🚚 Move RegularSupportBasis to its own file

Shad Amethyst 10 months ago
parent 9e6258bf5c
commit 5d81de14d4

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Rubin.RigidStabilizer
import Rubin.Period import Rubin.Period
import Rubin.AlgebraicDisjointness import Rubin.AlgebraicDisjointness
import Rubin.RegularSupport import Rubin.RegularSupport
import Rubin.RegularSupportBasis
import Rubin.HomeoGroup import Rubin.HomeoGroup
#align_import rubin #align_import rubin

@ -155,405 +155,6 @@ theorem HomeoGroup.smulImage_eq_image (g : HomeoGroup α) (S : Set α) :
namespace Rubin namespace Rubin
section RegularSupportBasis.Prelude
variable {α : Type _}
variable [TopologicalSpace α]
variable [DecidableEq α]
Maps a "seed" of homeorphisms in α to the intersection of their regular support in α.
Note that the condition that the resulting set is non-empty is introduced later in `RegularSupportBasis₀`
def RegularSupportInter₀ (S : Finset (HomeoGroup α)): Set α :=
⋂ (g ∈ S), RegularSupport α g
theorem RegularSupportInter₀.eq_sInter (S : Finset (HomeoGroup α)) :
RegularSupportInter₀ S = ⋂₀ ((fun (g : HomeoGroup α) => RegularSupport α g) '' S) :=
rw [Set.sInter_image]
This is a predecessor type to `RegularSupportBasis`, where equality is defined on the `seed` used, rather than the `val`.
structure RegularSupportBasis₀ (α : Type _) [TopologicalSpace α] where
seed : Finset (HomeoGroup α)
val_nonempty : Set.Nonempty (RegularSupportInter₀ seed)
theorem RegularSupportBasis₀.eq_iff_seed_eq (S T : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) : S = T ↔ S.seed = T.seed := by
-- Spooky :3c
rw [mk.injEq]
def RegularSupportBasis₀.val (S : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) : Set α := RegularSupportInter₀ S.seed
theorem RegularSupportBasis₀.val_def (S : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) : S.val = RegularSupportInter₀ S.seed := rfl
theorem RegularSupportBasis₀.nonempty (S : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) : Set.Nonempty S.val := S.val_nonempty
theorem RegularSupportBasis₀.regular (S : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) : Regular S.val := by
rw [S.val_def]
rw [RegularSupportInter₀.eq_sInter]
apply regular_sInter
· have set_decidable : DecidableEq (Set α) := Classical.typeDecidableEq (Set α)
let fin : Finset (Set α) := S.seed.image ((fun g => RegularSupport α g))
apply Set.Finite.ofFinset fin
· intro S S_in_set
simp at S_in_set
let ⟨g, ⟨_, Heq⟩⟩ := S_in_set
rw [<-Heq]
exact regularSupport_regular α g
lemma RegularSupportInter₀.mul_seed (seed : Finset (HomeoGroup α)) [DecidableEq (HomeoGroup α)] (f : HomeoGroup α):
RegularSupportInter₀ (Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) seed) = f •'' RegularSupportInter₀ seed :=
unfold RegularSupportInter₀
conv => {
ext; lhs; ext x; ext; lhs
rw [regularSupport_smulImage]
variable [DecidableEq (HomeoGroup α)]
A `HomeoGroup α` group element `f` acts on an `RegularSupportBasis₀ α` set `S`,
by mapping each element `g` of `S.seed` to `f * g * f⁻¹`
instance homeoGroup_smul₂ : SMul (HomeoGroup α) (RegularSupportBasis₀ α) where
smul := fun f S => ⟨
(Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) S.seed),
rw [RegularSupportInter₀.mul_seed]
exact S.val_nonempty
theorem RegularSupportBasis₀.smul_seed (f : HomeoGroup α) (S : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) :
(f • S).seed = (Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) S.seed) := rfl
theorem RegularSupportBasis₀.smul_val (f : HomeoGroup α) (S : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) :
(f • S).val = RegularSupportInter₀ (Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) S.seed) := rfl
theorem RegularSupportBasis₀.smul_val' (f : HomeoGroup α) (S : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) :
(f • S).val = f •'' S.val :=
unfold val
rw [<-RegularSupportInter₀.mul_seed]
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.smul_seed]
-- We define a "preliminary" group action from `HomeoGroup α` to `RegularSupportBasis₀`
instance homeoGroup_mulAction₂ : MulAction (HomeoGroup α) (RegularSupportBasis₀ α) where
one_smul := by
intro S
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.eq_iff_seed_eq]
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.smul_seed]
mul_smul := by
intro f g S
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.eq_iff_seed_eq]
repeat rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.smul_seed]
rw [Finset.image_image]
ext x
end RegularSupportBasis.Prelude
A partially-ordered set, associated to Rubin's proof.
