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import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.GroupAction.Basic
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.GroupAction.FixingSubgroup
import Rubin.Support
import Rubin.MulActionExt
namespace Rubin
-- comment by Cedric: would be nicer to define just a subset, and then show it is a subgroup
def rigidStabilizer' (G : Type _) [Group G] [MulAction G α] (U : Set α) : Set G :=
{g : G | ∀ x : α, g • x = x x ∈ U}
#align rigid_stabilizer' Rubin.rigidStabilizer'
-- TODO: rename to something else? Also check the literature on what this is called
A "rigid stabilizer" is a subgroup of `G` associated with a set `U` for which `Support α g ⊆ U` is true for all of its elements.
In other words, a rigid stabilizer for a set `U` contains all elements of `G` that don't move points outside of `U`.
The notation for this subgroup is `G•[U]`.
You might sometimes find an expression written as `↑G•[U]` when `G•[U]` is used as a set.
def RigidStabilizer (G : Type _) [Group G] [MulAction G α] (U : Set α) : Subgroup G
carrier := {g : G | ∀ (x) (_ : x ∉ U), g • x = x}
mul_mem' ha hb x x_notin_U := by rw [mul_smul, hb x x_notin_U, ha x x_notin_U]
inv_mem' hg x x_notin_U := (hg x x_notin_U)
one_mem' x _ := one_smul G x
#align rigid_stabilizer Rubin.RigidStabilizer
notation:max G "•[" U "]" => RigidStabilizer G U
variable {G α: Type _}
variable [Group G]
variable [MulAction G α]
theorem rigidStabilizer_eq_fixingSubgroup_compl (U : Set α) :
G•[U] = fixingSubgroup G Uᶜ :=
ext g
rw [mem_fixingSubgroup_iff, <-Subgroup.mem_carrier]
unfold RigidStabilizer
theorem rigidStabilizer_support {g : G} {U : Set α} :
g ∈ RigidStabilizer G U ↔ Support α g ⊆ U :=
fun h x x_in_support =>
by_contradiction (x_in_support ∘ h x),
intro support_sub
rw [<-Subgroup.mem_carrier]
unfold RigidStabilizer; simp
intro x x_notin_U
by_contra h
exact x_notin_U (support_sub h)
#align rist_supported_in_set Rubin.rigidStabilizer_support
theorem rigidStabilizer_mono {U V : Set α} (V_ss_U : V ⊆ U) :
(RigidStabilizer G V : Set G) ⊆ (RigidStabilizer G U : Set G) :=
intro g g_in_ristV x x_notin_U
have x_notin_V : x ∉ V := by intro x_in_V; exact x_notin_U (V_ss_U x_in_V)
exact g_in_ristV x x_notin_V
#align rist_ss_rist Rubin.rigidStabilizer_mono
theorem monotone_rigidStabilizer : Monotone (RigidStabilizer (α := α) G) := fun _ _ => rigidStabilizer_mono
theorem rigidStabilizer_compl [FaithfulSMul G α] {U : Set α} {f : G} (f_ne_one : f ≠ 1) :
f ∈ G•[Uᶜ] → f ∉ G•[U] :=
intro f_in_rist_compl
intro f_in_rist
rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at f_in_rist_compl
rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at f_in_rist
rw [Set.subset_compl_iff_disjoint_left] at f_in_rist_compl
have supp_empty : Support α f = ∅ := empty_of_subset_disjoint f_in_rist_compl.symm f_in_rist
exact f_ne_one ((support_empty_iff f).mp supp_empty)
theorem commute_if_rigidStabilizer_and_disjoint {g h : G} {U : Set α} [FaithfulSMul G α] :
g ∈ RigidStabilizer G U → Disjoint U (Support α h) → Commute g h :=
intro g_in_rist U_disj
unfold Commute
unfold SemiconjBy
apply eq_of_smul_eq_smul (α := α)
intro x
by_cases x_in_U?: x ∈ U
rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at g_in_rist
have x_notin_support : x ∉ Support α h := disjoint_not_mem U_disj x_in_U?
rw [mul_smul]
rw [ x_notin_support]
rw [mul_smul]
by_cases gx_in_U?: g • x ∈ U
apply disjoint_not_mem U_disj
exact gx_in_U?
