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From iris.prelude Require Import options.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import lang notation.
From Require Export hoare_lib.
Import hoare.
Implicit Types
(P Q: iProp)
(φ ψ: Prop)
(e: expr)
(v: val).
(** * Hoare logic *)
(** Entailment rules *)
(** Derived entailment rules *)
Lemma ent_weakening P Q R :
(P R)
P Q R.
intros HP. eapply ent_trans.
- apply ent_and_elim_l.
- done.
Lemma ent_true P :
P True.
by apply ent_prove_pure.
Lemma ent_false P :
False P.
eapply ent_assume_pure.
- apply ent_refl.
- done.
Lemma ent_and_comm P Q :
P Q Q P.
apply ent_and_intro.
- apply ent_and_elim_r.
- apply ent_and_elim_l.
Lemma ent_or_comm P Q :
P Q Q P.
apply ent_or_elim.
- apply ent_or_intror.
- apply ent_or_introl.
Lemma ent_all_comm {X} (Φ : X X iProp) :
( x y, Φ x y) ( y x, Φ x y).
apply ent_all_intro. intros y.
apply ent_all_intro. intros x.
- eapply ent_all_elim.
- eapply ent_all_elim.
Lemma ent_exist_comm {X} (Φ : X X iProp) :
( x y, Φ x y) ( y x, Φ x y).
eapply ent_exist_elim. intros x.
eapply ent_exist_elim. intros y.
eapply ent_exist_intro. eapply ent_exist_intro.
apply ent_refl.
(** Derived Hoare rules *)
Lemma hoare_con_pre P Q Φ e:
(P Q)
{{ Q }} e {{ Φ }}
{{ P }} e {{ Φ }}.
intros ??. eapply hoare_con; eauto.
Lemma hoare_con_post P Φ Ψ e:
( v, Ψ v Φ v)
{{ P }} e {{ Ψ }}
{{ P }} e {{ Φ }}.
intros ??. eapply hoare_con; last done; eauto.
Lemma hoare_value_con P Φ v :
(P Φ v)
{{ P }} v {{ Φ }}.
intros H. eapply hoare_con; last apply hoare_value.
- apply H.
- eauto.
Lemma hoare_value' P v :
{{ P }} v {{ w, P w = v}}.
eapply hoare_con; last apply hoare_value with (Φ := (λ v', P v' = v)%I).
- etrans; first apply ent_sep_true. rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply ent_sep_split; first done.
by apply ent_prove_pure.
- done.
Lemma hoare_rec P Φ f x e v:
({{ P }} subst' x v (subst' f (rec: f x := e) e) {{Φ}})
{{ P }} (rec: f x := e)%V v {{Φ}}.
intros Ha. eapply hoare_pure_step; last done.
apply pure_step_beta.
Lemma hoare_let P Φ x e v:
({{ P }} subst' x v e {{Φ}})
{{ P }} let: x := v in e {{Φ}}.
intros Ha. eapply hoare_pure_steps.
{ eapply (rtc_pure_step_fill [AppLCtx _]).
apply pure_step_val. done.
eapply hoare_pure_step; last done.
apply pure_step_beta.
Lemma hoare_eq_num (n m: Z):
{{ n = m }} #n = #m {{ u, u = #true }}.
eapply hoare_pure; first reflexivity.
intros ->. eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply pure_step_eq. done. }
apply hoare_value_con.
by apply ent_prove_pure.
Lemma hoare_neq_num (n m: Z):
{{ n m }} #n = #m {{ u, u = #false }}.
eapply hoare_pure; first reflexivity.
intros Hneq. eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply pure_step_neq. done. }
apply hoare_value_con.
by apply ent_prove_pure.
Lemma hoare_sub (z1 z2: Z):
{{ True }} #z1 - #z2 {{ v, v = #(z1 - z2) }}.
eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply pure_step_sub. }
apply hoare_value_con. by apply ent_prove_pure.
Lemma hoare_add (z1 z2: Z):
{{ True }} #z1 + #z2 {{ v, v = #(z1 + z2) }}.
eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply pure_step_add. }
apply hoare_value_con. by apply ent_prove_pure.
Lemma hoare_if_false P e1 e2 Φ:
{{ P }} e2 {{ Φ }}
({{ P }} if: #false then e1 else e2 {{ Φ }}).
intros H. eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply pure_step_if_false. }
Lemma hoare_if_true P e1 e2 Φ:
{{ P }} e1 {{ Φ }}
({{ P }} if: #true then e1 else e2 {{ Φ }}).
intros H. eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply pure_step_if_true. }
Lemma hoare_pure_pre φ Φ e:
{{ φ }} e {{ Φ }} (φ {{ True }} e {{ Φ }}).
