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//! Transmission tiles: allow for inter-Pane communication
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::tile::prelude::*;
/// Instantly sends any incomming signals to `coordinates`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)]
pub struct Teleporter {
pub coordinates: (String, usize, usize),
impl Teleporter {
pub fn new(name: String, x: usize, y: usize) -> Self {
Self {
coordinates: (name, x, y),
impl Tile for Teleporter {
fn update<'b>(&'b mut self, mut context: UpdateContext<'b>) {
if let Some(signal) = context.take_signal() {
context.send_outbound(self.coordinates.clone(), signal);
if context.state() != State::Idle {
fn draw_simple(&self, state: State) -> TextChar {
TextChar::from_state('P', state)
/// Sends a signal through a virtual wire towards `coordinates`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)]
pub struct Sender {
pub coordinates: (String, usize, usize),
pub path: Vec<(i32, i32)>, // x, y
pub length: usize,
pub signals: Vec<(Signal, usize)>,
impl Sender {
pub fn new(name: String, x: usize, y: usize) -> Self {
Self {
coordinates: (name, x, y),
path: Vec::new(),
length: 0,
signals: Vec::new(),
// TODO: implement WorldMask, calculate_path and a method of Tile to call this method automatically
pub fn calculate_path(&mut self, origin: (i32, i32), world: &World) {
use pathfinding::directed::astar::astar;
// A* search
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
struct Pos(i32, i32);
impl Pos {
fn neighbors(&self, world: &World) -> [(Pos, i32); 4] {
let x = self.0;
let y = self.1;
Pos(x + 1, y).with_weight(world),
Pos(x - 1, y).with_weight(world),
Pos(x, y + 1).with_weight(world),
Pos(x, y - 1).with_weight(world),
fn with_weight(self, world: &World) -> (Self, i32) {
if world.in_pane(self.0, self.1) {
(self, 100)
} else {
(self, 1)
fn heuristic(&self, target: Pos) -> i32 {
(self.0 - target.0).abs() + (self.1 - target.1).abs()
impl From<Pos> for (i32, i32) {
fn from(pos: Pos) -> (i32, i32) {
(pos.0, pos.1)
impl From<&Pos> for (i32, i32) {
fn from(pos: &Pos) -> (i32, i32) {
(pos.0, pos.1)
if let Some(pane) = world.get_pane(&self.coordinates.0) {
let target = Pos(
pane.position().0 + self.coordinates.1 as i32,
pane.position().1 + self.coordinates.2 as i32,
if let Some((best_path, _)) = astar(
&Pos(origin.0, origin.1),
|node| node.neighbors(world),
|node| node.heuristic(target),
|&node| node == target,
) {
self.path = Vec::new();
self.path.push((best_path[0].0, best_path[0].1));
for (prev, current) in best_path.iter().zip(best_path.iter().skip(1)).skip(1) {
// If self.path.last(), prev, current aren't aligned, push prev to self.path
let prev_x_aligned = self.path[self.path.len() - 1].0 == prev.0;
let curr_x_aligned = prev.0 == current.0;
if prev_x_aligned != curr_x_aligned {
if self.path[self.path.len() - 1] != best_path[best_path.len() - 1].into() {
self.path.push(best_path[best_path.len() - 1].into());
self.length = best_path.len() - 1;
impl Tile for Sender {
fn init<'b>(&'b mut self, context: InitContext<'b>) {
fn update<'b>(&'b mut self, mut context: UpdateContext<'b>) {
let mut needs_sending = false;
for (_signal, ref mut time) in self.signals.iter_mut() {
*time += 1;
if *time >= self.length {
needs_sending = true;
if let Some(signal) = context.take_signal() {
self.signals.push((signal, 0));
if self.length == 0 {
needs_sending = true;
if needs_sending {
for (signal, _time) in self.signals.drain_filter(|(_, time)| *time >= self.length) {
context.send_outbound(self.coordinates.clone(), signal);
if context.state() == State::Active || context.state() == State::Dormant && self.signals.is_empty() {
// TODO: read self.signals to determine the state of each char
// TODO: automated test
fn draw(&self, x: i32, y: i32, _state: State, surface: &mut TextSurface) {
for (prev, next) in self.path.iter().zip(self.path.iter().skip(1)) {
if prev.0 != next.0 {
// Draw the diode of the corner
let ch = if next.0 > prev.0 { '>' } else { '<' };
let x2 = x + prev.0;
let y2 = y + prev.1;
if x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 {
x2 as usize,
y2 as usize,
TextChar::from_state(ch, State::Idle),
// Draw the horizontal line
for dx in (prev.0 + 1)..(next.0) {
let x2 = x + dx;
let y2 = y + prev.1;
if x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 {
x2 as usize,
y2 as usize,
TextChar::from_state('-', State::Idle),
} else {
// Draw the diode of the corner
let ch = if next.1 > prev.1 { 'v' } else { '^' };
let x2 = x + prev.0;
let y2 = y + prev.1;
if x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 {
x2 as usize,
y2 as usize,
TextChar::from_state(ch, State::Idle),
// Draw the vertical line
