@ -742,15 +742,6 @@ variable [MulAction G α ] [ContinuousMulAction G α ] [FaithfulSMul G α ] [Locall
example : TopologicalSpace G := TopologicalSpace.generateFrom (RigidStabilizerBasis.asSets G α )
-- TODO: remove
-- proposition_3_4_1
example {α : Type _} [TopologicalSpace α ] [T2Space α ] [LocallyCompactSpace α ] (F : Ultrafilter α ) (p : α ):
F ≤ 𝓝 p ↔ p ∈ ⋂ (S ∈ F), closure S :=
rw [<-Ultrafilter.clusterPt_iff]
exact clusterPt_iff_forall_mem_closure
theorem proposition_3_4_2 {α : Type _} [TopologicalSpace α ] [T2Space α ] [LocallyCompactSpace α ] (F : Ultrafilter α ):
(∃ p : α , ClusterPt p F) ↔ ∃ S ∈ F, IsCompact (closure S) :=
@ -1024,13 +1015,385 @@ by
end Ultrafilter
variable {G α β : Type _}
variable {G α : Type _}
variable [Group G]
variable [TopologicalSpace α ] [MulAction G α ] [ContinuousMulAction G α ]
[TopologicalSpace β] [MulAction G β] [ContinuousMulAction G β]
def IsRigidSubgroup (S : Set G) :=
S ≠ {1} ∧ ∃ T : Finset G, S = ⨅ (f ∈ T), AlgebraicCentralizer f
def IsRigidSubgroup.toSubgroup {S : Set G} (S_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup S) : Subgroup G where
carrier := S
mul_mem' := by
let ⟨_, T, S_eq⟩ := S_rigid
simp only [S_eq, SetLike.mem_coe]
apply Subgroup.mul_mem
one_mem' := by
let ⟨_, T, S_eq⟩ := S_rigid
simp only [S_eq, SetLike.mem_coe]
apply Subgroup.one_mem
inv_mem' := by
let ⟨_, T, S_eq⟩ := S_rigid
simp only [S_eq, SetLike.mem_coe]
apply Subgroup.inv_mem
theorem IsRigidSubgroup.mem_subgroup {S : Set G} (S_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup S) (g : G):
g ∈ S ↔ g ∈ S_rigid.toSubgroup := by rfl
theorem IsRigidSubgroup.toSubgroup_neBot {S : Set G} (S_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup S) :
S_rigid.toSubgroup ≠ ⊥ :=
intro eq_bot
rw [Subgroup.eq_bot_iff_forall] at eq_bot
simp only [<-mem_subgroup] at eq_bot
apply S_rigid.left
rw [Set.eq_singleton_iff_unique_mem]
· let ⟨S', S'_eq⟩ := S_rigid.right
rw [S'_eq, SetLike.mem_coe]
exact Subgroup.one_mem _
· assumption
lemma Subgroup.coe_eq (S T : Subgroup G) :
(S : Set G) = (T : Set G) ↔ S = T :=
· intro h
ext x
repeat rw [<-Subgroup.mem_carrier]
have h₁ : ∀ S : Subgroup G, (S : Set G) = S.carrier := by intro h; rfl
repeat rw [h₁] at h
rw [h]
· intro h
rw [h]
def IsRigidSubgroup.algebraicCentralizerBasis {S : Set G} (S_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup S) : AlgebraicCentralizerBasis G := ⟨
rw [AlgebraicCentralizerBasis.mem_iff' _ (IsRigidSubgroup.toSubgroup_neBot S_rigid)]
let ⟨S', S'_eq⟩ := S_rigid.right
use S'
unfold AlgebraicCentralizerInter₀
rw [<-Subgroup.coe_eq, <-S'_eq]
theorem IsRigidSubgroup.algebraicCentralizerBasis_val {S : Set G} (S_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup S) :
S_rigid.algebraicCentralizerBasis.val = S_rigid.toSubgroup := rfl
section toRegularSupportBasis
variable (α : Type _)
variable [TopologicalSpace α ] [MulAction G α ] [ContinuousMulAction G α ]
variable [FaithfulSMul G α ] [T2Space α ] [LocallyMoving G α ]
theorem IsRigidSubgroup.has_regularSupportBasis {S : Set G} (S_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup S) :
∃ (U : RegularSupportBasis α ), G•[U.val] = S :=
let ⟨S_ne_bot, ⟨T, S_eq⟩⟩ := S_rigid
rw [S_eq]
simp only [Subgroup.coe_eq]
rw [S_eq, <-Subgroup.coe_bot, ne_eq, Subgroup.coe_eq, <-ne_eq] at S_ne_bot
