Implement SMul on filters, prove compactness of smulImage and that orbit is a subset of support

Shad Amethyst 10 months ago
parent 23d0821290
commit 522f345f34

@ -781,13 +781,36 @@ def RSuppSubsets {α : Type _} [TopologicalSpace α] (V : Set α) : Set (Set α)
def RSuppOrbit {G α : Type _} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α] (F : Filter α) (H : Subgroup G) : Set (Set α) := def RSuppOrbit {G α : Type _} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α] (F : Filter α) (H : Subgroup G) : Set (Set α) :=
{ g •'' W | (g ∈ H) (W ∈ F) } { g •'' W | (g ∈ H) (W ∈ F) }
lemma moving_elem_of_open_subset_closure_orbit {U V : Set α} (U_open : IsOpen U) {p : α} lemma moving_elem_of_open_subset_closure_orbit {U V : Set α} (U_open : IsOpen U) (U_nonempty : Set.Nonempty U)
(U_ss_clOrbit : U ⊆ closure (MulAction.orbit (RigidStabilizer G V) p)) : {p : α} (p_in_V : p ∈ V) (U_ss_clOrbit : U ⊆ closure (MulAction.orbit (RigidStabilizer G V) p)) :
∃ h : G, h ∈ RigidStabilizer G V ∧ h • p ∈ U := ∃ h : G, h ∈ RigidStabilizer G V ∧ h • p ∈ U :=
by by
-- Idea: can `Support α g ⊆ MulAction.orbit (RigidStabilizer G (RegularSupport α g)) p` be proven? have U_ss_clV : U ⊆ closure V := by
apply subset_trans
exact U_ss_clOrbit
apply closure_mono
exact orbit_rigidStabilizer_subset p_in_V
by_cases (RigidStabilizer G V) = ⊥
case pos rist_bot =>
rw [rist_bot] at U_ss_clOrbit
simp at U_ss_clOrbit
use 1
exact Subgroup.one_mem _
rw [one_smul]
let ⟨q, q_in_U⟩ := U_nonempty
rw [<-U_ss_clOrbit _ q_in_U]
case neg rist_ne_bot =>
rw [<-ne_eq, Subgroup.ne_bot_iff_exists_ne_one] at rist_ne_bot
let ⟨⟨g, g_in_rist⟩, g_ne_one⟩ := rist_ne_bot
rw [ne_eq, Subgroup.mk_eq_one_iff, <-ne_eq] at g_ne_one
-- Idea: show that `U ∩ Orb(p, G_U)` is nonempty?
sorry sorry
lemma compact_subset_of_rsupp_basis [LocallyCompactSpace α] lemma compact_subset_of_rsupp_basis [LocallyCompactSpace α]
(U : RegularSupportBasis α): (U : RegularSupportBasis α):
∃ V : RegularSupportBasis α, (closure V.val) ⊆ U.val ∧ IsCompact (closure V.val) := ∃ V : RegularSupportBasis α, (closure V.val) ⊆ U.val ∧ IsCompact (closure V.val) :=
@ -816,17 +839,29 @@ by
-- Then, get a nontrivial element from that set -- Then, get a nontrivial element from that set
let ⟨g, g_in_rist, g_ne_one⟩ := LocallyMoving.get_nontrivial_rist_elem (G := G) V_open ⟨p, p_in_V⟩ let ⟨g, g_in_rist, g_ne_one⟩ := LocallyMoving.get_nontrivial_rist_elem (G := G) V_open ⟨p, p_in_V⟩
-- Somehow, the regular support of g is within U have V_ss_clU : V ⊆ closure U.val := by
have rsupp_ss_U : RegularSupport α g ⊆ U.val := by apply subset_trans
rw [RegularSupport, InteriorClosure] exact V_ss_clOrbit
apply closure_mono
apply interiorClosure_subset_of_regular _ U.regular exact orbit_rigidStabilizer_subset p_in_U
rw [<-rigidStabilizer_support]
apply rigidStabilizer_mono _ g_in_rist
