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(** Some derived lemmas for ectx-based languages *)
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From iris.program_logic Require Export ectx_language.
From Require Export sequential_wp lifting.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Section wp.
Context {Λ : ectxLanguage} `{!irisGS Λ Σ} {Hinh : Inhabited (state Λ)}.
Implicit Types s : stuckness.
Implicit Types P : iProp Σ.
Implicit Types Φ : val Λ iProp Σ.
Implicit Types v : val Λ.
Implicit Types e : expr Λ.
Local Hint Resolve head_prim_reducible head_reducible_prim_step : core.
Local Definition reducible_not_val_inhabitant e := reducible_not_val e inhabitant.
Local Hint Resolve reducible_not_val_inhabitant : core.
Local Hint Resolve head_stuck_stuck : core.
Lemma wp_lift_head_step_fupd {s E1 E2 Φ} e1 :
to_val e1 = None
(|={E1, }=> σ1, state_interp σ1 ={,}=
head_reducible e1 σ1
e2 σ2 κ efs, head_step e1 σ1 κ e2 σ2 efs ={}= |={}=>
state_interp σ2 efs = [] κ = []
WP e2 @ s; ; E2 {{ Φ }})
WP e1 @ s; E1; E2 {{ Φ }}.
iIntros (?) "H". iApply wp_lift_step_fupd=>//. iMod "H". iIntros "!>" (σ1) "Hσ".
iMod ("H" with "Hσ") as "[% H]"; iModIntro.
iSplit; first by destruct s; eauto. iIntros (e2 σ2 κ efs ?).
iApply (step_fupd_wand with "(H []) []"); first eauto.
iIntros "($ & $ & $)".
Lemma wp_lift_head_step {s E1 E2 Φ} e1 :
to_val e1 = None
(|={E1, }=> σ1, state_interp σ1 ={}=
head_reducible e1 σ1
e2 σ2 κ efs, head_step e1 σ1 κ e2 σ2 efs ={}=
state_interp σ2 efs = [] κ = [] WP e2 @ s; ; E2 {{ Φ }})
WP e1 @ s; E1; E2 {{ Φ }}.
iIntros (?) "H". iApply wp_lift_head_step_fupd; [done|]. iMod "H".
iIntros "!>" (?) "?".
iMod ("H" with "[$]") as "[$ H]". iIntros "!>" (e2 σ2 κ efs ?) "!> !>". by iApply "H".
Lemma wp_lift_head_step_fupd_nomask {s E1 E2 E3 Φ} e1 :
to_val e1 = None
( σ1, state_interp σ1 ={E1}=
head_reducible e1 σ1
e2 σ2 κ efs, head_step e1 σ1 κ e2 σ2 efs ={E1}[E3]=
state_interp σ2 efs = [] κ = []
WP e2 @ s; E1; E2 {{ Φ }})
WP e1 @ s; E1; E2 {{ Φ }}.
iIntros (?) "H". iApply wp_lift_step_fupd_nomask; [done|].
iIntros (σ1) "Hσ1". iMod ("H" with "Hσ1") as "[% H]"; iModIntro.
iSplit; first by destruct s; auto. iIntros (e2 σ2 κ efs Hstep).
iApply (step_fupd_wand with "(H []) []"); first by eauto.
iIntros "($ & $)".
Lemma wp_lift_pure_det_head_step {s E1 E2 E' Φ} e1 e2 :
to_val e1 = None
( σ1, head_reducible e1 σ1)
( σ1 κ e2' σ2 efs',
head_step e1 σ1 κ e2' σ2 efs' κ = [] σ2 = σ1 e2' = e2 efs' = [])
(|={E1}[E']=> WP e2 @ s; E1; E2 {{ Φ }}) WP e1 @ s; E1; E2 {{ Φ }}.
Proof using Hinh.
intros. rewrite -(wp_lift_pure_det_step e1 e2); eauto.
destruct s; by auto.
Lemma wp_lift_pure_det_head_step' {s E1 E2 Φ} e1 e2 :
to_val e1 = None
( σ1, head_reducible e1 σ1)
( σ1 κ e2' σ2 efs',
head_step e1 σ1 κ e2' σ2 efs' κ = [] σ2 = σ1 e2' = e2 efs' = [])
WP e2 @ s; E1; E2 {{ Φ }} WP e1 @ s; E1; E2 {{ Φ }}.
Proof using Hinh.
intros. rewrite -[(WP e1 @ s; _ {{ _ }})%I]wp_lift_pure_det_head_step //.
rewrite -step_fupd_intro //.
End wp.