- intros Hh Hφ. eapply hoare_con; last done.
+ eapply ent_prove_pure. done.
+ intros v. eapply ent_refl.
- intros Hh. eapply hoare_pure; first eapply ent_refl.
intros ?. eapply hoare_con; last by eapply Hh.
+ eapply ent_prove_pure; done.
+ intros ?. eapply ent_refl.
(** Example: Fibonacci *)
Definition fib: val :=
rec: "fib" "n" :=
if: "n" = #0 then #0
else if: "n" = #1 then #1
else "fib" ("n" - #1) + "fib" ("n" - #2).
Lemma fib_zero:
{{ True }} fib #0 {{ v, v = #0 }}.
unfold fib.
eapply hoare_pure_steps.
{ econstructor 2.
{ apply pure_step_beta. }
simpl. econstructor 2.
{ apply (pure_step_fill [IfCtx _ _]). apply pure_step_eq. done. }
simpl. econstructor 2.
{ apply pure_step_if_true. }
apply hoare_value_con. apply ent_prove_pure. done.
Lemma fib_one:
{{ True }} fib #1 {{ v, v = #1 }}.
unfold fib.
eapply hoare_pure_steps.
{ econstructor 2.
{ apply pure_step_beta. }
simpl. econstructor 2.
{ apply (pure_step_fill [IfCtx _ _ ]). apply pure_step_neq. done. }
simpl. econstructor 2.
{ apply pure_step_if_false. }
econstructor 2.
{ apply (pure_step_fill [IfCtx _ _]). apply pure_step_eq. done. }
econstructor 2.
{ apply pure_step_if_true. }
eapply hoare_value_con. apply ent_prove_pure. done.
Lemma fib_succ (z n m: Z):
{{ True }} fib #(z - 1)%Z {{ v, v = #n }}
{{ True }} fib #(z - 2)%Z {{ v, v = #m }}
{{ z > 1%Z }} fib #z {{ v, v = #(n + m) }}.
intros H1 H2. eapply hoare_pure_pre. intros Hgt.
unfold fib.
eapply hoare_pure_steps.
{ econstructor 2.
{ apply pure_step_beta. }
simpl. econstructor 2. { apply (pure_step_fill [IfCtx _ _]). apply pure_step_neq. lia. }
simpl. econstructor 2. { apply pure_step_if_false. }
econstructor 2. { apply (pure_step_fill [IfCtx _ _]). apply pure_step_neq. lia. }
simpl. econstructor 2. { apply pure_step_if_false. }
fold fib. reflexivity.
eapply (hoare_bind [BinOpRCtx _ _]).
{ eapply (hoare_bind [AppRCtx _]). { apply hoare_sub. }
intros v. eapply hoare_pure_pre. intros ->. apply H2.
intros v. apply hoare_pure_pre. intros ->. simpl.
eapply (hoare_bind [BinOpLCtx _ _]).
{ eapply (hoare_bind [AppRCtx _]). { apply hoare_sub. }
intros v. eapply hoare_pure_pre. intros ->. apply H1.
intros v. apply hoare_pure_pre. intros ->. simpl.
eapply hoare_pure_step. { apply pure_step_add. }
eapply hoare_value_con. by apply ent_prove_pure.
Lemma fib_succ_oldschool (z n m: Z):
{{ True }} fib #(z - 1)%Z {{ v, v = #n }}
{{ True }} fib #(z - 2)%Z {{ v, v = #m }}
{{ z > 1%Z }} fib #z {{ v, v = #(n + m) }}.
intros H1 H2. eapply hoare_pure_pre. intros Hgt.
rewrite /fib.
eapply hoare_rec; simpl. fold fib.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [IfCtx _ _]).
{ eapply hoare_con; last eapply hoare_neq_num; eauto with lia. }
intros v; simpl. apply hoare_pure_pre.
intros ->. eapply hoare_if_false.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [IfCtx _ _]).
{ eapply hoare_con; last eapply hoare_neq_num; eauto with lia. }
intros w; simpl. apply hoare_pure_pre.
intros ->. eapply hoare_if_false.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppRCtx _; BinOpRCtx _ _]).
{ eapply hoare_sub. }
simpl. intros w. eapply hoare_pure_pre. intros ->.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [BinOpRCtx _ _]); first eapply H2.
simpl. intros w. eapply hoare_pure_pre. intros ->.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [BinOpLCtx _ _]).
- eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppRCtx _]); first by eapply hoare_sub.
simpl. intros v. eapply hoare_pure_pre.
intros ->. eapply H1.
- simpl. intros v. eapply hoare_pure_pre.
intros ->. eapply hoare_add.
Fixpoint Fib (n: nat) :=
match n with
| 0 => 0
| S n =>
match n with
| 0 => 1
| S m => Fib n + Fib m
Lemma fib_computes_Fib (n: nat):
{{ True }} fib #n {{ v, v = #(Fib n) }}.
induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH].
destruct n as [|[|n]].
- simpl. eapply fib_zero.
- simpl. eapply fib_one.
- replace (Fib (S (S n)): Z) with (Fib (S n) + Fib n)%Z by (simpl; lia).
edestruct (hoare_pure_pre (S (S n) > 1))%Z as [H1 _]; eapply H1; last lia.
eapply fib_succ.
+ replace (S (S n) - 1)%Z with (S n: Z) by lia. eapply IH. lia.
+ replace (S (S n) - 2)%Z with (n: Z) by lia. eapply IH. lia.
(** ** Example: gcd *)
Definition mod_val : val :=
λ: "a" "b", "a" - ("a" `quot` "b") * "b".
Definition euclid: val :=
rec: "euclid" "a" "b" :=
if: "b" = #0 then "a" else "euclid" "b" (mod_val "a" "b").
Lemma quot_diff a b :
(0 a)%Z (0 < b)%Z (0 a - a `quot` b * b < b)%Z.
intros. split.
- rewrite Z.mul_comm -Z.rem_eq; last lia. apply Z.rem_nonneg; lia.
- rewrite Z.mul_comm -Z.rem_eq; last lia.
specialize (Z.rem_bound_pos_pos a b ltac:(lia) ltac:(lia)). lia.
Lemma Z_nonneg_ind (P : Z Prop) :
( x, (0 x)%Z ( y, (0 y < x)%Z P y) P x)
x, (0 x)%Z P x.
intros IH x Hle. generalize Hle.
revert x Hle. refine (Z_lt_induction (λ x, (0 x)%Z P x) _).
Lemma mod_spec (a b : Z) :
{{ (b > 0)%Z (a >= 0)%Z }}
mod_val #a #b
{{ cv, (c k : Z), cv = #c (0 <= k)%Z (a = b * k + c)%Z (0 <= c < b)%Z }}.
eapply (hoare_pure _ (b > 0 a >= 0)%Z).
{ eapply ent_assume_pure. { eapply ent_and_elim_l. }
intros ?. eapply ent_assume_pure. { eapply ent_and_elim_r. }
intros ?. eapply ent_assume_pure. { eapply ent_and_elim_l. }
intros ?. apply ent_prove_pure. done.
intros (? & ?).
unfold mod_val. eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply pure_step_fill with (K := [AppLCtx _]). apply pure_step_beta. }
fold mod_val. simpl.
apply hoare_let. simpl.
eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply pure_step_fill with (K := [BinOpLCtx _ _; BinOpRCtx _ _]).
apply pure_step_quot. lia.
simpl. eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply pure_step_fill with (K := [BinOpRCtx _ _]). apply pure_step_mul. }
simpl. eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply pure_step_sub. }
eapply hoare_value_con.
eapply ent_exist_intro. apply ent_exist_intro with (x := (a `quot` b)%Z).
(* MATH *)
apply ent_prove_pure. split; last split; last split.
- reflexivity.
- apply Z.quot_pos; lia.
- lia.
- apply quot_diff; lia.
Lemma gcd_step (b c k : Z) :
Z.gcd b c = Z.gcd (b * k + c) b.
rewrite Z.add_comm (Z.gcd_comm _ b) Z.mul_comm Z.gcd_add_mult_diag_r. done.
Lemma euclid_step_gt0 (a b : Z) :
( c : Z,
{{ (0 c < b)%Z}}
euclid #b #c
{{ d, d = #(Z.gcd b c) }})
{{ (b > 0)%Z (a >= 0)%Z}} euclid #a #b {{ c, c = #(Z.gcd a b) }}.
intros Ha.
eapply (hoare_pure _ (a >= 0 b > 0)%Z).