Any element in that set is made up of a `seed`,
such that `val = RegularSupportInter₀ seed` and `Set.Nonempty val`.
Actions on this set are first defined in terms of `RegularSupportBasis₀`,
as the proofs otherwise get hairy with a bunch of `Exists.choose` appearing.
structure RegularSupportBasis (α : Type _) [TopologicalSpace α] where
val : Set α
val_has_seed : ∃ po_seed : RegularSupportBasis₀ α, po_seed.val = val
namespace RegularSupportBasis
variable {α : Type _}
variable [TopologicalSpace α]
variable [DecidableEq α]
theorem eq_iff_val_eq (S T : RegularSupportBasis α) : S = T ↔ S.val = T.val := by
rw [mk.injEq]
def fromSeed (seed : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) : RegularSupportBasis α := ⟨
⟨seed, seed.val_def⟩
noncomputable def full_seed (S : RegularSupportBasis α) : RegularSupportBasis₀ α :=
(Exists.choose S.val_has_seed)
noncomputable def seed (S : RegularSupportBasis α) : Finset (HomeoGroup α) :=
theorem full_seed_seed (S : RegularSupportBasis α) : S.full_seed.seed = S.seed := rfl
theorem fromSeed_val (seed : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) :
(fromSeed seed).val = seed.val :=
unfold fromSeed
theorem val_from_seed (S : RegularSupportBasis α) : RegularSupportInter₀ S.seed = S.val := by
unfold seed full_seed
rw [<-RegularSupportBasis₀.val_def]
rw [Exists.choose_spec S.val_has_seed]
theorem val_from_seed₂ (S : RegularSupportBasis α) : S.full_seed.val = S.val := by
unfold full_seed
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.val_def]
nth_rw 2 [<-val_from_seed]
unfold seed full_seed
-- Allows one to prove properties of RegularSupportBasis without jumping through `Exists.choose`-shaped hoops
theorem prop_from_val {p : Set α → Prop}
(any_seed : ∀ po_seed : RegularSupportBasis₀ α, p po_seed.val) :
∀ (S : RegularSupportBasis α), p S.val :=
intro S
rw [<-val_from_seed]
have res := any_seed S.full_seed
rw [val_from_seed₂] at res
rw [val_from_seed]
exact res
theorem nonempty : ∀ (S : RegularSupportBasis α), Set.Nonempty S.val :=
prop_from_val RegularSupportBasis₀.nonempty
theorem regular : ∀ (S : RegularSupportBasis α), Regular S.val :=
prop_from_val RegularSupportBasis₀.regular
variable [DecidableEq (HomeoGroup α)]
instance homeoGroup_smul₃ : SMul (HomeoGroup α) (RegularSupportBasis α) where
smul := fun f S => ⟨
f •'' S.val,
use f • S.full_seed
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.smul_val']
theorem smul_val (f : HomeoGroup α) (S : RegularSupportBasis α) :
(f • S).val = f •'' S.val := rfl
theorem smul_seed' (f : HomeoGroup α) (S : RegularSupportBasis α) (seed : Finset (HomeoGroup α)) :
S.val = RegularSupportInter₀ seed →
(f • S).val = RegularSupportInter₀ (Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) seed) :=
intro S_val_eq
rw [smul_val]
rw [RegularSupportInter₀.mul_seed]
rw [S_val_eq]
theorem smul_seed (f : HomeoGroup α) (S : RegularSupportBasis α) :
(f • S).val = RegularSupportInter₀ (Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) S.seed) :=
apply smul_seed'
exact val_from_seed S