show V ⊆ U.val -- The regular support of g is within U
-- Would probably require showing that the orbit of the rigidstabilizer is a subset of U have rsupp_ss_U : RegularSupport α g ⊆ U.val := by
sorry rw [RegularSupport]
rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at g_in_rist
InteriorClosure (Support α g) ⊆ InteriorClosure V := by
apply interiorClosure_mono
_ ⊆ InteriorClosure (closure U.val) := by
apply interiorClosure_mono
_ ⊆ InteriorClosure U.val := by
_ ⊆ _ := by
apply subset_of_eq
exact U.regular
-- Use as the chosen set RegularSupport g -- Use as the chosen set RegularSupport g
let g' : HomeoGroup α := HomeoGroup.fromContinuous α g let g' : HomeoGroup α := HomeoGroup.fromContinuous α g
@ -877,7 +912,7 @@ by
exact W'.nonempty exact W'.nonempty
-- We get an element `h` such that `h • p ∈ W` and `h ∈ G_U` -- We get an element `h` such that `h • p ∈ W` and `h ∈ G_U`
let ⟨h, h_in_rist, hp_in_W⟩ := moving_elem_of_open_subset_closure_orbit W_open W_ss_clOrbit let ⟨h, h_in_rist, hp_in_W⟩ := moving_elem_of_open_subset_closure_orbit W_open W_nonempty p_in_U W_ss_clOrbit
use h use h
constructor constructor
@ -936,9 +971,9 @@ by
rw [<-gW_eq_V] rw [<-gW_eq_V]
assumption assumption
have gV'_compact : IsCompact (closure (g⁻¹ •'' V'.val)) := by have gV'_compact : IsCompact (closure (g⁻¹ •'' V'.val)) := by
rw [smulImage_closure _ _ (continuousMulAction_elem_continuous α g⁻¹)] rw [smulImage_closure]
-- TODO: smulImage_compact apply smulImage_compact
sorry assumption
have ⟨p, p_lim⟩ := (proposition_3_4_2 F).mpr ⟨g⁻¹ •'' V'.val, ⟨gV'_in_F, gV'_compact⟩⟩ have ⟨p, p_lim⟩ := (proposition_3_4_2 F).mpr ⟨g⁻¹ •'' V'.val, ⟨gV'_in_F, gV'_compact⟩⟩
use p use p
@ -948,12 +983,9 @@ by
rw [clusterPt_iff_forall_mem_closure] at p_lim rw [clusterPt_iff_forall_mem_closure] at p_lim
specialize p_lim (g⁻¹ •'' V') gV'_in_F specialize p_lim (g⁻¹ •'' V') gV'_in_F
rw [smulImage_closure _ _ (continuousMulAction_elem_continuous α g⁻¹)] at p_lim rw [smulImage_closure, mem_smulImage, inv_inv] at p_lim
rw [mem_smulImage, inv_inv] at p_lim
rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at g_in_rist rw [rigidStabilizer_support, <-support_inv] at g_in_rist
rw [<-support_inv] at g_in_rist
have q := fixed_smulImage_in_support g⁻¹ g_in_rist
rw [<-fixed_smulImage_in_support g⁻¹ g_in_rist] rw [<-fixed_smulImage_in_support g⁻¹ g_in_rist]
rw [mem_smulImage, inv_inv] rw [mem_smulImage, inv_inv]

@ -226,72 +226,18 @@ Set.Finite.induction_on' S_finite (by simp) (by
· exact IH · exact IH
) )
theorem smulImage_interior {G : Type _} [Group G] [MulAction G α] theorem interiorClosure_smulImage' {G : Type _} [Group G] [MulAction G α]
(g : G) (U : Set α) (g : G) (U : Set α)
(g_continuous : ∀ S : Set α, IsOpen S → IsOpen (g •'' S) ∧ IsOpen (g⁻¹ •'' S)) : (g_continuous : ∀ S : Set α, IsOpen S → IsOpen (g •'' S) ∧ IsOpen (g⁻¹ •'' S)) :
