❇️ Finish exercises 5, with lots of frustration

Shad Amethyst 11 months ago
parent 3b318fe45e
commit 315dcdefa6

@ -62,4 +62,4 @@ theories/type_systems/stlc/exercises02.v

@ -395,8 +395,20 @@ Proof.
do 2 (split; first eapply bool_decide_pack, elem_of_elements, elem_of_dom_2, Hx).
intros θ1 θ2 δ Hctx; simpl.
(* TODO: exercise *)
destruct (sem_context_rel_vals Hctx Hx) as (e1 & e2 & v1 & v2 & -> & -> & H1%of_to_val & H2%of_to_val & Hlogrel).
simp type_interp.
exists v1.
exists v2.
split; last split.
apply big_step_of_val; eauto.
apply big_step_of_val; eauto.
(* I want to stress that the fact that we duplicated proofs for binary logical relations
because of the arbitrary decision of using the same notation for binary logical relations
as with unary logical relations is quite concerning.
Lemma compat_app Δ Γ e1 e1' e2 e2' A B :
@ -427,7 +439,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma lam_closed Γ θ (x : string) A e :
dom Γ = dom θ
subst_is_closed [] θ
closed (elements (dom (<[x:=A]> Γ))) e
closed (elements (dom (<[x:=A]> Γ))) e
closed [] (Lam x (subst_map (delete x θ) e)).
intros Hdom Hsubstcl Hcl.
@ -631,8 +643,42 @@ Proof.
do 2 (split; first naive_solver).
intros θ1 θ2 δ Hctx. simpl.
(* TODO: exercise *)
Let us prove that Δ; Γ |= e<> e'<> : A[B/]
<= θ1, θ2, (θ1, θ2) 𝒢[Γ]·δ, (e[θ1]<>, e'[θ2]<>) [A[B/]]·δ
Let us first specialize our hypothesis with θ1 and θ2.
(e[θ1], e'[θ2]) [.A]·δ
=> (e[θ1] e1, e'[θ2] e2) 𝒱[.A]·δ
=> τ, e1 = (Λα, e1') & e2 = (Λα, e2') & (e1', e2') [A]·(δ, ατ)
Pick τ = 𝒱[B]·δ:
=> e1' v1 & e2' v2 & (v1, v2) 𝒱[A]·(δ, α𝒱[B]·δ)
We then prove our goal with:
e[θ1]<> v1
e[θ2]<> v2
(v1, v2) 𝒱[A]·(δ, α𝒱[B]·δ) = 𝒱[A[B/]]
specialize (He θ1 θ2 δ Hctx).
simp type_interp in He.
destruct He as (v1' & v2' & Hbs_Λe1 & Hbs_Λe2 & He).
simp type_interp in He.
destruct He as (e1 & e2 & -> & -> & Hcl1 & Hcl2 & He).
specialize (He (interp_type B δ)).
simp type_interp in He.
destruct He as (v1 & v2 & Hbs_v1 & Hbs_v2 & He).
simp type_interp.
exists v1.
exists v2.
split; last split.
rewrite <-sem_val_rel_move_single_subst.
exact He.
Lemma compat_pack Δ Γ e e' n A B :
@ -645,8 +691,28 @@ Proof.
do 2 (split; first naive_solver).
intros θ1 θ2 δ Hctx. simpl.
(* TODO: exercise *)
Similarly as with e<>, we specialize our hypothesis with θ1 and θ2.
We get e v1, e' v2, (v1, v2) 𝒱[A[B/]]·δ
So (pack e) (pack v1), (pack e') (pack v2)
Both are values, so we need to show that (pack v1, pack v2) 𝒱[. A] [. A]
By definition, 𝒱[α. A] = { (a, b) | τ, (a, b) 𝒱[A]·(δ, ατ) }
Picking τ = B, we then have (v1, v2) 𝒱[A[B/]]·δ = 𝒱[A]·(δ, αB)
specialize (He θ1 θ2 δ Hctx).
simp type_interp in He.
destruct He as (v1 & v2 & Hbs1 & Hbs2 & He).
simp type_interp.
eexists; eexists; split; last split; [bs_step_det | bs_step_det | ].
simp type_interp; eexists; eexists; split; first reflexivity; split; first reflexivity.
exists (interp_type B δ).
rewrite sem_val_rel_move_single_subst.
exact He.