-- Note: we could potentially implement MulActionHom
instance homeoGroup_mulAction₃ : MulAction (HomeoGroup α) (RegularSupportBasis α) where
one_smul := by
intro S
rw [eq_iff_val_eq]
repeat rw [smul_val]
rw [one_smulImage]
mul_smul := by
intro S f g
rw [eq_iff_val_eq]
repeat rw [smul_val]
rw [smulImage_mul]
instance associatedPoset_le : LE (RegularSupportBasis α) where
le := fun S T => S.val ⊆ T.val
theorem le_def (S T : RegularSupportBasis α) : S ≤ T ↔ S.val ⊆ T.val := by
rw [iff_eq_eq]
instance associatedPoset_partialOrder : PartialOrder (RegularSupportBasis α) where
le_refl := fun S => (le_def S S).mpr (le_refl S.val)
le_trans := fun S T U S_le_T S_le_U => (le_def S U).mpr (le_trans
((le_def _ _).mp S_le_T)
((le_def _ _).mp S_le_U)
le_antisymm := by
intro S T S_le_T T_le_S
rw [le_def] at S_le_T
rw [le_def] at T_le_S
rw [eq_iff_val_eq]
apply le_antisymm <;> assumption
theorem smul_mono {S T : RegularSupportBasis α} (f : HomeoGroup α) (S_le_T : S ≤ T) :
f • S ≤ f • T :=
rw [le_def]
repeat rw [smul_val]
apply smulImage_mono
instance associatedPoset_coeSet : Coe (RegularSupportBasis α) (Set α) where
coe := RegularSupportBasis.val
def asSet (α : Type _) [TopologicalSpace α]: Set (Set α) :=
{ S : Set α | ∃ T : RegularSupportBasis α, T.val = S }
theorem asSet_def :
RegularSupportBasis.asSet α = { S : Set α | ∃ T : RegularSupportBasis α, T.val = S } := rfl
theorem mem_asSet (S : Set α) :
S ∈ RegularSupportBasis.asSet α ↔ ∃ T : RegularSupportBasis α, T.val = S :=
rw [asSet_def]
theorem mem_asSet' (S : Set α) :
S ∈ RegularSupportBasis.asSet α ↔ Set.Nonempty S ∧ ∃ seed : Finset (HomeoGroup α), S = RegularSupportInter₀ seed :=
rw [asSet_def]
· intro ⟨T, T_eq⟩
rw [<-T_eq]
let ⟨⟨seed, _⟩, eq⟩ := T.val_has_seed
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.val_def] at eq
simp at eq
use seed
exact eq.symm
· intro ⟨S_nonempty, ⟨seed, val_from_seed⟩⟩
rw [val_from_seed] at S_nonempty
use fromSeed ⟨seed, S_nonempty⟩
rw [val_from_seed]
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.val_def]
instance membership : Membership α (RegularSupportBasis α) where
mem := fun x S => x ∈ S.val
theorem mem_iff (x : α) (S : RegularSupportBasis α) : x ∈ S ↔ x ∈ (S : Set α) := iff_eq_eq ▸ rfl
section Basis
open Topology
-- TODO: clean this lemma to not mention W anymore?
lemma proposition_3_2_subset (G : Type _) {α : Type _} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α]
[T2Space α] [LocallyCompactSpace α] [h_ld : LocallyDense G α] [HasNoIsolatedPoints α]
[ContinuousMulAction G α]
{U : Set α} (U_open : IsOpen U) {p : α} (p_in_U : p ∈ U) :
∃ (W : Set α), W ∈ 𝓝 p ∧ closure W ⊆ U ∧
∃ (g : G), g ∈ RigidStabilizer G W ∧ p ∈ RegularSupport α g ∧ RegularSupport α g ⊆ closure W :=
have U_in_nhds : U ∈ 𝓝 p := by
rw [mem_nhds_iff]
use U
let ⟨W', W'_in_nhds, W'_ss_U, W'_compact⟩ := local_compact_nhds U_in_nhds
-- This feels like black magic, but okay
let ⟨W, _W_compact, W_closed, W'_ss_int_W, W_ss_U⟩ := exists_compact_closed_between W'_compact U_open W'_ss_U
have W_cl_eq_W : closure W = W := IsClosed.closure_eq W_closed
