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This files defines `RegularSupportBasis`, which is a basis of the topological space α,
made up of finite intersections of `RegularSupport α g` for `g : G`.
import Mathlib.Topology.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Homeomorph
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.ConstMulAction
import Rubin.LocallyDense
import Rubin.Topology
import Rubin.Support
import Rubin.RegularSupport
import Rubin.HomeoGroup
namespace Rubin
Maps a "seed" of homeorphisms in α to the intersection of their regular support in α.
Note that the condition that the resulting set is non-empty is introduced later in `RegularSupportBasis₀`
def RegularSupport.FiniteInter {G : Type _} [Group G] (α : Type _) [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α] (S : Finset G): Set α :=
⋂ (g ∈ S), RegularSupport α g
def RegularSupportBasis (G α : Type _) [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α] : Set (Set α) :=
{ S : Set α | S.Nonempty ∧ ∃ (seed : Finset G), S = RegularSupport.FiniteInter α seed }
variable {G : Type _}
variable {α : Type _}
variable [Group G]
variable [TopologicalSpace α]
variable [MulAction G α]
theorem RegularSupport.FiniteInter_sInter (S : Finset G) :
RegularSupport.FiniteInter α S = ⋂₀ ((fun (g : G) => RegularSupport α g) '' S) :=
rw [Set.sInter_image]
theorem RegularSupportBasis.mem_iff (S : Set α) :
S ∈ RegularSupportBasis G α ↔ S.Nonempty ∧ ∃ (seed : Finset G), S = RegularSupport.FiniteInter α seed :=
simp only [RegularSupportBasis, Set.mem_setOf_eq]
theorem RegularSupport.FiniteInter_regular (F : Finset G) :
Regular (RegularSupport.FiniteInter α F) :=
rw [RegularSupport.FiniteInter_sInter]
apply regular_sInter
· have set_decidable : DecidableEq (Set α) := Classical.typeDecidableEq (Set α)
let fin : Finset (Set α) := F.image ((fun g => RegularSupport α g))
apply Set.Finite.ofFinset fin
· intro S S_in_set
simp at S_in_set
let ⟨g, ⟨_, Heq⟩⟩ := S_in_set
rw [<-Heq]
exact regularSupport_regular α g
theorem RegularSupportBasis.regular {S : Set α} (S_mem_basis : S ∈ RegularSupportBasis G α) : Regular S := by
let ⟨_, ⟨seed, S_eq_inter⟩⟩ := (RegularSupportBasis.mem_iff S).mp S_mem_basis
rw [S_eq_inter]
apply RegularSupport.FiniteInter_regular
variable [ContinuousConstSMul G α] [DecidableEq G]
lemma RegularSupport.FiniteInter_conj (seed : Finset G) (f : G):
RegularSupport.FiniteInter α (Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) seed) = f •'' RegularSupport.FiniteInter α seed :=
unfold RegularSupport.FiniteInter
conv => {
ext; lhs; ext x; ext; lhs
rw [regularSupport_smulImage]
A group element `f` acts on sets of `RegularSupportBasis G α`,
by mapping each element `g` of `S.seed` to `f * g * f⁻¹`
noncomputable instance RegularSupportBasis.instSmul : SMul G (RegularSupportBasis G α) where
smul := fun f S =>
let new_seed := (Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) S.prop.right.choose)
RegularSupport.FiniteInter α new_seed,
rw [RegularSupportBasis.mem_iff]
nth_rw 1 [RegularSupport.FiniteInter_conj, smulImage_nonempty]
rw [<-S.prop.right.choose_spec]
· exact S.prop.left
· use new_seed
theorem RegularSupportBasis.smul_eq' (f : G) (S : RegularSupportBasis G α) :
(f • S).val
= RegularSupport.FiniteInter α (Finset.image (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) S.prop.right.choose) := rfl
theorem RegularSupportBasis.smul_eq (f : G) (S : RegularSupportBasis G α) :
(f • S).val = f •'' S.val :=
rw [RegularSupportBasis.smul_eq']
rw [RegularSupport.FiniteInter_conj]
rw [<-S.prop.right.choose_spec]
theorem RegularSupportBasis.smulImage_in_basis {U : Set α} (U_in_basis : U ∈ RegularSupportBasis G α)
(f : G) : f •'' U ∈ RegularSupportBasis G α :=
have eq := smul_eq f ⟨U, U_in_basis⟩
simp only at eq
rw [<-eq]
exact Subtype.coe_prop _
def RegularSupportBasis.fromSingleton [T2Space α] [FaithfulSMul G α] (g : G) (g_ne_one : g ≠ 1) : { S : Set α // S ∈ RegularSupportBasis G α } :=
let seed : Finset G := {g}
RegularSupport.FiniteInter α seed,
rw [RegularSupportBasis.mem_iff]
use seed
rw [Set.nonempty_iff_ne_empty]
intro rsupp_empty
apply g_ne_one
apply FaithfulSMul.eq_of_smul_eq_smul (α := α)
intro x
rw [<-not_mem_support]
apply Set.not_mem_subset
· apply support_subset_regularSupport
· simp [RegularSupport.FiniteInter] at rsupp_empty
rw [rsupp_empty]
exact Set.not_mem_empty x
theorem RegularSupportBasis.fromSingleton_val [T2Space α] [FaithfulSMul G α] (g : G) (g_ne_one : g ≠ 1) :
(fromSingleton g g_ne_one).val = RegularSupport α g := by simp [fromSingleton, RegularSupport.FiniteInter]
-- Note: we could potentially implement MulActionHom
noncomputable instance RegularSupportBasis.instMulAction : MulAction G (RegularSupportBasis G α) where
one_smul := by
intro S
apply Subtype.eq
rw [RegularSupportBasis.smul_eq]
rw [one_smulImage]
mul_smul := by
intro S f g
apply Subtype.eq
repeat rw [RegularSupportBasis.smul_eq]
rw [smulImage_mul]
theorem RegularSupportBasis.smul_mono {S T : RegularSupportBasis G α} (f : G) (S_le_T : S.val ⊆ T.val) :
(f • S).val ⊆ (f • T).val :=
repeat rw [RegularSupportBasis.smul_eq]
apply smulImage_mono
section Basis
open Topology
variable (G α : Type _)
variable [Group G]
variable [TopologicalSpace α] [T2Space α] [LocallyCompactSpace α] [HasNoIsolatedPoints α]
variable [MulAction G α] [LocallyDense G α] [ContinuousConstSMul G α]
-- TODO: clean this lemma to not mention W anymore?
