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11 months ago
From stdpp Require Import base relations.
From iris Require Import prelude.
From semantics.lib Require Import maps.
From semantics.ts.systemf Require Import lang notation.
From Autosubst Require Export Autosubst.
(** ** Syntactic typing *)
(** We use De Bruijn indices with the help of the Autosubst library. *)
Inductive type : Type :=
(** [var] is the type of variables of Autosubst -- it unfolds to [nat] *)
| TVar : var type
| Int
| Bool
| Unit
(** The [{bind 1 of type}] tells Autosubst to put a De Bruijn binder here *)
| TForall : {bind 1 of type} type
| TExists : {bind 1 of type} type
| Fun (A B : type)
| Prod (A B : type)
| Sum (A B : type).
(** Autosubst instances.
This lets Autosubst do its magic and derive all the substitution functions, etc.
#[export] Instance Ids_type : Ids type. derive. Defined.
#[export] Instance Rename_type : Rename type. derive. Defined.
#[export] Instance Subst_type : Subst type. derive. Defined.
#[export] Instance SubstLemmas_typer : SubstLemmas type. derive. Qed.
Definition typing_context := gmap string type.
Implicit Types
(Γ : typing_context)
(v : val)
(e : expr).
Declare Scope FType_scope.
Delimit Scope FType_scope with ty.
Bind Scope FType_scope with type.
Notation "# x" := (TVar x) : FType_scope.
Infix "" := Fun : FType_scope.
Notation "(→)" := Fun (only parsing) : FType_scope.
Notation "∀: τ" :=
(TForall τ%ty)
(at level 100, τ at level 200) : FType_scope.
Notation "∃: τ" :=
(TExists τ%ty)
(at level 100, τ at level 200) : FType_scope.
Infix "×" := Prod (at level 70) : FType_scope.
Notation "(×)" := Prod (only parsing) : FType_scope.
Infix "+" := Sum : FType_scope.
Notation "(+)" := Sum (only parsing) : FType_scope.
(** Shift all the indices in the context by one,
used when inserting a new type interpretation in Δ. *)
(* [<$>] is notation for the [fmap] operation that maps the substitution over the whole map. *)
(* [ren] is Autosubst's renaming operation -- it renames all type variables according to the given function,
in this case [(+1)] to shift the variables up by 1. *)
Notation "⤉ Γ" := (Autosubst_Classes.subst (ren (+1)) <$> Γ) (at level 10, format "⤉ Γ").
Reserved Notation "'TY' n ; Γ ⊢ e : A" (at level 74, e, A at next level).
(** [type_wf n A] states that a type [A] has only free variables up to < [n].
(in other words, all variables occurring free are strictly bounded by [n]). *)
Inductive type_wf : nat type Prop :=
| type_wf_TVar m n:
m < n
type_wf n (TVar m)
| type_wf_Int n: type_wf n Int
| type_wf_Bool n : type_wf n Bool
| type_wf_Unit n : type_wf n Unit
| type_wf_TForall n A :
type_wf (S n) A
type_wf n (TForall A)
| type_wf_TExists n A :
type_wf (S n) A
type_wf n (TExists A)
| type_wf_Fun n A B:
type_wf n A
type_wf n B
type_wf n (Fun A B)
| type_wf_Prod n A B :
type_wf n A
type_wf n B
type_wf n (Prod A B)
| type_wf_Sum n A B :
type_wf n A
type_wf n B
type_wf n (Sum A B)
#[export] Hint Constructors type_wf : core.
Inductive bin_op_typed : bin_op type type type Prop :=
| plus_op_typed : bin_op_typed PlusOp Int Int Int
| minus_op_typed : bin_op_typed MinusOp Int Int Int
| mul_op_typed : bin_op_typed MultOp Int Int Int
| lt_op_typed : bin_op_typed LtOp Int Int Bool
| le_op_typed : bin_op_typed LeOp Int Int Bool
| eq_op_typed : bin_op_typed EqOp Int Int Bool.
#[export] Hint Constructors bin_op_typed : core.
Inductive un_op_typed : un_op type type Prop :=
| neg_op_typed : un_op_typed NegOp Bool Bool
| minus_un_op_typed : un_op_typed MinusUnOp Int Int.
