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use super::*;
use veccell::{VecCell, VecRef, VecRefMut};
pub struct Pane {
tiles: VecCell<FullTile>,
width: NonZeroUsize,
height: NonZeroUsize,
pub(crate) signals: Vec<(usize, usize)>,
impl Pane {
/// Creates a new, empty `Pane` with the given dimensions.
/// If `width == 0` or `height == 0`, returns `None`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use stackline::prelude::*;
/// use stackline::tile::Wire;
/// // Create a new Pane with width 6 and height 4
/// let mut pane = Pane::empty(6, 4).unwrap();
/// // Place a horizontal wire on (2, 1) and (3, 1)
/// pane.set_tile((2, 1), Wire::new(Orientation::Horizontal));
/// pane.set_tile((3, 1), Wire::new(Orientation::Horizontal));
/// // Put a signal on (2, 1)
/// pane.set_signal((2, 1), stackline::signal!((2, 1)));
/// // Perform a simulation step
/// pane.step();
/// ```
#[ensures(ret.is_some() -> width > 0)]
#[ensures(ret.is_some() -> height > 0)]
pub fn empty(width: usize, height: usize) -> Option<Self> {
// TODO: check that width * height is a valid usize
let length = width.checked_mul(height)?;
let mut tiles = VecCell::with_capacity(length);
for _ in 0..length {
Some(Self {
width: width.try_into().ok()?,
height: height.try_into().ok()?,
signals: Vec::new(),
/// Returns the width of the current pane
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// # use stackline::prelude::*;
/// let pane = Pane::empty(4, 7).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(pane.width().get(), 4);
/// ```
pub fn width(&self) -> NonZeroUsize {
/// Returns the height of the current pane
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// # use stackline::prelude::*;
/// let pane = Pane::empty(4, 7).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(pane.height().get(), 7);
/// ```
pub fn height(&self) -> NonZeroUsize {
/// Given a `position = (x, y)` and an `offset = (Δx, Δy)`,
/// returns `Some((x + Δx, y + Δy))` if `(x + Δx, y + Δy)` is inside the `Pane`.
/// If `(x + Δx, y + Δy)` fall outside of the bounds of `Pane`, returns `None`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use stackline::prelude::*;
/// #
/// let pane = Pane::empty(4, 2).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(pane.offset((1, 0), (2, 1)), Some((3, 1))); // (1 + 2, 0 + 1) = (3, 1), inside
/// assert_eq!(pane.offset((1, 0), (-2, 0)), None); // (1 - 2, 0 + 0) = (-1, 0), outside
/// assert_eq!(pane.offset((1, 0), (3, 0)), None); // (1 + 3, 0 + 0) = (4, 0), outside
/// ```
#[ensures(ret.is_some() -> position.0 as isize + offset.0 as isize >= 0)]
#[ensures(ret.is_some() -> position.1 as isize + offset.1 as isize >= 0)]
#[ensures(ret.is_some() -> position.0 as isize + (offset.0 as isize) < self.width.get() as isize)]
#[ensures(ret.is_some() -> position.1 as isize + (offset.1 as isize) < self.height.get() as isize)]
pub fn offset(&self, position: (usize, usize), offset: (i8, i8)) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
if offset.0 < 0 && (-offset.0) as usize > position.0
|| offset.1 < 0 && (-offset.1) as usize > position.1
return None;
// TODO: check that position and position + offset are valid isize values
let new_pos = (
(position.0 as isize + offset.0 as isize) as usize,
(position.1 as isize + offset.1 as isize) as usize,
if new_pos.0 < self.width.get() && new_pos.1 < self.height.get() {
} else {
// TODO: Have a Result instead of an Option
/// Returns an immutable referenec to the [`Tile`] at `position`.
/// If `position` is out of bounds, returns `None`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use stackline::prelude::*;
/// use stackline::tile::{FullTile, Wire};
/// let mut pane = Pane::empty(4, 4).unwrap();
/// pane.set_tile((0, 0), Wire::new(Orientation::Horizontal));
/// let tile = pane.get((0, 0)).unwrap();
/// ```
#[ensures(self.in_bounds(position) -> ret.is_some())]
pub fn get<'b>(&'b self, position: (usize, usize)) -> Option<VecRef<'b, FullTile>> {
if !self.in_bounds(position) {
return None;
self.tiles.get(position.1 * self.width.get() + position.0)
/// Returns a mutable reference to the [`Tile`] at `position`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use stackline::prelude::*;
/// use stackline::tile::Wire;
/// let mut pane = Pane::empty(4, 4).unwrap();
/// pane.set_tile((0, 0), Wire::new(Orientation::Horizontal));
/// let mut tile = pane.get_mut((0, 0)).unwrap();
/// tile.set_state(State::Active);
/// ```
#[ensures(old(self.in_bounds(position)) -> ret.is_some())]
pub fn get_mut<'b>(&'b mut self, position: (usize, usize)) -> Option<&'b mut FullTile> {
if !self.in_bounds(position) {
return None;
.get_mut(position.1 * self.width.get() + position.0)
pub(crate) fn borrow_mut<'b>(&'b self, position: (usize, usize)) -> Option<VecRefMut<'b, FullTile>> {
if !self.in_bounds(position) {
return None;
.borrow_mut(position.1 * self.width.get() + position.0)
/// Sets the tile at `position` to `tile`. `T` must either implement [`Tile`] or be `()`.
