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From stdpp Require Import gmap base relations.
From iris Require Import prelude.
From semantics.lib Require Export facts.
From semantics.ts.systemf Require Import lang notation parallel_subst types bigstep tactics binary_logrel.
From semantics.ts.systemf Require church_encodings.
Import church_encodings.
(* we first prove some helpful lemmas *)
Lemma big_step_bind e v w K:
big_step e v big_step (fill K v) w big_step (fill K e) w.
intros Hbs; induction K in w |-*; simpl.
{ intros ->%big_step_val. done. }
all: inversion 1; subst; by econstructor; eauto.
Lemma big_step_bind_inv e w K:
big_step (fill K e) w v, big_step e v big_step (fill K v) w.
induction K in w |-*; simpl.
{ intros ?; eexists _; split; first done. by eapply big_step_of_val. }
all: inversion 1; subst; edestruct IHK as [? [? ?]]; eauto.
Lemma big_step_det e v w:
big_step e v big_step e w v = w.
induction 1 in w |-*; inversion 1; subst; eauto 2.
all: naive_solver.
Lemma closure_under_reduction e1 e2 v1 v2 δ A:
big_step e1 v1
big_step e2 v2
𝒱 A δ v1 v2
A δ e1 e2.
Proof. simp type_interp. eauto. Qed.
Lemma closure_under_partial_reduction e1 e2 v1 v2 K1 K2 δ A:
big_step e1 v1
big_step e2 v2
A δ (fill K1 v1) (fill K2 v2)
A δ (fill K1 e1) (fill K2 e2).
simp type_interp. intros Hbs1 Hbs2 (v3 & v4 & Hbs3 & Hbs4 & Hty).
eexists _, _. eauto using big_step_bind.
Lemma closure_under_expansion e1 e2 v1 v2 K1 K2 δ A:
big_step e1 v1
big_step e2 v2
A δ (fill K1 e1) (fill K2 e2)
A δ (fill K1 v1) (fill K2 v2).
simp type_interp. intros Hbs1 Hbs2 (v3 & v4 & Hbs3 & Hbs4 & Hty).
eapply big_step_bind_inv in Hbs3 as [? [Hr1 Hbs3]].
eapply big_step_bind_inv in Hbs4 as [? [Hr2 Hbs4]].
eapply big_step_det in Hr1; last apply Hbs1.
eapply big_step_det in Hr2; last apply Hbs2.
subst. eauto.
Lemma tforall_expand (v1 v2 v3 v4 : val) δ A:
( τ, A (τ.:δ) (v1 <>) (v2 <>))
𝒱 (: A) δ v1 v3
𝒱 (: A) δ v2 v4
𝒱 (: A) δ v1 v2.
simp type_interp.
intros Hty (e1 & e2 & -> & -> & Hc1 & Hc2 & Hty2) (e3 & e4 & -> & -> & Hc3 & Hc4 & Hty3).
eexists _, _. split_and!; eauto. intros τ. specialize (Hty τ).
revert Hty. simp type_interp.
intros (v1 & v2 & Hbs1 & Hbs2 & Hty).
inversion Hbs1; subst. inversion Hbs2; subst. inversion H0; subst. inversion H2; subst.
eexists _, _. split_and!; done.
Lemma tforall_reduce v1 v2 δ A τ:
𝒱 (: A) δ v1 v2
A (τ.:δ) (v1 <>) (v2 <>).
simp type_interp. intros (? & ? & -> & -> & ? & ? & Hty).
specialize (Hty τ). revert Hty.
simp type_interp. intros (? & ? & ? & ? & Hval).
eexists _, _. split_and!; eauto using big_step.
Lemma fun_expand (e1 e2 e3 e4 : expr) δ A B:
( v w, 𝒱 A δ v w B δ (e1 v) (e2 w))
(A B) δ e1 e3
(A B) δ e4 e2
(A B) δ e1 e2.
simp type_interp.
intros Hty (v1 & v3 & Hbs1 & Hbs3 & Hty13) (v2 & v4 & Hbs2 & Hbs4 & Hty24).
simp type_interp in Hty13. simp type_interp in Hty24.
destruct Hty13 as (x1 & x3 & e1' & e3' & -> & -> & Hc1 & Hc3 & _),
Hty24 as (x2 & x4 & e2' & e4' & -> & -> & Hc2 & Hc4 & _).
eexists _, _. split_and!; eauto. simp type_interp.
eexists _, _, _, _. split_and!; eauto.
intros v' w' Hty'. specialize (Hty _ _ Hty').
simp type_interp. simp type_interp in Hty.
destruct Hty as (v1 & v2 & Hbs1' & Hbs2' & Hval).
eexists _, _. split_and!; last done.