Inductive syn_typed : nat typing_context expr type Prop :=
| typed_var n Γ x A :
Γ !! x = Some A
TY n; Γ (Var x) : A
| typed_lam n Γ x e A B :
TY n ; (<[ x := A]> Γ) e : B
type_wf n A
TY n; Γ (Lam (BNamed x) e) : (A B)
| typed_lam_anon n Γ e A B :
TY n ; Γ e : B
type_wf n A
TY n; Γ (Lam BAnon e) : (A B)
| typed_tlam n Γ e A :
(* we need to shift the context up as we descend under a binder *)
TY S n; ( Γ) e : A
TY n; Γ (Λ, e) : (: A)
| typed_tapp n Γ A B e :
TY n; Γ e : (: A)
type_wf n B
(* A.[B/] is the notation for Autosubst's substitution operation that
replaces variable 0 by [B] *)
TY n; Γ (e <>) : (A.[B/])
| typed_pack n Γ A B e :
type_wf n B
type_wf (S n) A
TY n; Γ e : (A.[B/])
TY n; Γ (pack e) : (: A)
| typed_unpack n Γ A B e e' x :
type_wf n B (* we should not leak the existential! *)
TY n; Γ e : (: A)
(* As we descend under a type variable binder for the typing of [e'],
we need to shift the indices in [Γ] and [B] up by one.
On the other hand, [A] is already defined under this binder, so we need not shift it.
TY (S n); (<[x := A]>(Γ)) e' : (B.[ren (+1)])
TY n; Γ (unpack e as BNamed x in e') : B
| typed_int n Γ z : TY n; Γ (Lit $ LitInt z) : Int
| typed_bool n Γ b : TY n; Γ (Lit $ LitBool b) : Bool
| typed_unit n Γ : TY n; Γ (Lit $ LitUnit) : Unit
| typed_if n Γ e0 e1 e2 A :
TY n; Γ e0 : Bool
TY n; Γ e1 : A
TY n; Γ e2 : A
TY n; Γ If e0 e1 e2 : A
| typed_app n Γ e1 e2 A B :
TY n; Γ e1 : (A B)
TY n; Γ e2 : A
TY n; Γ (e1 e2)%E : B
| typed_binop n Γ e1 e2 op A B C :
bin_op_typed op A B C
TY n; Γ e1 : A
TY n; Γ e2 : B
TY n; Γ BinOp op e1 e2 : C
| typed_unop n Γ e op A B :
un_op_typed op A B
TY n; Γ e : A
TY n; Γ UnOp op e : B
| typed_pair n Γ e1 e2 A B :
TY n; Γ e1 : A
TY n; Γ e2 : B
TY n; Γ (e1, e2) : A × B
| typed_fst n Γ e A B :
TY n; Γ e : A × B
TY n; Γ Fst e : A
| typed_snd n Γ e A B :
TY n; Γ e : A × B
TY n; Γ Snd e : B
| typed_injl n Γ e A B :
type_wf n B
TY n; Γ e : A
TY n; Γ InjL e : A + B
| typed_injr n Γ e A B :
type_wf n A
TY n; Γ e : B
TY n; Γ InjR e : A + B
| typed_case n Γ e e1 e2 A B C :
TY n; Γ e : B + C
TY n; Γ e1 : (B A)
TY n; Γ e2 : (C A)
TY n; Γ Case e e1 e2 : A
where "'TY' n ; Γ ⊢ e : A" := (syn_typed n Γ e%E A%ty).
#[export] Hint Constructors syn_typed : core.
(** Examples *)
Goal TY 0; (λ: "x", #1 + "x")%E : (Int Int).
Proof. eauto. Qed.
(** [∀: #0 → #0] corresponds to [∀ α. αα] with named binders. *)
Goal TY 0; (Λ, λ: "x", "x")%E : (: #0 #0).
Proof. repeat econstructor. Qed.
Goal TY 0; (pack ((λ: "x", "x"), #42)) : : (#0 #0) × #0.
apply (typed_pack _ _ _ Int).
- eauto.
- repeat econstructor.
- (* [asimpl] is Autosubst's tactic for simplifying goals involving type substitutions. *)
asimpl. eauto.
Goal TY 0; (unpack (pack ((λ: "x", "x"), #42)) as "y" in (λ: "x", #1337) ((Fst "y") (Snd "y"))) : Int.
(* if we want to typecheck stuff with existentials, we need a bit more explicit proofs.
Letting eauto try to instantiate the evars becomes too expensive. *)
apply (typed_unpack _ _ ((#0 #0) × #0)%ty).
- done.
- apply (typed_pack _ _ _ Int); asimpl; eauto.
repeat econstructor.
- eapply (typed_app _ _ _ _ (#0)%ty); eauto 10.
(** fails: we are not allowed to leak the existential *)
Goal TY 0; (unpack (pack ((λ: "x", "x"), #42)) as "y" in (Fst "y") (Snd "y")) : #0.
apply (typed_unpack _ _ ((#0 #0) × #0)%ty).
(* derived typing rule for match *)
Lemma typed_match n Γ e e1 e2 x1 x2 A B C :
type_wf n B
type_wf n C
TY n; Γ e : B + C
TY n; <[x1 := B]> Γ e1 : A
TY n; <[x2 := C]> Γ e2 : A
TY n; Γ match: e with InjL (BNamed x1) => e1 | InjR (BNamed x2) => e2 end : A.