interior (g •'' U) = g •'' interior U := InteriorClosure (g •'' U) = g •'' InteriorClosure U :=
unfold interior
rw [smulImage_sUnion]
ext x
· intro ⟨T, ⟨T_open, T_sub⟩, x_in_T⟩
use g⁻¹ •'' T
repeat' apply And.intro
· exact (g_continuous T T_open).right
· rw [smulImage_subset_inv]
rw [inv_inv]
exact T_sub
· rw [smulImage_mul, mul_right_inv, one_smulImage]
exact x_in_T
· intro ⟨T, ⟨T_open, T_sub⟩, x_in_T⟩
use g •'' T
repeat' apply And.intro
· exact (g_continuous T T_open).left
· apply smulImage_mono
exact T_sub
· exact x_in_T
theorem smulImage_closure {G : Type _} [Group G] [MulAction G α]
(g : G) (U : Set α)
(g_continuous : ∀ S : Set α, IsOpen S → IsOpen (g •'' S) ∧ IsOpen (g⁻¹ •'' S)):
closure (g •'' U) = g •'' closure U :=
by by
have g_continuous' : ∀ S : Set α, IsClosed S → IsClosed (g •'' S) ∧ IsClosed (g⁻¹ •'' S) := by
intro S S_closed
rw [<-isOpen_compl_iff] at S_closed
repeat rw [<-isOpen_compl_iff]
repeat rw [smulImage_compl]
exact g_continuous _ S_closed
unfold closure
rw [smulImage_sInter]
ext x
simp simp
constructor rw [<-smulImage_interior' _ _ g_continuous]
· intro IH T' T T_closed U_ss_T T'_eq rw [<-smulImage_closure' _ _ g_continuous]
rw [<-T'_eq]
clear T' T'_eq
apply IH
· exact (g_continuous' _ T_closed).left
· apply smulImage_mono
exact U_ss_T
· intro IH T T_closed gU_ss_T
apply IH
· exact (g_continuous' _ T_closed).right
· rw [<-smulImage_subset_inv]
exact gU_ss_T
· simp
theorem interiorClosure_smulImage {G : Type _} [Group G] [MulAction G α] theorem interiorClosure_smulImage {G : Type _} [Group G] [MulAction G α] [ContinuousMulAction G α]
(g : G) (U : Set α) (g : G) (U : Set α) :
(g_continuous : ∀ S : Set α, IsOpen S → IsOpen (g •'' S) ∧ IsOpen (g⁻¹ •'' S)) :
InteriorClosure (g •'' U) = g •'' InteriorClosure U := InteriorClosure (g •'' U) = g •'' InteriorClosure U :=
by interiorClosure_smulImage' g U (continuousMulAction_elem_continuous α g)
rw [<-smulImage_interior _ _ g_continuous]
rw [<-smulImage_closure _ _ g_continuous]
end Rubin end Rubin

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ theorem regularSupport_smulImage {f g : G} :
by by
unfold RegularSupport unfold RegularSupport
rw [support_conjugate] rw [support_conjugate]
rw [interiorClosure_smulImage _ _ (continuousMulAction_elem_continuous α f)] rw [interiorClosure_smulImage]
end RegularSupport_continuous end RegularSupport_continuous

@ -60,16 +60,15 @@ by
have supp_empty : Support α f = ∅ := empty_of_subset_disjoint f_in_rist_compl.symm f_in_rist have supp_empty : Support α f = ∅ := empty_of_subset_disjoint f_in_rist_compl.symm f_in_rist
exact f_ne_one ((support_empty_iff f).mp supp_empty) exact f_ne_one ((support_empty_iff f).mp supp_empty)
theorem rigidStabilizer_to_subgroup_closure {g : G} {U : Set α} : -- TODO: remove?
