Release exercise 2.7

mueck 11 months ago
parent fb0a3219b5
commit 1f956e528e
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -18,6 +18,13 @@ theories/type_systems/stlc/notation.v
theories/type_systems/stlc/untyped.v theories/type_systems/stlc/untyped.v
theories/type_systems/stlc/types.v theories/type_systems/stlc/types.v
# Extended STLC
# By removing the # below, you can add the exercise sheets to make # By removing the # below, you can add the exercise sheets to make
#theories/type_systems/warmup/warmup.v #theories/type_systems/warmup/warmup.v
#theories/type_systems/warmup/warmup_sol.v #theories/type_systems/warmup/warmup_sol.v

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
From stdpp Require Import gmap base relations.
From iris Require Import prelude.
From semantics.ts.stlc_extended Require Import lang notation types.
(** * Big-step semantics *)
Implicit Types
(Γ : typing_context)
(v : val)
(e : expr)
(A : type).
Inductive big_step : expr val Prop :=
| bs_lit (n : Z) :
big_step (LitInt n) (LitIntV n)
| bs_lam (x : binder) (e : expr) :
big_step (λ: x, e)%E (λ: x, e)%V
| bs_add e1 e2 (z1 z2 : Z) :
big_step e1 (LitIntV z1)
big_step e2 (LitIntV z2)
big_step (Plus e1 e2) (LitIntV (z1 + z2))%Z
| bs_app e1 e2 x e v2 v :
big_step e1 (LamV x e)
big_step e2 v2
big_step (subst' x (of_val v2) e) v
big_step (App e1 e2) v
(* TODO : extend the big-step semantics *)
#[export] Hint Constructors big_step : core.
Lemma big_step_of_val e v :
e = of_val v
big_step e v.
intros ->.
induction v; simpl; eauto.
(* TODO : this should be fixed once you have added the right semantics *)
Lemma big_step_val v v' :
big_step (of_val v) v' v' = v.
enough ( e, big_step e v' e = of_val v v' = v) by naive_solver.
intros e Hb.
induction Hb in v |-*; intros Heq; subst; destruct v; inversion Heq; subst; naive_solver.

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
From semantics.ts.stlc_extended Require Export lang.
(** The stepping relation *)
Inductive base_step : expr expr Prop :=
| BetaS x e1 e2 e' :
is_val e2
e' = subst' x e2 e1
base_step (App (Lam x e1) e2) e'
| PlusS e1 e2 (n1 n2 n3 : Z):
e1 = (LitInt n1)
e2 = (LitInt n2)
(n1 + n2)%Z = n3
base_step (Plus e1 e2) (LitInt n3)
(* TODO: extend the definition *)
#[export] Hint Constructors base_step : core.
(** We define evaluation contexts *)
Inductive ectx :=
| HoleCtx
| AppLCtx (K: ectx) (v2 : val)
| AppRCtx (e1 : expr) (K: ectx)
| PlusLCtx (K: ectx) (v2 : val)
| PlusRCtx (e1 : expr) (K: ectx)
(* TODO: extend the definition *)
Fixpoint fill (K : ectx) (e : expr) : expr :=
match K with
| HoleCtx => e
| AppLCtx K v2 => App (fill K e) (of_val v2)
| AppRCtx e1 K => App e1 (fill K e)
| PlusLCtx K v2 => Plus (fill K e) (of_val v2)
| PlusRCtx e1 K => Plus e1 (fill K e)
(* TODO: extend the definition *)
Fixpoint comp_ectx (K: ectx) (K' : ectx) : ectx :=
match K with
| HoleCtx => K'
| AppLCtx K v2 => AppLCtx (comp_ectx K K') v2
| AppRCtx e1 K => AppRCtx e1 (comp_ectx K K')
| PlusLCtx K v2 => PlusLCtx (comp_ectx K K') v2
| PlusRCtx e1 K => PlusRCtx e1 (comp_ectx K K')
(* TODO: extend the definition *)
(** Contextual steps *)
Inductive contextual_step (e1 : expr) (e2 : expr) : Prop :=
Ectx_step K e1' e2' :
e1 = fill K e1' e2 = fill K e2'
base_step e1' e2' contextual_step e1 e2.