Proof. eauto. Qed.
Lemma syn_typed_closed n Γ e A X :
TY n ; Γ e : A
( x, x dom Γ x X)
is_closed X e.
induction 1 as [ | ??????? IH | | n Γ e A H IH | | | n Γ A B e e' x Hwf H1 IH1 H2 IH2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | ] in X |-*; simpl; intros Hx; try done.
{ (* var *) apply bool_decide_pack, Hx. apply elem_of_dom; eauto. }
{ (* lam *) apply IH.
intros y. rewrite elem_of_dom lookup_insert_is_Some.
intros [<- | [? Hy]]; first by apply elem_of_cons; eauto.
apply elem_of_cons. right. eapply Hx. by apply elem_of_dom.
{ (* anon lam *) naive_solver. }
{ (* tlam *)
eapply IH. intros x Hel. apply Hx.
by rewrite dom_fmap in Hel.
3: { (* unpack *)
apply andb_True; split.
- apply IH1. apply Hx.
- apply IH2. intros y. rewrite elem_of_dom lookup_insert_is_Some.
intros [<- | [? Hy]]; first by apply elem_of_cons; eauto.
apply elem_of_cons. right. eapply Hx.
apply elem_of_dom. revert Hy. rewrite lookup_fmap fmap_is_Some. done.
(* everything else *)
all: repeat match goal with
| |- Is_true (_ && _) => apply andb_True; split
all: try naive_solver.
(** *** Lemmas about [type_wf] *)
Lemma type_wf_mono n m A:
type_wf n A n m type_wf m A.
induction 1 in m |-*; eauto with lia.
Lemma type_wf_rename n A δ:
type_wf n A
( i j, i < j δ i < δ j)
type_wf (δ n) (rename δ A).
induction 1 in δ |-*; intros Hmon; simpl; eauto.
all: econstructor; eapply type_wf_mono; first eapply IHtype_wf; last done.
all: intros i j Hlt; destruct i, j; simpl; try lia.
all: rewrite -Nat.succ_lt_mono; eapply Hmon; lia.
(** [A.[σ]], i.e. [A] with the substitution [σ] applied to it, is well-formed under [m] if
[A] is well-formed under [n] and all the things we substitute up to [n] are well-formed under [m].
Lemma type_wf_subst n m A σ:
type_wf n A
( x, x < n type_wf m (σ x))
type_wf m A.[σ].
induction 1 in m, σ |-*; intros Hsub; simpl; eauto.
+ econstructor; eapply IHtype_wf.
intros [|x]; rewrite /up //=.
- econstructor. lia.
- intros Hlt % Nat.succ_lt_mono. eapply type_wf_rename; eauto.
intros i j Hlt'; simpl; lia.
+ econstructor; eapply IHtype_wf.
intros [|x]; rewrite /up //=.
- econstructor. lia.
- intros Hlt % Nat.succ_lt_mono. eapply type_wf_rename; eauto.
intros i j Hlt'; simpl; lia.
Lemma type_wf_single_subst n A B: type_wf n B type_wf (S n) A type_wf n A.[B/].
intros HB HA. eapply type_wf_subst; first done.
intros [|x]; simpl; eauto.
intros ?; econstructor. lia.
(** We lift [type_wf] to well-formedness of contexts *)
Definition ctx_wf n Γ := ( x A, Γ !! x = Some A type_wf n A).
Lemma ctx_wf_empty n : ctx_wf n .
Proof. rewrite /ctx_wf. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma ctx_wf_insert n x Γ A: ctx_wf n Γ type_wf n A ctx_wf n (<[x := A]> Γ).
Proof. intros H1 H2 y B. rewrite lookup_insert_Some. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma ctx_wf_up n Γ:
ctx_wf n Γ ctx_wf (S n) (Γ).
intros Hwf x A; rewrite lookup_fmap.
intros (B & Hlook & ->) % fmap_Some.
asimpl. eapply type_wf_subst; first eauto.
intros y Hlt. simpl. econstructor. lia.
Hint Resolve ctx_wf_empty ctx_wf_insert ctx_wf_up : core.
(** Well-typed terms at [A] under a well-formed context have well-formed types [A].*)
Lemma syn_typed_wf n Γ e A:
ctx_wf n Γ
TY n; Γ e : A
type_wf n A.
intros Hwf; induction 1 as [ | n Γ x e A B Hty IH Hwfty | | n Γ e A Hty IH | n Γ A B e Hty IH Hwfty | n Γ A B e Hwfty Hty IH| | | | | | n Γ e1 e2 A B HtyA IHA HtyB IHB | n Γ e1 e2 op A B C Hop HtyA IHA HtyB IHB | n Γ e op A B Hop H IH | n Γ e1 e2 A B HtyA IHA HtyB IHB | n Γ e A B Hty IH | n Γ e A B Hty IH | n Γ e A B Hwfty Hty IH | n Γ e A B Hwfty Hty IH| n Γ e e1 e2 A B C Htye IHe Htye1 IHe1 Htye2 IHe2 ]; eauto.
