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11 months ago
From stdpp Require Import base relations.
From iris Require Import prelude.
From semantics.lib Require Import sets maps.
From semantics.ts.stlc Require Import lang notation types parallel_subst.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Implicit Types
(Γ : typing_context)
(v : val)
(e : expr)
(A : type).
(* *** Definition of the logical relation. *)
(* In Coq, we need to make argument why the logical relation is well-defined
In particular, we need to show that the mutual recursion between the value
relation and the expression relation, which are defined in terms of each
other, terminates. We therefore define a termination measure [mut_measure]
that makes sure that for each recursive call, we either decrease the size of
the type or switch from the expression case to the value case.
We use the Equations package to define the logical relation, as it's tedious
to make the termination argument work with Coq's built-in support for
recursive functions---but under the hood, Equations also just encodes it as
a Coq Fixpoint.
Inductive val_or_expr : Type :=
| inj_val : val val_or_expr
| inj_expr : expr val_or_expr.
(* The [type_size] function essentially computes the size of the "type tree". *)
Equations type_size (t : type) : nat :=
type_size Int := 1;
type_size (Fun A B) := type_size A + type_size B + 1.
(* The definition of the expression relation uses the value relation -- therefore, it needs to be larger, and we add [1]. *)
Equations mut_measure (ve : val_or_expr) (t : type) : nat :=
mut_measure (inj_val _) t := type_size t;
mut_measure (inj_expr _) t := 1 + type_size t.
(* The main definition of the logical relation.
To handle the mutual recursion, both the expression and value relation are
handled by one definition, with [val_or_expr] determining the case.
The [by wf ..] part tells Equations to use [mut_measure] for the
well-formedness argument.
Equations type_interp (ve : val_or_expr) (t : type) : Prop by wf (mut_measure ve t) := {
type_interp (inj_val v) Int =>
z : Z, v = z ;
type_interp (inj_val v) (A B) =>
x e, v = @LamV x e closed (x :b: nil) e
type_interp (inj_val v') A
type_interp (inj_expr (subst' x v' e)) B;
type_interp (inj_expr e) t =>
v, big_step e v type_interp (inj_val v) t
Next Obligation.
(* [simp] is a tactic provided by [Equations]. It rewrites with the defining equations of the definition.
[simpl]/[cbn] will NOT unfold definitions made with Equations.
repeat simp mut_measure; simp type_size; lia.
Next Obligation.
simp mut_measure. simp type_size.
destruct A; repeat simp mut_measure; repeat simp type_size; lia.
(* We derive the expression/value relation.
Note that these are [Notation], not [Definition]: we are not introducing new
terms here that have to be unfolded, we are merely introducing a notational
short-hand. This means tactics like [simp] can still "see" the underlying
[type_interp], which makes proofs a lot more pleasant. *)
Notation sem_val_rel t v := (type_interp (inj_val v) t).
Notation sem_expr_rel t e := (type_interp (inj_expr e) t).
Notation 𝒱 t v := (sem_val_rel t v).
Notation t v := (sem_expr_rel t v).
(* *** Semantic typing of contexts *)
(* Substitutions map to expressions (as opposed to values)) -- this is so that
we can more easily reuse notions like closedness *)
Implicit Types
(θ : gmap string expr).
Inductive sem_context_rel : typing_context (gmap string expr) Prop :=
| sem_context_rel_empty : sem_context_rel
| sem_context_rel_insert Γ θ v x A :
𝒱 A v
sem_context_rel Γ θ
sem_context_rel (<[x := A]> Γ) (<[x := of_val v]> θ).
Notation 𝒢 := sem_context_rel.
(* The semantic typing judgement. Note that we require e to be closed under Γ.
This is not strictly required for the semantic soundness proof, but does
make it more elegant. *)
Definition sem_typed Γ e A :=
closed (elements (dom Γ)) e
θ, 𝒢 Γ θ A (subst_map θ e).
Notation "Γ ⊨ e : A" := (sem_typed Γ e A) (at level 74, e, A at next level).
(* We start by proving a couple of helper lemmas that will be useful later. *)
Lemma sem_expr_rel_of_val A v:
A v 𝒱 A v.
simp type_interp.
intros (v' & ->%big_step_inv_vals & Hv').
apply Hv'.
Lemma val_inclusion A v:
𝒱 A v A v.
intros H. simp type_interp. eauto using big_step_vals.
Lemma val_rel_closed v A:
𝒱 A v closed [] v.
induction A; simp type_interp.
- intros [z ->]. done.
- intros (x & e & -> & Hcl & _). done.
Lemma sem_context_rel_closed Γ θ:
𝒢 Γ θ subst_closed [] θ.
induction 1; rewrite /subst_closed.
- naive_solver.
- intros y e. rewrite lookup_insert_Some.
intros [[-> <-]|[Hne Hlook]].
+ by eapply val_rel_closed.
+ eapply IHsem_context_rel; last done.
(* This is essentially an inversion lemma for 𝒢 *)
Lemma sem_context_rel_vals Γ θ x A :
𝒢 Γ θ
Γ !! x = Some A
e v, θ !! x = Some e to_val e = Some v 𝒱 A v.
induction 1 as [|Γ θ v y B Hvals Hctx IH].