have W_in_nhds : W ∈ 𝓝 p := by
rw [mem_nhds_iff]
use interior W
repeat' apply And.intro
· exact interior_subset
· simp
· exact W'_ss_int_W (mem_of_mem_nhds W'_in_nhds)
use W
repeat' apply And.intro
exact W_in_nhds
rw [W_cl_eq_W]
exact W_ss_U
have p_in_int_W : p ∈ interior W := W'_ss_int_W (mem_of_mem_nhds W'_in_nhds)
let ⟨g, g_in_rist, g_moves_p⟩ := get_moving_elem_in_rigidStabilizer G isOpen_interior p_in_int_W
use g
repeat' apply And.intro
· apply rigidStabilizer_mono interior_subset
exact g_in_rist
· rw [<-mem_support] at g_moves_p
apply support_subset_regularSupport
exact g_moves_p
· rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at g_in_rist
apply subset_trans
exact regularSupport_subset_closure_support
apply closure_mono
apply subset_trans
exact g_in_rist
exact interior_subset
## Proposition 3.2 : RegularSupportBasis is a topological basis of `α`
theorem isBasis (G α : Type _) [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α]
[T2Space α] [LocallyCompactSpace α] [h_ld : LocallyDense G α] [HasNoIsolatedPoints α]
[hc : ContinuousMulAction G α] :
TopologicalSpace.IsTopologicalBasis (RegularSupportBasis.asSet α) :=
apply TopologicalSpace.isTopologicalBasis_of_isOpen_of_nhds
intro U U_in_poset
rw [RegularSupportBasis.mem_asSet] at U_in_poset
let ⟨T, T_val⟩ := U_in_poset
rw [<-T_val]
exact T.regular.isOpen
intro p U p_in_U U_open
let ⟨W, _, clW_ss_U, ⟨g, _, p_in_rsupp, rsupp_ss_clW⟩⟩ := proposition_3_2_subset G U_open p_in_U
use RegularSupport α g
repeat' apply And.intro
· rw [RegularSupportBasis.mem_asSet']
exact ⟨p, p_in_rsupp⟩
use {(ContinuousMulAction.toHomeomorph α g : HomeoGroup α)}
unfold RegularSupportInter₀
unfold RegularSupport
rw [<-homeoGroup_support_eq_support_toHomeomorph g]
· exact p_in_rsupp
· apply subset_trans
exact rsupp_ss_clW
exact clW_ss_U
end Basis
end RegularSupportBasis
section Other section Other
/-- /--

@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
This files defines `RegularSupportBasis`, which is a basis of the topological space α,
made up of finite intersections of `RegularSupport α g` for `g : HomeoGroup α`.
import Mathlib.Topology.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Homeomorph
import Rubin.LocallyDense
import Rubin.Topology
import Rubin.Support
import Rubin.RegularSupport
import Rubin.HomeoGroup
namespace Rubin
section RegularSupportBasis.Prelude
variable {α : Type _}
variable [TopologicalSpace α]
variable [DecidableEq α]
Maps a "seed" of homeorphisms in α to the intersection of their regular support in α.
Note that the condition that the resulting set is non-empty is introduced later in `RegularSupportBasis₀`
def RegularSupportInter₀ (S : Finset (HomeoGroup α)): Set α :=
⋂ (g ∈ S), RegularSupport α g
theorem RegularSupportInter₀.eq_sInter (S : Finset (HomeoGroup α)) :
RegularSupportInter₀ S = ⋂₀ ((fun (g : HomeoGroup α) => RegularSupport α g) '' S) :=
rw [Set.sInter_image]
This is a predecessor type to `RegularSupportBasis`, where equality is defined on the `seed` used, rather than the `val`.