g ∈ RigidStabilizer G U → g ∈ Subgroup.closure { g : G | Support α g ⊆ U } := theorem rigidStabilizer_to_subgroup_closure {U : Set α} :
RigidStabilizer G U = Subgroup.closure { h : G | Support α h ⊆ U } :=
by by
rw [rigidStabilizer_support] ext g
intro h simp only [<-rigidStabilizer_support]
rw [Subgroup.mem_closure] have set_eq : {h | h ∈ RigidStabilizer G U} = (RigidStabilizer G U : Set G) := rfl
intro V orbit_subset_V rw [set_eq]
apply orbit_subset_V rw [Subgroup.closure_eq]
exact h
theorem commute_if_rigidStabilizer_and_disjoint {g h : G} {U : Set α} [FaithfulSMul G α] : theorem commute_if_rigidStabilizer_and_disjoint {g h : G} {U : Set α} [FaithfulSMul G α] :
g ∈ RigidStabilizer G U → Disjoint U (Support α h) → Commute g h := g ∈ RigidStabilizer G U → Disjoint U (Support α h) → Commute g h :=
@ -181,4 +180,15 @@ by
rw [smulImage_subset_inv] rw [smulImage_subset_inv]
simp simp
theorem orbit_rigidStabilizer_subset {p : α} {U : Set α} (p_in_U : p ∈ U):
MulAction.orbit (RigidStabilizer G U) p ⊆ U :=
intro q q_in_orbit
have ⟨⟨h, h_in_rist⟩, hp_eq_q⟩ := q_in_orbit
simp at hp_eq_q
rw [<-hp_eq_q]
rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at h_in_rist
rw [<-elem_moved_in_support' p h_in_rist]
end Rubin end Rubin

@ -56,6 +56,12 @@ theorem mem_smulImage {x : α} {g : G} {U : Set α} : x ∈ g •'' U ↔ g⁻¹
-- this is simply [`mem_smulImage`] paired with set extensionality. -- this is simply [`mem_smulImage`] paired with set extensionality.
theorem smulImage_set {g: G} {U: Set α} : g •'' U = {x | g⁻¹ • x ∈ U} := Set.ext (fun _x => mem_smulImage) theorem smulImage_set {g: G} {U: Set α} : g •'' U = {x | g⁻¹ • x ∈ U} := Set.ext (fun _x => mem_smulImage)
theorem smulImage_preImage (g: G) (U: Set α) : (fun p => g • p) ⁻¹' U = g⁻¹ •'' U := by
ext x
rw [mem_smulImage, inv_inv]
theorem mem_inv_smulImage {x : α} {g : G} {U : Set α} : x ∈ g⁻¹ •'' U ↔ g • x ∈ U := theorem mem_inv_smulImage {x : α} {g : G} {U : Set α} : x ∈ g⁻¹ •'' U ↔ g • x ∈ U :=
by by
let msi := @Rubin.mem_smulImage _ _ _ _ x g⁻¹ U let msi := @Rubin.mem_smulImage _ _ _ _ x g⁻¹ U
@ -335,7 +341,6 @@ by
exact h_notin_V exact h_notin_V
#align distinct_images_from_disjoint Rubin.smulImage_distinct_of_disjoint_pow #align distinct_images_from_disjoint Rubin.smulImage_distinct_of_disjoint_pow
theorem continuousMulAction_elem_continuous {G : Type _} (α : Type _) theorem continuousMulAction_elem_continuous {G : Type _} (α : Type _)
[Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α] [hc : ContinuousMulAction G α] (g : G): [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α] [hc : ContinuousMulAction G α] (g : G):
∀ (S : Set α), IsOpen S → IsOpen (g •'' S) ∧ IsOpen ((g⁻¹) •'' S) := ∀ (S : Set α), IsOpen S → IsOpen (g •'' S) ∧ IsOpen ((g⁻¹) •'' S) :=
@ -347,5 +352,237 @@ by
· exact (hc.continuous g⁻¹).isOpen_preimage _ S_open · exact (hc.continuous g⁻¹).isOpen_preimage _ S_open