#[export] Hint Constructors contextual_step : core.
Definition reducible (e : expr) :=
e', contextual_step e e'.
Definition empty_ectx := HoleCtx.
(** Basic properties about the language *)
Lemma fill_empty e : fill empty_ectx e = e.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma fill_comp (K1 K2 : ectx) e : fill K1 (fill K2 e) = fill (comp_ectx K1 K2) e.
Proof. induction K1; simpl; congruence. Qed.
Lemma base_contextual_step e1 e2 :
base_step e1 e2 contextual_step e1 e2.
Proof. apply Ectx_step with empty_ectx; by rewrite ?fill_empty. Qed.
Lemma fill_contextual_step K e1 e2 :
contextual_step e1 e2 contextual_step (fill K e1) (fill K e2).
destruct 1 as [K' e1' e2' -> ->].
rewrite !fill_comp. by econstructor.
(** We derive a few lemmas about contextual steps:
these essentially provide rules for structural lifting
akin to the structural semantics.
Lemma contextual_step_app_l e1 e1' e2:
is_val e2
contextual_step e1 e1'
contextual_step (App e1 e2) (App e1' e2).
intros [v <-%of_to_val]%is_val_spec Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (AppLCtx HoleCtx v)).
Lemma contextual_step_app_r e1 e2 e2':
contextual_step e2 e2'
contextual_step (App e1 e2) (App e1 e2').
intros Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (AppRCtx e1 HoleCtx)).
Lemma contextual_step_plus_l e1 e1' e2:
is_val e2
contextual_step e1 e1'
contextual_step (Plus e1 e2) (Plus e1' e2).
intros [v <-%of_to_val]%is_val_spec Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (PlusLCtx HoleCtx v)).
Lemma contextual_step_plus_r e1 e2 e2':
contextual_step e2 e2'
contextual_step (Plus e1 e2) (Plus e1 e2').
intros Hcontextual.
by eapply (fill_contextual_step (PlusRCtx e1 HoleCtx)).
Lemma contextual_step_pair_l e1 e1' e2:
is_val e2
contextual_step e1 e1'
contextual_step (Pair e1 e2) (Pair e1' e2).
(* TODO: exercise *)
Lemma contextual_step_pair_r e1 e2 e2':
contextual_step e2 e2'
contextual_step (Pair e1 e2) (Pair e1 e2').
(* TODO: exercise *)
Lemma contextual_step_fst e e':
contextual_step e e'
contextual_step (Fst e) (Fst e').
(* TODO: exercise *)
Lemma contextual_step_snd e e':
contextual_step e e'
contextual_step (Snd e) (Snd e').
(* TODO: exercise *)
Lemma contextual_step_injl e e':
contextual_step e e'
contextual_step (InjL e) (InjL e').
(* TODO: exercise *)
Lemma contextual_step_injr e e':
contextual_step e e'
contextual_step (InjR e) (InjR e').
(* TODO: exercise *)
Lemma contextual_step_case e e' e1 e2:
contextual_step e e'
contextual_step (Case e e1 e2) (Case e' e1 e2).
(* TODO: exercise *)
Hint Resolve
contextual_step_app_l contextual_step_app_r contextual_step_plus_l contextual_step_plus_r
contextual_step_case contextual_step_fst contextual_step_injl contextual_step_injr
contextual_step_pair_l contextual_step_pair_r contextual_step_snd : core.

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
From stdpp Require Export binders strings.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
From semantics.lib Require Export maps.
Declare Scope expr_scope.
Declare Scope val_scope.
Delimit Scope expr_scope with E.
