@ -198,87 +198,59 @@ by
section proposition_2_1
-- TODO: put in a different file and introduce some QoL theorems
def AlgebraicSubgroup {G : Type _} [Group G] (f : G) : Set G :=
(fun g : G => g^12) '' { g : G | IsAlgebraicallyDisjoint f g }
def AlgebraicCentralizer {G: Type _} (α : Type _) [Group G] [MulAction G α] (f : G) : Set G :=
Set.centralizer (AlgebraicSubgroup f)
-- TODO: WIP, can't seem to be able to construct a set U that fulfills all the conditions
lemma open_disj_of_not_support_subset_rsupp {G α : Type _}
[Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [ContinuousMulAction G α] [T2Space α] [h_fsm : FaithfulSMul G α]
[h_lm : LocallyMoving G α]
-- Given the statement `¬Support α h ⊆ RegularSupport α f`,
-- we construct an open subset within `Support α h \ RegularSupport α f`,
-- and we show that it is non-empty, open and (by construction) disjoint from `Support α f`.
lemma open_set_from_supp_not_subset_rsupp {G α : Type _}
[Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [ContinuousMulAction G α] [T2Space α]
{f h : G} (not_support_subset_rsupp : ¬Support α h ⊆ RegularSupport α f):
∃ V : Set α, V ⊆ Support α h ∧ Set.Nonempty V ∧ IsOpen V ∧ Disjoint V (Support α f) :=
have v_exists := by
rw [Set.not_subset] at not_support_subset_rsupp
exact not_support_subset_rsupp
let ⟨v, ⟨v_in_supp, v_notin_rsupp⟩⟩ := v_exists
have v_notin_supp_f : v ∉ Support α f := by
intro h₁
exact v_notin_rsupp (support_subset_regularSupport h₁)
let U := interior (Support α h \ Support α f)
have U_open : IsOpen U := by simp
have U_subset_supp_h : U ⊆ Support α h := by
U ⊆ (Support α h \ Support α f) := interior_subset
_ ⊆ Support α h := Set.diff_subset _ _
let U := Support α h \ closure (RegularSupport α f)
have U_open : IsOpen U := by
rw [Set.diff_eq_compl_inter]
apply IsOpen.inter
· simp
· exact support_open _
have U_subset_supp_h : U ⊆ Support α h := by simp; apply Set.diff_subset
have U_disj_supp_f : Disjoint U (Support α f) := by
by_contra h_contra
rw [Set.not_disjoint_iff] at h_contra
let ⟨x, x_in_U, x_in_supp_F⟩ := h_contra
unfold_let at x_in_U
have x_in_diff := interior_subset x_in_U
exact x_in_diff.2 x_in_supp_F
have U_nonempty : Set.Nonempty U := by
by_contra U_empty
rw [Set.not_nonempty_iff_eq_empty] at U_empty
have v_moved : h • v ≠ v := by rw [<-mem_support]; assumption
let ⟨W, ⟨W_open, v_in_W, W_subset_supp_h, W_disj_img⟩⟩ := disjoint_nbhd_in (support_open _) v_in_supp v_moved
let V := W \ {v}
have V_open : IsOpen V := W_open.sdiff isClosed_singleton
use U
-- Stuff I attempted so far:
-- let U := Support α h \ closure (Support α f)
-- have U_open : IsOpen U := by
-- apply IsOpen.sdiff
-- exact support_open h
-- simp
-- let V := U \ {v}
-- have V_open : IsOpen V := by
-- apply IsOpen.sdiff
-- · apply IsOpen.sdiff
-- exact support_open h
-- simp
-- · exact isClosed_singleton
-- have U_subset_support : U ⊆ Support α h := Set.diff_subset _ _
-- have V_subset_support : V ⊆ Support α h := by
-- -- Mathlib kind of letting me down on this one:
-- unfold_let
-- repeat rw [Set.diff_eq]
-- intro x x_in
-- exact x_in.left.left
-- have V_disj_support : Disjoint V (Support α f) := by
-- intro S
-- simp
-- intro S_subset
-- intro S_support
-- intro x x_in_S
-- have h₁ := S_subset x_in_S
-- simp at h₁
-- have h₂ := S_support x_in_S
-- simp at h₂
-- have h₃ := not_mem_of_not_mem_closure h₁.left.right
-- exact h₃ h₂
-- use V
apply Set.disjoint_of_subset_right
· exact subset_closure
· simp
rw [Set.diff_eq_compl_inter]
apply Disjoint.inter_left
apply Disjoint.closure_right; swap; simp
rw [Set.disjoint_compl_left_iff_subset]
apply subset_trans
exact subset_closure
apply closure_mono
apply support_subset_regularSupport
have U_nonempty : Set.Nonempty U; swap
exact ⟨U, U_subset_supp_h, U_nonempty, U_open, U_disj_supp_f⟩
-- We prove that U isn't empty by contradiction:
-- if it is empty, then `Support α h \ closure (RegularSupport α f) = ∅`,
-- so we can show that `Support α h ⊆ RegularSupport α f`,
-- contradicting with our initial hypothesis.
