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import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Commutator
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Subgroup.Basic
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.GroupAction.Basic
import Rubin.MulActionExt
import Rubin.SmulImage
import Rubin.Tactic
namespace Rubin
The support of a group action of `g: G` on `α` (here generalized to `SMul G α`)
is the set of values `x` in `α` for which `g • x ≠ x`.
This can also be thought of as the complement of the fixpoints of `(g •)`,
which [`support_eq_not_fixed_by`] provides.
def Support {G : Type _} (α : Type _) [SMul G α] (g : G) :=
{x : α | g • x ≠ x}
#align support Rubin.Support
theorem SmulSupport_def {G : Type _} (α : Type _) [SMul G α] {g : G} :
Support α g = {x : α | g • x ≠ x} := by tauto
variable {G α: Type _}
variable [Group G]
variable [MulAction G α]
variable {f g : G}
variable {x : α}
theorem support_eq_not_fixed_by : Support α g = (MulAction.fixedBy α g)ᶜ := by tauto
#align support_eq_not_fixed_by Rubin.support_eq_not_fixed_by
theorem support_compl_eq_fixed_by : (Support α g)ᶜ = MulAction.fixedBy α g := by
rw [<-compl_compl (MulAction.fixedBy _ _)]
exact congr_arg (·ᶜ) support_eq_not_fixed_by
theorem mem_support :
x ∈ Support α g ↔ g • x ≠ x := by tauto
#align mem_support Rubin.mem_support
theorem not_mem_support :
x ∉ Support α g ↔ g • x = x := by
rw [Rubin.mem_support, Classical.not_not]
#align mem_not_support Rubin.not_mem_support
theorem smul_mem_support :
x ∈ Support α g → g • x ∈ Support α g := fun h =>
h ∘ smul_left_cancel g
#align smul_in_support Rubin.smul_mem_support
theorem inv_smul_mem_support :
x ∈ Support α g → g⁻¹ • x ∈ Support α g := fun h k =>
h (smul_inv_smul g x ▸ smul_congr g k)
#align inv_smul_in_support Rubin.inv_smul_mem_support
theorem fixed_of_disjoint {U : Set α} :
x ∈ U → Disjoint U (Support α g) → g • x = x :=
fun x_in_U disjoint_U_support => ( disjoint_U_support x_in_U)
#align fixed_of_disjoint Rubin.fixed_of_disjoint
theorem fixed_smulImage_in_support (g : G) {U : Set α} :
Support α g ⊆ U → g •'' U = U :=
intro support_in_U
ext x
cases' @or_not (x ∈ Support α g) with xmoved xfixed
⟨fun _ => support_in_U xmoved, fun _ =>
mem_smulImage.mpr (support_in_U (Rubin.inv_smul_mem_support xmoved))⟩
rw [Rubin.mem_smulImage, ( xfixed)]
#align fixes_subset_within_support Rubin.fixed_smulImage_in_support
theorem smulImage_subset_in_support (g : G) (U V : Set α) :
U ⊆ V → Support α g ⊆ V → g •'' U ⊆ V := fun U_in_V support_in_V =>
Rubin.fixed_smulImage_in_support g support_in_V ▸
Rubin.smulImage_subset g U_in_V
#align moves_subset_within_support Rubin.smulImage_subset_in_support
theorem support_mul (g h : G) (α : Type _) [MulAction G α] :
Support α (g * h) ⊆
Support α g Support α h :=
intro x x_in_support
by_contra h_support
let res := h_support
((mul_smul g h x).trans
((congr_arg (g • ·) ( res.2)).trans <| res.1))
#align support_mul Rubin.support_mul
theorem support_conjugate (α : Type _) [MulAction G α] (g h : G) :
Support α (h * g * h⁻¹) = h •'' Support α g :=
ext x
rw [Rubin.mem_support, Rubin.mem_smulImage, Rubin.mem_support,
mul_smul, mul_smul]
· intro h1; by_contra h2; exact h1 ((congr_arg (h • ·) h2).trans (smul_inv_smul _ _))
· intro h1; by_contra h2; exact h1 (inv_smul_smul h (g • h⁻¹ • x) ▸ congr_arg (h⁻¹ • ·) h2)
#align support_conjugate Rubin.support_conjugate