structure RegularSupportBasis₀ (α : Type _) [TopologicalSpace α] where
seed : Finset (HomeoGroup α)
val_nonempty : Set.Nonempty (RegularSupportInter₀ seed)
theorem RegularSupportBasis₀.eq_iff_seed_eq (S T : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) : S = T ↔ S.seed = T.seed := by
-- Spooky :3c
rw [mk.injEq]
def RegularSupportBasis₀.val (S : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) : Set α := RegularSupportInter₀ S.seed
theorem RegularSupportBasis₀.val_def (S : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) : S.val = RegularSupportInter₀ S.seed := rfl
theorem RegularSupportBasis₀.nonempty (S : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) : Set.Nonempty S.val := S.val_nonempty
theorem RegularSupportBasis₀.regular (S : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) : Regular S.val := by
rw [S.val_def]
rw [RegularSupportInter₀.eq_sInter]
apply regular_sInter
· have set_decidable : DecidableEq (Set α) := Classical.typeDecidableEq (Set α)
let fin : Finset (Set α) := S.seed.image ((fun g => RegularSupport α g))
apply Set.Finite.ofFinset fin
· intro S S_in_set
simp at S_in_set
let ⟨g, ⟨_, Heq⟩⟩ := S_in_set
rw [<-Heq]
exact regularSupport_regular α g
lemma RegularSupportInter₀.mul_seed (seed : Finset (HomeoGroup α)) [DecidableEq (HomeoGroup α)] (f : HomeoGroup α):
RegularSupportInter₀ (Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) seed) = f •'' RegularSupportInter₀ seed :=
unfold RegularSupportInter₀
conv => {
ext; lhs; ext x; ext; lhs
rw [regularSupport_smulImage]
variable [DecidableEq (HomeoGroup α)]
A `HomeoGroup α` group element `f` acts on an `RegularSupportBasis₀ α` set `S`,
by mapping each element `g` of `S.seed` to `f * g * f⁻¹`
instance homeoGroup_smul₂ : SMul (HomeoGroup α) (RegularSupportBasis₀ α) where
smul := fun f S => ⟨
(Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) S.seed),
rw [RegularSupportInter₀.mul_seed]
exact S.val_nonempty
theorem RegularSupportBasis₀.smul_seed (f : HomeoGroup α) (S : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) :
(f • S).seed = (Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) S.seed) := rfl
theorem RegularSupportBasis₀.smul_val (f : HomeoGroup α) (S : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) :
(f • S).val = RegularSupportInter₀ (Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) S.seed) := rfl
theorem RegularSupportBasis₀.smul_val' (f : HomeoGroup α) (S : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) :
(f • S).val = f •'' S.val :=
unfold val
rw [<-RegularSupportInter₀.mul_seed]
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.smul_seed]
-- We define a "preliminary" group action from `HomeoGroup α` to `RegularSupportBasis₀`
instance homeoGroup_mulAction₂ : MulAction (HomeoGroup α) (RegularSupportBasis₀ α) where
one_smul := by
intro S
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.eq_iff_seed_eq]
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.smul_seed]
mul_smul := by
intro f g S
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.eq_iff_seed_eq]
repeat rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.smul_seed]
rw [Finset.image_image]
ext x
end RegularSupportBasis.Prelude
A partially-ordered set, associated to Rubin's proof.
Any element in that set is made up of a `seed`,
such that `val = RegularSupportInter₀ seed` and `Set.Nonempty val`.
Actions on this set are first defined in terms of `RegularSupportBasis₀`,
as the proofs otherwise get hairy with a bunch of `Exists.choose` appearing.
structure RegularSupportBasis (α : Type _) [TopologicalSpace α] where
val : Set α
val_has_seed : ∃ po_seed : RegularSupportBasis₀ α, po_seed.val = val
namespace RegularSupportBasis
variable {α : Type _}
variable [TopologicalSpace α]
variable [DecidableEq α]
theorem eq_iff_val_eq (S T : RegularSupportBasis α) : S = T ↔ S.val = T.val := by
rw [mk.injEq]
def fromSeed (seed : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) : RegularSupportBasis α := ⟨
⟨seed, seed.val_def⟩
noncomputable def full_seed (S : RegularSupportBasis α) : RegularSupportBasis₀ α :=
(Exists.choose S.val_has_seed)
noncomputable def seed (S : RegularSupportBasis α) : Finset (HomeoGroup α) :=
theorem full_seed_seed (S : RegularSupportBasis α) : S.full_seed.seed = S.seed := rfl