Delimit Scope val_scope with V.
Inductive expr :=
(* Base lambda calculus *)
| Var (x : string)
| Lam (x : binder) (e : expr)
| App (e1 e2 : expr)
(* Base types and their operations *)
| LitInt (n: Z)
| Plus (e1 e2 : expr)
(* Products *)
| Pair (e1 e2 : expr)
| Fst (e : expr)
| Snd (e : expr)
(* Sums *)
| InjL (e : expr)
| InjR (e : expr)
| Case (e0 : expr) (e1 : expr) (e2 : expr).
Bind Scope expr_scope with expr.
Inductive val :=
| LitIntV (n: Z)
| LamV (x : binder) (e : expr)
| PairV (v1 v2 : val)
| InjLV (v : val)
| InjRV (v : val)
Bind Scope val_scope with val.
Fixpoint of_val (v : val) : expr :=
match v with
| LitIntV n => LitInt n
| LamV x e => Lam x e
| PairV v1 v2 => Pair (of_val v1) (of_val v2)
| InjLV v => InjL (of_val v)
| InjRV v => InjR (of_val v)
Fixpoint to_val (e : expr) : option val :=
match e with
| LitInt n => Some $ LitIntV n
| Lam x e => Some (LamV x e)
| Pair e1 e2 =>
to_val e1 = (λ v1, to_val e2 = (λ v2, Some $ PairV v1 v2))
| InjL e => to_val e = (λ v, Some $ InjLV v)
| InjR e => to_val e = (λ v, Some $ InjRV v)
| _ => None
(** Equality and other typeclass stuff *)
Lemma to_of_val v : to_val (of_val v) = Some v.
by induction v; simplify_option_eq; repeat f_equal; try apply (proof_irrel _).
Lemma of_to_val e v : to_val e = Some v of_val v = e.
revert v; induction e; intros v ?; simplify_option_eq; auto with f_equal.
#[export] Instance of_val_inj : Inj (=) (=) of_val.
Proof. by intros ?? Hv; apply (inj Some); rewrite <-!to_of_val, Hv. Qed.
(** structural computational version *)
Fixpoint is_val (e : expr) : Prop :=
match e with
| LitInt l => True
| Lam x e => True
| Pair e1 e2 => is_val e1 is_val e2
| InjL e => is_val e
| InjR e => is_val e
| _ => False
Lemma is_val_spec e : is_val e v, to_val e = Some v.
induction e as [ | ? e IH | e1 IH1 e2 IH2 | | e1 IH1 e2 IH2 | e1 IH1 e2 IH2 | e IH | e IH | e IH | e IH | e1 IH1 e2 IH2 e3 IH3];
simpl; (split; [ | intros (v & Heq)]); simplify_option_eq; try done; eauto.
- rewrite IH1, IH2. intros [(v1 & ->) (v2 & ->)]. eauto.
- rewrite IH1, IH2. eauto.
- rewrite IH. intros (v & ->). eauto.
- apply IH. eauto.
- rewrite IH. intros (v & ->); eauto.
- apply IH. eauto.
Ltac simplify_val :=
repeat match goal with
| H: to_val (of_val ?v) = ?o |- _ => rewrite to_of_val in H
| H: is_val ?e |- _ => destruct (proj1 (is_val_spec e) H) as (? & ?); clear H
(* Misc *)
Lemma is_val_of_val v : is_val (of_val v).
Proof. apply is_val_spec. rewrite to_of_val. eauto. Qed.
(** Substitution *)
Fixpoint subst (x : string) (es : expr) (e : expr) : expr :=
match e with
| LitInt _ => e
| Var y => if decide (x = y) then es else Var y
| Lam y e =>
Lam y $ if decide (BNamed x = y) then e else subst x es e
| App e1 e2 => App (subst x es e1) (subst x es e2)
| Plus e1 e2 => Plus (subst x es e1) (subst x es e2)
| Pair e1 e2 => Pair (subst x es e1) (subst x es e2)
| Fst e => Fst (subst x es e)
| Snd e => Snd (subst x es e)
| InjL e => InjL (subst x es e)
| InjR e => InjR (subst x es e)
| Case e0 e1 e2 => Case (subst x es e0) (subst x es e1) (subst x es e2)
Definition subst' (mx : binder) (es : expr) : expr expr :=
match mx with BNamed x => subst x es | BAnon => id end.