- eapply type_wf_single_subst; first done.
specialize (IH Hwf) as Hwf'.
by inversion Hwf'.
- specialize (IHA Hwf) as Hwf'.
by inversion Hwf'; subst.
- inversion Hop; subst; eauto.
- inversion Hop; subst; eauto.
- specialize (IH Hwf) as Hwf'. by inversion Hwf'; subst.
- specialize (IH Hwf) as Hwf'. by inversion Hwf'; subst.
- specialize (IHe1 Hwf) as Hwf''. by inversion Hwf''; subst.
Lemma renaming_inclusion Γ Δ : Γ Δ Γ Δ.
eapply map_fmap_mono.
Lemma typed_weakening n m Γ Δ e A:
TY n; Γ e : A
n m
TY m; Δ e : A.
induction 1 as [| n Γ x e A B Htyp IH | | n Γ e A Htyp IH | | |n Γ A B e e' x Hwf H1 IH1 H2 IH2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | ] in Δ, m |-*; intros Hsub Hle; eauto using type_wf_mono.
- (* var *) econstructor. by eapply lookup_weaken.
- (* lam *) econstructor; last by eapply type_wf_mono. eapply IH; eauto. by eapply insert_mono.
- (* tlam *) econstructor. eapply IH; last by lia. by eapply renaming_inclusion.
- (* pack *)
econstructor; last naive_solver. all: (eapply type_wf_mono; [ done | lia]).
- (* unpack *) econstructor.
+ eapply type_wf_mono; done.
+ eapply IH1; done.
+ eapply IH2; last lia. apply insert_mono. by apply renaming_inclusion.
Lemma type_wf_subst_dom σ τ n A:
type_wf n A
( m, m < n σ m = τ m)
A.[σ] = A.[τ].
induction 1 in σ, τ |-*; simpl; eauto.
- (* tforall *)
intros Heq; asimpl. f_equal.
eapply IHtype_wf; intros [|m]; rewrite /up; simpl; first done.
intros Hlt. f_equal. eapply Heq. lia.
- (* texists *)
intros Heq; asimpl. f_equal.
eapply IHtype_wf. intros [ | m]; rewrite /up; simpl; first done.
intros Hlt. f_equal. apply Heq. lia.
- (* fun *) intros ?. f_equal; eauto.
- (* prod *) intros ?. f_equal; eauto.
- (* sum *) intros ?. f_equal; eauto.
Lemma type_wf_closed A σ:
type_wf 0 A
A.[σ] = A.
intros Hwf; erewrite (type_wf_subst_dom _ (ids) 0).
- by asimpl.
- done.
- intros ??; lia.
(** Typing inversion lemmas *)
Lemma var_inversion Γ n (x: string) A: TY n; Γ x : A Γ !! x = Some A.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; auto. Qed.
Lemma lam_inversion n Γ (x: string) e C:
TY n; Γ (λ: x, e) : C
A B, C = (A B)%ty type_wf n A TY n; <[x:=A]> Γ e : B.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto 10. Qed.
Lemma lam_anon_inversion n Γ e C:
TY n; Γ (λ: <>, e) : C
A B, C = (A B)%ty type_wf n A TY n; Γ e : B.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto 10. Qed.
Lemma app_inversion n Γ e1 e2 B:
TY n; Γ e1 e2 : B
A, TY n; Γ e1 : (A B) TY n; Γ e2 : A.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
Lemma if_inversion n Γ e0 e1 e2 B:
TY n; Γ If e0 e1 e2 : B
TY n; Γ e0 : Bool TY n; Γ e1 : B TY n; Γ e2 : B.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
Lemma binop_inversion n Γ op e1 e2 B:
TY n; Γ BinOp op e1 e2 : B
A1 A2, bin_op_typed op A1 A2 B TY n; Γ e1 : A1 TY n; Γ e2 : A2.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
Lemma unop_inversion n Γ op e B:
TY n; Γ UnOp op e : B
A, un_op_typed op A B TY n; Γ e : A.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
Lemma type_app_inversion n Γ e B:
TY n; Γ e <> : B
A C, B = A.[C/] type_wf n C TY n; Γ e : (: A).
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
Lemma type_lam_inversion n Γ e B:
TY n; Γ (Λ,e) : B
A, B = (: A)%ty TY (S n); Γ e : A.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
Lemma type_pack_inversion n Γ e B :
TY n; Γ (pack e) : B
A C, B = (: A)%ty TY n; Γ e : (A.[C/])%ty type_wf n C type_wf (S n) A.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto 10. Qed.
