Exercises 7

Shad Amethyst 6 months ago
parent 02b9ce9abb
commit 03665a3ebe

@ -69,19 +69,38 @@ Definition list_t (A : type) : type :=
Definition mystack : val := Definition mystack : val :=
(* define your stack implementation, assuming "lc" is a list implementation *) (* define your stack implementation, assuming "lc" is a list implementation *)
λ: "lc", #0. (* FIXME *) (*
mystack = λ lc, {
new := λ_, new lc.nil,
push := λ stack, λ elem, stack <- lc.cons elem !stack; (),
pop := λ stack,
let res = lc.case !stack (Inj ()) (λ head, λ rest, (Inj head)) in
stack <- lc.case !stack lc.nil (λ head, λ rest, rest);
λ: "lc", (
λ: BAnon, new (Fst (Fst "lc")),
λ: "stack" "elem", Snd ("stack" <- (Snd (Fst "lc")) "elem" !"stack", (Lit LitUnit)),
λ: "stack",
let: "res" := (Snd "lc")<> !"stack" (InjL (Lit LitUnit)) (λ: "head" "rest", (InjR "head")) in
Snd (
"stack" <- (Snd "lc")<> !"stack" (Fst (Fst "lc")) (λ: "head" "rest", "rest"),
Definition make_mystack : val := Definition make_mystack : val :=
Λ, λ: "lc", Λ, λ: "lc",
unpack "lc" as "lc" in unpack "lc" as "lc" in
#0. (* FIXME *) pack (mystack "lc").
Lemma make_mystack_typed Σ n Γ : Lemma make_mystack_typed Σ n Γ :
TY Σ; n; Γ make_mystack : (: list_t #0 stack_t #0). TY Σ; n; Γ make_mystack : (: list_t #0 stack_t #0).
Proof. Proof.
repeat solve_typing_fast. repeat solve_typing_fast.
Admitted. Qed.
(** Exercise 2 (LN Exercise 46): Obfuscated code *) (** Exercise 2 (LN Exercise 46): Obfuscated code *)
@ -104,24 +123,172 @@ Proof.
+ apply IH; done. + apply IH; done.
Qed. Qed.
(* Woah great lemma *)
Lemma rtc_contextual_step_fill' K e e e e h h' :
rtc contextual_step (e, h) (e, h')
e = fill K e
e = fill K e
rtc contextual_step (e, h) (e, h').
intros H -> ->.
exact (rtc_contextual_step_fill K _ _ _ _ H).
(* You may use the [new_fresh] and [init_heap_singleton] lemmas to allocate locations *) (* You may use the [new_fresh] and [init_heap_singleton] lemmas to allocate locations *)
E := let x = new (λx : int. x + x) in
let f = (λg : int -> int. let f = !x in x <- g; f 11) in
f (λx : int. f (λy : int. x)) + f (λx : int. x + 9)
~> λx: int, x + x [xl]
let f = (λg : int -> int. let h = !xl in xl <- g; h 11) in
f (λz : int. f (λy : int. z)) + f (λz : int. z + 9)
~> λx : int, x + x [xl]
(λg : int -> int. let h = !xl in xl <- g; h 11)
(λz : int. (λg : int -> int. let h = !xl in xl <- g; h 11) (λy : int. z))
+ (λg : int -> int. let h = !xl in xl <- g; h 11) (λz : int. z + 9)
~>* λx : int, x + x [xl]
(λg : int -> int. let h = !xl in xl <- g; h 11)
(λz : int. (λg : int -> int. let h = !xl in xl <- g; h 11) (λy : int. z))
+ (xl <- (λz : int. z + 9); (λx, x + x) 11)
~>* (λz : int. z + 9) [xl]
(λg : int -> int. let h = !xl in xl <- g; h 11)
(λz : int. (λg : int -> int. let h = !xl in xl <- g; h 11) (λy : int. z))
+ 22
~> (λz : int. z + 9) [xl]
(xl <- (λz : int. (λg : int -> int. let h = !xl in xl <- g; h 11) (λy : int. z));
(λz : int. z + 9) 11)
+ 22
~>* (λz : int. (λg : int -> int. let h = !xl in xl <- g; h 11) (λy : int. z)) [xl]
20 + 22
~> 42 ?
Ltac beta := (
eapply rtc_l; first (
eapply base_contextual_step;
eapply BetaS; [ auto | reflexivity ];
Lemma obf_expr_eval : Lemma obf_expr_eval :
h', rtc contextual_step (obf_expr, ) (of_val #0 (* FIXME: what is the result? *), h'). h', rtc contextual_step (obf_expr, ) (of_val #42, h').
Proof. Proof.
eexists. unfold obf_expr. eexists. unfold obf_expr.
(* TODO: exercise *)
eapply rtc_l.
eapply (Ectx_step [AppRCtx _]); [reflexivity | reflexivity | ].
have h : of_val (λ: "x", "x" + "x") = (λ: "x", "x" + "x")%E. reflexivity.
rewrite <-h.
apply new_fresh.
eapply (rtc_contextual_step_fill' [BinOpRCtx PlusOp _]); [ | simpl; reflexivity | simpl; reflexivity ].
eapply rtc_l.
eapply (Ectx_step [AppRCtx _]); [reflexivity | reflexivity | ].
eapply LoadS.
(* Store *)
eapply rtc_l.
eapply (Ectx_step [AppRCtx _]); [reflexivity | reflexivity | ].
econstructor; [ eauto | eauto ].
eapply rtc_l.
eapply base_contextual_step.
eapply BinOpS; [ auto | auto | auto ].
have h : (Lit (Z.add 11 11)) = of_val (LitV 22).
rewrite h.
eapply (rtc_contextual_step_fill' [BinOpLCtx PlusOp (LitV 22)]); [ | reflexivity | reflexivity ].
eapply rtc_l.
eapply (Ectx_step [AppRCtx _]); [reflexivity | reflexivity | ].
eapply LoadS.
eapply rtc_l.
eapply (Ectx_step [AppRCtx _]); [reflexivity | reflexivity | ].
eapply StoreS; [ auto | auto ].
eapply rtc_l.
eapply base_contextual_step.
eapply BinOpS; [ auto | auto | auto ].
eapply rtc_l.
eapply base_contextual_step.
eapply BinOpS; [ auto | auto | auto ].
(** Exercise 4 (LN Exercise 48): Fibonacci *) (** Exercise 4 (LN Exercise 48): Fibonacci *)
Idea: use the heap to get recursivity
fibonacci := λ n,
let rec := new (λ m, 0) in
rec <- λ m, if m <= 1 then m else (!rec (m-1)) + (!rec (m-2)) end;
!rec n
Definition fibonacci : val := #0. (* FIXME *) Definition fibonacci : val := λ: "n",
let: "rec" := new (λ: "m", #0) in
Snd (Pair
("rec" <- (λ: "m", if: "m" #1 then "m" else (!"rec" ("m" - #1)) + (!"rec" ("m" - #2))))
(!"rec" "n")
Lemma fibonacci_typed Σ n Γ : Lemma fibonacci_typed Σ n Γ :
TY Σ; n; Γ fibonacci : (Int Int). TY Σ; n; Γ fibonacci : (Int Int).
Proof. Proof.
repeat solve_typing_fast. repeat solve_typing_fast.
Admitted. Qed.