· exact (hc.continuous g).isOpen_preimage _ S_open · exact (hc.continuous g).isOpen_preimage _ S_open
theorem smulImage_isOpen {G α : Type _}
[Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α] [ContinuousMulAction G α] (g : G)
{S : Set α} (S_open : IsOpen S) : IsOpen (g •'' S) :=
(continuousMulAction_elem_continuous α g S S_open).left
theorem smulImage_isClosed {G α : Type _}
[Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α] [ContinuousMulAction G α] (g : G)
{S : Set α} (S_open : IsClosed S) : IsClosed (g •'' S) :=
rw [<-isOpen_compl_iff]
rw [<-isOpen_compl_iff] at S_open
rw [smulImage_compl]
apply smulImage_isOpen
theorem smulImage_interior' {G α : Type _} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α]
(g : G) (U : Set α)
(g_continuous : ∀ S : Set α, IsOpen S → IsOpen (g •'' S) ∧ IsOpen (g⁻¹ •'' S)):
interior (g •'' U) = g •'' interior U :=
unfold interior
rw [smulImage_sUnion]
ext x
· intro ⟨T, ⟨T_open, T_sub⟩, x_in_T⟩
use g⁻¹ •'' T
repeat' apply And.intro
· exact (g_continuous T T_open).right
· rw [smulImage_subset_inv]
rw [inv_inv]
exact T_sub
· rw [smulImage_mul, mul_right_inv, one_smulImage]
exact x_in_T
· intro ⟨T, ⟨T_open, T_sub⟩, x_in_T⟩
use g •'' T
repeat' apply And.intro
· exact (g_continuous T T_open).left
· apply smulImage_mono
exact T_sub
· exact x_in_T
theorem smulImage_interior {G α : Type _} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α]
[ContinuousMulAction G α] (g : G) (U : Set α) :
interior (g •'' U) = g •'' interior U :=
smulImage_interior' g U (continuousMulAction_elem_continuous α g)
theorem smulImage_closure' {G α : Type _} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α]
(g : G) (U : Set α)
(g_continuous : ∀ S : Set α, IsOpen S → IsOpen (g •'' S) ∧ IsOpen (g⁻¹ •'' S)):
closure (g •'' U) = g •'' closure U :=
have g_continuous' : ∀ S : Set α, IsClosed S → IsClosed (g •'' S) ∧ IsClosed (g⁻¹ •'' S) := by
intro S S_closed
rw [<-isOpen_compl_iff] at S_closed
repeat rw [<-isOpen_compl_iff]
repeat rw [smulImage_compl]
exact g_continuous _ S_closed
unfold closure
rw [smulImage_sInter]
ext x
· intro IH T' T T_closed U_ss_T T'_eq
rw [<-T'_eq]
clear T' T'_eq
apply IH
· exact (g_continuous' _ T_closed).left
· apply smulImage_mono
exact U_ss_T
· intro IH T T_closed gU_ss_T
apply IH
· exact (g_continuous' _ T_closed).right
· rw [<-smulImage_subset_inv]
exact gU_ss_T
· simp
theorem smulImage_closure {G α : Type _} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace α] [MulAction G α]
[ContinuousMulAction G α] (g : G) (U : Set α) :
closure (g •'' U) = g •'' closure U :=
smulImage_closure' g U (continuousMulAction_elem_continuous α g)
section Filters
open Topology
variable {G α : Type _}
variable [Group G] [MulAction G α]
An SMul can be extended to filters, while preserving the properties of `MulAction`.