let T' : Finset (HomeoGroup α ) := Finset.map (HomeoGroup.fromContinuous_embedding α ) T
have T'_rsupp_nonempty : Set.Nonempty (RegularSupportInter₀ T') := by
unfold RegularSupportInter₀
simp only [proposition_2_1 (G := G) (α := α )] at S_ne_bot
rw [ne_eq, <-rigidStabilizer_iInter_regularSupport', <-ne_eq] at S_ne_bot
let ⟨x, x_in_iInter⟩ := rigidStabilizer_neBot S_ne_bot
use x
simp at x_in_iInter
exact x_in_iInter
let T'' := RegularSupportBasis.fromSeed ⟨T', T'_rsupp_nonempty⟩
have T''_val : T''.val = RegularSupportInter₀ T' := rfl
use T''
rw [T''_val]
unfold RegularSupportInter₀
rw [rigidStabilizer_iInter_regularSupport']
simp only [<-proposition_2_1]
noncomputable def IsRigidSubgroup.toRegularSupportBasis {S : Set G} (S_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup S) :
RegularSupportBasis α
:= Exists.choose (IsRigidSubgroup.has_regularSupportBasis α S_rigid)
theorem IsRigidSubgroup.toRegularSupportBasis_eq {S : Set G} (S_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup S):
G•[(S_rigid.toRegularSupportBasis α ).val] = S :=
exact Exists.choose_spec (IsRigidSubgroup.has_regularSupportBasis α S_rigid)
theorem IsRigidSubgroup.toRegularSupportBasis_mono {S T : Set G} (S_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup S)
(T_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup T) :
S ⊆ T ↔ S_rigid.toRegularSupportBasis α ≤ T_rigid.toRegularSupportBasis α :=
rw [RegularSupportBasis.le_def]
· intro S_ss_T
rw [<-IsRigidSubgroup.toRegularSupportBasis_eq (α := α ) S_rigid] at S_ss_T
rw [<-IsRigidSubgroup.toRegularSupportBasis_eq (α := α ) T_rigid] at S_ss_T
simp at S_ss_T
rw [<-rigidStabilizer_subset_iff G (RegularSupportBasis.regular _) (RegularSupportBasis.regular _)] at S_ss_T
exact S_ss_T
· intro Sr_ss_Tr
rw [rigidStabilizer_subset_iff G (RegularSupportBasis.regular _) (RegularSupportBasis.regular _)] at Sr_ss_Tr
-- TODO: clean that up
have Sr_ss_Tr' : (G•[(toRegularSupportBasis α S_rigid).val] : Set G)
⊆ G•[(toRegularSupportBasis α T_rigid).val] :=
rw [IsRigidSubgroup.toRegularSupportBasis_eq (α := α ) S_rigid] at Sr_ss_Tr'
rw [IsRigidSubgroup.toRegularSupportBasis_eq (α := α ) T_rigid] at Sr_ss_Tr'
theorem IsRigidSubgroup.toRegularSupportBasis_mono' {S T : Set G} (S_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup S)
(T_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup T) :
S ⊆ T ↔ (S_rigid.toRegularSupportBasis α : Set α ) ⊆ (T_rigid.toRegularSupportBasis α : Set α ) :=
rw [<-RegularSupportBasis.le_def]
rw [<-IsRigidSubgroup.toRegularSupportBasis_mono]
end toRegularSupportBasis
theorem IsRigidSubgroup.conj {U : Set G} (U_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup U) (g : G) : IsRigidSubgroup ((fun h => g * h * g⁻¹) '' U) := by
have conj_bijective : ∀ g : G, Function.Bijective (fun h => g * h * g⁻¹) := by
intro g
· intro x y; simp
· intro x
use g⁻¹ * x * g
· intro H
apply U_rigid.left
have h₁ : (fun h => g * h * g⁻¹) '' {1} = {1} := by simp
rw [<-h₁] at H
apply (Set.image_eq_image (conj_bijective g).left).mp H
· let ⟨S, S_eq⟩ := U_rigid.right
have dec_eq : DecidableEq G := Classical.typeDecidableEq G
use Finset.image (fun h => g * h * g⁻¹) S
rw [S_eq]
simp only [Set.image_iInter (conj_bijective _), AlgebraicCentralizer.conj]
def AlgebraicSubsets (V : Set G) : Set (Subgroup G) :=