@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ Lemma base_step_to_val e1 e2 e2' σ1 σ2 σ2' :
base_step (e1, σ1) (e2', σ2') is_Some (to_val e2) is_Some (to_val e2'). base_step (e1, σ1) (e2', σ2') is_Some (to_val e2) is_Some (to_val e2').
Proof. inversion 1; inversion 1; naive_solver. Qed. Proof. inversion 1; inversion 1; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma new_fresh v σ : Lemma new_fresh v (σ : heap) :
let l := fresh_locs (dom σ) in let l := fresh_locs (dom σ) in
base_step (New (of_val v), σ) (Lit $ LitLoc l, init_heap l 1 v σ). base_step (New (of_val v), σ) (Lit $ LitLoc l, init_heap l 1 v σ).
Proof. Proof.

@ -1662,9 +1662,81 @@ Lemma compat_store Δ Γ e1 e2 a :
TY Δ; Γ e2 : a TY Δ; Γ e2 : a
TY Δ; Γ (e1 <- e2) : Unit. TY Δ; Γ (e1 <- e2) : Unit.
Proof. Proof.
(* you may find the lemmas [wsat_lookup, wsat_update] above helpful. *) intros Hsem Hsem.
(* TODO: exercise *) intros θ δ k W Hctx.
eapply (bind [StoreRCtx (subst_map θ e1)]).
eapply Hsem; done.
intros j v2 W j_le_k W_sup_W Hlog_v2.
eapply (bind [StoreLCtx v2]).
eapply Hsem.
eapply (sem_context_rel_mono _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j_le_k W_sup_W).
intros i v1 W i_le_j W_sup_W Hlog_v1.
simp type_interp.
intros e' h h' W l W_sup_W Hwsat l_le_i Hred.
simp type_interp in Hlog_v1.
destruct Hlog_v1 as (lref & -> & m & I & Hlook & ->).
have Hwsat := wsat_wext _ _ _ _ Hwsat.
specialize (Hwsat _ W_sup_W).
eapply wsat_lookup in Hwsat; last exact Hlook.
destruct Hwsat as (h & h_ss_h & (v3 & -> & Hty3)).
have Hlook' : h !! lref = Some v3.
eapply lookup_weaken; [ | exact h_ss_h ].
apply lookup_insert.
have Hlook'' : m', W !! m' = Some (λ σ' : heap, v, σ' = <[lref:=v]> TY 0; v : a).
eapply wext_lookup.
exact W_sup_W.
exact Hlook.
eapply store_nsteps_inv in Hred as [ (-> & -> & -> & Hnred) | (-> & Hstep) ].
- exfalso; apply Hnred.
econstructor; eexists; eapply base_contextual_step; eapply StoreS.
exact Hlook'.
rewrite to_of_val.
- have Hunit : e' = Lit (LitUnit).
inversion Hstep; done.
have Hheap : h' = <[lref := v2]> h.
inversion Hstep.
rewrite to_of_val in H5.
injection H5; intros <-.
rewrite Hunit Hheap.
exists #().
exists W.
repeat split; [ reflexivity | | simp type_interp; reflexivity].
destruct Hlook'' as (m' & Hlook'').
eapply wsat_update; [ exact Hwsat | | ].
exact Hlook''.
intros σ (v4 & -> & Hty4).
eexists; apply lookup_insert.
exists v2.
apply insert_insert.
rewrite syn_fo_typed_val.
exact Hlog_v2.