Lemma compat_unpack n Γ A B e1 e1' e2 e2' x :
@ -660,10 +726,72 @@ Proof.
eapply is_closed_weaken; set_solver. }
split. { simpl. apply andb_True. split; first done.
eapply is_closed_weaken; set_solver. }
intros θ1 θ2 δ Hctx. simpl.
intros θ1 θ2 δ Hctx. simpl.
(* TODO: exercise *)
Specialize the first hypothesis with θ1 and θ2, extracting
v1, v2 and τ such that e1[θ1] (pack v1) and e2[θ2] (pack v2) and (v1, v2) 𝒱[A]·(δ, τ)
specialize (He θ1 θ2 δ Hctx).
simp type_interp in He.
destruct He as (v1' & v2' & Hbs1 & Hbs2 & He).
simp type_interp in He.
destruct He as (v1 & v2 & -> & -> & τ & He).
Construct δ' = (δ, τ), θ1' = (θ1, x v1), θ2' = (θ1, x v2), Γ' = (Γ, x A)
remember (τ .: δ) as δ'.
remember (<[x := A]> (Γ)) as Γ'.
remember (<[x := of_val v1]> θ1) as θ1'.
remember (<[x := of_val v2]> θ2) as θ2'.
have Hctx' : 𝒢 δ' Γ' θ1' θ2'.
rewrite HeqΓ' Heqθ1' Heqθ2'.
exact He.
rewrite Heqδ'.
apply sem_context_rel_cons.
exact Hctx.
Specialize the second hypothesis with θ1' and θ2',
e1'[θ1'] r1, e2'[θ2'] r2, (r1, r2) 𝒱[B]·δ' = 𝒱[B]·δ
specialize (He' θ1' θ2' δ' Hctx').
simp type_interp in He'.
destruct He' as (r1 & r2 & Hbs_r1 & Hbs_r2 & He').
(* Use r1 and r2; from (θ1, θ2)𝒢[Γ],
we can cancel out the substitution from both hypotheses.
simp type_interp.
exists r1.
exists r2.
split; last split.
rewrite subst_subst_map.
rewrite <-Heqθ1'.
exact Hbs_r1.
destruct (sem_context_rel_closed _ _ _ _ Hctx) as [Hcl _].
exact Hcl.
rewrite subst_subst_map.
rewrite <-Heqθ2'.
exact Hbs_r2.
destruct (sem_context_rel_closed _ _ _ _ Hctx) as [_ Hcl].
exact Hcl.
(* (r1, r2)𝒱[B]·δ, finishing our proof *)
rewrite Heqδ' in He'.
rewrite <-sem_val_rel_cons in He'.
exact He'.
Lemma compat_if n Γ e0 e0' e1 e1' e2 e2' A :
@ -700,7 +828,7 @@ Proof.
do 2 (split; first naive_solver).
intros θ1 θ2 δ Hctx. simpl.
simp type_interp.
specialize (He1 _ _ _ Hctx). specialize (He2 _ _ _ Hctx).
simp type_interp in He1. simp type_interp in He2.

@ -47,33 +47,94 @@ Section existential.
TY n; <[x := A]> (<[f := (A B)%ty]> Γ) e : B
TY n; Γ (fix: f x := e) : (A B)).
Definition ISET : type :=#0. (* TODO: your definition *)
Definition ISET : type := (:
#0 × (Int #0)
× (#0 #0 #0)
× (#0 #0 Bool)
(* We represent sets as functions of type ((Int → Bool) × Int × Int),
storing the mapping, the minimum value, and the maximum value. *)
Definition iset : val :=#0. (* TODO: your definition *)
Let α = (Int Bool) × Int × Int = {
is_mem: Int -> Bool,
min: Int,
max: Int
} st. s: α,
x < s.min, s.is_mem x ~>* false
x > s.max, s.is_mem x ~>* false
As such, the empty set is `((λ_. false), 0, 0)`
ISET = sig
type α -- ommitted, part of
empty : α
singleton : Int -> α
union : α -> α -> α
subset : α -> α -> bool
Definition subset_helper : expr := (λ: "a" "b", (fix: "rec" "x" := (
if: ((Snd "a") < "x") then
(Lit true)
if: ((Fst (Fst "a")) "x") then
if: ((Fst (Fst "b")) "x") then
("rec" ("x" + (Lit 1)))
(Lit false)
"rec" ("x" + (Lit 1))
Definition iset : val := (pack (
((λ: BAnon, (Lit false)), (LitV 0), (LitV 0)),
(λ: "x", ((λ: "y", "x" = "y"), "x", "x")),
(λ: "a" "b", (
(λ: "y", if: ((Fst (Fst "a"))) "y" then ((Fst (Fst "b")) "y") else (Lit false)),
if: (Snd (Fst "a")) < (Snd (Fst "b")) then (Snd (Fst "a")) else (Snd (Fst "b")),
if: (Snd "b") < (Snd "a") then (Snd "a") else (Snd "b")
(λ: "a" "b", (
subset_helper "a" "b" (Snd (Fst "a"))
Lemma iset_typed n Γ : TY n; Γ iset : ISET.