#[ensures(self.in_bounds(position) -> ret.is_some())]
pub fn set_tile<T>(&mut self, position: (usize, usize), tile: T) -> Option<()>
FullTile: From<T>,
let full_tile = self.get_mut(position)?;
*full_tile = FullTile::from(tile);
/// Returns the [`State`] of the tile at `position`, if that tile exists.
/// If `position` is out of bounds, returns `None`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use stackline::prelude::*;
/// use stackline::tile::Wire;
/// let mut pane = Pane::empty(1, 1).unwrap();
/// // All tiles are initialized with the Idle state
/// assert_eq!(pane.get_state((0, 0)), Some(State::Idle));
/// // Creating a new tile gives it the Idle state
/// pane.set_tile((0, 0), Wire::new(Orientation::Horizontal));
/// assert_eq!(pane.get_state((0, 0)), Some(State::Idle));
/// // We manually set the state to Dormant and observe the change
/// pane.get_mut((0, 0)).unwrap().set_state(State::Dormant);
/// assert_eq!(pane.get_state((0, 0)), Some(State::Dormant));
/// ```
#[ensures(self.in_bounds(position) -> ret.is_some())]
pub fn get_state(&self, position: (usize, usize)) -> Option<State> {
self.get(position).map(|x| x.state().clone())
/// Sets the signal for the tile at `position` to `signal`.
/// Returns `Some(())` if the tile exists and the tile can have a signal.
/// This function does not check the tile's [`accepts_signal`](Tile::accepts_signal) method.
/// It will also overwrite any signal already present.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use stackline::prelude::*;
/// use stackline::tile::Diode;
/// let mut pane = Pane::empty(2, 1).unwrap();
/// pane.set_tile((0, 0), Diode::new(Direction::Right));
/// pane.set_tile((1, 0), Diode::new(Direction::Down));
/// // The signal for a tile is initially None
/// assert!(pane.get((0, 0)).unwrap().signal().is_none());
/// // We set it to something else
/// pane.set_signal((0, 0), stackline::signal!((0, 0), Direction::Right)).unwrap();
/// assert!(pane.get((0, 0)).unwrap().signal().is_some());
/// ```
#[ensures(ret.is_some() -> self.in_bounds(position) && (*self.get(position).unwrap()).get().is_some())]
#[ensures(!self.in_bounds(position) -> ret.is_none())]
pub fn set_signal(&mut self, position: (usize, usize), mut signal: Signal) -> Option<()> {
if let Some(tile) = self.get_mut(position) {
} else {
/// Returns `true` if `position` is within the bounds of the pane.
/// Returns `false` otherwise.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use stackline::prelude::*;
/// let pane = Pane::empty(2, 3).unwrap();
/// assert!(pane.in_bounds((0, 0)));
/// assert!(pane.in_bounds((1, 2)));
/// assert!(!pane.in_bounds((10, 10)));
/// ```
pub fn in_bounds(&self, position: (usize, usize)) -> bool {
position.0 < self.width.get() && position.1 < self.height.get()
#[ensures(self.in_bounds(position) -> self.get(position).unwrap().updated)]
#[ensures(!self.in_bounds(position) -> ret.is_none())]
fn update(&mut self, position: (usize, usize), commit: &mut UpdateCommit) -> Option<()> {
// NOTE: Tiles will only be updated once as per UpdateContext::new
let (ctx, mut tile) = UpdateContext::new(self, position, commit)?;
commit.apply_immediate(&mut *tile);
/// Performs an update cycle.
/// Such an update cycle roughly consists of the following:
/// - Calls [`Tile::update`] on every tile with a signal
/// - Calls [`Tile::update`] on every active tile (tiles will only be updated once)
/// - Applies all signal [`send`s](UpdateContext::send)
/// - Applies all [state changes](UpdateContext::set_state)
/// # Guarantees
/// To prevent unwanted behavior, the following properties are upheld by this method and the methods of [`UpdateContext`]:
/// - Order-agnostism: [updating](Tile::update) a tile `A` before a tile `B` will result in the same state as if `B` was updated before `A`.