- eapply big_step_bind_inv with (K := AppLCtx HoleCtx v') in Hbs1' as [u1 [Hu1 Hu2]].
eapply big_step_det in Hu1; last by apply Hbs1.
subst u1. simpl in Hu2. inversion Hu2; subst. eapply big_step_val in H2. inversion H1; subst.
- eapply big_step_bind_inv with (K := AppLCtx HoleCtx w') in Hbs2' as [u1 [Hu1 Hu2]].
eapply big_step_det in Hu1; last by apply Hbs4.
subst u1. simpl in Hu2. inversion Hu2; subst. eapply big_step_val in H2. inversion H1; subst.
Lemma fun_reduce e1 e2 δ A B:
(A B) δ e1 e2
( v w, 𝒱 A δ v w B δ (e1 v) (e2 w)).
simp type_interp. intros (? & ? & Hbs1 & Hbs2 & Hty) v w Hval.
simp type_interp in Hty. destruct Hty as (? & ? & e1' & e3' & -> & -> & ? & ? & Hrest).
specialize (Hrest _ _ Hval).
simp type_interp in Hrest.
destruct Hrest as (v' & w' & ? & ? & Hval').
simp type_interp. eexists _, _; split_and!; eauto using big_step, big_step_of_val.
Lemma bind e1 e2 K1 K2 δ δ' A B:
A δ e1 e2
( v w, 𝒱 A δ v w B δ' (fill K1 v) (fill K2 w))
B δ' (fill K1 e1) (fill K2 e2).
simp type_interp. intros (v & w & Hbs1 & Hbs2 & Hty) Hcont.
specialize (Hcont v w Hty). simp type_interp in Hcont.
destruct Hcont as (v' & w' & Hbs1' & Hbs2' & Hcont).
eexists _, _. split_and!; eauto using big_step_bind.
(* faithfulness of bool *)
Definition eta_bool (e: expr) : expr :=
e <> bool_true bool_false.
Lemma bool_type_full (v w f g : val) δ :
closed [] v
closed [] w
type_interp (inj_val f g) bool_type δ
b, (b = v b = w) (big_step (f <> v w) b big_step (g <> v w) b).
intros Hc1 Hc2.
rewrite /bool_type. simp type_interp.
intros (e1 & e2 & -> & -> & Hcl1 & Hcl2 & Hty).
specialize_sem_type Hty with (λ u1 u2, (u1 = u2 u2 = v) (u1 = u2 u2 = w)) as B.
{ intros u1 u2 [[-> ->]|[-> ->]]; split; done. }
simp type_interp in Hty. destruct Hty as (u3 & u4 & Hbs1 & Hbs2 & Hu34).
simp type_interp in Hu34. destruct Hu34 as (x1 & x1' & e3 & e3' & -> & -> & ? & ? & Hty).
opose proof* (Hty v v) as Hty; first simp type_interp; simpl; eauto.
simp type_interp in Hty. destruct Hty as (u5 & u6 & Hbs3 & Hbs4 & Hu56).
simp type_interp in Hu56. destruct Hu56 as (x2 & x2' & e4 & e4' & -> & -> & ? & ? & Hty).
opose proof* (Hty w w) as Hty; first simp type_interp; simpl; eauto.
simp type_interp in Hty. destruct Hty as (u7 & u8 & Hbs5 & Hbs6 & Hu78).
simp type_interp in Hu78. simpl in Hu78. destruct Hu78 as [[-> ->] | [-> ->]].
- exists v. split; first naive_solver.
split; repeat econstructor; eauto using big_step_of_val.
- exists w. split; first naive_solver.
split; repeat econstructor; eauto using big_step_of_val.