{ eapply ent_assume_pure. { eapply ent_and_elim_l. }
intros ?. eapply ent_assume_pure. { eapply ent_and_elim_r. }
intros ?. eapply ent_assume_pure. { eapply ent_and_elim_l. }
intros ?. apply ent_prove_pure. done.
intros (? & ?).
unfold euclid. eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply (pure_step_fill [AppLCtx _]). apply pure_step_beta. }
fold euclid. simpl. apply hoare_let. simpl.
eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply (pure_step_fill [IfCtx _ _]). apply pure_step_neq. lia. }
simpl. apply hoare_if_false.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppRCtx _]).
{ apply mod_spec. }
intros v. simpl.
apply hoare_exist_pre. intros d.
apply hoare_exist_pre. intros k.
apply hoare_pure_pre.
intros (-> & ? & -> & ?).
eapply hoare_con; last apply Ha.
{ apply ent_prove_pure. split_and!; lia. }
{ simpl. intros v. eapply ent_assume_pure; first done. intros ->.
apply ent_prove_pure. f_equiv. f_equiv. apply gcd_step.
Lemma euclid_step_0 (a : Z) :
{{ True }} euclid #a #0 {{ v, v = #a }}.
unfold euclid. eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply (pure_step_fill [AppLCtx _]). apply pure_step_beta. }
fold euclid. simpl. apply hoare_let. simpl.
eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply (pure_step_fill [IfCtx _ _]). apply pure_step_eq. lia. }
simpl. apply hoare_if_true.
apply hoare_value_con. by apply ent_prove_pure.
Lemma euclid_proof (a b : Z) :
{{ (0 a 0 b)%Z }} euclid #a #b {{ c, c = #(Z.gcd a b) }}.
eapply hoare_pure_pre. intros (Ha & Hb).
revert b Hb a Ha. refine (Z_nonneg_ind _ _).
intros b Hb IH a Ha.
destruct (decide (b = 0)) as [ -> | Hneq0].
- eapply hoare_con; last apply euclid_step_0.
{ done. }
{ intros v. simpl. eapply ent_assume_pure; first done. intros ->.
apply ent_prove_pure.
rewrite Z.gcd_0_r Z.abs_eq; first done. lia.
- (* use a mod b < b *)
eapply hoare_con; last apply euclid_step_gt0.
{ apply ent_and_intro; apply ent_prove_pure; lia. }
{ done. }
intros c. apply hoare_pure_pre. intros.
eapply hoare_con; last eapply IH; [ done | done | lia.. ].
(** Exercise: Factorial *)
Definition fac : val :=
rec: "fac" "n" :=
if: "n" = #0 then #1
else "n" * "fac" ("n" - #1).
Lemma fac_zero :
{{ True }} fac #0 {{ v, v = #1 }}.
unfold fac. apply hoare_rec. simpl.
eapply hoare_pure_steps.
{ econstructor 2.
{ eapply pure_step_fill with (K := [IfCtx _ _]). by apply pure_step_eq. }
simpl. econstructor 2. { apply pure_step_if_true. }
eapply hoare_value_con. by apply ent_prove_pure.
Lemma fac_succ (n m : Z) :
{{ True }} fac #(n - 1) {{ v, v = #m }}
{{ (n > 0)%Z }} fac #n {{ v, v = #(n * m) }}.
intros Hs. unfold fac. apply hoare_rec. simpl.
apply hoare_pure_pre. intros Hn.
eapply hoare_pure_steps.
{ econstructor 2.
{ eapply pure_step_fill with (K := [IfCtx _ _]).
apply pure_step_neq. lia. }
simpl. econstructor 2. { apply pure_step_if_false. }
fold fac. econstructor 2.
{ eapply pure_step_fill with (K := [AppRCtx _; BinOpRCtx _ _]).
apply pure_step_sub.
simpl. reflexivity.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [BinOpRCtx _ _]). { apply Hs. }
intros v. apply hoare_pure_pre. intros ->.
simpl. eapply hoare_pure_step. { apply pure_step_mul. }
eapply hoare_value_con. by apply ent_prove_pure.
Fixpoint Fac (n : nat) :=
match n with
| 0 => 1
| S n => (S n) * Fac n
Lemma fac_computes_Fac (n : nat) :
{{ True }} fac #n {{ v, v = #(Fac n) }}.
induction n as [ | n IH]; simpl.
- apply fac_zero.
- eapply hoare_con; first last.
+ apply fac_succ.
replace (Z.of_nat (S n) - 1)%Z with (Z.of_nat n) by lia.
apply IH.
+ intros v. simpl. eapply ent_assume_pure; first reflexivity.
intros ->. apply ent_prove_pure. f_equiv. f_equiv. lia.
+ apply ent_prove_pure; done.