To avoid polluting the `SMul` instances for filters, those properties are made separate,
instead of implementing `MulAction G (Filter α)`.
def SmulFilter {G α : Type _} [SMul G α] (g : G) (F : Filter α) : Filter α := (fun p => g • p) F
infixl:60 " •ᶠ " => Rubin.SmulFilter
theorem smulFilter_def {G α : Type _} [SMul G α] (g : G) (F : Filter α) : (fun p => g • p) F = g •ᶠ F := rfl
theorem smulFilter_neBot {G α : Type _} [SMul G α] (g : G) {F : Filter α} (F_neBot : Filter.NeBot F) :
Filter.NeBot (g •ᶠ F) :=
rw [<-smulFilter_def]
exact Filter.map_neBot
instance smulFilter_neBot' {G α : Type _} [SMul G α] {g : G} {F : Filter α} [F_neBot : Filter.NeBot F] :
Filter.NeBot (g •ᶠ F) := smulFilter_neBot g F_neBot
theorem smulFilter_principal (g : G) (S : Set α) :
g •ᶠ Filter.principal S = Filter.principal (g •'' S) :=
rw [<-smulFilter_def]
rw [Filter.map_principal]
theorem mul_smulFilter (g h: G) (F : Filter α) :
(g * h) •ᶠ F = g •ᶠ (h •ᶠ F) :=
repeat rw [<-smulFilter_def]
simp only [mul_smul]
rw [Filter.map_map]
theorem one_smulFilter (G : Type _) [Group G] [MulAction G α] (F : Filter α) :
(1 : G) •ᶠ F = F :=
rw [<-smulFilter_def]
simp only [one_smul]
exact Filter.map_id
theorem mem_smulFilter_iff (g : G) (F : Filter α) (U : Set α) :
U ∈ g •ᶠ F ↔ g⁻¹ •'' U ∈ F :=
rw [<-smulFilter_def, Filter.mem_map, smulImage_eq_inv_preimage, inv_inv]
theorem smulFilter_mono (g : G) (F F' : Filter α) :
F ≤ F' ↔ g •ᶠ F ≤ g •ᶠ F' :=
suffices ∀ (g : G) (F F' : Filter α), F ≤ F' → g •ᶠ F ≤ g •ᶠ F' by
apply this
intro H
specialize this g⁻¹ _ _ H
repeat rw [<-mul_smulFilter] at this
rw [mul_left_inv] at this
repeat rw [one_smulFilter] at this
exact this
intro g F F' F_le_F'
intro U U_in_gF
rw [mem_smulFilter_iff] at U_in_gF
rw [mem_smulFilter_iff]
apply F_le_F'
theorem smulFilter_le_iff_le_inv (g : G) (F F' : Filter α) :
F ≤ g •ᶠ F' ↔ g⁻¹ •ᶠ F ≤ F' :=
nth_rw 2 [<-one_smulFilter G F']
rw [<-mul_left_inv g, mul_smulFilter]
exact smulFilter_mono g⁻¹ _ _
variable [TopologicalSpace α]
theorem smulFilter_nhds (g : G) (p : α) [ContinuousMulAction G α]:
g •ᶠ 𝓝 p = 𝓝 (g • p) :=
ext S
rw [<-smulFilter_def, Filter.mem_map, mem_nhds_iff, mem_nhds_iff]
· intro ⟨T, T_ss_smulImage, T_open, p_in_T⟩
use g •'' T
repeat' apply And.intro
· rw [smulImage_subset_inv]
· exact smulImage_isOpen g T_open
· simp
· intro ⟨T, T_ss_S, T_open, gp_in_T⟩
use g⁻¹ •'' T
repeat' apply And.intro
· apply smulImage_mono
· exact smulImage_isOpen g⁻¹ T_open
· rw [mem_smulImage, inv_inv]
theorem smulFilter_clusterPt (g : G) (F : Filter α) (x : α) [ContinuousMulAction G α] :
ClusterPt x (g •ᶠ F) ↔ ClusterPt (g⁻¹ • x) F :=
suffices ∀ (g : G) (F : Filter α) (x : α), ClusterPt x (g •ᶠ F) → ClusterPt (g⁻¹ • x) F by
apply this
intro gx_clusterPt_F
rw [<-one_smul G x, <-mul_right_inv g, mul_smul]