theorem support_inv (α : Type _) [MulAction G α] (g : G) :
Support α g⁻¹ = Support α g :=
ext x
rw [Rubin.mem_support, Rubin.mem_support]
· intro h1; by_contra h2; exact h1 ( h2)
· intro h1; by_contra h2; exact h1 (smul_eq_iff_inv_smul_eq.mpr h2)
#align support_inv Rubin.support_inv
theorem support_pow (α : Type _) [MulAction G α] (g : G) (j : ) :
Support α (g ^ j) ⊆ Support α g :=
intro x xmoved
by_contra xfixed
rw [Rubin.mem_support] at xmoved
induction j with
| zero => apply xmoved; rw [pow_zero g, one_smul]
| succ j j_ih =>
apply xmoved
let j_ih := (congr_arg (g • ·) ( j_ih)).trans ( xfixed)
simp at j_ih
group_action at j_ih
rw [<-Nat.one_add, <-zpow_ofNat, Int.ofNat_add]
exact j_ih
-- TODO: address this pain point
-- Alternatively:
-- rw [Int.add_comm, Int.ofNat_add_one_out, zpow_ofNat] at j_ih
-- exact j_ih
#align support_pow Rubin.support_pow
theorem support_comm (α : Type _) [MulAction G α] (g h : G) :
Support α ⁅g, h⁆ ⊆
Support α h (g •'' Support α h) :=
intro x x_in_support
by_contra all_fixed
rw [Set.mem_union] at all_fixed
cases' @or_not (h • x = x) with xfixed xmoved
· rw [Rubin.mem_support, commutatorElement_def, mul_smul, xfixed, ← Rubin.mem_support] at x_in_support
((Rubin.support_conjugate α h g).symm ▸ ( all_fixed).2)
· exact all_fixed (Or.inl xmoved)
#align support_comm Rubin.support_comm
theorem disjoint_support_comm (f g : G) {U : Set α} :
Support α f ⊆ U → Disjoint U (g •'' U) → ∀ x ∈ U, ⁅f, g⁆ • x = f • x :=
intro support_in_U disjoint_U x x_in_U
have support_conj : Support α (g * f⁻¹ * g⁻¹) ⊆ g •'' U :=
((Rubin.support_conjugate α f⁻¹ g).trans
(Rubin.SmulImage.congr g (Rubin.support_inv α f))).symm ▸
Rubin.smulImage_subset g support_in_U
have goal :=
(congr_arg (f • ·)
(Rubin.fixed_of_disjoint x_in_U
(Set.disjoint_of_subset_right support_conj disjoint_U))).symm
simp at goal
-- NOTE: the nth_rewrite must happen on the second occurence, or else group_action yields an incorrect f⁻²
nth_rewrite 2 [goal]
#align disjoint_support_comm Rubin.disjoint_support_comm
lemma empty_of_subset_disjoint {α : Type _} {U V : Set α} :
Disjoint U V → U ⊆ V → U = ∅ :=
intro disj subset
apply Set.eq_of_subset_of_subset <;> try simp
intro x x_in_U
apply disjoint_not_mem disj
exact x_in_U
exact subset x_in_U
theorem not_commute_of_disj_support_smulImage {G α : Type _}
[Group G] [MulAction G α] [FaithfulSMul G α]
{f g : G} {U : Set α} (f_ne_one : f ≠ 1)
(subset : Support α f ⊆ U)
(disj : Disjoint (Support α f) (g •'' U)) :
¬Commute f g :=
intro h_comm
have h₀ : ∀ x ∈ U, x ∉ Support α f := by
intro x x_in_U
unfold Commute SemiconjBy at h_comm
have gx_in_img := (mem_smulImage' g).mp x_in_U
have h₁ : g • f • x = g • x := by
have res := disjoint_not_mem₂ disj gx_in_img
rw [not_mem_support] at res
rw [<-mul_smul] at res
rw [h_comm] at res
rw [mul_smul] at res
exact res
have h₂ : f • x = x := by
rw [<-one_smul G (f • x)]
nth_rw 2 [<-one_smul G x]
rw [<-mul_left_inv g]
rw [mul_smul]
rw [mul_smul]
nth_rw 1 [h₁]
rw [<-not_mem_support] at h₂
exact h₂
have h₀' : Disjoint (Support α f) U := by
intro T; simp
intro T_ss_supp T_ss_U
intro x x_in_T
apply h₀
exact T_ss_U x_in_T
exact T_ss_supp x_in_T
have support_empty : Support α f = ∅ := empty_of_subset_disjoint h₀' subset
apply f_ne_one
apply smul_left_injective' (α := α)
ext x
by_contra h
rw [<-ne_eq, <-mem_support] at h
apply support_empty
exact h
end Rubin