(** * Separation Logic *)
(* Note: The separating conjunction can usually be typed with \ast or \sep *)
Lemma ent_pointsto_disj l l' v w :
l v l' w l l'.
destruct (decide (l = l')) as [ -> | Hneq].
- etrans. { apply ent_pointsto_sep. }
apply ent_false.
- by apply ent_prove_pure.
Lemma ent_sep_exists {X} (Φ : X iProp) P :
( x : X, Φ x P) ( x : X, Φ x) P.
apply ent_equiv. split.
- apply ent_exist_elim. intros x.
apply ent_sep_split; last done.
by eapply ent_exist_intro.
- apply ent_exists_sep.
(** ** Example: Chains *)
Fixpoint chain_pre n l r : iProp :=
match n with
| 0 => l = r
| S n => t : loc, l #t chain_pre n t r
Definition chain l r : iProp := n, n > 0 chain_pre n l r.
Lemma chain_single (l r : loc) :
l #r chain l r.
unfold chain. eapply ent_exist_intro with (x := 1).
etrans; first apply ent_sep_true. apply ent_sep_split.
- apply ent_prove_pure. lia.
- eapply ent_exist_intro. etrans; first apply ent_sep_true.
rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply ent_sep_split; first done.
apply ent_prove_pure; done.
Lemma chain_cons (l r t : loc) :
l #r chain r t chain l t.
unfold chain. rewrite ent_sep_comm -ent_sep_exists.
apply ent_exist_elim. intros n.
apply ent_exist_intro with (x := S n). rewrite -ent_sep_assoc.
eapply ent_assume_pure.
{ etrans; first apply ent_sep_weaken. done. }
intros ?. apply ent_sep_split.
{ apply ent_prove_pure. lia. }
simpl. apply ent_exist_intro with (x := r).
rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply ent_sep_split; done.
Lemma chain_trans (l r t : loc) :
chain l r chain r t chain l t.
unfold chain. rewrite -ent_sep_exists.
apply ent_exist_elim. intros n.
rewrite ent_sep_comm -ent_sep_exists.
apply ent_exist_elim. intros m.
eapply ent_assume_pure.
{ etrans; first apply ent_sep_weaken. etrans; first apply ent_sep_weaken; done. }
intros ?.
eapply ent_assume_pure.
{ rewrite ent_sep_comm. etrans; first apply ent_sep_weaken. etrans; first apply ent_sep_weaken; done. }
intros Hn.
apply ent_exist_intro with (x := n + m). rewrite -ent_sep_assoc.
apply ent_sep_split.
{ apply ent_prove_pure; lia. }
induction n as [ | n IH] in l, Hn |-*; first lia.
setoid_rewrite ent_sep_comm at 2. rewrite -ent_sep_exists.
rewrite ent_sep_comm -ent_sep_exists.
apply ent_exist_elim. intros l'. apply ent_exist_intro with (x := l').
rewrite -!ent_sep_assoc. apply ent_sep_split; first done.
destruct n as [ | n].
- simpl. eapply ent_assume_pure. { apply ent_sep_weaken. }
intros ->. rewrite ent_sep_comm. rewrite (ent_sep_comm _ (chain_pre _ _ _)) -ent_sep_assoc.
apply ent_sep_weaken.
- etrans; last apply IH; last lia.
rewrite ent_sep_comm. rewrite ent_sep_assoc. apply ent_sep_split; last done.
rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply ent_sep_split; first done.
apply ent_prove_pure. lia.
Lemma chain_sep_false (l r t : loc) :
chain l r chain l t False.
unfold chain. rewrite -ent_sep_exists.
apply ent_exist_elim. intros n.
rewrite ent_sep_comm -ent_sep_exists.
apply ent_exist_elim. intros m.
eapply ent_assume_pure.
{ etrans; first apply ent_sep_weaken. etrans; first apply ent_sep_weaken; done. }
intros ?.
eapply ent_assume_pure.
{ rewrite ent_sep_comm. etrans; first apply ent_sep_weaken. etrans; first apply ent_sep_weaken; done. }
intros Hn.
destruct n as [ | n]; first lia.
destruct m as [ | m]; first lia.
setoid_rewrite ent_sep_comm at 2. rewrite -ent_sep_exists -ent_sep_exists.
apply ent_exist_elim. intros l'.
rewrite ent_sep_comm. setoid_rewrite ent_sep_comm at 2.
rewrite -ent_sep_exists -ent_sep_exists.
apply ent_exist_elim. intros l''.
rewrite !ent_sep_assoc. etrans; first apply ent_sep_weaken.
etrans; first apply ent_sep_weaken.
rewrite -ent_sep_assoc. rewrite ent_sep_comm ent_sep_assoc.
etrans; first apply ent_sep_weaken.
rewrite -ent_sep_assoc ent_sep_comm. etrans; first apply ent_sep_weaken.
apply ent_pointsto_sep.