{W ∈ AlgebraicCentralizerBasis G | W ≤ V}
def AlgebraicOrbit (F : Ultrafilter G) (U : Set G) : Set (Subgroup G) :=
{ (W_rigid.conj g).toSubgroup | (g ∈ U) (W ∈ F) (W_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup W) }
structure RubinFilter (G : Type _) [Group G] where
filter : Ultrafilter G
-- rigid_basis : ∀ S ∈ filter, ∃ T ⊆ S, IsRigidSubgroup T
converges : ∀ U ∈ filter,
IsRigidSubgroup U →
∃ V : Set G, IsRigidSubgroup V ∧ V ⊆ U ∧ AlgebraicSubsets V ⊆ AlgebraicOrbit filter U
-- Only really used to prove that ∀ S : Rigid, T : Rigid, S T ∈ F, S ∩ T : Rigid
ne_bot : {1} ∉ filter
instance : Coe (RubinFilter G) (Ultrafilter G) where
coe := RubinFilter.filter
section Equivalence
open Topology
variable (α : Type _)
variable [TopologicalSpace α ] [MulAction G α ] [ContinuousMulAction G α ]
variable [FaithfulSMul G α ] [T2Space α ] [LocallyMoving G α ]
-- TODO: either see whether we actually need this step, or change these names to something memorable
-- This is an attempt to convert a RubinFilter G back to an Ultrafilter α
def RubinFilter.to_action_filter (F : RubinFilter G) : Filter α :=
⨅ (S : { S : Set G // S ∈ F.filter ∧ IsRigidSubgroup S }), (Filter.principal (S.prop.right.toRegularSupportBasis α ))
instance RubinFilter.to_action_filter_neBot {F : RubinFilter G} [Nonempty α ] : Filter.NeBot (F.to_action_filter α ) :=
unfold to_action_filter
rw [Filter.iInf_neBot_iff_of_directed]
· intro ⟨S, S_in_F, S_rigid⟩
· intro ⟨S, S_in_F, S_rigid⟩ ⟨T, T_in_F, T_rigid⟩
use S ∩ T
have ST_in_F : (S ∩ T) ∈ F.filter := by
rw [<-Ultrafilter.mem_coe]
apply Filter.inter_mem <;> assumption
have ST_subgroup : IsRigidSubgroup (S ∩ T) := by
· let ⟨S_seed, S_eq⟩ := S_rigid.right
let ⟨T_seed, T_eq⟩ := T_rigid.right
have dec_eq : DecidableEq G := Classical.typeDecidableEq G
use S_seed ∪ T_seed
rw [Finset.iInf_union, S_eq, T_eq]
· -- TODO: check if we can't prove this without using F.ne_bot;
-- we might be able to use convergence
intro ST_eq_bot
apply F.ne_bot
rw [<-ST_eq_bot]
exact ST_in_F
-- sorry
use ⟨ST_in_F, ST_subgroup⟩
repeat rw [<-IsRigidSubgroup.toRegularSupportBasis_mono' (α := α )]
exact Set.inter_subset_left S T
exact Set.inter_subset_right S T
-- lemma RubinFilter.mem_to_action_filter' (F : RubinFilter G) (U : Set α ) :
-- U ∈ F.to_action_filter α ↔ ∃ S : AlgebraicCentralizerBasis G, S.val ∈ F.filter,
lemma RubinFilter.mem_to_action_filter (F : RubinFilter G) {U : Set G} (U_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup U) :
U ∈ F.filter ↔ (U_rigid.toRegularSupportBasis α : Set α ) ∈ F.to_action_filter α :=
unfold to_action_filter
· intro U_in_filter
apply Filter.mem_iInf_of_mem ⟨U, U_in_filter, U_rigid⟩
intro x
· sorry
noncomputable def RubinFilter.to_action_ultrafilter (F : RubinFilter G) [Nonempty α ]: Ultrafilter α :=
Ultrafilter.of (F.to_action_filter α )
theorem RubinFilter.to_action_ultrafilter_converges (F : RubinFilter G) [Nonempty α ] [LocallyDense G α ] [HasNoIsolatedPoints α ] [LocallyCompactSpace α ] {U : Set G}
(U_in_F : U ∈ F.filter) (U_rigid : IsRigidSubgroup U):
∃ p ∈ (U_rigid.toRegularSupportBasis α ).val, ClusterPt p (F.to_action_ultrafilter α ) :=
rw [proposition_3_5 (G := G)]
let ⟨V, V_rigid, V_ss_U, algsubs_ss_algorb⟩ := F.converges U U_in_F U_rigid
let V' := V_rigid.toSubgroup
-- TODO: subst V' to simplify the proof?