/// - As a consequence, when a tile `A` is updated, it cannot modify the state of any other tile.
/// - Any [`Signal`] or [`State`] update will only be carried out after every tile was updated.
/// The only exception to this rule is [`UpdateContext::keep`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use stackline::prelude::*;
/// use stackline::tile::Diode;
/// let mut pane = Pane::empty(2, 2).unwrap();
/// pane.set_tile((0, 0), Diode::new(Direction::Right));
/// pane.set_tile((1, 0), Diode::new(Direction::Down));
/// pane.set_tile((1, 1), Diode::new(Direction::Left));
/// pane.set_tile((0, 1), Diode::new(Direction::Up));
/// println!("{:?}", pane);
/// // >v
/// // ^<
/// // Initialize the circuit with a signal at (0, 0)
/// pane.set_signal((0, 0), stackline::signal!((0, 0), Direction::Right));
/// // Do an update step
/// pane.step();
/// // The signal has now been moved to (1, 0) by the Diode
/// assert!(pane.get((1, 0)).unwrap().signal().is_some());
/// // Do another update step
/// pane.step();
/// // The signal is now at (1, 1)
/// assert!(pane.get((1, 1)).unwrap().signal().is_some());
/// ```
pub fn step(&mut self) {
let mut commit = UpdateCommit::new();
for position in std::mem::replace(&mut self.signals, Vec::new()) {
let _ = self.update(position, &mut commit);
for y in 0..self.height.get() {
for x in 0..self.width.get() {
if self.get_state((x, y)).unwrap() != State::Idle {
let _ = self.update((x, y), &mut commit);
/// Returns an iterator over the tiles and their coordinates
pub fn tiles<'b>(&'b self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize, VecRef<'b, FullTile>)> + 'b {
.filter_map(move |(i, v)| Some((i % self.width, i / self.width, v)))
pub fn draw(&self, dx: isize, dy: isize, surface: &mut TextSurface) {
for (x, y, tile) in self.tiles() {
let x = x as isize + dx;
let y = y as isize + dy;
if x >= 0 && y >= 0 {
tile.draw(x as usize, y as usize, surface);
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_pane_draw() {
use crate::tile::Wire;
use Orientation::*;
let mut surface = TextSurface::new(3, 3);
let mut pane = test_tile_setup!(
test_set_signal!(pane, (0, 0), Direction::Right);
pane.draw(0, 0, &mut surface);
assert_eq!(surface.get(0, 0).unwrap().ch, '-');
assert_eq!(surface.get(1, 0).unwrap().ch, '|');
assert_eq!(surface.get(0, 1).unwrap().ch, '+');
assert_eq!(surface.get(1, 1), Some(TextChar::default()));
for n in 0..3 {
assert_eq!(surface.get(2, n), Some(TextChar::default()));
assert_eq!(surface.get(n, 2), Some(TextChar::default()));
// With offset (1, 0)
let mut surface = TextSurface::new(3, 3);
pane.draw(1, 0, &mut surface);
assert_eq!(surface.get(1, 0).unwrap().ch, '-');
assert_eq!(surface.get(2, 0).unwrap().ch, '|');
assert_eq!(surface.get(1, 1).unwrap().ch, '+');
assert_eq!(surface.get(2, 1), Some(TextChar::default()));
for n in 0..3 {
assert_eq!(surface.get(0, n), Some(TextChar::default()));
assert_eq!(surface.get(n, 2), Some(TextChar::default()));
// With offset (0, 1)
let mut surface = TextSurface::new(3, 3);
pane.draw(0, 1, &mut surface);
assert_eq!(surface.get(0, 1).unwrap().ch, '-');
assert_eq!(surface.get(1, 1).unwrap().ch, '|');
assert_eq!(surface.get(0, 2).unwrap().ch, '+');
assert_eq!(surface.get(1, 2), Some(TextChar::default()));
for n in 0..3 {
assert_eq!(surface.get(2, n), Some(TextChar::default()));
assert_eq!(surface.get(n, 0), Some(TextChar::default()));
// Draw outside of bounds with offset (2, 2)
let mut surface = TextSurface::new(3, 3);
pane.draw(2, 2, &mut surface);
assert_eq!(surface.get(2, 2).unwrap().ch, '-');
for y in 0..3 {
for x in 0..3 {
if (x, y) != (2, 2) {
assert_eq!(surface.get(x, y), Some(TextChar::default()));