for dy in (prev.1 + 1)..(next.1) {
let x2 = x + prev.0;
let y2 = y + dy;
if x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 {
x2 as usize,
y2 as usize,
TextChar::from_state('-', State::Idle),
mod test {
use super::*;
use veccell::{VecRef};
fn test_teleporter_transmit_same_pane() {
use crate::{Diode, Wire};
use Direction::*;
use Orientation::*;
let mut main_pane = test_tile_setup!(
Teleporter::new(String::from("main"), 2, 2),
test_set_signal!(main_pane, (0, 0), Right);
let mut world = World::new();
world.set_pane(String::from("main"), main_pane);
assert_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (1, 0));
assert_no_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (1, 0));
assert_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (2, 2));
assert_no_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (0, 0));
assert_no_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (1, 0));
assert_no_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (2, 2));
fn test_teleporter_transmit_other_pane() {
use crate::{Diode, Wire};
use Direction::*;
use Orientation::*;
let mut main_pane = test_tile_setup!(
Teleporter::new(String::from("sub"), 0, 0),
test_set_signal!(main_pane, (0, 0), Right);
let sub_pane = test_tile_setup!(1, 1, [Wire::new(Any),]);
let mut world = World::new();
world.set_pane(String::from("main"), main_pane);
world.set_pane(String::from("sub"), sub_pane);
assert_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (1, 0));
assert_no_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (1, 0));
assert_signal!(world.get_pane("sub").unwrap(), (0, 0));
assert_no_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (0, 0));
assert_no_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (1, 0));
assert_no_signal!(world.get_pane("sub").unwrap(), (0, 0));
fn test_teleporter_transmit_self() {
use Direction::*;
let mut main_pane = test_tile_setup!(1, 1, [Teleporter::new(String::from("main"), 0, 0),]);
test_set_signal!(main_pane, (0, 0), Right);
let mut world = World::new();
world.set_pane(String::from("main"), main_pane);
for _ in 0..5 {
assert_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (0, 0));
fn test_sender_delay() {
use crate::Wire;
use Direction::*;
use Orientation::*;
let mut sender = Sender::new(String::from("main"), 0, 2);
sender.length = 2;
let mut main_pane = test_tile_setup!(1, 3, [sender, (), Wire::new(Any)]);
test_set_signal!(main_pane, (0, 0), Right);
let mut world = World::new();
world.set_pane(String::from("main"), main_pane);
// REGRESSION: world.init() computes a longer path than length = 2, causing errors
// world.init();
for n in 0..2 {
let sender: VecRef<'_, Sender> = world
.get_as::<Sender>((0, 0))
assert!(sender.signals.len() == 1);
assert!(sender.signals[0].1 == n);
assert_no_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (0, 0));
assert_no_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (0, 2));
let sender: VecRef<'_, Sender> = world
.get_as::<Sender>((0, 0))
assert_no_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (0, 0));
assert_signal!(world.get_pane("main").unwrap(), (0, 2));
fn test_sender_pathfinding() {
use crate::Wire;
let mut main_pane = test_tile_setup!(1, 1, [Sender::new(String::from("second"), 0, 0),]);
main_pane.set_position((0, 0));
let mut second_pane = test_tile_setup!(1, 1, [Wire::new(Orientation::Any)]);
second_pane.set_position((2, 0));
let mut world = World::new();
world.set_pane(String::from("main"), main_pane);
world.set_pane(String::from("second"), second_pane);
let mut tile = world
.borrow_mut_as::<Sender>((0, 0))
tile.calculate_path((0, 0), &world);
assert_eq!(tile.path, [(0, 0), (2, 0)]);
assert_eq!(tile.length, 2);
world.get_pane_mut("second").unwrap().set_position((2, 2));
let mut tile = world
.borrow_mut_as::<Sender>((0, 0))
tile.calculate_path((0, 0), &world);
assert!(tile.path == [(0, 0), (2, 0), (2, 2)] || tile.path == [(0, 0), (0, 2), (2, 2)]);
assert_eq!(tile.length, 4);
fn test_sender_pathfinding_penalty() {
use crate::Wire;
let mut main_pane = test_tile_setup!(2, 4, [
Sender::new(String::from("second"), 0, 0),
main_pane.set_position((0, 0));
let mut obstacle_pane = test_tile_setup!(4, 1, [(), (), (), ()]);
obstacle_pane.set_position((2, 1));
let mut second_pane = test_tile_setup!(1, 1, [Wire::new(Orientation::Any)]);
second_pane.set_position((2, 2));
let mut world = World::new();
world.set_pane(String::from("main"), main_pane);
world.set_pane(String::from("obstacle"), obstacle_pane);
world.set_pane(String::from("second"), second_pane);
let mut tile = world
.borrow_mut_as::<Sender>((0, 0))
tile.calculate_path((0, 0), &world);
assert_eq!(tile.path, [
(0, 0),
(-1, 0),
(-1, 4),
(2, 4),
(2, 2)