by_contra U_empty
apply not_support_subset_rsupp
show Support α h ⊆ RegularSupport α f
apply subset_of_diff_closure_regular_empty
· apply regularSupport_regular
· exact support_open _
· rw [Set.not_nonempty_iff_eq_empty] at U_empty
exact U_empty
lemma nontrivial_pow_from_exponent_eq_zero {G : Type _} [Group G]
(exp_eq_zero : Monoid.exponent G = 0) :
@ -321,50 +293,41 @@ lemma proposition_2_1 {G α : Type _}
[Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [ContinuousMulAction G α] [T2Space α]
[LocallyMoving G α] [h_faithful : FaithfulSMul G α]
(f : G) :
Set.centralizer (AlgebraicSubgroup f) = RigidStabilizer G (RegularSupport α f) :=
AlgebraicCentralizer α f = RigidStabilizer G (RegularSupport α f) :=
apply Set.eq_of_subset_of_subset
intro h h_in_rist
simp at h_in_rist
let U := RegularSupport α f
unfold AlgebraicCentralizer
rw [Set.mem_centralizer_iff]
intro g g_in_S
simp [AlgebraicSubgroup] at g_in_S
let ⟨g', ⟨g'_alg_disj, g_eq_g'⟩⟩ := g_in_S
have supp_disj := proposition_1_1_2 f g' g'_alg_disj (α := α)
have supp_αf_open : IsOpen (Support α f) := support_open f
have supp_αg_open : IsOpen (Support α g) := support_open g
have rsupp_disj : Disjoint (RegularSupport α f) (Support α g) := by
apply Commute.eq
apply commute_if_rigidStabilizer_and_disjoint (α := α)
· exact h_in_rist
· show Disjoint (RegularSupport α f) (Support α g)
have cl_supp_disj : Disjoint (closure (Support α f)) (Support α g)
rw [<-g_eq_g']
apply Set.disjoint_of_subset_left _ supp_disj
show closure (Support α f) ⊆ Support α f
-- TODO: figure out how to prove this
apply Set.disjoint_of_subset _ _ cl_supp_disj
· rw [RegularSupport.def]
exact interior_subset
· rfl
apply Commute.eq
apply commute_if_rigidStabilizer_and_disjoint (α := α)
· exact h_in_rist
· exact rsupp_disj
· rw [<-g_eq_g']
exact Disjoint.closure_left supp_disj (support_open _)
intro h h_in_centralizer
by_contra h_notin_rist
simp at h_notin_rist
rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at h_notin_rist
let ⟨V, V_in_supp_h, V_nonempty, V_open, V_disj_supp_f⟩ := open_disj_of_not_support_subset_rsupp h_notin_rist
let ⟨V, V_in_supp_h, V_nonempty, V_open, V_disj_supp_f⟩ := open_set_from_supp_not_subset_rsupp h_notin_rist
let ⟨v, v_in_V⟩ := V_nonempty
have v_moved := V_in_supp_h v_in_V
rw [mem_support] at v_moved