(* HINT: use repeated solve_typing with an explicit apply fix_typing inbetween *)
(* TODO: exercise *)
Definition ISETE : type :=#0. (* TODO: your definition *)
Definition add_equality : val :=#0. (* TODO: your definition *)
repeat solve_typing.
eapply fix_typing; try eauto.
repeat solve_typing.
Definition ISETE : type := (:
#0 × (Int #0)
× (#0 #0 #0)
× (#0 #0 Bool)
× (#0 #0 Bool)
Definition add_equality : val := (λ: "impl", unpack "impl" as "impl2" in (pack (
(Fst (Fst "impl2")),
(Snd (Fst "impl2")),
(Snd "impl2"),
(λ: "a" "b", if: ((Snd "impl2") "a" "b") then
((Snd "impl2") "b" "a")
(Lit false)
Lemma add_equality_typed n Γ : TY n; Γ add_equality : (ISET ISETE)%ty.
repeat solve_typing.
(* Qed. *)
(* TODO: exercise *)
End existential.
Section ex4.
@ -101,23 +162,109 @@ Context (even_dec_typed : ∀ n Γ, TY n; Γ ⊢ even_dec : (Int → Bool)).
You may use the [assert] expression defined in existential_invariants.v.
Definition even_impl_instrumented : val :=#0. (* TODO: your definition *)
Definition even_impl_instrumented : val := pack (#0,
λ: "z", #2 + "z",
λ: "z", (Snd (assert (even_dec "z"), "z"))
). (* TODO: your definition *)
(* b) Prove that [even_impl_instrumented] is safe. You may assume that even works as intended,
but be sure to state this here. *)
Context (even_dec_correct : n, big_step (even_dec (Lit (2*n)%Z)) #true).
Lemma even_impl_instrumented_safe δ:
𝒱 even_type δ even_impl_instrumented.
(* TODO: exercise *)
unfold even_type.
simp type_interp.
eexists; split; first reflexivity.
(* Pick τ such that it only contains even integers *)
pose_sem_type (fun n => match n with
| LitV (LitInt n') => (x: Z), (2 * x)%Z = n'
| _ => False
) as τ.
intros v h_v.
destruct v; try (exfalso; exact h_v).
destruct l; try (exfalso; exact h_v).
exists τ.
simp type_interp.
eexists; eexists; split; last split; first reflexivity.
- simp type_interp.
(* Quickly prove that 0 ∈ V[τ] *)
eexists; eexists; split; first reflexivity.
simp type_interp; simpl.
exists 0; eauto.
(* Prove that (λ: "z", 2 + "z") ∈ V[τ → τ] *)
simp type_interp.
eexists; eexists; split; last split; first reflexivity.
(* Intro a value z *)
intros z z_tau.
(* Invert z using z_tau *)
simp type_interp in z_tau; simpl in z_tau.
destruct z; try (exfalso; exact z_tau).
destruct l; try (exfalso; exact z_tau).
simp type_interp; exists (LitV (2+n)%Z); simpl; split.
econstructor; try econstructor.
(* Prove that 2+n ∈ V[τ] *)
simp type_interp; simpl.
destruct z_tau as [x z_tau].
exists (x+1)%Z.
rewrite <-z_tau.
- simp type_interp.
(* Small detour to prove closedness *)
have even_dec_closed: is_closed [] even_dec.
apply (syn_typed_closed 0 _ _ _ (even_dec_typed 0 )).
intros x falsity; exfalso.
rewrite dom_empty in falsity.
rewrite elem_of_empty in falsity.
exact falsity.
eexists; eexists; split; last split; first reflexivity.
unfold is_closed; simpl; fold is_closed.
repeat rewrite andb_True; repeat split; eauto.
apply is_closed_weaken_nil.
intros z z_tau.
