialize h₂₃ U U_rigid
exact Iff.trans h₁₂ h₂₃
def RubinFilterBasis : Set (Set (RubinFilter G)) :=
(fun S : Subgroup G => { F : RubinFilter G | (S : Set G) ∈ F.filter }) '' AlgebraicCentralizerBasis G
instance : TopologicalSpace (RubinFilter G) := TopologicalSpace.generateFrom RubinFilterBasis
def RubinSpace (G : Type _) [Group G] := Quotient (RubinFilterSetoid G)
-- Topology can be generated from the disconnectedness of the filters
instance : TopologicalSpace (RubinSpace G) := by
unfold RubinSpace
variable {β : Type _}
instance : MulAction G (RubinSpace G) := sorry
variable [TopologicalSpace β] [MulAction G β] [ContinuousConstSMul G β]
end Equivalence
section Convert
open Topology
instance : TopologicalSpace (RubinSpace G) := sorry
variable (G α : Type _)
variable [Group G]
variable [TopologicalSpace α] [Nonempty α] [T2Space α] [HasNoIsolatedPoints α] [LocallyCompactSpace α]
variable [MulAction G α] [ContinuousConstSMul G α] [FaithfulSMul G α] [LocallyMoving G α] [LocallyDense G α]
def RubinFilter.fromElement (x : α) : RubinFilter G where
filter := ⨅ (S ∈ 𝓝 x), Filter.principal G•[S]
converges := by
ne_bot := by
sorry -- this will be fun to try and prove
-- Alternate idea: don't try to compute the associated ultrafilter, and only define a predicate?
theorem RubinFilter.converging_element (F : RubinFilter G) :
∃ p : α, ClusterPt p (F.to_action_ultrafilter α) :=
have univ_in_F : Set.univ ∈ F.filter := Filter.univ_mem
have univ_in_basis : IsRigidSubgroup (G := G) Set.univ := by
sorry -- TODO: prove that Set.univ ≠ {1}, from locallydense
use {}
instance : MulAction G (RubinSpace G) := sorry
let ⟨p, p_in_basis, clusterPt_p⟩ := RubinFilter.to_action_ultrafilter_converges α F univ_in_F univ_in_basis
use p
noncomputable def RubinFilter.toElement (F : RubinFilter G) : α :=
(F.converging_element G α).choose
theorem RubinFilter.toElement_equiv (F F' : RubinFilter G) (equiv : F ≈ F'):
F.toElement G α = F'.toElement G α :=
theorem rubin' (hα : RubinAction G α) : EquivariantHomeomorph G α (RubinSpace G) where
toFun := fun x => ⟦RubinFilter.fromElement (G := G) α x⟧
invFun := fun f => f.liftOn (RubinFilter.toElement G α) (RubinFilter.toElement_equiv G α)
continuous_toFun := by
intro S S_open
rw [<-isOpen_coinduced]
-- Note the sneaky different IsOpen's
-- TODO: apply topologicalbasis on both isopen
continuous_invFun := by
left_inv := by
intro x
right_inv := by
intro F
nth_rw 2 [<-Quotient.out_eq F]
rw [Quotient.eq]
equivariant := by
end Convert
-- Topology can be generated from the disconnectedness of the filters
variable {β : Type _}
variable [TopologicalSpace β] [MulAction G β] [ContinuousConstSMul G β]
#check IsOpen.smul
theorem rubin' (hα : RubinAction G α) : EquivariantHomeomorph G α (RubinSpace G) := by sorry
theorem rubin (hα : RubinAction G α) (hβ : RubinAction G β) : EquivariantHomeomorph G α β := by
-- by composing rubin' hα