Definition cycle l := chain l l.
Lemma chain_cycle l r :
chain l r chain r l cycle l.
apply chain_trans.
(** New Hoare rules *)
(*Check hoare_frame.*)
(*Check hoare_new.*)
(*Check hoare_store.*)
(*Check hoare_load.*)
Lemma hoare_pure_pre_sep_l (ϕ : Prop) Q Φ e :
(ϕ {{ Q }} e {{ Φ }})
{{ ϕ Q }} e {{ Φ }}.
intros He.
eapply hoare_pure.
{ apply ent_sep_weaken. }
intros ?.
eapply hoare_con; last by apply He.
- rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply ent_sep_weaken.
- done.
(* Enables rewriting with equivalences ⊣⊢ in pre/post condition *)
#[export] Instance hoare_proper :
Proper (equiv ==> eq ==> (pointwise_relation val ()) ==> impl) hoare.
intros P1 P2 HP%ent_equiv e1 e2 <- Φ1 Φ2 HΦ Hp.
eapply hoare_con; last done.
- apply HP.
- done.
Definition assert e := (if: e then #() else #0 #0)%E.
Lemma hoare_assert P e :
{{ P }} e {{ v, v = #true }}
{{ P }} assert e {{ v, v = #() }}.
intros He.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [IfCtx _ _]); first done.
intros v. simpl. apply hoare_pure_pre. intros ->.
eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply pure_step_if_true. }
apply hoare_value_con. by apply ent_prove_pure.
Lemma frame_example (f : val) :
( l l' : loc, {{ l #0 }} f #l #l' {{ _, l #42 }})
{{ True }}
let: "x" := ref #0 in
let: "y" := ref #42 in
(f "x" "y";;
assert (!"x" = !"y"))
{{ _, True }}.
intros Hf.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppRCtx _]).
{ apply hoare_new. }
intros v. simpl.
apply hoare_exist_pre. intros l.
apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_let. simpl.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppRCtx _]).
{ eapply hoare_con_pre. { apply ent_sep_true. }
eapply hoare_frame. apply hoare_new. }
intros v. simpl.
rewrite -ent_sep_exists. apply hoare_exist_pre. intros l'.
rewrite -ent_sep_assoc. eapply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_let. simpl.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppRCtx _]).
{ rewrite ent_sep_comm. eapply hoare_frame. apply Hf. }
intros v. simpl.
apply hoare_let. simpl.
eapply hoare_con_post; first last.
{ apply hoare_assert.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [BinOpRCtx _ _]).
{ rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_frame. apply hoare_load. }
intros v'. simpl. rewrite -ent_sep_assoc. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l.
intros ->.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [BinOpLCtx _ _]).
{ rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_frame. apply hoare_load. }
intros v'. simpl. rewrite -ent_sep_assoc. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l.
intros ->.
eapply hoare_pure_step. { by apply pure_step_eq. }
eapply hoare_value_con. by apply ent_prove_pure.
intros. apply ent_true.
(** Exercise: swap *)
Definition swap : val :=
λ: "l" "r", let: "t" := ! "r" in "r" <- !"l";; "l" <- "t".
Lemma swap_correct (l r: loc) (v w: val):
{{ l v r w }} swap #l #r {{ _, l w r v }}.
rewrite /swap.
(* we execute the first application *)
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppLCtx _]).
{ eapply hoare_rec; simpl.
eapply hoare_pure_steps.
{ eapply pure_step_val. constructor. }
eapply hoare_value'.
(* we remove the equality over f *)
simpl; intros f. rewrite ent_sep_comm.
eapply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_rec. simpl.
(* we execute the load *)
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppRCtx _]).
{ rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_frame. apply hoare_load. }
intros v'. simpl. rewrite -ent_sep_assoc. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
(* we execute the let *)
eapply hoare_let; simpl.
(* we execute the next load *)
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [StoreRCtx _; AppRCtx _]).
{ rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_frame. apply hoare_load. }
intros t; simpl. rewrite -ent_sep_assoc. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
(* we execute the store *)
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppRCtx _]).
{ rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_frame. apply hoare_store. }
simpl. intros ?. apply hoare_let. simpl.