lemma proposition_3_2_subset
{U : Set α} (U_open : IsOpen U) {p : α} (p_in_U : p ∈ U) :
∃ (W : Set α), W ∈ 𝓝 p ∧ closure W ⊆ U ∧
∃ (g : G), g ∈ RigidStabilizer G W ∧ p ∈ RegularSupport α g ∧ RegularSupport α g ⊆ closure W :=
have U_in_nhds : U ∈ 𝓝 p := by
rw [mem_nhds_iff]
use U
let ⟨W', W'_in_nhds, W'_ss_U, W'_compact⟩ := local_compact_nhds U_in_nhds
-- This feels like black magic, but okay
let ⟨W, _W_compact, W_closed, W'_ss_int_W, W_ss_U⟩ := exists_compact_closed_between W'_compact U_open W'_ss_U
have W_cl_eq_W : closure W = W := IsClosed.closure_eq W_closed
have W_in_nhds : W ∈ 𝓝 p := by
rw [mem_nhds_iff]
use interior W
repeat' apply And.intro
· exact interior_subset
· simp
· exact W'_ss_int_W (mem_of_mem_nhds W'_in_nhds)
use W
repeat' apply And.intro
exact W_in_nhds
rw [W_cl_eq_W]
exact W_ss_U
have p_in_int_W : p ∈ interior W := W'_ss_int_W (mem_of_mem_nhds W'_in_nhds)
let ⟨g, g_in_rist, g_moves_p⟩ := get_moving_elem_in_rigidStabilizer G isOpen_interior p_in_int_W
use g
repeat' apply And.intro
· apply rigidStabilizer_mono interior_subset
exact g_in_rist
· rw [<-mem_support] at g_moves_p
apply support_subset_regularSupport
exact g_moves_p
· rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at g_in_rist
apply subset_trans
exact regularSupport_subset_closure_support
apply closure_mono
apply subset_trans
exact g_in_rist
exact interior_subset
## Proposition 3.2 : RegularSupportBasis is a topological basis of `α`
theorem RegularSupportBasis.isBasis :
TopologicalSpace.IsTopologicalBasis (RegularSupportBasis G α) :=
apply TopologicalSpace.isTopologicalBasis_of_isOpen_of_nhds
intro U U_in_poset
exact (RegularSupportBasis.regular U_in_poset).isOpen
intro p U p_in_U U_open
let ⟨W, _, clW_ss_U, ⟨g, _, p_in_rsupp, rsupp_ss_clW⟩⟩ := proposition_3_2_subset G α U_open p_in_U
use RegularSupport α g
repeat' apply And.intro
· exact ⟨p, p_in_rsupp⟩
· use {g}
simp [RegularSupport.FiniteInter]
· assumption
· apply subset_trans
exact rsupp_ss_clW
exact clW_ss_U
theorem RegularSupportBasis.closed_inter (b1 b2 : Set α)
(b1_in_basis : b1 ∈ RegularSupportBasis G α)
(b2_in_basis : b2 ∈ RegularSupportBasis G α)
(inter_nonempty : Set.Nonempty (b1 ∩ b2)) :
(b1 ∩ b2) ∈ RegularSupportBasis G α :=
unfold RegularSupportBasis
let ⟨_, ⟨s1, b1_eq⟩⟩ := b1_in_basis
let ⟨_, ⟨s2, b2_eq⟩⟩ := b2_in_basis
have dec_eq : DecidableEq G := Classical.typeDecidableEq G
use s1 s2
rw [RegularSupport.FiniteInter_sInter]
rw [Finset.coe_union, Set.image_union, Set.sInter_union]
repeat rw [<-RegularSupport.FiniteInter_sInter]
rw [b2_eq, b1_eq]
theorem RegularSupportBasis.empty_not_mem :
∅ ∉ RegularSupportBasis G α :=
intro empty_mem
rw [RegularSupportBasis.mem_iff] at empty_mem
exact Set.not_nonempty_empty empty_mem.left
theorem RegularSupportBasis.univ_mem [Nonempty α]:
Set.univ ∈ RegularSupportBasis G α :=
rw [RegularSupportBasis.mem_iff]
exact Set.univ_nonempty
use ∅
simp [RegularSupport.FiniteInter]
end Basis
end Rubin