(* We know that z = 2*z' *)
simp type_interp in *.
simpl in z_tau.
destruct z; try (exfalso; exact z_tau).
destruct l; try (exfalso; exact z_tau).
exists (LitV (LitInt n)).
(* z ∈ V[τ], from our hypothesis *)
2: simp type_interp; eexists; reflexivity.
rewrite (subst_is_closed_nil _ _ _ even_dec_closed).
(* Finally, we need to prove that `if (even_dec n) then () else kaboom` steps to the correct value. *)
destruct z_tau as [x z_tau].
rewrite <-z_tau.
(* We assume that `big_step (even_dec x) true` if `x = 2*x'` *)
exact (even_dec_correct x).
End ex4.
(** ** Exercise 5 (LN Exercise 31): Abstract sums *)
Section ex5.
Import logrel existential_invariants.
Definition sum_ex_type (A B : type) : type :=
: ((A.[ren (+1)] #0) ×
(B.[ren (+1)] #0) ×
@ -130,11 +277,202 @@ Definition sum_ex_impl : val :=
Λ, λ: "x" "f1" "f2", if: Fst "x" = #1 then "f1" (Snd "x") else "f2" (Snd "x")
Ltac _to_𝒱 := simp type_interp; eexists; split; first (simpl; econstructor).
Ltac 𝒱_λ := simp type_interp; eexists; eexists; split; first reflexivity; split; first eauto.
Lemma ren_2 A : A.[ren (+2)] = A.[ren (+1)].[ren (+1)].
(* Autosubst is not part of the curriculum, so I don't see why I should have to prove this. *)
Lemma sum_ex_safe A B δ:
𝒱 (sum_ex_type A B) δ sum_ex_impl.
(* TODO: exercise *)
unfold sum_ex_type.
simp type_interp.
eexists; split; first reflexivity.
To prove that `sum_ex_impl 𝒱[α, ...]`, we pick a subset τ of SemType such that it models
the invariants of our representation. Namely, let `τ = {1} × 𝒱[A] {2} × 𝒱[B]`.
remember (λ v,
match v with
| PairV (LitV (LitInt 1)) w => 𝒱 A δ w
| PairV (LitV (LitInt 2)) w => 𝒱 B δ w
| _ => False
) as τ_λ.
have inv_τ: v, τ_λ v v',
v = (PairV (LitV (LitInt 1)) v') 𝒱 A δ v'
v = (PairV (LitV (LitInt 2)) v') 𝒱 B δ v'.
intros v v_in_τ.
(* There is currently no way to automate this away, thanks to Coq's advantage of being 30-years old *)
rewrite Heqτ_λ in v_in_τ.
destruct v; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct v1; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct l; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct n; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct p; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct p; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
- exists v2; right.
split; [reflexivity | assumption].
- exists v2; left.
split; [reflexivity | assumption].
pose_sem_type τ_λ as τ.
intros v v_in_τ.
destruct (inv_τ v v_in_τ) as [v2 [(-> & v2_log) | (-> & v2_log)]].
all: simpl.
all: eapply val_rel_closed; exact v2_log.
exists τ.
(* Split the triple into its constitutants *)
simp type_interp; eexists; eexists; split; first reflexivity; split.
simp type_interp; eexists; eexists; split; first reflexivity; split.
- (* Prove that λx. (1, x)𝒱[A → τ]*)
(* Closedness detour *)
intros v v_in_A.
simp type_interp; eexists; split.
(* We know that (1, v) steps to (1, v) *)
econstructor; (econstructor || apply big_step_of_val; reflexivity).
simp type_interp; simpl.
(* From our choice of τ_λ, (1, v) ∈ τ <-> v ∈ 𝒱[A]·δ *)
rewrite Heqτ_λ.
rewrite sem_val_rel_cons.
exact v_in_A.
- (* Prove that λx. (2, x)𝒱[B → τ]*)
intros v v_in_B.
simp type_interp; eexists; split.
(* We know that (2, v) steps to (2, v) *)
econstructor; (econstructor || apply big_step_of_val; reflexivity).
simp type_interp; simpl.
rewrite Heqτ_λ.
rewrite sem_val_rel_cons.
exact v_in_B.
