You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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//! Arithmetic operations: add, subtract, etc.
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::tile::prelude::*;
use veccell::VecRef;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Store {
signal: Option<Signal>,
impl Store {
pub fn signal(&self) -> Option<&Signal> {
impl Tile for Store {
fn update<'b>(&'b mut self, mut context: UpdateContext<'b>) {
if let Some(signal) = context.take_signal() {
let position = context.position();
// NOTE: we *could* write the signal immediately,
// but by delaying the write we can read from a `Store` without being order-dependent
context.callback(move |pane| {
if let Some(mut this) = pane.borrow_mut_as::<Self>(position) {
this.signal = Some(signal);
if context.state() != State::Idle {
fn draw_simple(&self, ctx: DrawContext) -> TextChar {
if self.signal.is_some() {
TextChar::from_state('\u{25c9}', ctx.state) // FISHEYE
} else {
TextChar::from_state('\u{25cb}', ctx.state) // WHITE CIRCLE
/// When a signal is received, reads a signal from a [`Store`] (at the reader's tail),
/// then outputs that signal (at the reader's head).
/// # Example
/// The following circuit can receive a value in `B`, then store it indefinitely.
/// Sending a signal in `A` will output the stored signal from `B` in `OUT`.
/// ```text
/// o = Store
/// ▸ = Reader(Right)
/// (A) ---+
/// |
/// (B) --o▸-- (OUT)
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Reader(Direction);
impl Tile for Reader {
fn update<'b>(&'b mut self, mut context: UpdateContext<'b>) {
if let Some(_signal) = context.take_signal() {
let _: Option<()> = try {
let store_position = context.offset(self.0.opposite().into_offset())?;
let store = context.get(store_position).and_then(get_store)?;
let signal = store.signal.clone()?;
let target_position = context.offset(self.0.into_offset())?;
context.send(target_position, self.0, signal);
if context.state() != State::Idle {
fn draw_simple(&self, ctx: DrawContext) -> TextChar {
match self.0 {
Direction::Down => TextChar::from_state('\u{25bd}', ctx.state), // WHITE DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE
Direction::Left => TextChar::from_state('\u{25c1}', ctx.state), // WHITE LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE
Direction::Right => TextChar::from_state('\u{25b7}', ctx.state), // WHITE RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE
Direction::Up => TextChar::from_state('\u{25b3}', ctx.state), // WHITE UP-POINTING TRIANGLE
/// Tries to convert a [`FullTile`] to a [`Store`]
fn get_store<'a>(full: VecRef<'a, FullTile>) -> Option<VecRef<'a, Store>> {
VecRef::try_map(full, |tile| {
let tile = tile.get().ok_or(())?;
let store = tile.try_into().map_err(|_| ())?;
Ok::<&Store, ()>(store)