have gx_notin_support : g • x ∉ Support α g := by
intro h
exact gx_in_U? (g_in_rist h)
rw [<-support_inv] at gx_notin_support
rw [not_mem_support] at gx_notin_support
simp at gx_notin_support
symm at gx_notin_support
rw [fixes_inv] at gx_notin_support
rw [<-gx_notin_support]
rw [ x_notin_support]
have x_fixed : g • x = x := g_in_rist _ x_in_U?
repeat rw [mul_smul]
rw [x_fixed]
by_cases hx_in_U?: h • x ∈ U
have hx_notin_support := disjoint_not_mem U_disj hx_in_U?
rw [<-support_inv] at hx_notin_support
rw [not_mem_support] at hx_notin_support
symm at hx_notin_support
group_action at hx_notin_support
rw [hx_notin_support]
exact x_fixed
rw [g_in_rist _ hx_in_U?]
theorem rigidStabilizer_inter (U V : Set α) :
G•[U ∩ V] = G•[U] ⊓ G•[V] :=
ext x
repeat rw [rigidStabilizer_support]
rw [Set.subset_inter_iff]
theorem rigidStabilizer_empty (G α: Type _) [Group G] [MulAction G α] [FaithfulSMul G α]:
G•[(∅ : Set α)] = ⊥ :=
rw [Subgroup.eq_bot_iff_forall]
intro f f_in_rist
rw [<-Subgroup.mem_carrier] at f_in_rist
apply eq_of_smul_eq_smul (α := α)
intro x
rw [f_in_rist x (Set.not_mem_empty x)]
theorem rigidStabilizer_univ (G α: Type _) [Group G] [MulAction G α]:
G•[(Set.univ : Set α)] = :=
ext g
rw [rigidStabilizer_support]
theorem rigidStabilizer_sInter (S : Set (Set α)) :
G•[⋂₀ S] = ⨅ T ∈ S, G•[T] :=
ext x
rw [rigidStabilizer_support]
· intro supp_ss_sInter
rw [Subgroup.mem_iInf]
intro T
rw [Subgroup.mem_iInf]
intro T_in_S
rw [rigidStabilizer_support]
rw [Set.subset_sInter_iff] at supp_ss_sInter
exact supp_ss_sInter T T_in_S
· intro x_in_rist
rw [Set.subset_sInter_iff]
intro T T_in_S
rw [<-rigidStabilizer_support]
rw [Subgroup.mem_iInf] at x_in_rist
specialize x_in_rist T
rw [Subgroup.mem_iInf] at x_in_rist
exact x_in_rist T_in_S
theorem rigidStabilizer_smulImage (f g : G) (S : Set α) :
g ∈ G•[f •'' S] ↔ f⁻¹ * g * f ∈ G•[S] :=
repeat rw [rigidStabilizer_support]
nth_rw 3 [<-inv_inv f]
rw [support_conjugate]
rw [smulImage_subset_inv]
theorem rigidStabilizer_conj_image_eq (S : Set α) (f : G) :
(fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) '' G•[S] = G•[f •'' S] :=
ext x
have f_eq : (fun g => f * g * f⁻¹) = (MulAut.conj f).toEquiv := by
ext x
rw [f_eq, Set.mem_image_equiv]
rw [MulEquiv.toEquiv_eq_coe, MulEquiv.coe_toEquiv_symm, MulAut.conj_symm_apply]
simp [rigidStabilizer_smulImage]
theorem orbit_rigidStabilizer_subset {p : α} {U : Set α} (p_in_U : p ∈ U):
MulAction.orbit G•[U] p ⊆ U :=
intro q q_in_orbit
have ⟨⟨h, h_in_rist⟩, hp_eq_q⟩ := q_in_orbit
simp at hp_eq_q
rw [<-hp_eq_q]
rw [rigidStabilizer_support] at h_in_rist
rw [<-elem_moved_in_support' p h_in_rist]
-- TODO: remov ethe need for FaithfulSMul?
theorem rigidStabilizer_neBot [FaithfulSMul G α] {U : Set α}:
G•[U] ≠ ⊥ → Set.Nonempty U :=
intro ne_bot
by_contra empty
apply ne_bot
rw [Set.not_nonempty_iff_eq_empty] at empty
rw [empty]
exact rigidStabilizer_empty G α
end Rubin