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(* Throughout the course, we will be using the [stdpp] library to provide
some useful and common features.
We will introduce you to its features as we need them.
From stdpp Require Import base tactics numbers strings.
From stdpp Require relations.
From semantics.lib Require Import maps.
(** * Exercise sheet 0 *)
(* We are using Coq's notion of integers, [Z].
All the standard operations, like [+] and [*], are defined on it.
Inductive expr :=
| Const (z : Z)
| Plus (e1 e2 : expr)
| Mul (e1 e2 : expr).
(** Exercise 1: Arithmetics *)
Fixpoint expr_eval (e : expr) : Z :=
(* TODO: write the function *)
(** Now let's define some notation to make it look nice! *)
(* We declare a so-called notation scope, so that we can still use the nice notations for addition on natural numbers [nat] and integers [Z]. *)
Declare Scope expr.
Delimit Scope expr with E.
Notation "e1 + e2" := (Plus e1%Z e2%Z) : expr.
Notation "e1 * e2" := (Mul e1%Z e2%Z) : expr.
(* We can use our nice notation to write expressions!
(note the [%E] to tell Coq to parse this as an arithmetical expression with the
notations we just defined).
Check (Const 5 + Const 5)%E.
(* The notation also still works for [Z] and [nat]: *)
Check (5 + 5)%Z.
Check (5 + 5).
(* As an exercise, rephrase the following lemmas using the newly defined notation *)
Lemma expr_eval_test: expr_eval (Plus (Const (-4)) (Const 5)) = 1%Z.
(* should be solved by: simpl. lia. *)
(* TODO: exercise *)
Lemma plus_eval_comm e1 e2 :
expr_eval (Plus e1 e2) = expr_eval (Plus e2 e1).
(* TODO: exercise *)
Lemma plus_syntax_not_comm :
Plus (Const 0) (Const 1) Plus (Const 1) (Const 0).
(* TODO: exercise *)
(** Exercise 2: Open arithmetical expressions *)
(* Finally, we introduce variables into our arithmetic expressions.
Variables are of Coq's [string] type.
Inductive expr' :=
| Var (x: string)
| Const' (z : Z)
| Plus' (e1 e2 : expr')
| Mul' (e1 e2 : expr').
(* We call an expression closed under the list X,
if it only contains variables in X *)
Fixpoint is_closed (X: list string) (e: expr') : bool :=
match e with
| Var x => bool_decide (x X)
| Const' z => true
| Plus' e1 e2 => is_closed X e1 && is_closed X e2
| Mul' e1 e2 => is_closed X e1 && is_closed X e2
Definition closed X e := is_closed X e = true.
(* Some examples of closed terms. *)
Lemma example_no_vars_closed:
closed [] (Plus' (Const' 3) (Const' 5)).
unfold closed. simpl. done.
Lemma example_some_vars_closed:
closed ["x"; "y"] (Plus' (Var "x") (Var "y")).
unfold closed. simpl. done.
Lemma example_not_closed:
¬ closed ["x"] (Plus' (Var "x") (Var "y")).
unfold closed. simpl. done.
Lemma closed_mono X Y e:
X Y closed X e closed Y e.
unfold closed. intros Hsub; induction e as [ x | z | e1 IHe1 e2 IHe2 | e1 IHe1 e2 IHe2]; simpl.
- (* bool_decide is an stdpp function, which can be used to decide simple decidable propositions.
Make a search for it to find the right lemmas to complete this subgoal. *)
(* Search bool_decide. *)
- done.
- (* Locate the notation for && by typing: Locate "&&". Then search for the right lemmas.*)
- admit.
(* we define a substitution operation on open expressions *)
Fixpoint subst (e: expr') (x: string) (e': expr') : expr' :=
match e with
| Var y => if (bool_decide (x = y)) then e' else Var y
| Const' z => Const' z
| Plus' e1 e2 => Plus' (subst e1 x e') (subst e2 x e')
| Mul' e1 e2 => Mul' (subst e1 x e') (subst e2 x e')
Lemma subst_closed e e' x X:
closed X e ¬ (x X) subst e x e' = e.
(* TODO: exercise *)
(* To evaluate an arithmetic expression, we define an evaluation function [expr_eval], which maps them to integers.
Since our expressions contain variables, we pass a finite map as the argument, which is used to look up variables.
The type of finite maps that we use is called [gmap].
Fixpoint expr_eval' (m: gmap string Z) (e : expr') : Z :=
match e with
| Var x => default 0%Z (m !! x) (* this is the lookup operation on gmaps *)
| Const' z => z
| Plus' e1 e2 => (expr_eval' m e1) + (expr_eval' m e2)
| Mul' e1 e2 => (expr_eval' m e1) * (expr_eval' m e2)
(* Prove the following lemma which explains how substitution interacts with evaluation *)
Lemma eval_subst_extend (m: gmap string Z) e x e':
expr_eval' m (subst e x e') = expr_eval' (<[x := expr_eval' m e']> m) e.
(* TODO: exercise *)