(** Closed terms **)
Fixpoint is_closed (X : list string) (e : expr) : bool :=
match e with
| Var x => bool_decide (x X)
| Lam x e => is_closed (x :b: X) e
| LitInt _ => true
| Fst e | Snd e | InjL e | InjR e => is_closed X e
| App e1 e2 | Plus e1 e2 | Pair e1 e2 => is_closed X e1 && is_closed X e2
| Case e0 e1 e2 =>
is_closed X e0 && is_closed X e1 && is_closed X e2
(** [closed] states closedness as a Coq proposition, through the [Is_true] transformer. *)
Definition closed (X : list string) (e : expr) : Prop := Is_true (is_closed X e).
#[export] Instance closed_proof_irrel X e : ProofIrrel (closed X e).
Proof. unfold closed. apply _. Qed.
#[export] Instance closed_dec X e : Decision (closed X e).
Proof. unfold closed. apply _. Defined.
(** closed expressions *)
Lemma is_closed_weaken X Y e : is_closed X e X Y is_closed Y e.
Proof. revert X Y; induction e; naive_solver (eauto; set_solver). Qed.
Lemma is_closed_weaken_nil X e : is_closed [] e is_closed X e.
Proof. intros. by apply is_closed_weaken with [], list_subseteq_nil. Qed.
Lemma is_closed_subst X e x es :
is_closed [] es is_closed (x :: X) e is_closed X (subst x es e).
intros ?.
induction e in X |-*; simpl; intros ?; destruct_and?; split_and?; simplify_option_eq;
try match goal with
| H : ¬(_ _) |- _ => apply not_and_l in H as [?%dec_stable|?%dec_stable]
end; eauto using is_closed_weaken with set_solver.
Lemma is_closed_do_subst' X e x es :
is_closed [] es is_closed (x :b: X) e is_closed X (subst' x es e).
Proof. destruct x; eauto using is_closed_subst. Qed.
(** Substitution lemmas *)
Lemma subst_is_closed X e x es : is_closed X e x X subst x es e = e.
induction e in X |-*; simpl; rewrite ?bool_decide_spec, ?andb_True; intros ??;
repeat case_decide; simplify_eq; simpl; f_equal; intuition eauto with set_solver.
Lemma subst_is_closed_nil e x es : is_closed [] e subst x es e = e.
Proof. intros. apply subst_is_closed with []; set_solver. Qed.
Lemma subst'_is_closed_nil e x es : is_closed [] e subst' x es e = e.
Proof. intros. destruct x as [ | x]. { done. } by apply subst_is_closed_nil. Qed.

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
From semantics.ts.stlc_extended Require Export lang.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(** Coercions to make programs easier to type. *)
Coercion of_val : val >-> expr.
Coercion App : expr >-> Funclass.
Coercion Var : string >-> expr.
(** Define some derived forms. *)
Notation Let x e1 e2 := (App (Lam x e2) e1) (only parsing).
Notation Seq e1 e2 := (Let BAnon e1 e2) (only parsing).
Notation Match e0 x1 e1 x2 e2 := (Case e0 (Lam x1 e1) (Lam x2 e2)) (only parsing).
(* No scope for the values, does not conflict and scope is often not inferred
properly. *)
Notation "# l" := (LitIntV l%Z%V%stdpp) (at level 8, format "# l").
Notation "# l" := (LitInt l%Z%E%stdpp) (at level 8, format "# l") : expr_scope.