(* we execute the store *)
rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_frame. apply hoare_store.
(** ** Case study: lists *)
Fixpoint is_ll (xs : list val) (v : val) : iProp :=
match xs with
| [] => v = NONEV
| x :: xs =>
(l : loc) (w : val),
v = SOMEV #l l (x, w) is_ll xs w
Definition new_ll : val :=
λ: <>, NONEV.
Definition cons_ll : val :=
λ: "h" "l", SOME (ref ("h", "l")).
Definition head_ll : val :=
λ: "x", match: "x" with NONE => #() | SOME "r" => Fst (!"r") end.
Definition tail_ll : val :=
λ: "x", match: "x" with NONE => #() | SOME "r" => Snd (!"r") end.
Definition len_ll : val :=
rec: "len" "x" := match: "x" with NONE => #0 | SOME "r" => #1 + "len" (Snd !"r") end.
Definition app_ll : val :=
rec: "app" "x" "y" :=
match: "x" with NONE => "y" | SOME "r" =>
let: "rs" := !"r" in
"r" <- (Fst "rs", "app" (Snd "rs") "y");;
SOME "r"
Lemma app_ll_correct xs ys v w :
{{ is_ll xs v is_ll ys w }} app_ll v w {{ u, is_ll (xs ++ ys) u }}.
induction xs as [ | x xs IH] in v |-*.
- simpl. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppLCtx _]).
{ apply hoare_rec. simpl.
eapply hoare_pure_steps.
{ apply pure_step_val. done. }
eapply hoare_value'.
intros v'. simpl. rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
apply hoare_rec. simpl.
eapply hoare_pure_step. { apply pure_step_match_injl. }
apply hoare_let. simpl. apply hoare_value.
- simpl. rewrite -ent_sep_exists. apply hoare_exist_pre.
intros l. rewrite -ent_sep_exists. apply hoare_exist_pre.
intros w'. rewrite -ent_sep_assoc. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppLCtx _ ]).
{ apply hoare_rec. simpl.
eapply hoare_pure_steps. {apply pure_step_val. done. }
eapply hoare_value'.
intros v'. simpl. rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
apply hoare_rec. simpl.
eapply hoare_pure_step. {apply pure_step_match_injr. }
apply hoare_let. simpl.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppRCtx _]).
{ apply hoare_frame. apply hoare_frame. apply hoare_load. }
intros v. simpl.
rewrite -!ent_sep_assoc. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
apply hoare_let. simpl.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [PairRCtx _; StoreRCtx _; AppRCtx _]).
{ eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppRCtx _; AppLCtx _]).
{ eapply hoare_pure_step. { apply pure_step_snd. }
apply hoare_value'.
intros v. simpl. fold app_ll.
rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
rewrite ent_sep_comm. eapply hoare_frame.
apply IH.
intros v. simpl.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [PairLCtx _; StoreRCtx _; AppRCtx _]).
{ eapply hoare_pure_step. { apply pure_step_fst. }
apply hoare_value'.
intros v'. simpl. rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppRCtx _]).
{ rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_frame.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [StoreRCtx _]).
{ eapply hoare_pure_steps.
{ eapply pure_step_val. eauto. }
eapply hoare_value'.
intros v'. simpl. rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
apply hoare_store.
intros v'. simpl. apply hoare_let. simpl.
eapply hoare_pure_steps.
{ eapply pure_step_val. eauto. }
eapply hoare_value_con.
eapply ent_exist_intro. eapply ent_exist_intro.
etrans. { apply ent_sep_true. }
eapply ent_sep_split.
{ apply ent_prove_pure. done. }
apply ent_sep_split; reflexivity.
(** Exercise: linked lists *)
Lemma new_ll_correct :
{{ True }} new_ll #() {{ v, is_ll [] v }}.
unfold new_ll. apply hoare_rec. simpl.
apply hoare_value_con.
by apply ent_prove_pure.
Lemma cons_ll_correct (v x : val) xs :
{{ is_ll xs v }} cons_ll x v {{ u, is_ll (x :: xs) u }}.
unfold cons_ll.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppLCtx _]).
{ apply hoare_rec. simpl.
eapply hoare_pure_steps.
{ eapply pure_step_val. eauto. }
eapply hoare_value'.
intros v'. simpl. rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_rec. simpl.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [InjRCtx]).
{ eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AllocNRCtx _]).
