@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
From stdpp Require Import gmap base relations.
From iris Require Import prelude.
From semantics.ts.stlc_extended Require Import lang notation.
(** * Big-step semantics *)
Implicit Types
(v : val)
(e : expr).
Inductive big_step : expr → val → Prop :=
| bs_lit (n : Z) :
big_step (LitInt n) (LitIntV n)
| bs_lam (x : binder) (e : expr) :
big_step (λ: x, e)%E (λ: x, e)%V
| bs_add e1 e2 (z1 z2 : Z) :
big_step e1 (LitIntV z1) →
big_step e2 (LitIntV z2) →
big_step (Plus e1 e2) (LitIntV (z1 + z2))%Z
| bs_app e1 e2 x e v2 v :
big_step e1 (LamV x e) →
big_step e2 v2 →
big_step (subst' x (of_val v2) e) v →
big_step (App e1 e2) v
| bs_pair e1 e2 v1 v2 :
big_step e1 v1 →
big_step e2 v2 →
big_step (e1, e2) (v1, v2)
| bs_fst e v1 v2 :
big_step e (v1, v2) →
big_step (Fst e) v1
| bs_snd e v1 v2 :
big_step e (v1, v2) →
big_step (Snd e) v2
| bs_injl e v :
big_step e v →
big_step (InjL e) (InjLV v)
| bs_injr e v :
big_step e v →
big_step (InjR e) (InjRV v)
| bs_casel e e1 e2 v v' :
big_step e (InjLV v) →
big_step (e1 (of_val v)) v' →
big_step (Case e e1 e2) v'
| bs_caser e e1 e2 v v' :
big_step e (InjRV v) →
big_step (e2 (of_val v)) v' →
big_step (Case e e1 e2) v'
#[export] Hint Constructors big_step : core.
Lemma big_step_of_val e v :
e = of_val v →
big_step e v.
intros ->.
induction v; simpl; eauto.
Lemma big_step_val v v' :
big_step (of_val v) v' → v' = v.
enough (∀ e, big_step e v' → e = of_val v → v' = v) by naive_solver.
intros e Hb.
induction Hb in v |-*; intros Heq; subst; destruct v; inversion Heq; subst; naive_solver.
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
From semantics.ts.stlc_extended Require Export lang.
(** The stepping relation *)
Inductive base_step : expr → expr → Prop :=
| BetaS x e1 e2 e' :
is_val e2 →
e' = subst' x e2 e1 →
base_step (App (Lam x e1) e2) e'
| PlusS e1 e2 (n1 n2 n3 : Z):
e1 = (LitInt n1) →
e2 = (LitInt n2) →
(n1 + n2)%Z = n3 →
base_step (Plus e1 e2) (LitInt n3)
| FstS e1 e2 :
is_val e1 →
is_val e2 →
base_step (Fst (Pair e1 e2)) e1
| SndS e1 e2 :
is_val e1 →
is_val e2 →
base_step (Snd (Pair e1 e2)) e2
| CaseLS e e1 e2 :
is_val e →
base_step (Case (InjL e) e1 e2) (App e1 e)
| CaseRS e e1 e2 :
is_val e →
base_step (Case (InjR e) e1 e2) (App e2 e)
#[export] Hint Constructors base_step : core.
(** We define evaluation contexts *)
Inductive ectx :=
| HoleCtx
| AppLCtx (K: ectx) (v2 : val)
| AppRCtx (e1 : expr) (K: ectx)
| PlusLCtx (K: ectx) (v2 : val)
| PlusRCtx (e1 : expr) (K: ectx)
| PairLCtx (K: ectx) (v2 : val)
| PairRCtx (e1 : expr) (K: ectx)
| FstCtx (K: ectx)
| SndCtx (K: ectx)
| InjLCtx (K: ectx)
| InjRCtx (K: ectx)
| CaseCtx (K: ectx) (e1 : expr) (e2 : expr)
Fixpoint fill (K : ectx) (e : expr) : expr :=
match K with
| HoleCtx => e
| AppLCtx K v2 => App (fill K e) (of_val v2)
| AppRCtx e1 K => App e1 (fill K e)
| PlusLCtx K v2 => Plus (fill K e) (of_val v2)
| PlusRCtx e1 K => Plus e1 (fill K e)
| PairLCtx K v2 => Pair (fill K e) (of_val v2)
| PairRCtx e1 K => Pair e1 (fill K e)
| FstCtx K => Fst (fill K e)
| SndCtx K => Snd (fill K e)
| InjLCtx K => InjL (fill K e)
| InjRCtx K => InjR (fill K e)
| CaseCtx K e1 e2 => Case (fill K e) e1 e2
Fixpoint comp_ectx (K: ectx) (K' : ectx) : ectx :=
match K with
| HoleCtx => K'
| AppLCtx K v2 => AppLCtx (comp_ectx K K') v2
| AppRCtx e1 K => AppRCtx e1 (comp_ectx K K')
| PlusLCtx K v2 => PlusLCtx (comp_ectx K K') v2
| PlusRCtx e1 K => PlusRCtx e1 (comp_ectx K K')
| PairLCtx K v2 => PairLCtx (comp_ectx K K') v2
| PairRCtx e1 K => PairRCtx e1 (comp_ectx K K')
| FstCtx K => FstCtx (comp_ectx K K')
| SndCtx K => SndCtx (comp_ectx K K')
| InjLCtx K => InjLCtx (comp_ectx K K')
| InjRCtx K => InjRCtx (comp_ectx K K')
| CaseCtx K e1 e2 => CaseCtx (comp_ectx K K') e1 e2
(** Contextual steps *)
Inductive contextual_step (e1 : expr) (e2 : expr) : Prop :=
Ectx_step K e1' e2' :
e1 = fill K e1' → e2 = fill K e2' →
base_step e1' e2' → contextual_step e1 e2.