theorem fromSeed_val (seed : RegularSupportBasis₀ α) :
(fromSeed seed).val = seed.val :=
unfold fromSeed
theorem val_from_seed (S : RegularSupportBasis α) : RegularSupportInter₀ S.seed = S.val := by
unfold seed full_seed
rw [<-RegularSupportBasis₀.val_def]
rw [Exists.choose_spec S.val_has_seed]
theorem val_from_seed₂ (S : RegularSupportBasis α) : S.full_seed.val = S.val := by
unfold full_seed
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.val_def]
nth_rw 2 [<-val_from_seed]
unfold seed full_seed
-- Allows one to prove properties of RegularSupportBasis without jumping through `Exists.choose`-shaped hoops
theorem prop_from_val {p : Set α → Prop}
(any_seed : ∀ po_seed : RegularSupportBasis₀ α, p po_seed.val) :
∀ (S : RegularSupportBasis α), p S.val :=
intro S
rw [<-val_from_seed]
have res := any_seed S.full_seed
rw [val_from_seed₂] at res
rw [val_from_seed]
exact res
theorem nonempty : ∀ (S : RegularSupportBasis α), Set.Nonempty S.val :=
prop_from_val RegularSupportBasis₀.nonempty
theorem regular : ∀ (S : RegularSupportBasis α), Regular S.val :=
prop_from_val RegularSupportBasis₀.regular
variable [DecidableEq (HomeoGroup α)]
instance homeoGroup_smul₃ : SMul (HomeoGroup α) (RegularSupportBasis α) where
smul := fun f S => ⟨
f •'' S.val,
use f • S.full_seed
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.smul_val']
theorem smul_val (f : HomeoGroup α) (S : RegularSupportBasis α) :
(f • S).val = f •'' S.val := rfl
theorem smul_seed' (f : HomeoGroup α) (S : RegularSupportBasis α) (seed : Finset (HomeoGroup α)) :
S.val = RegularSupportInter₀ seed →
(f • S).val = RegularSupportInter₀ (Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) seed) :=
intro S_val_eq
rw [smul_val]
rw [RegularSupportInter₀.mul_seed]
rw [S_val_eq]
theorem smul_seed (f : HomeoGroup α) (S : RegularSupportBasis α) :
(f • S).val = RegularSupportInter₀ (Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) S.seed) :=
apply smul_seed'
exact val_from_seed S
-- Note: we could potentially implement MulActionHom
instance homeoGroup_mulAction₃ : MulAction (HomeoGroup α) (RegularSupportBasis α) where
one_smul := by
intro S
rw [eq_iff_val_eq]
repeat rw [smul_val]
rw [one_smulImage]
mul_smul := by
intro S f g
rw [eq_iff_val_eq]
repeat rw [smul_val]
rw [smulImage_mul]
instance associatedPoset_le : LE (RegularSupportBasis α) where
le := fun S T => S.val ⊆ T.val
theorem le_def (S T : RegularSupportBasis α) : S ≤ T ↔ S.val ⊆ T.val := by
rw [iff_eq_eq]
instance associatedPoset_partialOrder : PartialOrder (RegularSupportBasis α) where
le_refl := fun S => (le_def S S).mpr (le_refl S.val)
le_trans := fun S T U S_le_T S_le_U => (le_def S U).mpr (le_trans
((le_def _ _).mp S_le_T)
((le_def _ _).mp S_le_U)
le_antisymm := by
intro S T S_le_T T_le_S
rw [le_def] at S_le_T
rw [le_def] at T_le_S
rw [eq_iff_val_eq]
apply le_antisymm <;> assumption
theorem smul_mono {S T : RegularSupportBasis α} (f : HomeoGroup α) (S_le_T : S ≤ T) :
f • S ≤ f • T :=
rw [le_def]
repeat rw [smul_val]
apply smulImage_mono
instance associatedPoset_coeSet : Coe (RegularSupportBasis α) (Set α) where
coe := RegularSupportBasis.val
def asSet (α : Type _) [TopologicalSpace α]: Set (Set α) :=
{ S : Set α | ∃ T : RegularSupportBasis α, T.val = S }
theorem asSet_def :
RegularSupportBasis.asSet α = { S : Set α | ∃ T : RegularSupportBasis α, T.val = S } := rfl
theorem mem_asSet (S : Set α) :
S ∈ RegularSupportBasis.asSet α ↔ ∃ T : RegularSupportBasis α, T.val = S :=
rw [asSet_def]
theorem mem_asSet' (S : Set α) :
S ∈ RegularSupportBasis.asSet α ↔ Set.Nonempty S ∧ ∃ seed : Finset (HomeoGroup α), S = RegularSupportInter₀ seed :=
rw [asSet_def]
· intro ⟨T, T_eq⟩
rw [<-T_eq]
let ⟨⟨seed, _⟩, eq⟩ := T.val_has_seed
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.val_def] at eq
simp at eq
use seed
exact eq.symm
· intro ⟨S_nonempty, ⟨seed, val_from_seed⟩⟩
rw [val_from_seed] at S_nonempty
use fromSeed ⟨seed, S_nonempty⟩
rw [val_from_seed]
rw [RegularSupportBasis₀.val_def]
instance membership : Membership α (RegularSupportBasis α) where
mem := fun x S => x ∈ S.val
theorem mem_iff (x : α) (S : RegularSupportBasis α) : x ∈ S ↔ x ∈ (S : Set α) := iff_eq_eq ▸ rfl
section Basis
open Topology
-- TODO: clean this lemma to not mention W anymore?