{ eapply hoare_pure_steps. { eapply pure_step_val; eauto. }
eapply hoare_value'.
intros v'. simpl. rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l.
intros ->.
eapply hoare_con_pre; first apply ent_sep_true.
apply hoare_frame. apply hoare_new.
intros v'. simpl. rewrite -ent_sep_exists.
apply hoare_exist_pre. intros l.
rewrite -ent_sep_assoc. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_pure_steps.
{ apply pure_step_val; eauto. }
apply hoare_value_con.
eapply ent_exist_intro. eapply ent_exist_intro.
etrans. { apply ent_sep_true. }
eapply ent_sep_split.
{ apply ent_prove_pure. done. }
apply ent_sep_split; reflexivity.
Lemma head_ll_correct (v x : val) xs :
{{ is_ll (x :: xs) v }} head_ll v {{ w, w = x }}.
unfold head_ll.
apply hoare_rec. simpl.
apply hoare_exist_pre. intros l.
apply hoare_exist_pre. intros w.
apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply pure_step_match_injr. }
apply hoare_let. simpl.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [FstCtx]).
{ apply hoare_frame. apply hoare_load. }
intros v. simpl. rewrite -ent_sep_assoc. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_pure_step. { apply pure_step_fst. }
eapply hoare_value_con.
apply ent_prove_pure. done.
Lemma tail_ll_correct v x xs :
{{ is_ll (x :: xs) v }} tail_ll v {{ w, is_ll xs w }}.
unfold tail_ll.
apply hoare_rec. simpl.
apply hoare_exist_pre. intros l.
apply hoare_exist_pre. intros w.
apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply pure_step_match_injr. }
apply hoare_let. simpl.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [SndCtx]).
{ apply hoare_frame. apply hoare_load. }
intros v. simpl. rewrite -ent_sep_assoc. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_pure_step. { apply pure_step_snd. }
eapply hoare_value_con.
rewrite ent_sep_comm.
apply ent_sep_weaken.
Lemma len_ll_correct v xs :
{{ is_ll xs v }} len_ll v {{ w, w = #(length xs) is_ll xs v }}.
induction xs as [ | x xs IH] in v |-*.
- simpl. eapply hoare_pure_pre. intros ->.
apply hoare_rec. simpl.
eapply hoare_pure_step. { apply pure_step_match_injl. }
apply hoare_let. simpl. apply hoare_value_con.
etrans; first apply ent_sep_true.
apply ent_sep_split; by apply ent_prove_pure.
- simpl. apply hoare_exist_pre. intros l.
apply hoare_exist_pre. intros w. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
apply hoare_rec. simpl. fold len_ll.
eapply hoare_pure_step. {apply pure_step_match_injr. }
apply hoare_let. simpl.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [SndCtx; AppRCtx _; BinOpRCtx _ _]).
{ apply hoare_frame. apply hoare_load. }
intros v. simpl.
rewrite -ent_sep_assoc. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [AppRCtx _; BinOpRCtx _ _]).
{ eapply hoare_pure_step; first apply pure_step_snd. apply hoare_value'. }
intros v. simpl. rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [BinOpRCtx _ _]).
{ rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply hoare_frame. apply IH. }
intros v. simpl. rewrite -ent_sep_assoc. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_pure_step. { apply pure_step_add. }
eapply hoare_value_con.
etrans; first apply ent_sep_true.
apply ent_sep_split.
{ apply ent_prove_pure. f_equiv. f_equiv. lia. }
eapply ent_exist_intro.
eapply ent_exist_intro.
etrans; first apply ent_sep_true.
apply ent_sep_split. { by apply ent_prove_pure. }
rewrite ent_sep_comm. apply ent_sep_split; done.
(** Exercise: State and prove a strengthened specification for [tail]. *)
Lemma tail_ll_strengthened v x xs :
{{ is_ll (x :: xs) v }} tail_ll v {{ w, ( l : loc, v = SOMEV #l l (x, w)) is_ll xs w }}.
unfold tail_ll.
apply hoare_rec. simpl.
apply hoare_exist_pre. intros l.
apply hoare_exist_pre. intros w.
apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_pure_step.
{ apply pure_step_match_injr. }
apply hoare_let. simpl.
eapply hoare_bind with (K := [SndCtx]).
{ apply hoare_frame. apply hoare_load. }
intros v. simpl. rewrite -ent_sep_assoc. apply hoare_pure_pre_sep_l. intros ->.
eapply hoare_pure_step. { apply pure_step_snd. }
eapply hoare_value_con.
apply ent_sep_split; last done.
eapply ent_exist_intro. etrans; first apply ent_sep_true.
apply ent_sep_split; last done.
by apply ent_prove_pure.