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From stdpp Require Import gmap base relations.
From iris Require Import prelude.
From semantics.lib Require Export debruijn.
From semantics.ts.systemf Require Import lang notation parallel_subst types bigstep tactics.
From semantics.ts.systemf Require logrel binary_logrel.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
(** * Existential types and invariants *)
Implicit Types
(Δ : nat)
(Γ : typing_context)
(v : val)
(α : var)
(e : expr)
(A : type).
(** Here, we take the approach of encoding [assert],
instead of adding it as a primitive to the language.
This saves us from adding it to all of the existing proofs.
But clearly it has the same reduction behavior.
Definition assert (e : expr) : expr :=
if: e then #LitUnit else (#0 #0).
Lemma assert_true : rtc contextual_step (assert #true) #().
{ eapply base_contextual_step. constructor. }
Lemma assert_false : rtc contextual_step (assert #false) (#0 #0).
econstructor. { eapply base_contextual_step. econstructor. }
Definition Or (e1 e2 : expr) : expr :=
if: e1 then #true else e2.
Definition And (e1 e2 : expr) : expr :=
if: e1 then e2 else #false.
Notation "e1 '||' e2" := (Or e1 e2) : expr_scope.
Notation "e1 '&&' e2" := (And e1 e2) : expr_scope.
(** *** BIT *)
(*α, { bit : α, flip : αα, get : α → bool } *)
Definition BIT : type := : (#0 × (#0 #0)) × (#0 Bool).
Definition MyBit : val :=
pack (#0, (* bit *)
λ: "x", #1 - "x", (* flip *)
λ: "x", #0 < "x"). (* get *)
Lemma MyBit_typed n Γ :
TY n; Γ MyBit : BIT.
Proof. eapply (typed_pack _ _ _ Int); solve_typing. Qed.
Definition MyBit_instrumented : val :=
pack (#0, (* bit *)
λ: "x", assert (("x" = #0) || ("x" = #1));; #1 - "x", (* flip *)
λ: "x", assert (("x" = #0) || ("x" = #1));; #0 < "x"). (* get *)
Definition MyBoolBit : val :=
pack (#false, (* bit *)
λ: "x", UnOp NegOp "x", (* flip *)
λ: "x", "x"). (* get *)
Lemma MyBoolBit_typed n Γ :
TY n; Γ MyBoolBit : BIT.
eapply (typed_pack _ _ _ Bool); solve_typing.
simpl. econstructor.
Section unary_mybit.
Import logrel.
Lemma MyBit_instrumented_sem_typed δ :
𝒱 BIT δ MyBit_instrumented.
unfold BIT. simp type_interp.
eexists. split; first done.
pose_sem_type (λ x, x = #0 x = #1) as τ.
{ intros v [-> | ->]; done. }
exists τ.
simp type_interp.
eexists _, _. split; first done.
- simp type_interp. eexists _, _. split; first done. split.
+ simp type_interp. simpl. by left.
+ simp type_interp. eexists _, _. split; first done. split; first done.
intros v'. simp type_interp; simpl.
(* Note: this part of the proof is a bit different from the paper version, as we directly do a case split. *)
intros [-> | ->].
* exists #1. split; last simp type_interp; simpl; eauto.
bs_steps_det. eapply bs_if_true; bs_steps_det.
eapply bs_if_true; bs_steps_det.
* exists #0. split; last simp type_interp; simpl; eauto.
bs_steps_det. eapply bs_if_true; bs_steps_det.
eapply bs_if_false; bs_steps_det.
- simp type_interp. eexists _, _. split; first done. split; first done.
intros v'. simp type_interp; simpl. intros [-> | ->].
* exists #false. split; last simp type_interp; simpl; eauto.
bs_steps_det. eapply bs_if_true; bs_steps_det. eapply bs_if_true; bs_steps_det.
* exists #true. split; last simp type_interp; simpl; eauto.
bs_steps_det. eapply bs_if_true; bs_steps_det. eapply bs_if_false; bs_steps_det.
End unary_mybit.
Section binary_mybit.
Import binary_logrel.
Lemma MyBit_MyBoolBit_sem_typed δ :
𝒱 BIT δ MyBit MyBoolBit.
unfold BIT. simp type_interp.
eexists _, _. split_and!; try done.
pose_sem_type (λ v w, (v = #0 w = #false) (v = #1 w = #true)) as τ.
{ intros v w [[-> ->] | [-> ->]]; done. }
exists τ.
simp type_interp.
eexists _, _, _, _. split_and!; try done.
simp type_interp.
eexists _, _, _, _. split_and!; try done.
- simp type_interp. simpl. naive_solver.
- simp type_interp. eexists _, _, _, _. split_and!; try done.
intros v w. simp type_interp. simpl.
intros [[-> ->]|[-> ->]]; simpl; eexists _, _; split_and!; eauto; simpl.
all: simp type_interp; simpl; naive_solver.
- simp type_interp. eexists _, _, _, _. split_and!; try done.
intros v w. simp type_interp. simpl.
intros [[-> ->]|[-> ->]]; simpl.
all: eexists _, _; split_and!; eauto; simpl.
all: simp type_interp; eauto.
End binary_mybit.