lemma proposition_3_2_subset (G : Type _) {α : Type _} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α]
[T2Space α] [LocallyCompactSpace α] [h_ld : LocallyDense G α] [HasNoIsolatedPoints α]
[ContinuousMulAction G α]
{U : Set α} (U_open : IsOpen U) {p : α} (p_in_U : p ∈ U) :
∃ (W : Set α), W ∈ 𝓝 p ∧ closure W ⊆ U ∧
∃ (g : G), g ∈ RigidStabilizer G W ∧ p ∈ RegularSupport α g ∧ RegularSupport α g ⊆ closure W :=
have U_in_nhds : U ∈ 𝓝 p := by
rw [mem_nhds_iff]
use U
let ⟨W', W'_in_nhds, W'_ss_U, W'_compact⟩ := local_compact_nhds U_in_nhds
-- This feels like black magic, but okay
let ⟨W, _W_compact, W_closed, W'_ss_int_W, W_ss_U⟩ := exists_compact_closed_between W'_compact U_open W'_ss_U
have W_cl_eq_W : closure W = W := IsClosed.closure_eq W_closed
have W_in_nhds : W ∈ 𝓝 p := by
rw [mem_nhds_iff]
use interior W
repeat' apply And.intro
· exact interior_subset
· simp
· exact W'_ss_int_W (mem_of_mem_nhds W'_in_nhds)
use W
repeat' apply And.intro
exact W_in_nhds
rw [W_cl_eq_W]
exact W_ss_U
have p_in_int_W : p ∈ interior W := W'_ss_int_W (mem_of_mem_nhds W'_in_nhds)
let ⟨g, g_in_rist, g_moves_p⟩ := get_moving_elem_in_rigidStabilizer G isOpen_interior p_in_int_W
use g
repeat' apply And.intro
· apply rigidStabilizer_mono interior_subset
exact g_in_rist
· rw [<-mem_support] at g_moves_p
apply support_subset_regularSupport
exact g_moves_p
· rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at g_in_rist
apply subset_trans
exact regularSupport_subset_closure_support
apply closure_mono
apply subset_trans
exact g_in_rist
exact interior_subset
## Proposition 3.2 : RegularSupportBasis is a topological basis of `α`
theorem isBasis (G α : Type _) [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α]
[T2Space α] [LocallyCompactSpace α] [h_ld : LocallyDense G α] [HasNoIsolatedPoints α]
[hc : ContinuousMulAction G α] :
TopologicalSpace.IsTopologicalBasis (RegularSupportBasis.asSet α) :=
apply TopologicalSpace.isTopologicalBasis_of_isOpen_of_nhds
intro U U_in_poset
rw [RegularSupportBasis.mem_asSet] at U_in_poset
let ⟨T, T_val⟩ := U_in_poset
rw [<-T_val]
exact T.regular.isOpen
intro p U p_in_U U_open
let ⟨W, _, clW_ss_U, ⟨g, _, p_in_rsupp, rsupp_ss_clW⟩⟩ := proposition_3_2_subset G U_open p_in_U
use RegularSupport α g
repeat' apply And.intro
· rw [RegularSupportBasis.mem_asSet']
exact ⟨p, p_in_rsupp⟩
use {(ContinuousMulAction.toHomeomorph α g : HomeoGroup α)}
unfold RegularSupportInter₀
unfold RegularSupport
rw [<-homeoGroup_support_eq_support_toHomeomorph g]
· exact p_in_rsupp
· apply subset_trans
exact rsupp_ss_clW
exact clW_ss_U
end Basis
end RegularSupportBasis
end Rubin