- naive_solver.
- rewrite lookup_insert_Some. intros [[-> ->]|[Hne Hlook]].
+ do 2 eexists. split; first by rewrite lookup_insert.
split; first by eapply to_of_val. done.
+ eapply IH in Hlook as (e & w & Hlook & He & Hval).
do 2 eexists; split; first by rewrite lookup_insert_ne.
split; first done. done.
Lemma sem_context_rel_dom Γ θ :
𝒢 Γ θ dom Γ = dom θ.
induction 1.
- by rewrite !dom_empty.
- rewrite !dom_insert. congruence.
(* *** Compatibility lemmas *)
Lemma compat_int Γ z : Γ (LitInt z) : Int.
split; first done.
intros θ _. simp type_interp.
exists z. split; simpl.
- constructor.
- simp type_interp. eauto.
Lemma compat_var Γ x A :
Γ !! x = Some A
Γ (Var x) : A.
intros Hx. split.
{ eapply bool_decide_pack, elem_of_elements, elem_of_dom_2, Hx. }
intros θ Hctx; simpl.
eapply sem_context_rel_vals in Hx as (e & v & He & Heq & Hv); last done.
rewrite He. simp type_interp. exists v. split; last done.
rewrite -(of_to_val _ _ Heq).
by apply big_step_vals.
Lemma compat_app Γ e1 e2 A B :
Γ e1 : (A B)
Γ e2 : A
Γ (e1 e2) : B.
intros [Hfuncl Hfun] [Hargcl Harg]. split.
{ simpl. eauto. }
intros θ Hctx; simpl.
specialize (Hfun _ Hctx). simp type_interp in Hfun. destruct Hfun as (v1 & Hbs1 & Hv1).
simp type_interp in Hv1. destruct Hv1 as (x & e & -> & Hcl & Hv1).
specialize (Harg _ Hctx). simp type_interp in Harg.
destruct Harg as (v2 & Hbs2 & Hv2).
apply Hv1 in Hv2.
simp type_interp in Hv2. destruct Hv2 as (v & Hbsv & Hv).
simp type_interp.
exists v. split; last done.
(* Compatibility for [lam] unfortunately needs a very technical helper lemma. *)
Lemma lam_closed Γ θ (x : string) A e :
closed (elements (dom (<[x:=A]> Γ))) e
𝒢 Γ θ
closed [] (Lam x (subst_map (delete x θ) e)).
intros Hcl Hctxt.
eapply subst_map_closed'_2.
- eapply closed_weaken; first done.
rewrite dom_delete dom_insert (sem_context_rel_dom Γ θ) //.
(* The [set_solver] tactic is great for solving goals involving set
inclusion and union. However, when set difference is involved, it can't
always solve the goal -- we need to help it by doing a case distinction on
whether the element we are considering is [x] or not. *)
intros y. destruct (decide (x = y)); set_solver.
- eapply subst_closed_weaken, sem_context_rel_closed; last done.
+ set_solver.
+ apply map_delete_subseteq.
Lemma compat_lam Γ x e A B :
(<[ x := A ]> Γ) e : B
Γ (Lam (BNamed x) e) : (A B).
intros [Hbodycl Hbody]. split.
{ simpl. eapply closed_weaken; first eassumption. set_solver. }
intros θ Hctxt. simpl. simp type_interp.
split; first by eauto.
simp type_interp.
eexists x, _. split; first reflexivity.
split; first by eapply lam_closed.
intros v' Hv'.
specialize (Hbody (<[ x := of_val v']> θ)).
simpl. rewrite subst_subst_map; last by eapply sem_context_rel_closed.
apply Hbody.
apply sem_context_rel_insert; done.
Lemma compat_add Γ e1 e2 :
Γ e1 : Int
Γ e2 : Int
Γ (e1 + e2) : Int.
intros [Hcl1 He1] [Hcl2 He2]. split.
{ simpl. eauto. }
intros θ Hctx.
simp type_interp.
specialize (He1 _ Hctx). specialize (He2 _ Hctx).
simp type_interp in He1. simp type_interp in He2.
destruct He1 as (v1 & Hb1 & Hv1).
destruct He2 as (v2 & Hb2 & Hv2).
simp type_interp in Hv1, Hv2.
destruct Hv1 as (z1 & ->). destruct Hv2 as (z2 & ->).
exists (z1 + z2)%Z. split.
- constructor; done.
- exists (z1 + z2)%Z. done.
Lemma sem_soundness Γ e A :
(Γ e : A)%ty
Γ e : A.
induction 1 as [ | Γ x e A B Hsyn IH | | | ].
- by apply compat_var.
- by apply compat_lam.
- apply compat_int.
- by eapply compat_app.
- by apply compat_add.
Lemma termination e A :
( e : A)%ty
v, big_step e v.
intros [Hsemcl Hsem]%sem_soundness.
specialize (Hsem ).
simp type_interp in Hsem.
rewrite subst_map_empty in Hsem.
destruct Hsem as (v & Hbs & _); last eauto.