Lemma type_unpack_inversion n Γ e e' x B :
TY n; Γ (unpack e as x in e') : B
A x', x = BNamed x' type_wf n B TY n; Γ e : (: A) TY S n; <[x' := A]> (Γ) e' : (B.[ren (+1)]).
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto 10. Qed.
Lemma pair_inversion n Γ e1 e2 C :
TY n; Γ (e1, e2) : C
A B, C = (A × B)%ty TY n; Γ e1 : A TY n; Γ e2 : B.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
Lemma fst_inversion n Γ e A :
TY n; Γ Fst e : A
B, TY n; Γ e : A × B.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
Lemma snd_inversion n Γ e B :
TY n; Γ Snd e : B
A, TY n; Γ e : A × B.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
Lemma injl_inversion n Γ e C :
TY n; Γ InjL e : C
A B, C = (A + B)%ty TY n; Γ e : A type_wf n B.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
Lemma injr_inversion n Γ e C :
TY n; Γ InjR e : C
A B, C = (A + B)%ty TY n; Γ e : B type_wf n A.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
Lemma case_inversion n Γ e e1 e2 A :
TY n; Γ Case e e1 e2 : A
B C, TY n; Γ e : B + C TY n; Γ e1 : (B A) TY n; Γ e2 : (C A).
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
Lemma typed_substitutivity n e e' Γ (x: string) A B :
TY 0; e' : A
TY n; (<[x := A]> Γ) e : B
TY n; Γ lang.subst x e' e : B.
intros He'. revert n B Γ; induction e as [| y | y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ]; intros n B Γ; simpl.
- inversion 1; subst; auto.
- intros Hp % var_inversion.
destruct (decide (x = y)).
+ subst. rewrite lookup_insert in Hp. injection Hp as ->.
eapply typed_weakening; [done| |lia]. apply map_empty_subseteq.
+ rewrite lookup_insert_ne in Hp; last done. auto.
- destruct y as [ | y].
{ intros (A' & C & -> & Hwf & Hty) % lam_anon_inversion.
econstructor; last done. destruct decide as [Heq|].
+ congruence.
+ eauto.
intros (A' & C & -> & Hwf & Hty) % lam_inversion.
econstructor; last done. destruct decide as [Heq|].
+ injection Heq as [= ->]. by rewrite insert_insert in Hty.
+ rewrite insert_commute in Hty; last naive_solver. eauto.
- intros (C & Hty1 & Hty2) % app_inversion. eauto.
- intros (? & Hop & H1) % unop_inversion.
destruct op; inversion Hop; subst; eauto.
- intros (? & ? & Hop & H1 & H2) % binop_inversion.
destruct op; inversion Hop; subst; eauto.
- intros (H1 & H2 & H3)%if_inversion. naive_solver.
- intros (C & D & -> & Hwf & Hty) % type_app_inversion. eauto.
- intros (C & -> & Hty)%type_lam_inversion. econstructor.
eapply IHe. revert Hty. rewrite fmap_insert.
eapply syn_typed_wf in He'; last by naive_solver.
rewrite type_wf_closed; eauto.
- intros (C & D & -> & Hty & Hwf1 & Hwf2)%type_pack_inversion.
econstructor; [done..|]. apply IHe. done.
- intros (C & x' & -> & Hwf & Hty1 & Hty2)%type_unpack_inversion.
econstructor; first done.
+ eapply IHe1. done.
+ destruct decide as [Heq | ].
* injection Heq as [= ->]. by rewrite fmap_insert insert_insert in Hty2.
* rewrite fmap_insert in Hty2. rewrite insert_commute in Hty2; last naive_solver.
eapply IHe2. rewrite type_wf_closed in Hty2; first done.
eapply syn_typed_wf; last apply He'. done.
- intros (? & ? & -> & ? & ?) % pair_inversion. eauto.
- intros (? & ?)%fst_inversion. eauto.
- intros (? & ?)%snd_inversion. eauto.
- intros (? & ? & -> & ? & ?)%injl_inversion. eauto.
- intros (? & ? & -> & ? & ?)%injr_inversion. eauto.
- intros (? & ? & ? & ? & ?)%case_inversion. eauto.
(** Canonical values *)
Lemma canonical_values_arr n Γ e A B:
TY n; Γ e : (A B)
is_val e
x e', e = (λ: x, e')%E.
inversion 1; simpl; naive_solver.
Lemma canonical_values_forall n Γ e A:
TY n; Γ e : (: A)%ty
is_val e
e', e = (Λ, e')%E.
inversion 1; simpl; naive_solver.
Lemma canonical_values_exists n Γ e A :
TY n; Γ e : (: A)
is_val e
e', e = (pack e')%E.