Lemma bool_true_sem_bool δ: 𝒱 bool_type δ bool_true bool_true.
assert (TY 0; bool_true: bool_type) as Hty by solve_typing.
eapply sem_soundness in Hty as (Htycl1 & Htycl2 & Hty).
opose proof* (Hty δ) as Hty; first constructor.
by eapply sem_expr_rel_of_val.
Lemma bool_false_sem_bool δ: 𝒱 bool_type δ bool_false bool_false.
assert (TY 0; bool_false: bool_type) as Hty by solve_typing.
eapply sem_soundness in Hty as (Htycl1 & Htycl2 & Hty).
opose proof* (Hty δ) as Hty; first constructor.
by eapply sem_expr_rel_of_val.
Lemma bool_faithful Δ Γ e:
TY Δ; Γ e: bool_type ctx_equiv Δ Γ e (eta_bool e) bool_type.
intros Hty. eapply soundness_wrt_ctx_equiv; [solve_typing..].
split_and!. 1-2: apply syn_typed_closed in Hty; naive_solver.
intros θ1 θ2 δ Hctx. eapply sem_soundness in Hty as (Htycl1 & Htycl2 & Hty).
specialize (Hty θ1 θ2 δ Hctx). simp type_interp in Hty.
replace (subst_map θ2 (eta_bool e)) with (eta_bool (subst_map θ2 e)); last first.
{ simpl; rewrite lookup_delete_ne //= !lookup_delete //. }
destruct Hty as (v1 & v2 & Hbs1 & Hbs2 & Hty).
eapply closure_under_partial_reduction with (K1 := HoleCtx) (K2:= (AppLCtx (AppLCtx (TAppCtx HoleCtx) bool_true) bool_false)); eauto.
simpl; change (v2 <> _ _)%E with (eta_bool v2). clear Hctx Hbs1 Hbs2.
generalize Hty=> Hfull.
eapply (bool_type_full bool_true bool_false) in Hfull; [|done..].
destruct Hfull as (b & Hopt & Hv1b & Hv2b).
eapply closure_under_reduction; eauto using big_step_of_val.
assert (𝒱 bool_type δ b b) as Hb.
{ destruct Hopt; subst; eauto using bool_true_sem_bool, bool_false_sem_bool. }
eapply tforall_expand; eauto.
intros R. generalize Hty=>Hty'.
(* we have to evaluate these assumptions along the way *)
rewrite /bool_type in Hb, Hty'.
eapply tforall_reduce with (τ := R) in Hb.
eapply tforall_reduce with (τ := R) in Hty'.
eapply fun_expand; eauto.
intros a1 a2 Ha12.
eapply fun_reduce in Hb; last done.
eapply fun_reduce in Hty'; last done.
eapply fun_expand; eauto.
intros b1 b2 Hb12.
simp type_interp in Ha12; simpl in Ha12.
simp type_interp in Hb12; simpl in Hb12.
clear Hb Hty'.
eapply closure_under_expansion with
(K1:= (AppLCtx (AppLCtx (TAppCtx HoleCtx) a1) b1))
(K2:= (AppLCtx (AppLCtx (TAppCtx HoleCtx) a2) b2));
[by eapply big_step_of_val | eapply Hv2b|]; cbn [fill].
pose_sem_type (λ v w, (v = a1 w = bool_true) (v = b1 w = bool_false)) as τ.
{ apply sem_type_closed_val in Ha12, Hb12. naive_solver. }
eapply bind with
(K1 := HoleCtx)
(K2 := AppLCtx (AppLCtx (TAppCtx HoleCtx) a2) b2)
(A := (#0)%ty)
(δ := τ.:δ).
{ eapply fun_reduce.
eapply fun_reduce.
eapply tforall_reduce.
exact Hty.
- simp type_interp. simpl. auto.
- simp type_interp. simpl. auto. }
simpl. intros v w Hty'. simp type_interp in Hty'. simpl in Hty'.
destruct Hty' as [[-> ->]|[-> ->]].
- simp type_interp. exists a1, a2. split_and!.
+ by apply big_step_of_val.
+ simpl. bs_step_det.
rewrite subst_is_closed_nil; first by apply big_step_of_val.
apply sem_type_closed_val in Ha12. naive_solver.
+ simp type_interp.
- simp type_interp. exists b1, b2. split_and!.
+ by apply big_step_of_val.
+ simpl. bs_step_det. by apply big_step_of_val.
+ simp type_interp.