use V_rigid.toRegularSupportBasis α
rw [<-IsRigidSubgroup.toRegularSupportBasis_mono]
exact V_ss_U
unfold RSuppSubsets RSuppOrbit
intro S S_rsupp_basis S_ss_V
have S_regular : Regular S := by
let ⟨S', S'_eq⟩ := (RegularSupportBasis.mem_asSet S).mp S_rsupp_basis
rw [<-S'_eq]
exact S'.regular
have S_nonempty : Set.Nonempty S := by
let ⟨S', S'_eq⟩ := (RegularSupportBasis.mem_asSet S).mp S_rsupp_basis
rw [<-S'_eq]
exact S'.nonempty
have GS_ss_V : G•[S] ≤ V := by
rw [<-V_rigid.toRegularSupportBasis_eq (α := α )]
rw [<-rigidStabilizer_subset_iff G (α := α ) S_regular (RegularSupportBasis.regular _)]
-- TODO: show that G•[S] ∈ AlgebraicSubsets V
have GS_in_algsubs_V : G•[S] ∈ AlgebraicSubsets V := by
unfold AlgebraicSubsets
· rw [rigidStabilizerBasis_eq_algebraicCentralizerBasis (α := α )]
let ⟨S', S'_eq⟩ := (RegularSupportBasis.mem_asSet S).mp S_rsupp_basis
rw [<-S'_eq]
rw [RigidStabilizerBasis.mem_iff' _ (LocallyMoving.locally_moving _ S'.regular.isOpen S'.nonempty)]
· exact GS_ss_V
let ⟨g, g_in_U, W, W_in_F, W_rigid, Wconj_eq_GS⟩ := algsubs_ss_algorb GS_in_algsubs_V
use g
rw [<-SetLike.mem_coe]
rw [U_rigid.toRegularSupportBasis_eq (α := α )]
use W_rigid.toRegularSupportBasis α
· apply Ultrafilter.of_le
rw [<-RubinFilter.mem_to_action_filter]
· rw [<-rigidStabilizer_eq_iff G]
rw [<-smulImage_regular (G := G)]
apply RegularSupportBasis.regular
let ⟨S', S'_eq⟩ := (RegularSupportBasis.mem_asSet S).mp S_rsupp_basis
rw [<-S'_eq]
exact S'.regular
ext i
rw [rigidStabilizer_smulImage, <-Wconj_eq_GS, <-IsRigidSubgroup.mem_subgroup, <-SetLike.mem_coe, IsRigidSubgroup.toRegularSupportBasis_eq]
· intro gig_in_W
use g⁻¹ * i * g
constructor; exact gig_in_W
· intro ⟨j, j_in_W, gjg_eq_i⟩
rw [<-gjg_eq_i]
end Equivalence
-- TODO: prove that for every rubinfilter, there exists an associated ultrafilter on α that converges
instance RubinFilterSetoid (G : Type _) [Group G] : Setoid (RubinFilter G) where
r F F' := ∀ (U : Set G), IsRigidSubgroup U →
((∃ V : Set G, V ≤ U ∧ AlgebraicSubsets V ⊆ AlgebraicOrbit F U)
↔ (∃ V' : Set G, V' ≤ U ∧ AlgebraicSubsets V' ⊆ AlgebraicOrbit F' U))
iseqv := by
· intros
· intro F F' h
intro U U_rigid
exact h U U_rigid
· intro F₁ F₂ F₃
intro h₁₂ h₂₃
intro U U_rigid
specialize h₁₂ U U_rigid
specialize h₂₃ U U_rigid
exact Iff.trans h₁₂ h₂₃
def RubinSpace (G : Type _) [Group G] := Quotient (RubinFilterSetoid G)
-- Topology can be generated from the disconnectedness of the filters
variable {β : Type _}
variable [TopologicalSpace β] [MulAction G β] [ContinuousMulAction G β]
instance : TopologicalSpace (RubinSpace G) := sorry
instance : MulAction G (RubinSpace G) := sorry
theorem rubin' (hα : RubinAction G α ) : EquivariantHomeomorph G α (RubinSpace G) := by sorry
theorem rubin (hα : RubinAction G α ) (hβ : RubinAction G β) : EquivariantHomeomorph G α β := by
-- by composing rubin' hα
end Rubin