nth_rw 1 [<-inv_inv g]
apply this
rw [<-mul_smulFilter, mul_left_inv, one_smulFilter]
intro g F x x_cp_gF
rw [clusterPt_iff_forall_mem_closure]
rw [clusterPt_iff_forall_mem_closure] at x_cp_gF
simp only [mem_smulFilter_iff] at x_cp_gF
intro S S_in_F
rw [<-mem_inv_smulImage]
rw [<-smulImage_closure]
apply x_cp_gF
rw [inv_inv, smulImage_mul, mul_left_inv, one_smulImage]
theorem smulImage_compact [ContinuousMulAction G α] (g : G) {U : Set α} (U_compact : IsCompact U) :
IsCompact (g •'' U) :=
intro F F_neBot F_le_principal
rw [<-smulFilter_principal, smulFilter_le_iff_le_inv] at F_le_principal
let ⟨x, x_in_U, x_clusterPt⟩ := U_compact F_le_principal
use g • x
· rw [mem_smulImage']
· rw [smulFilter_clusterPt, inv_inv] at x_clusterPt
end Filters
end Rubin end Rubin

@ -68,24 +68,6 @@ theorem fixed_of_disjoint {U : Set α} : ( disjoint_U_support x_in_U) ( disjoint_U_support x_in_U)
#align fixed_of_disjoint Rubin.fixed_of_disjoint #align fixed_of_disjoint Rubin.fixed_of_disjoint
theorem fixed_smulImage_in_support (g : G) {U : Set α} :
Support α g ⊆ U → g •'' U = U :=
intro support_in_U
ext x
cases' @or_not (x ∈ Support α g) with xmoved xfixed
⟨fun _ => support_in_U xmoved, fun _ =>
mem_smulImage.mpr (support_in_U (Rubin.inv_smul_mem_support xmoved))⟩
rw [Rubin.mem_smulImage, ( xfixed)]
#align fixes_subset_within_support Rubin.fixed_smulImage_in_support
theorem smulImage_subset_in_support (g : G) (U V : Set α) :
U ⊆ V → Support α g ⊆ V → g •'' U ⊆ V := fun U_in_V support_in_V =>
Rubin.fixed_smulImage_in_support g support_in_V ▸
smulImage_mono g U_in_V
#align moves_subset_within_support Rubin.smulImage_subset_in_support
theorem support_mul (g h : G) (α : Type _) [MulAction G α] : theorem support_mul (g h : G) (α : Type _) [MulAction G α] :
Support α (g * h) ⊆ Support α (g * h) ⊆
Support α g Support α h := Support α g Support α h :=
@ -142,6 +124,19 @@ theorem support_pow (α : Type _) [MulAction G α] (g : G) (j : ) :
-- exact j_ih -- exact j_ih
#align support_pow Rubin.support_pow #align support_pow Rubin.support_pow
theorem support_zpow (α : Type _) [MulAction G α] (g : G) (j : ) :
Support α (g ^ j) ⊆ Support α g :=
cases j with
| ofNat n =>
rw [Int.ofNat_eq_coe, zpow_coe_nat]
exact support_pow α g n
| negSucc n =>
rw [Int.negSucc_eq, zpow_neg, support_inv, zpow_add, zpow_coe_nat, zpow_one]
nth_rw 2 [<-pow_one g]
rw [<-pow_add]
exact support_pow α g (n+1)
theorem support_comm (α : Type _) [MulAction G α] (g h : G) : theorem support_comm (α : Type _) [MulAction G α] (g h : G) :
Support α ⁅g, h⁆ ⊆ Support α ⁅g, h⁆ ⊆
Support α h (g •'' Support α h) := Support α h (g •'' Support α h) :=
@ -294,6 +289,93 @@ by
rw [Set.not_nonempty_iff_eq_empty] at supp_empty rw [Set.not_nonempty_iff_eq_empty] at supp_empty