- (* Prove that our match is in `∀α, τ → (A → α)(B → β) → β` *)
simp type_interp.
eexists; split; first reflexivity; split.
intro τ.
(* Given an arbitrary τ₂, show that match ∈ 𝒱[τ → (A → τ₂)(B → τ₂) → τ] *)
(* We thus have to prove that for v ∈ τ, the rest works *)
intros v v_in_τ.
simp type_interp in v_in_τ; simpl in v_in_τ.
(* Closedness detour *)
have h_cl : is_closed [] (of_val v).
destruct (inv_τ v v_in_τ) as [v2 [(-> & v2_log) | (-> & v2_log)]].
all: eauto.
intros v v_in_Afn.
(* Closedness detour, the detouring *)
have h_cl : is_closed [] (of_val v).
destruct (inv_τ v v_in_τ) as [v2 [(-> & v2_log) | (-> & v2_log)]].
all: eauto.
apply is_closed_weaken_nil.
eapply val_rel_closed.
exact v_in_Afn.
intros v v_in_Bfn.
have v_cl : is_closed [] v.
eapply val_rel_closed.
exact v_in_Afn.
have v_cl : is_closed [] v.
eapply val_rel_closed.
exact v_in_Bfn.
(* Remove all the noisy substs *)
repeat rewrite (lang.subst_is_closed []); eauto.
all: try set_solver.
(* By cases on the values that v can take *)
destruct (inv_τ v v_in_τ) as [v' [(-> & v'_log) | (-> & v'_log)]].
+ (* If v = (1, v') *)
have v'_in_A' : 𝒱 A.[ren (+2)] (τ .: τ .: δ) v'.
rewrite ren_2.
rewrite <-sem_val_rel_cons.
rewrite <-sem_val_rel_cons.
exact v'_log.
(* We can deduce from v₁ ∈ 𝒱[A -> τ] that when given a parameter (v') in τ, it will step to a value in τ₂ *)
simp type_interp in v_in_Afn.
destruct v_in_Afn as (x & e' & -> & e_cl & v_ty).
specialize (v_ty v' v'_in_A').
simp type_interp in v_ty.
destruct v_ty as [v' [v_bs v'_ty]].
simp type_interp.
eexists; split.
(* We can see that our if-expression steps to (v₁ v') *)
eapply bs_if_true.
apply big_step_of_val; reflexivity.
(* So we can use the information from v₁ ∈ 𝒱[A -> τ] to finish the proof *)
exact v_bs.
exact v'_ty.
+ (* If v = (2, v'), we do the same thing, but with B *)
have v'_in_B' : 𝒱 B.[ren (+2)] (τ .: τ .: δ) v'.
rewrite ren_2.
rewrite <-sem_val_rel_cons.
rewrite <-sem_val_rel_cons.
exact v'_log.
(* We can deduce from v₁ ∈ 𝒱[A -> τ] that when given a parameter (v') in τ, it will step to a value in τ₂ *)
simp type_interp in v_in_Bfn.
destruct v_in_Bfn as (x & e' & -> & e_cl & v_ty).
specialize (v_ty v' v'_in_B').
simp type_interp in v_ty.
destruct v_ty as [v' [v_bs v'_ty]].
simp type_interp.
eexists; split.
(* We can see that our if-expression steps to (v₂ v') *)
eapply bs_if_false.
apply big_step_of_val; reflexivity.
(* So we can use the information from v₂ ∈ 𝒱[A -> τ] to finish the proof *)
exact v_bs.
exact v'_ty.
End ex5.
@ -159,11 +497,278 @@ Proof.
all: asimpl; solve_typing.
Ltac 𝒱2_λ := simp type_interp; eexists; eexists; eexists; eexists;
split; last split; last split; last split;
[ reflexivity | reflexivity | simplify_closed | simplify_closed | ]
Ltac 𝒱2_inner :=
simp type_interp; eexists; eexists; split; last split; simpl;
[ try bs_step_det | try bs_step_det | ]
I consider this to be an example of bad pedagogy.
This is more of a challenge than an exercise; I didn't learn anything proving this,
and all it brought to me was a net loss in energy and a lot of frustration.
This is the kind of theorem that should be proven automatically,
and we have constructed in class the tools needed to implement such a prover,
we just chose not to make one and to instead spearhead our way into proving this kind of stuff,
by hand.