@ -688,6 +688,13 @@ Lemma store_inversion Σ n Γ e1 e2 B:
A, B = Unit TY Σ; n; Γ e1 : Ref A TY Σ; n; Γ e2 : A. A, B = Unit TY Σ; n; Γ e1 : Ref A TY Σ; n; Γ e2 : A.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed. Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
Lemma heap_inversion {Σ n Γ} {l : loc} {A}:
TY Σ; n; Γ #l : Ref A
Σ !! l = Some A.
inversion 1; subst; eauto.
Lemma typed_substitutivity Σ n e e' Γ (x: string) A B : Lemma typed_substitutivity Σ n e e' Γ (x: string) A B :
heap_ctx_wf 0 Σ heap_ctx_wf 0 Σ
TY Σ; 0; e' : A TY Σ; 0; e' : A
@ -1173,7 +1180,18 @@ Proof.
- rewrite lookup_insert_ne //=. eauto. - rewrite lookup_insert_ne //=. eauto.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma heap_type_lookup {Σ n h l v A}:
heap_type h Σ
heap_ctx_wf n Σ
Σ !! l = Some A
h !! l = Some v
TY Σ; 0; v : A.
intros Hhty Hwf HΣl Hhl.
destruct (Hhty l A HΣl) as (v' & Heq & res).
rewrite Heq in Hhl; injection Hhl; intros ->.
exact res.
Lemma typed_preservation_base_step Σ e e' h h' A: Lemma typed_preservation_base_step Σ e e' h h' A:
heap_ctx_wf 0 Σ heap_ctx_wf 0 Σ
@ -1245,16 +1263,33 @@ Proof.
exists Σ; split_and!; [done..|]. exists Σ; split_and!; [done..|].
eapply unroll_inversion in Hty as (B & -> & Hty). eapply unroll_inversion in Hty as (B & -> & Hty).
eapply roll_inversion in Hty as (C & Heq & Hty). injection Heq as ->. done. eapply roll_inversion in Hty as (C & Heq & Hty). injection Heq as ->. done.
- (* new *) - eapply new_inversion in Hty as (B & -> & Hty).
(* TODO: exercise *) (* Welcome to underscore land *)
admit. have Hhty2 := heap_type_insert _ _ _ _ _ _ Hhty H Hty H0.
- (* load *) exists (<[ l := B ]> Σ).
(* TODO: exercise *) repeat split.
admit. + eapply (heap_ctx_insert _ _ _ _ Hhty H).
- (* store *) + rewrite init_heap_singleton.
(* TODO: exercise *) (* Imagine flagging your functions as simpl *)
admit. rewrite insert_union_singleton_l.
Admitted. exact Hhty2.
+ eapply heap_ctx_wf_insert.
eapply syn_typed_wf.
exact (ctx_wf_empty 0).
exact Hwf'.
exact Hty.
+ econstructor.
by apply lookup_insert.
- exists Σ; split_and!; [done..|].
eapply load_inversion in Hty.
eapply heap_inversion in Hty.
exact (heap_type_lookup Hhty Hwf' Hty H).
- eapply store_inversion in Hty as (B & -> & Hty & Hty).
exists Σ; split_and!; try done.
apply heap_inversion in Hty.
eapply heap_type_update; [ assumption | exact Hty | exact Hty | exact H0 ].
Lemma typed_preservation Σ e e' h h' A: Lemma typed_preservation Σ e e' h h' A:
heap_ctx_wf 0 Σ heap_ctx_wf 0 Σ
