@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Implicit Types
(* *** Definition of the logical relation. *)
(* In Coq, we need to make argument why the logical relation is well-defined
In particular, we need to show that the mutual recursion between the value
relation and the expression relation, which are defined in terms of each
other, terminates. We therefore define a termination measure [mut_measure]
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ End boring_lemmas.
Lemma compat_int Δ Γ z : TY Δ; Γ ⊨ (Lit $ LitInt z) : Int.
split; first done.
split; first done.
intros θ δ _. simp type_interp.
exists #z. split. { simpl. constructor. }
simp type_interp. eauto.
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma compat_bool Δ Γ b : TY Δ; Γ ⊨ (Lit $ LitBool b) : Bool.
split; first done.
split; first done.
intros θ δ _. simp type_interp.
exists #b. split. { simpl. constructor. }
simp type_interp. eauto.
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma compat_unit Δ Γ : TY Δ; Γ ⊨ (Lit $ LitUnit) : Unit.
split; first done.
split; first done.
intros θ δ _. simp type_interp.
exists #LitUnit. split. { simpl. constructor. }
simp type_interp. eauto.
@ -398,8 +398,8 @@ Qed.
(* Compatibility for [lam] unfortunately needs a very technical helper lemma. *)
Lemma lam_closed δ Γ θ (x : string) A e :
closed (elements (dom (<[x:=A]> Γ))) e →
𝒢 δ Γ θ →
closed (elements (dom (<[x:=A]> Γ))) e →
𝒢 δ Γ θ →
closed [] (Lam x (subst_map (delete x θ) e)).
intros Hcl Hctxt.
@ -548,42 +548,207 @@ Proof.
simp type_interp.
eexists _. split_and!; first done.
{ simpl. eapply subst_map_closed; simpl.
- erewrite <-sem_context_rel_dom; last eassumption.
- erewrite <-sem_context_rel_dom; last eassumption.
by erewrite <-dom_fmap.
- by eapply sem_context_rel_closed. }
intros τ. eapply He.
by eapply sem_context_rel_cons.
Recall that our semantical judgement for `TY Δ; Γ ⊨ e: A` means that:
- e is closed under Γ
- for any θ ∈ G[Γ] · δ, (these should really be bundled as part of some kind of structure)
- e[θ] ∈ E[A]·δ → ∃v, big_step e v ∧ v ∈ V[A]·δ
- V[∀: A] = {Λα.e | e is closed ∧ ∀τ, e ∈ E[A]·(δ[α↦τ])}
Thus, to prove that `TY Δ; Γ ⊨ e<> : A[B/]`,
- intro θ, δ, and use them on `TY Δ; Γ ⊨ e : ∀α.A`
- we can get by the definition of `E[∀α.A]` that `big_step e v`, `v = (Λα.e')` and `∀τ, e' ∈ E[A]·(δ[α↦τ])`
- pick τ = V[B]·δ and use the definition of `E[A]` on `e'` to get that `big_step e' v'` and `v' ∈ V[A]·(δ[α↦τ])`
- to prove that `e<> ∈ E[A[B/]]`, we need to prove that `big_step e<>[θ,δ] v'[θ,δ[α↦B]]` and `v' ∈ V[A[B/]]`
- from the definition of `big_step e<>`, we need to prove that:
- `big_step e (Λα.e')` (which we have)
- `big_step e' v'` (which we just proved).
- we now just need to prove that given `τ = V[B]` and `v' ∈ V[A]·(δ[α↦τ])`,
`v' ∈ V[A[B/]]`
- for this we can use the theorem `sem_val_rel_move_single_subst`,
which states that `∀A B v, v ∈ V[A]·(δ[↦V[B]]) ↔ v ∈ V[A[B/]]`
Lemma compat_tapp Δ Γ e A B :
type_wf Δ B →
TY Δ; Γ ⊨ e : (∀: A) →
TY Δ; Γ ⊨ (e <>) : (A.[B/]).
(* TODO: exercise *)
intros Hwf Hst.
destruct Hst as [Hcl Hlog].
(* Closedness is easily dispatched *)
simpl; exact Hcl.
(* Intro θ and δ and use them on Hlog *)
intros θ δ Hg; specialize (Hlog θ δ Hg).
(* Use the definition of `E[∀α.A]` *)
simp type_interp in *; destruct Hlog as (v & Hbs & Hv).
simp type_interp in Hv; destruct Hv as (e_body & -> & Hcl' & Hlog').
(* Pick τ = V[B] *)
remember (interp_type B δ) as Bτ.
specialize (Hlog' Bτ).
(* Use the definition of E[A]·(δ[α↦τ]) to get the value to which e_body steps and our v_body ∈ V[A]·(δ[α↦τ]) *)
simp type_interp in Hlog'; destruct Hlog' as (v_body & Hbs_body & Hlog_body).
(* We can now prove that e<> steps to v_body *)
exists v_body.
split; simpl.
econstructor; [exact Hbs | exact Hbs_body].
(* And we can prove that v_body ∈ V[A[B/]], using one of the boring lemmas *)
rewrite <-sem_val_rel_move_single_subst.
rewrite <-HeqBτ; exact Hlog_body.
Recall that:
- V[∃: A]·δ = { pack v | ∃τ, v ∈ V[A]·(δ[↦τ]) }
As usual, we start the proof by intro-ing θ, δ and θ ∈ G[Γ]·δ,
and applying these terms to `TY n; Γ ⊨ e : A.[B/]`, yielding `e ∈ E[A[B/]]·δ`.
Then, apply the definition of `E[T]` everywhere:
- we have `big_step e[θ] v` and `v ∈ V[A[B/]]·δ`
- we need to provide a `v'` such that `big_step (pack e)[θ] v'` and `v' ∈ V[∃.A]`
Let `v' = PackV v`, we have `big_step (pack e)[θ] v' = big_step (pack e[θ]) v'`,
which we can construct from the definition and from `big_step e[θ] v`.