(** Syntax inspired by Coq/Ocaml. Constructions with higher precedence come
first. *)
Notation "( e1 , e2 , .. , en )" := (Pair .. (Pair e1 e2) .. en) : expr_scope.
Notation "( e1 , e2 , .. , en )" := (PairV .. (PairV e1 e2) .. en) : val_scope.
Notation "'match:' e0 'with' 'InjL' x1 => e1 | 'InjR' x2 => e2 'end'" :=
(Match e0 x1%binder e1 x2%binder e2)
(e0, x1, e1, x2, e2 at level 200,
format "'[hv' 'match:' e0 'with' '/ ' '[' 'InjL' x1 => '/ ' e1 ']' '/' '[' | 'InjR' x2 => '/ ' e2 ']' '/' 'end' ']'") : expr_scope.
Notation "'match:' e0 'with' 'InjR' x1 => e1 | 'InjL' x2 => e2 'end'" :=
(Match e0 x2%binder e2 x1%binder e1)
(e0, x1, e1, x2, e2 at level 200, only parsing) : expr_scope.
Notation "e1 + e2" := (Plus e1%E e2%E) : expr_scope.
(*Notation "~ e" := (UnOp NegOp e%E) (at level 75, right associativity) : expr_scope.*)
Notation "λ: x , e" := (Lam x%binder e%E)
(at level 200, x at level 1, e at level 200,
format "'[' 'λ:' x , '/ ' e ']'") : expr_scope.
Notation "λ: x y .. z , e" := (Lam x%binder (Lam y%binder .. (Lam z%binder e%E) ..))
(at level 200, x, y, z at level 1, e at level 200,
format "'[' 'λ:' x y .. z , '/ ' e ']'") : expr_scope.
Notation "λ: x , e" := (LamV x%binder e%E)
(at level 200, x at level 1, e at level 200,
format "'[' 'λ:' x , '/ ' e ']'") : val_scope.
Notation "λ: x y .. z , e" := (LamV x%binder (Lam y%binder .. (Lam z%binder e%E) .. ))
(at level 200, x, y, z at level 1, e at level 200,
format "'[' 'λ:' x y .. z , '/ ' e ']'") : val_scope.
Notation "'let:' x := e1 'in' e2" := (Lam x%binder e2%E e1%E)
(at level 200, x at level 1, e1, e2 at level 200,
format "'[' 'let:' x := '[' e1 ']' 'in' '/' e2 ']'") : expr_scope.
Notation "e1 ;; e2" := (Lam BAnon e2%E e1%E)
(at level 100, e2 at level 200,
format "'[' '[hv' '[' e1 ']' ;; ']' '/' e2 ']'") : expr_scope.

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
From stdpp Require Import base relations.
From iris Require Import prelude.
From semantics.lib Require Import maps.
From semantics.ts.stlc_extended Require Import lang notation ctxstep.
(** ** Syntactic typing *)
Inductive type : Type :=
| Int
| Fun (A B : type)
| Prod (A B : type)
| Sum (A B : type).
Definition typing_context := gmap string type.
Implicit Types
(Γ : typing_context)
(v : val)
(e : expr).
Declare Scope FType_scope.
Delimit Scope FType_scope with ty.
Bind Scope FType_scope with type.
Infix "" := Fun : FType_scope.
Notation "(→)" := Fun (only parsing) : FType_scope.
Infix "×" := Prod (at level 70) : FType_scope.
Notation "(×)" := Prod (only parsing) : FType_scope.
Infix "+" := Sum : FType_scope.
Notation "(+)" := Sum (only parsing) : FType_scope.
Reserved Notation "Γ ⊢ e : A" (at level 74, e, A at next level).