#[export] Hint Constructors contextual_step : core.
Definition reducible (e : expr) :=
∃ e', contextual_step e e'.
Definition empty_ectx := HoleCtx.
(** Basic properties about the language *)
Lemma fill_empty e : fill empty_ectx e = e.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma fill_comp (K1 K2 : ectx) e : fill K1 (fill K2 e) = fill (comp_ectx K1 K2) e.
Proof. induction K1; simpl; congruence. Qed.
Lemma base_contextual_step e1 e2 :
base_step e1 e2 → contextual_step e1 e2.
Proof. apply Ectx_step with empty_ectx; by rewrite ?fill_empty. Qed.
Lemma fill_contextual_step K e1 e2 :
contextual_step e1 e2 → contextual_step (fill K e1) (fill K e2).
destruct 1 as [K' e1' e2' -> ->].
rewrite !fill_comp. by econstructor.
(** We derive a few lemmas about contextual steps:
these essentially provide rules for structural lifting
akin to the structural semantics.
Lemma contextual_step_app_l e1 e1' e2:
is_val e2 →
contextual_step e1 e1' →
contextual_step (App e1 e2) (App e1' e2).
intros [v <-%of_to_val]%is_val_spec Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (AppLCtx HoleCtx v)).
Lemma contextual_step_app_r e1 e2 e2':
contextual_step e2 e2' →
contextual_step (App e1 e2) (App e1 e2').
intros Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (AppRCtx e1 HoleCtx)).
Lemma contextual_step_plus_l e1 e1' e2:
is_val e2 →
contextual_step e1 e1' →
contextual_step (Plus e1 e2) (Plus e1' e2).
intros [v <-%of_to_val]%is_val_spec Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (PlusLCtx HoleCtx v)).
Lemma contextual_step_plus_r e1 e2 e2':
contextual_step e2 e2' →
contextual_step (Plus e1 e2) (Plus e1 e2').
intros Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (PlusRCtx e1 HoleCtx)).
Lemma contextual_step_pair_l e1 e1' e2:
is_val e2 →
contextual_step e1 e1' →
contextual_step (Pair e1 e2) (Pair e1' e2).
intros [v <-%of_to_val]%is_val_spec Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (PairLCtx HoleCtx v)).
Lemma contextual_step_pair_r e1 e2 e2':
contextual_step e2 e2' →
contextual_step (Pair e1 e2) (Pair e1 e2').
intros Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (PairRCtx e1 HoleCtx)).
Lemma contextual_step_fst e e':
contextual_step e e' →
contextual_step (Fst e) (Fst e').
intros Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (FstCtx HoleCtx)).
Lemma contextual_step_snd e e':
contextual_step e e' →
contextual_step (Snd e) (Snd e').
intros Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (SndCtx HoleCtx)).
Lemma contextual_step_injl e e':
contextual_step e e' →
contextual_step (InjL e) (InjL e').
intros Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (InjLCtx HoleCtx)).
Lemma contextual_step_injr e e':
contextual_step e e' →
contextual_step (InjR e) (InjR e').
intros Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (InjRCtx HoleCtx)).
Lemma contextual_step_case e e' e1 e2:
contextual_step e e' →
contextual_step (Case e e1 e2) (Case e' e1 e2).
intros Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (CaseCtx HoleCtx e1 e2)).
Hint Resolve
contextual_step_app_l contextual_step_app_r contextual_step_plus_l contextual_step_plus_r
contextual_step_case contextual_step_fst contextual_step_injl contextual_step_injr
contextual_step_pair_l contextual_step_pair_r contextual_step_snd : core.
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