Using the definition of `v' ∈ V[∃.A]`, we just need to prove that:
- `v' = pack w` (trivial)
- `∃τ, w ∈ E[A]·(δ[↦τ])`: pick τ = V[B], apply the same equivalence as the proof of type application:
We have `v' ∈ V[A]·(δ↦V[B])` ↔ `v' ∈ V[A[B/]]·δ`; we have the latter from the definition of `e ∈ E[A[B/]]`.
Lemma compat_pack Δ Γ e n A B :
type_wf n B →
type_wf (S n) A →
TY n; Γ ⊨ e : A.[B/] →
TY n; Γ ⊨ (pack e) : (∃: A).
(* This will be an exercise for you next week :) *)
(* TODO: exercise *)
intros HwfB HwfA Hsem.
destruct Hsem as [Hcl Hlog].
(* Prove closedness real quick *)
simpl; exact Hcl.
(* Flatten everything under θ and δ *)
intros θ δ Hg; specialize (Hlog θ δ Hg).
(* Apply the definition of E[T] *)
simp type_interp in *.
destruct Hlog as (v_inner & Hbs & Hlog).
(* Pick v' = PackV v *)
exists (PackV v_inner).
(* Prove that big_step (Pack e[θ]) v' *)
econstructor; exact Hbs.
simp type_interp.
eexists; split; first reflexivity.
exists (interp_type B δ).
rewrite sem_val_rel_move_single_subst.
exact Hlog.
This proof is a bit trickier, as it combines the difficulties of both previous proofs.
We can intro θ and δ and specialize `TY n; Γ ⊨ e : (∃: A)`, yielding `big_step e v_pack`
and `v_pack ∈ V[∃.A]`.
We can then unwrap the definition of `V[∃.A]`, asserting that `v_pack = pack v_inner`,
and yielding a semantic type τ such that `v_inner ∈ V[A]·(δ[↦τ])`.
We can construct θ' = θ[x ↦ v_inner], δ' = δ[↦τ] and Γ' = (⤉Γ)[x↦A].
Proving that θ' ∈ G[Γ']·δ' can be done using the fact that `v_inner ∈ V[A]·(δ[↦τ])`
and one of the boring lemmas.
We can then plug θ', δ' and Γ' into `TY S n; <[x:=A]> (⤉Γ) ⊨ e' : B.[ren (+1)]`
and unwrap the definition of `E[B[ren +1]]`, yielding a value `v_unpacked`, towards which `e'[θ']` steps,
and the proposition that `v_unpacked ∈ V[B[ren +1]]·(δ[↦τ])`
We can now plug in `v_unpacked` as our target of `big_step (unpack e as BNamed x in e')[θ]`.
We need to prove that `e[θ]` steps to `v_inner` and that `e'[θ-x][v_inner/x]` steps to `v_unpacked`.
The latter requires a few boring lemmas to get to `big_step e'[θ'] v_unpacked`.
We now just need to prove that `v_unpacked ∈ V[B]·δ`. Boring lemma time :)
Lemma compat_unpack n Γ A B e e' x :
type_wf n B →
TY n; Γ ⊨ e : (∃: A) →
TY S n; <[x:=A]> (⤉Γ) ⊨ e' : B.[ren (+1)] →
TY n; Γ ⊨ (unpack e as BNamed x in e') : B.
(* This will be an exercise for you next week :) *)
(* TODO: exercise *)
intros HwfB Hsem Hsem'.
destruct Hsem as [Hcl Hlog].
destruct Hsem' as [Hcl' Hlog'].
(* Closedness is a bit trickier but can be done: *)
apply andb_True; split.
- exact Hcl.
- rewrite dom_insert in Hcl'.
rewrite dom_fmap in Hcl'.
induction (decide (x ∈ dom Γ)) as [ | H_notin ].
+ assert ({[x]} ∪ dom Γ = dom Γ) as Heq by set_solver.
rewrite Heq in Hcl'.
eapply is_closed_weaken.
exact Hcl'.
+ eapply is_closed_weaken.
exact Hcl'.
intros θ δ Hg; specialize (Hlog θ δ Hg).
simp type_interp in *.
destruct Hlog as (v_pack & Hbs_pack & Hlog_pack).
simp type_interp in Hlog_pack.
destruct Hlog_pack as (v_inner & -> & τ & Hlog_inner).
remember (τ .: δ) as δ'.
remember (<[x := of_val v_inner]> θ) as θ'.
remember (<[x:=A]> (⤉Γ)) as Γ'.
assert (𝒢 δ' Γ' θ') as Hg'.
exact Hlog_inner.
apply sem_context_rel_cons.
exact Hg.
specialize (Hlog' θ' δ' Hg').
simp type_interp in Hlog'.
destruct Hlog' as (v_unpacked & Hbs_unpacked & Hlog_unpacked).
exists v_unpacked; split.
- econstructor.
exact Hbs_pack.
rewrite subst_subst_map.
rewrite <-Heqθ'.
exact Hbs_unpacked.
exact (sem_context_rel_closed _ _ _ Hg).
- rewrite Heqδ' in Hlog_unpacked.
rewrite <-sem_val_rel_cons in Hlog_unpacked.
exact Hlog_unpacked.
Lemma compat_if n Γ e0 e1 e2 A :
@ -707,7 +872,7 @@ Proof.
econstructor; [done | apply big_step_of_val; done | done].
Lemma sem_soundness Δ Γ e A :
Lemma sem_soundness {Δ Γ e A} :
TY Δ; Γ ⊢ e : A →
TY Δ; Γ ⊨ e : A.