Inductive syn_typed : typing_context expr type Prop :=
| typed_var Γ x A :
Γ !! x = Some A
Γ (Var x) : A
| typed_lam Γ x e A B :
(<[ x := A]> Γ) e : B
Γ (Lam (BNamed x) e) : (A B)
| typed_lam_anon Γ e A B :
Γ e : B
Γ (Lam BAnon e) : (A B)
| typed_int Γ z : Γ (LitInt z) : Int
| typed_app Γ e1 e2 A B :
Γ e1 : (A B)
Γ e2 : A
Γ (e1 e2)%E : B
| typed_add Γ e1 e2 :
Γ e1 : Int
Γ e2 : Int
Γ e1 + e2 : Int
(* TODO: provide the new typing rules *)
where "Γ ⊢ e : A" := (syn_typed Γ e%E A%ty).
#[export] Hint Constructors syn_typed : core.
(** Examples *)
Goal (λ: "x", "x")%E : (Int Int).
Proof. eauto. Qed.
Lemma syn_typed_closed Γ e A X :
Γ e : A
( x, x dom Γ x X)
is_closed X e.
(* TODO: you will need to add the new cases, i.e. "|"'s to the intro pattern. The proof then should go through *)
induction 1 as [ | ?????? IH | | | | ] in X |-*; simpl; intros Hx; try done.
{ (* var *) apply bool_decide_pack, Hx. apply elem_of_dom; eauto. }
{ (* lam *) apply IH.
intros y. rewrite elem_of_dom lookup_insert_is_Some.
intros [<- | [? Hy]]; first by apply elem_of_cons; eauto.
apply elem_of_cons. right. eapply Hx. by apply elem_of_dom.
{ (* anon lam *) naive_solver. }
(* everything else *)
all: repeat match goal with
| |- Is_true (_ && _) => apply andb_True; split
all: try naive_solver.
Lemma typed_weakening Γ Δ e A:
Γ e : A
Δ e : A.
(* TODO: here you will need to add the new cases to the intro pattern as well. The proof then should go through *)
induction 1 as [| Γ x e A B Htyp IH | | | | ] in Δ |-*; intros Hsub; eauto.
- (* var *) econstructor. by eapply lookup_weaken.
- (* lam *) econstructor. eapply IH; eauto. by eapply insert_mono.
(** Typing inversion lemmas *)
Lemma var_inversion Γ (x: string) A: Γ x : A Γ !! x = Some A.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; auto. Qed.
Lemma lam_inversion Γ (x: string) e C:
Γ (λ: x, e) : C
A B, C = (A B)%ty <[x:=A]> Γ e : B.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto 10. Qed.
Lemma lam_anon_inversion Γ e C:
Γ (λ: <>, e) : C
A B, C = (A B)%ty Γ e : B.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto 10. Qed.
Lemma app_inversion Γ e1 e2 B:
Γ e1 e2 : B
A, Γ e1 : (A B) Γ e2 : A.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
Lemma plus_inversion Γ e1 e2 B:
Γ e1 + e2 : B
B = Int Γ e1 : Int Γ e2 : Int.
Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto. Qed.
(* TODO: add inversion lemmas for the new typing rules.
They will be very useful for the proofs below!
Lemma typed_substitutivity e e' Γ (x: string) A B :
e' : A
(<[x := A]> Γ) e : B
Γ lang.subst x e' e : B.
intros He'. revert B Γ; induction e as [y | y | | | | | | | | | ]; intros B Γ; simpl.
- intros Hp % var_inversion.
destruct (decide (x = y)).
+ subst. rewrite lookup_insert in Hp. injection Hp as ->.
eapply typed_weakening; [done| ]. apply map_empty_subseteq.
+ rewrite lookup_insert_ne in Hp; last done. auto.
- destruct y as [ | y].
{ intros (A' & C & -> & Hty) % lam_anon_inversion.
econstructor. destruct decide as [Heq|].
+ congruence.
+ eauto.
intros (A' & C & -> & Hty) % lam_inversion.
econstructor. destruct decide as [Heq|].
+ injection Heq as [= ->]. by rewrite insert_insert in Hty.