Proof. inversion 1; simpl; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma canonical_values_int n Γ e:
TY n; Γ e : Int
is_val e
n: Z, e = (#n)%E.
inversion 1; simpl; naive_solver.
Lemma canonical_values_bool n Γ e:
TY n; Γ e : Bool
is_val e
b: bool, e = (#b)%E.
inversion 1; simpl; naive_solver.
Lemma canonical_values_unit n Γ e:
TY n; Γ e : Unit
is_val e
e = (#LitUnit)%E.
inversion 1; simpl; naive_solver.
Lemma canonical_values_prod n Γ e A B :
TY n; Γ e : A × B
is_val e
e1 e2, e = (e1, e2)%E is_val e1 is_val e2.
inversion 1; simpl; naive_solver.
Lemma canonical_values_sum n Γ e A B :
TY n; Γ e : A + B
is_val e
( e', e = InjL e' is_val e') ( e', e = InjR e' is_val e').
inversion 1; simpl; naive_solver.
(** Progress *)
Lemma typed_progress e A:
TY 0; e : A is_val e reducible e.
remember as Γ. remember 0 as n.
induction 1 as [| | | | n Γ A B e Hty IH | n Γ A B e Hwf Hwf' Hty IH | n Γ A B e e' x Hwf Hty1 IH1 Hty2 IH2 | | | | n Γ e0 e1 e2 A Hty1 IH1 Hty2 IH2 Hty3 IH3 | n Γ e1 e2 A B Hty IH1 _ IH2 | n Γ e1 e2 op A B C Hop Hty1 IH1 Hty2 IH2 | n Γ e op A B Hop Hty IH | n Γ e1 e2 A B Hty1 IH1 Hty2 IH2 | n Γ e A B Hty IH | n Γ e A B Hty IH | n Γ e A B Hwf Hty IH | n Γ e A B Hwf Hty IH| n Γ e e1 e2 A B C Htye IHe Htye1 IHe1 Htye2 IHe2].
- subst. naive_solver.
- left. done.
- left. done.
- (* big lambda *) left; done.
- (* type app *)
right. destruct (IH HeqΓ Heqn) as [H1|H1].
+ eapply canonical_values_forall in Hty as [e' ->]; last done.
eexists. eapply base_contextual_step. eapply TBetaS.
+ destruct H1 as [e' H1]. eexists. eauto.
- (* pack *)
(* FIXME this will be an exercise for you soon :) *)
- (* unpack *)
(* FIXME this will be an exercise for you soon :) *)
- (* int *)left. done.
- (* bool*) left. done.
- (* unit *) left. done.
- (* if *)
destruct (IH1 HeqΓ Heqn) as [H1 | H1].
+ eapply canonical_values_bool in Hty1 as (b & ->); last done.
right. destruct b; eexists; eapply base_contextual_step; constructor.
+ right. destruct H1 as [e0' Hstep].
eexists. eauto.
- (* app *)
destruct (IH2 HeqΓ Heqn) as [H2|H2]; [destruct (IH1 HeqΓ Heqn) as [H1|H1]|].
+ eapply canonical_values_arr in Hty as (x & e & ->); last done.
right. eexists.
eapply base_contextual_step, BetaS; eauto.
+ right. destruct H1 as [e1' Hstep].
eexists. eauto.
+ right. destruct H2 as [e2' H2].
eexists. eauto.
- (* binop *)
assert (A = Int B = Int) as [-> ->].
{ inversion Hop; subst A B C; done. }
destruct (IH2 HeqΓ Heqn) as [H2|H2]; [destruct (IH1 HeqΓ Heqn) as [H1|H1]|].
+ right. eapply canonical_values_int in Hty1 as [n1 ->]; last done.
eapply canonical_values_int in Hty2 as [n2 ->]; last done.
inversion Hop; subst; simpl.
all: eexists; eapply base_contextual_step; eapply BinOpS; eauto.
+ right. destruct H1 as [e1' Hstep]. eexists. eauto.
+ right. destruct H2 as [e2' H2]. eexists. eauto.
- (* unop *)
inversion Hop; subst A B op.
+ right. destruct (IH HeqΓ Heqn) as [H2 | H2].
* eapply canonical_values_bool in Hty as [b ->]; last done.
eexists; eapply base_contextual_step; eapply UnOpS; eauto.
* destruct H2 as [e' H2]. eexists. eauto.
+ right. destruct (IH HeqΓ Heqn) as [H2 | H2].
* eapply canonical_values_int in Hty as [z ->]; last done.
eexists; eapply base_contextual_step; eapply UnOpS; eauto.
* destruct H2 as [e' H2]. eexists. eauto.
- (* pair *)
destruct (IH2 HeqΓ Heqn) as [H2|H2]; [destruct (IH1 HeqΓ Heqn) as [H1|H1]|].