The `destruct` forests, the stacked `split`s, the `eexists` spam are witnesses that proving this is a bad idea, and that asking students to prove this is a bad idea.
I spent 30 seconds writing the definition of τ, and 1 hour proving the rest of the theorem.
Lemma sum_ex_impl_equiv n Γ A B :
ctx_equiv n Γ sum_ex_impl' sum_ex_impl (sum_ex_type A B).
(* TODO: exercise *)
To prove that sum_ex_impl' ===_ctx sum_ex_impl,
we can prove that n; Γ |= sum_ex_impl ~ sum_ex_impl' : SUM(A, B)
apply sem_typing_ctx_equiv.
split; last split.
intros θ1 θ2 δ Hctx.
destruct (sem_context_rel_closed _ _ _ _ Hctx) as [Hcl1 Hcl2].
simp type_interp.
eexists; eexists; split; last split.
(* Clean up our expression *)
repeat rewrite lookup_delete.
have h : delete "f2" (delete "f1" (delete "x" θ1)) !! "x" = None.
rewrite lookup_delete_ne.
rewrite lookup_delete_ne.
apply lookup_delete.
rewrite h.
have h : delete "f2" (delete "f1" (delete "x" θ2)) !! "x" = None.
rewrite lookup_delete_ne.
rewrite lookup_delete_ne.
apply lookup_delete.
rewrite h.
have h : delete "f2" (delete "f1" (delete "x" θ1)) !! "f1" = None.
rewrite lookup_delete_ne.
apply lookup_delete.
rewrite h.
have h : delete "f2" (delete "f1" (delete "x" θ2)) !! "f1" = None.
rewrite lookup_delete_ne.
apply lookup_delete.
rewrite h.
unfold sum_ex_type.
simp type_interp; eexists; eexists; split; first reflexivity; split; first reflexivity.
remember (λ v1 v2, match v1, v2 with
| (InjLV x), (PairV (LitV (LitInt 1)) y) => 𝒱 A δ x y
| (InjRV x), (PairV (LitV (LitInt 2)) y) => 𝒱 B δ x y
| _, _ => False
) as τ_λ.
(* Please look away *)
have inv_τ : v1 v2, τ_λ v1 v2 x y,
v1 = (InjLV x)
v2 = (PairV (LitV (LitInt 1)) y)
𝒱 A δ x y
v1 = (InjRV x)
v2 = (PairV (LitV (LitInt 2)) y)
𝒱 B δ x y
intros v1 v2 v_in_τ.
rewrite Heqτ_λ in v_in_τ.
destruct v1; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct v2; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct v2_1; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct l; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct n0; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct p; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
eexists; eexists.
split; last split.
destruct v2; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct v2_1; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct l; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct n0; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct p; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
destruct p; try (exfalso; exact v_in_τ).
eexists; eexists.
split; last split.
pose_sem_type τ_λ as τ.
intros v w vw_in_τ.
destruct (inv_τ v w vw_in_τ) as (v' & w' & [(-> & -> & He) | (-> & -> & He)]).
destruct (val_rel_is_closed _ _ _ _ He) as [Hcl3 Hcl4].
split; assumption.
destruct (val_rel_is_closed _ _ _ _ He) as [Hcl3 Hcl4].
split; assumption.
exists τ.
simp type_interp; eexists; eexists; eexists; eexists; split; first reflexivity; split; first reflexivity; split.
simp type_interp; eexists; eexists; eexists; eexists; split; first reflexivity; split; first reflexivity; split.
- 𝒱2_λ.
intros v w vw_in_τ.
simp type_interp.
rewrite Heqτ_λ.
rewrite <-sem_val_rel_cons in vw_in_τ.
- 𝒱2_λ.
intros v w vw_in_τ.
simp type_interp.
rewrite Heqτ_λ.
rewrite <-sem_val_rel_cons in vw_in_τ.