exact g_ne_one ((support_empty_iff _).mp supp_empty) exact g_ne_one ((support_empty_iff _).mp supp_empty)
theorem elem_moved_in_support (g : G) (p : α) :
p ∈ Support α g ↔ g • p ∈ Support α g :=
suffices ∀ (g : G) (p : α), p ∈ Support α g → g • p ∈ Support α g by
exact this g p
rw [<-support_inv]
intro H
rw [<-one_smul G p, <-mul_left_inv g, mul_smul]
exact this _ _ H
intro g p p_in_supp
by_contra gp_notin_supp
rw [<-support_inv, not_mem_support] at gp_notin_supp
rw [mem_support] at p_in_supp
apply p_in_supp
group_action at gp_notin_supp
exact gp_notin_supp.symm
theorem elem_moved_in_support' {g : G} (p : α) {U : Set α} (support_in_U : Support α g ⊆ U):
p ∈ U ↔ g • p ∈ U :=
by_cases p_in_supp? : p ∈ Support α g
· constructor
rw [elem_moved_in_support] at p_in_supp?
all_goals intro; exact support_in_U p_in_supp?
· rw [not_mem_support] at p_in_supp?
rw [p_in_supp?]
theorem elem_moved_in_support_zpow {g : G} (p : α) (j : ) {U : Set α} (support_in_U : Support α g ⊆ U):
p ∈ U ↔ g^j • p ∈ U :=
by_cases p_in_supp? : p ∈ Support α g
· constructor
all_goals intro; apply support_in_U
swap; exact p_in_supp?
rw [<-elem_moved_in_support' p (support_zpow α g j)]
· rw [not_mem_support] at p_in_supp?
rw [smul_zpow_eq_of_smul_eq j p_in_supp?]
theorem orbit_subset_support (g : G) (p : α) :
MulAction.orbit (Subgroup.closure {g}) p ⊆ Support α g {p} :=
intro q q_in_orbit
rw [MulAction.mem_orbit_iff] at q_in_orbit
let ⟨⟨h, h_in_closure⟩, hp_eq_q⟩ := q_in_orbit
simp at hp_eq_q
rw [Subgroup.mem_closure_singleton] at h_in_closure
let ⟨n, g_pow_n_eq_h⟩ := h_in_closure
rw [<-hp_eq_q, <-g_pow_n_eq_h]
clear hp_eq_q g_pow_n_eq_h h_in_closure
have union_superset : Support α g ⊆ Support α g {p} := by
simp only [Set.union_singleton, Set.subset_insert]
rw [<-elem_moved_in_support_zpow _ _ union_superset]
simp only [Set.union_singleton, Set.mem_insert_iff, true_or]
theorem orbit_subset_of_support_subset (g : G) {p : α} {U : Set α} (p_in_U : p ∈ U)
(supp_ss_U : Support α g ⊆ U) :
MulAction.orbit (Subgroup.closure {g}) p ⊆ U :=
apply subset_trans
exact orbit_subset_support g p
apply Set.union_subset
rw [Set.singleton_subset_iff]
theorem fixed_smulImage_in_support (g : G) {U : Set α} :
Support α g ⊆ U → g •'' U = U :=
intro support_in_U
ext x
rw [mem_smulImage]
apply elem_moved_in_support'
rw [support_inv]
#align fixes_subset_within_support Rubin.fixed_smulImage_in_support
theorem smulImage_subset_in_support (g : G) (U V : Set α) :
U ⊆ V → Support α g ⊆ V → g •'' U ⊆ V := fun U_in_V support_in_V =>
Rubin.fixed_smulImage_in_support g support_in_V ▸
smulImage_mono g U_in_V
#align moves_subset_within_support Rubin.smulImage_subset_in_support
section Continuous section Continuous
variable {G α : Type _} variable {G α : Type _}