+ left. done.
+ right. destruct H1 as [e1' Hstep]. eexists. eauto.
+ right. destruct H2 as [e2' H2]. eexists. eauto.
- (* fst *)
destruct (IH HeqΓ Heqn) as [H | H].
+ eapply canonical_values_prod in Hty as (e1 & e2 & -> & ? & ?); last done.
right. eexists. eapply base_contextual_step. econstructor; done.
+ right. destruct H as [e' H]. eexists. eauto.
- (* snd *)
destruct (IH HeqΓ Heqn) as [H | H].
+ eapply canonical_values_prod in Hty as (e1 & e2 & -> & ? & ?); last done.
right. eexists. eapply base_contextual_step. econstructor; done.
+ right. destruct H as [e' H]. eexists. eauto.
- (* injl *)
destruct (IH HeqΓ Heqn) as [H | H].
+ left. done.
+ right. destruct H as [e' H]. eexists. eauto.
- (* injr *)
destruct (IH HeqΓ Heqn) as [H | H].
+ left. done.
+ right. destruct H as [e' H]. eexists. eauto.
- (* case *)
right. destruct (IHe HeqΓ Heqn) as [H1|H1].
+ eapply canonical_values_sum in Htye as [(e' & -> & ?) | (e' & -> & ?)]; last done.
* eexists. eapply base_contextual_step. econstructor. done.
* eexists. eapply base_contextual_step. econstructor. done.
+ destruct H1 as [e' H1]. eexists. eauto.
Definition ectx_typing (K: ectx) (A B: type) :=
e, TY 0; e : A TY 0; (fill K e) : B.
Lemma fill_typing_decompose K e A:
TY 0; fill K e : A
B, TY 0; e : B ectx_typing K B A.
unfold ectx_typing; induction K in A |-*; simpl; inversion 1; subst; eauto.
all: edestruct IHK as (? & ? & ?); eauto.
Lemma fill_typing_compose K e A B:
TY 0; e : B
ectx_typing K B A
TY 0; fill K e : A.
intros H1 H2; by eapply H2.
Lemma fmap_up_subst σ Γ: (subst σ <$> Γ) = subst (up σ) <$> Γ.
rewrite -!map_fmap_compose.
eapply map_fmap_ext. intros x A _. by asimpl.
Lemma typed_subst_type n m Γ e A σ:
TY n; Γ e : A ( k, k < n type_wf m (σ k)) TY m; (subst σ) <$> Γ e : A.[σ].
induction 1 as [ n Γ x A Heq | | | n Γ e A Hty IH | |n Γ A B e Hwf Hwf' Hty IH | n Γ A B e e' x Hwf Hty1 IH1 Hty2 IH2 | | | | | |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hop | ? ? ? ? ? ? Hop | | | | | | ] in σ, m |-*; simpl; intros Hlt; eauto.
- econstructor. rewrite lookup_fmap Heq //=.
- econstructor; last by eapply type_wf_subst.
rewrite -fmap_insert. eauto.
- econstructor; last by eapply type_wf_subst. eauto.
- econstructor. rewrite fmap_up_subst. eapply IH.
intros [| x] Hlt'; rewrite /up //=.
+ econstructor. lia.
+ eapply type_wf_rename; last by (intros ???; simpl; lia).
eapply Hlt. lia.
- replace (A.[B/].[σ]) with (A.[up σ].[B.[σ]/]) by by asimpl.
eauto using type_wf_subst.
- (* pack *)
eapply (typed_pack _ _ _ (subst σ B)).
+ eapply type_wf_subst; done.
+ eapply type_wf_subst; first done.
intros [ | k] Hk; first ( asimpl;constructor; lia).
rewrite /up //=. eapply type_wf_rename; last by (intros ???; simpl; lia).
eapply Hlt. lia.
+ replace (A.[up σ].[B.[σ]/]) with (A.[B/].[σ]) by by asimpl.
eauto using type_wf_subst.
- (* unpack *)
eapply (typed_unpack _ _ A.[up σ]).
+ eapply type_wf_subst; done.
+ replace (: A.[up σ])%ty with ((: A).[σ])%ty by by asimpl.
eapply IH1. done.
+ rewrite fmap_up_subst. rewrite -fmap_insert.
replace (B.[σ].[ren (+1)]) with (B.[ren(+1)].[up σ]) by by asimpl.
eapply IH2.
intros [ | k] Hk; asimpl; first (constructor; lia).
eapply type_wf_subst; first (eapply Hlt; lia).
intros k' Hk'. asimpl. constructor. lia.
- (* binop *)
inversion Hop; subst.
all: econstructor; naive_solver.
- (* unop *)
inversion Hop; subst.
all: econstructor; naive_solver.
- econstructor; last naive_solver. by eapply type_wf_subst.