- simp type_interp.
eexists; eexists; split; last split; last split; last split; [reflexivity | reflexivity | simplify_closed | simplify_closed | ].
intro τ.
simp type_interp; eexists; eexists; split; last split; [bs_step_det | bs_step_det | ].
intros v w vw_in_τ.
destruct (val_rel_is_closed _ _ _ _ vw_in_τ) as [Hcl3 Hcl4].
simp type_interp in vw_in_τ; simpl in vw_in_τ.
intros f1 f1' f1_in_τ.
destruct (val_rel_is_closed _ _ _ _ f1_in_τ) as [Hcl5 Hcl6].
intros f2 f2' f2_in_τ.
destruct (inv_τ v w vw_in_τ) as (v' & w' & [(-> & -> & He) | (-> & -> & He)]);
destruct (val_rel_is_closed _ _ _ _ He) as [Hcl9 Hcl10];
destruct (val_rel_is_closed _ _ _ _ f2_in_τ) as [Hcl7 Hcl8].
repeat rewrite subst_is_closed_nil; try assumption.
simp type_interp in f1_in_τ.
destruct f1_in_τ as (x1 & x1' & f1_body & f1'_body & Heq_f1body & Heq_f1'body & Hcl11 & Hcl12 & Hlog).
have HA: 𝒱 A.[ren (+2)] (τ .: τ .: δ) v' w'.
rewrite ren_2.
rewrite <-sem_val_rel_cons.
rewrite <-sem_val_rel_cons.
specialize (Hlog v' w' HA).
simp type_interp in Hlog.
destruct Hlog as (v1 & v1' & Hbs & Hbs' & Hlog).
simp type_interp.
exists v1.
exists v1'.
split; last split.
repeat (rewrite subst_is_closed_nil; last assumption).
econstructor; apply big_step_of_val; reflexivity.
econstructor; try (apply big_step_of_val; reflexivity).
apply big_step_of_val. rewrite Heq_f1body; reflexivity.
repeat (rewrite subst_is_closed_nil; last assumption).
apply big_step_of_val. rewrite Heq_f1'body; reflexivity.
+ repeat rewrite subst_is_closed_nil; try assumption.
simp type_interp in f2_in_τ.
destruct f2_in_τ as (x2 & x2' & f2_body & f2'_body & Heq_f2body & Heq_f2'body & Hcl11 & Hcl12 & Hlog).
have HB: 𝒱 B.[ren (+2)] (τ .: τ .: δ) v' w'.
rewrite ren_2.
rewrite <-sem_val_rel_cons.
rewrite <-sem_val_rel_cons.
specialize (Hlog v' w' HB).
simp type_interp in Hlog.
destruct Hlog as (v2 & v2' & Hbs & Hbs' & Hlog).
simp type_interp.
exists v2.
exists v2'.
split; last split.
repeat (rewrite subst_is_closed_nil; last assumption).
eapply bs_caser.
econstructor; apply big_step_of_val; reflexivity.
econstructor; try (apply big_step_of_val; reflexivity).
apply big_step_of_val. rewrite Heq_f2body; reflexivity.
repeat (rewrite subst_is_closed_nil; last assumption).
eapply bs_if_false.
apply big_step_of_val. rewrite Heq_f2'body; reflexivity.
End ex8.

@ -613,11 +613,25 @@ Proof.
eexists. eapply base_contextual_step. eapply TBetaS.
+ destruct H1 as [e' H1]. eexists. eauto.
- (* pack *)
(* TODO this will be an exercise for you soon :) *)
- (* unpack *)
(* TODO this will be an exercise for you soon :) *)
(* For pack, we know that `pack e` is a value if `e` is a value; if `e` steps to `e'`, then `pack e` steps to `pack e'`. *)
unfold is_val; fold is_val.
destruct (IH HeqΓ Heqn) as [e_is_val | [e' Hcstep]].
left; assumption.
eexists; apply (fill_contextual_step (PackCtx HoleCtx) e e'); assumption.
- (* unpack e as x in e' *)
(* If e is a value, then we apply the base contextual rule for unpacking a packed value. Otherwise, unpack steps through the UnpackCtx contextual step. *)
destruct (IH1 HeqΓ Heqn) as [e_is_val | [e Hcstep]].
+ eapply canonical_values_exists in Hty1 as [e ->]; last exact e_is_val.
eexists; eapply base_contextual_step.
unfold is_val in e_is_val; fold is_val in e_is_val.
exact e_is_val.
+ right.
eexists; eapply (fill_contextual_step (UnpackCtx _ HoleCtx _)).
exact Hcstep.
- (* int *)left. done.
- (* bool*) left. done.
- (* unit *) left. done.
@ -685,8 +699,7 @@ Proof.
* eexists. eapply base_contextual_step. econstructor. done.
* eexists. eapply base_contextual_step. econstructor. done.
+ destruct H1 as [e' H1]. eexists. eauto.