+ rewrite insert_commute in Hty; last naive_solver. eauto.
- intros (C & Hty1 & Hty2) % app_inversion. eauto.
- inversion 1; subst; auto.
- intros (-> & Hty1 & Hty2)%plus_inversion; eauto.
- (* TODO *) admit.
- (* TODO *) admit.
- (* TODO *) admit.
- (* TODO *) admit.
- (* TODO *) admit.
- (* TODO *) admit.
(** Canonical values *)
Lemma canonical_values_arr Γ e A B:
Γ e : (A B)
is_val e
x e', e = (λ: x, e')%E.
inversion 1; simpl; naive_solver.
Lemma canonical_values_int Γ e:
Γ e : Int
is_val e
n: Z, e = (#n)%E.
inversion 1; simpl; naive_solver.
(* TODO: add canonical forms lemmas for the new types *)
(** Progress *)
Lemma typed_progress e A:
e : A is_val e reducible e.
remember as Γ.
(* TODO: you will need to extend the intro pattern *)
induction 1 as [| | | | Γ e1 e2 A B Hty IH1 _ IH2 | Γ e1 e2 Hty1 IH1 Hty2 IH2].
- subst. naive_solver.
- left. done.
- left. done.
- (* int *)left. done.
- (* app *)
destruct (IH2 HeqΓ) as [H2|H2]; [destruct (IH1 HeqΓ) as [H1|H1]|].
+ eapply canonical_values_arr in Hty as (x & e & ->); last done.
right. eexists.
eapply base_contextual_step, BetaS; eauto.
+ right. destruct H1 as [e1' Hstep].
eexists. eauto.
+ right. destruct H2 as [e2' H2].
eexists. eauto.
- (* plus *)
destruct (IH2 HeqΓ) as [H2|H2]; [destruct (IH1 HeqΓ) as [H1|H1]|].
+ right. eapply canonical_values_int in Hty1 as [n1 ->]; last done.
eapply canonical_values_int in Hty2 as [n2 ->]; last done.
subst. eexists; eapply base_contextual_step. eauto.
+ right. destruct H1 as [e1' Hstep]. eexists. eauto.
+ right. destruct H2 as [e2' H2]. eexists. eauto.
(* FIXME: prove the new cases *)
Definition ectx_typing (K: ectx) (A B: type) :=
e, e : A (fill K e) : B.
Lemma fill_typing_decompose K e A:
fill K e : A
B, e : B ectx_typing K B A.
unfold ectx_typing; induction K in e,A |-*; simpl; eauto.
all: inversion 1; subst; edestruct IHK as [? [Hit Hty]]; eauto.
Lemma fill_typing_compose K e A B:
e : B
ectx_typing K B A
fill K e : A.
intros H1 H2; by eapply H2.
Lemma typed_preservation_base_step e e' A:
e : A
base_step e e'
e' : A.
intros Hty Hstep.
destruct Hstep as [ ]; subst.
- eapply app_inversion in Hty as (B & H1 & H2).
destruct x as [|x].
{ eapply lam_anon_inversion in H1 as (C & D & [= -> ->] & Hty). done. }
eapply lam_inversion in H1 as (C & D & Heq & Hty).
injection Heq as -> ->.
eapply typed_substitutivity; eauto.
- eapply plus_inversion in Hty as (-> & Hty1 & Hty2). constructor.
(* TODO: extend this for the new cases *)
Lemma typed_preservation e e' A:
e : A
contextual_step e e'
e' : A.
intros Hty Hstep. destruct Hstep as [K e1 e2 -> -> Hstep].
eapply fill_typing_decompose in Hty as [B [H1 H2]].
eapply fill_typing_compose; last done.
by eapply typed_preservation_base_step.
Lemma type_safety e1 e2 A:
e1 : A
rtc contextual_step e1 e2
is_val e2 reducible e2.
induction 2; eauto using typed_progress, typed_preservation.