- econstructor; last naive_solver. by eapply type_wf_subst.
Lemma typed_subst_type_closed C e A:
type_wf 0 C TY 1; e : A TY 0; e : A.[C/].
intros Hwf Hty. eapply typed_subst_type with (σ := C .: ids) (m := 0) in Hty; last first.
{ intros [|k] Hlt; last lia. done. }
revert Hty. by rewrite !fmap_empty.
Lemma typed_subst_type_closed' x C B e A:
type_wf 0 A
type_wf 1 C
type_wf 0 B
TY 1; <[x := C]> e : A
TY 0; <[x := C.[B/]]> e : A.
intros ??? Hty.
set (s := (subst (B.:ids))).
rewrite -(fmap_empty s) -(fmap_insert s).
replace A with (A.[B/]).
2: { replace A with (A.[ids]) at 2 by by asimpl.
eapply type_wf_subst_dom; first done. lia.
eapply typed_subst_type; first done.
intros [ | k] Hk; last lia. done.
Lemma typed_preservation_base_step e e' A:
TY 0; e : A
base_step e e'
TY 0; e' : A.
intros Hty Hstep. destruct Hstep as [ | | | op e v v' Heq Heval | op e1 v1 e2 v2 v3 Heq1 Heq2 Heval | | | | | | ]; subst.
- eapply app_inversion in Hty as (B & H1 & H2).
destruct x as [|x].
{ eapply lam_anon_inversion in H1 as (C & D & [= -> ->] & Hwf & Hty). done. }
eapply lam_inversion in H1 as (C & D & Heq & Hwf & Hty).
injection Heq as -> ->.
eapply typed_substitutivity; eauto.
- eapply type_app_inversion in Hty as (B & C & -> & Hwf & Hty).
eapply type_lam_inversion in Hty as (A & Heq & Hty).
injection Heq as ->. by eapply typed_subst_type_closed.
- (* unpack *)
(* FIXME: this will be an exercise for you soon :) *)
- (* unop *)
eapply unop_inversion in Hty as (A1 & Hop & Hty).
assert ((A1 = Int A = Int) (A1 = Bool A = Bool)) as [(-> & ->) | (-> & ->)].
{ inversion Hop; subst; eauto. }
+ eapply canonical_values_int in Hty as [n ->]; last by eapply is_val_spec; eauto.
simpl in Heq. injection Heq as <-.
inversion Hop; subst; simpl in *; injection Heval as <-; constructor.
+ eapply canonical_values_bool in Hty as [b ->]; last by eapply is_val_spec; eauto.
simpl in Heq. injection Heq as <-.
inversion Hop; subst; simpl in *; injection Heval as <-; constructor.
- (* binop *)
eapply binop_inversion in Hty as (A1 & A2 & Hop & Hty1 & Hty2).
assert (A1 = Int A2 = Int (A = Int A = Bool)) as (-> & -> & HC).
{ inversion Hop; subst; eauto. }
eapply canonical_values_int in Hty1 as [n ->]; last by eapply is_val_spec; eauto.
eapply canonical_values_int in Hty2 as [m ->]; last by eapply is_val_spec; eauto.
simpl in Heq1, Heq2. injection Heq1 as <-. injection Heq2 as <-.
simpl in Heval.
inversion Hop; subst; simpl in *; injection Heval as <-; constructor.
- by eapply if_inversion in Hty as (H1 & H2 & H3).
- by eapply if_inversion in Hty as (H1 & H2 & H3).
- by eapply fst_inversion in Hty as (B & (? & ? & [= <- <-] & ? & ?)%pair_inversion).
- by eapply snd_inversion in Hty as (B & (? & ? & [= <- <-] & ? & ?)%pair_inversion).
- eapply case_inversion in Hty as (B & C & (? & ? & [= <- <-] & Hty & ?)%injl_inversion & ? & ?).
- eapply case_inversion in Hty as (B & C & (? & ? & [= <- <-] & Hty & ?)%injr_inversion & ? & ?).
Lemma typed_preservation e e' A:
TY 0; e : A
contextual_step e e'
TY 0; e' : A.
intros Hty Hstep. destruct Hstep as [K e1 e2 -> -> Hstep].
eapply fill_typing_decompose in Hty as [B [H1 H2]].
eapply fill_typing_compose; last done.
by eapply typed_preservation_base_step.
Lemma typed_safety e1 e2 A:
TY 0; e1 : A
rtc contextual_step e1 e2
is_val e2 reducible e2.
induction 2; eauto using typed_progress, typed_preservation.
(** derived typing rules *)
Lemma typed_tapp' n Γ A B C e :
TY n; Γ e : (: A)
type_wf n B
C = A.[B/]
TY n; Γ e <> : C.
intros; subst C; by eapply typed_tapp.